![Bogdan Dobrelya](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Rename the cloud_archive task to uca/rdo tasks for ubuntu/centos Rename the worker_upstrart task to the worker Rework the OSTYPE env var to "when: ansible_os_family" TODO * PXE (PREPROVISIONED=false) to be working for centos as well * pygraphviz for centos7, see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1510884 * fix ubuntu only compatible examples, for example riak cluster deploy Closes-bug: 1553988 Change-Id: Iab130c3c79b3db99deb14ea50572c073532f4694 Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
165 lines
5.5 KiB
165 lines
5.5 KiB
"variables": {
"cm": "puppet",
"cm_version": "latest",
"cleanup_pause": "",
"headless": "{{env `headless`}}",
"update": "true",
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
"ssh_password": "vagrant",
"install_vagrant_key": "true",
"http_proxy": "{{env `http_proxy`}}",
"https_proxy": "{{env `https_proxy`}}",
"ftp_proxy": "{{env `ftp_proxy`}}",
"rsync_proxy": "{{env `rsync_proxy`}}",
"no_proxy": "{{env `no_proxy`}}",
"iso_url": "http://centos1.hti.pl/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1511.iso",
"iso_checksum": "99d305fa40ec9e28ef8450c3bcc45f85",
"disk_size": "4500",
"mem_size": "512",
"vcpu_num": "1",
"cleanup": "true",
"ansible_config_path": "/etc/ansible",
"ansible_config_file": "ansible.cfg",
"ansible_log_file": "/var/tmp/ansible.log"
"builders": [{
"vm_name": "centos7",
"type": "qemu",
"format": "qcow2",
"accelerator": "kvm",
"http_directory": "http",
"iso_url": "{{ user `iso_url` }}",
"iso_checksum": "{{ user `iso_checksum` }}",
"iso_checksum_type": "md5",
"ssh_username": "{{ user `ssh_username` }}",
"ssh_password": "{{ user `ssh_password` }}",
"ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
"headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
"boot_wait": "30s",
"boot_command": [
"<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
"shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"disk_size": "{{ user `disk_size`}}",
"qemuargs": [
"{{user `mem_size`}}M"
"{{ user `vcpu_num`}}"
"vm_name": "centos7",
"type": "virtualbox-iso",
"http_directory": "http",
"iso_url": "{{ user `iso_url` }}",
"iso_checksum": "{{ user `iso_checksum` }}",
"iso_checksum_type": "md5",
"guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
"guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
"virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
"headless": "{{ user `headless` }}",
"ssh_username": "{{ user `ssh_username` }}",
"ssh_password": "{{ user `ssh_password` }}",
"ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
"boot_wait": "30s",
"boot_command": [
"<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
"shutdown_command": "echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S /sbin/halt -h -p",
"disk_size": "{{ user `disk_size`}}",
"vboxmanage": [
["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "{{ user `mem_size`}}"],
["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "{{ user `vcpu_num`}}"]
"provisioners": [{
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "echo '{{user `ssh_password`}}' | {{ .Vars }} sudo -E -S sh '{{ .Path }}'",
"inline": [
"echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"
]}, {
"type": "shell",
"inline": ["sudo mkdir -p {{ user `ansible_config_path` }}"]
}, {
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"touch /tmp/ansible.cfg",
"sudo mv /tmp/ansible.cfg {{ user `ansible_config_path` }}/{{ user `ansible_config_file` }}",
"sudo echo '[defaults]' >> {{ user `ansible_config_path` }}/{{ user `ansible_config_file` }}",
"sudo echo 'log_path = {{ user `ansible_log_file` }}' >> {{ user `ansible_config_path` }}/{{ user `ansible_config_file` }}",
"sudo touch {{ user `ansible_log_file` }}",
"sudo chmod 666 {{ user `ansible_log_file` }}"
]}, {
"type": "shell",
"environment_vars": [
"CM={{user `cm`}}",
"CM_VERSION={{user `cm_version`}}",
"CLEANUP_PAUSE={{user `cleanup_pause`}}",
"UPDATE={{user `update`}}",
"INSTALL_VAGRANT_KEY={{user `install_vagrant_key`}}",
"SSH_USERNAME={{user `ssh_username`}}",
"SSH_PASSWORD={{user `ssh_password`}}",
"http_proxy={{user `http_proxy`}}",
"https_proxy={{user `https_proxy`}}",
"ftp_proxy={{user `ftp_proxy`}}",
"rsync_proxy={{user `rsync_proxy`}}",
"no_proxy={{user `no_proxy`}}"
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
"scripts": [
}, {
"type": "shell",
"environment_vars": [
"script": "playbooks/centos/files/cmtool.sh",
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'"
}, {
"type": "ansible-local",
"playbook_dir": "playbooks",
"playbook_file": "playbooks/build-main.yaml",
"extra_arguments": ["--verbose"]
}, {
"type": "shell",
"environment_vars": [
"cleanup={{user `cleanup`}}"
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
"scripts": [
"post-processors": [
"type": "vagrant",
"keep_input_artifact": true,
"only": ["qemu"],
"output": "solar-master-centos-libvirt.box"
"type": "vagrant",
"keep_input_artifact": false,
"only": ["virtualbox-iso"],
"output": "solar-master-centos-virtualbox.box"