#!/usr/bin/python from setuptools import setup,find_packages # Pudge try: import buildutils except ImportError: pass setup( name = "sqlalchemy-migrate", version = "0.5", packages = find_packages(exclude=['test*']), include_package_data = True, description = "Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy", long_description = """ Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in `SQLAlchemy `_ projects. Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database changeset handling. It provides a database change repository mechanism which can be used from the command line as well as from inside python code. """, install_requires = ['sqlalchemy >= 0.4'], setup_requires = [], dependency_links = [ "http://codespeak.net/download/py/", ], author = "Evan Rosson", author_email = "evan.rosson@gmail.com", url = "http://code.google.com/p/sqlalchemy-migrate/", maintainer = "Jan Dittberner", maintainer_email = "jan@dittberner.info", license = "MIT", entry_points = """ [console_scripts] migrate = migrate.versioning.shell:main migrate-repository = migrate.versioning.migrate_repository:main """, test_suite = "py.test.cmdline.main", )