Bogdan Dobrelya 58683af802 Fix riak container nested docker mounts
Fix docker mounts to allow the riak docker container
to be started nested.
Also note about nested containers in the docs.

Related-bug: #1548851
Related-bug: #1547587

Change-Id: I2fb448ac439b717eae1c3deee2cd067ac8b4f0c7
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <>
2016-03-02 10:30:20 +01:00
2016-02-12 12:24:26 +01:00

Solar image building

Building on the host OS

To build for a Virtualbox, install Packer (

$ cp vagrant-settings.yaml_defaults vagrant-settings.yaml
$ sed -i 's/master_image:.*$/master_image: solar-master/g' ./vagrant-settings.yaml
$ sed -i 's/slaves_image:.*$/slaves_image: solar-master/g' ./vagrant-settings.yaml
$ cd bootstrap
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso solar-master.json
$ mv ../
$ cd ..
$ vagrant box add solar-master --provider virtualbox
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox

To build for a libvirt, replace the following commands:

$ packer build -only=qemu solar-master.json
$ mv ../
$ cd ..
$ vagrant box add solar-master --provider libvirt
$ vagrant up --provider libvirt

Note, this requires a vagrant-libvirt plugin.

Building in the docker container

Here is an example builder docker image how-to guide for the Fedora:latest. Note, that you will need the docker >=1.10.0 and we assume the current user to be included into the docker group to skip sudoing.

First, get a builder container up and ruinning:

$ docker pull fedora
$ docker run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v <your_path_to_clonned_solar_repo>:/solar \
  -v /tmp:/tmp --privileged -h builder -it fedora bash

Adjust the your_path_to_clonned_solar_repo as apropriate. You can access build artifacts by that path later as well. These mountpoints pass the host OS docker services to nested containers and also resolve packer tmp dir mount issues for nested dockers. Note, for the packer >=0.9.0, use -v /tmp:/root/.packer.d/tmp instead.

Second, setup Docker and misc build requirements:

# yum install sudo autoconf gcc-c++ curl wget unzip libvirt qemu
# curl -sSL | sh

Next, install Packer to the builder container:

# mkdir -p /opt/packer && cd /opt/packer
# wget --no-verbose${PACKER_VERSION}/packer_${PACKER_VERSION}
# unzip packer_${PACKER_VERSION} -d /opt/packer && rm -f packer_${PACKER_VERSION}
# cd /usr/bin && ln -s /opt/packer/* . && cd /root

You may want to commit and tag here to get a clean state for the builder container.

At last, you can build images with packer. For example:

# cd /solar/bootstrap
# export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
# PACKER_LOG=1 headless=true packer build -only=docker -color=false solar-master-ubuntu-docker.json
# PACKER_LOG=1 headless=true packer build -only=docker -color=false solar-master-centos-docker.json

Note, the custom path workarounds conflicting Fedora's /usr/sbin/packer and the packer binary we want to use here.

You may as well reuse the pre-built builder container, for example: TODO(bogdando) replace to the solar-project

$ docker pull bogdando/solar-packer-builder
$ docker run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v <your_path_to_clonned_solar_repo>:/solar \
  -v /tmp:/tmp --privileged -h builder -it bogdando/solar-packer-builder bash
# cd /solar/bootstrap
# export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
# PACKER_LOG=1 headless=true packer build -only=qemu -color=false solar-master.json


If Vagrant throws error about vboxsf try this:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest


If you're rebuilding the same box, make sure Vagrant reimports it:

$ vagrant box remove solar-master

Note that you can also set PACKER_LOG=debug and/or VAGRANT_LOG=debug the shell environment variables to get more information.