================== SQLAlchemy Migrate ================== SQLAlchemy schema change management ----------------------------------- Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, SQLAlchemy Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy_ projects. Migrate was started as part of `Google's Summer of Code`_ by Evan Rosson, mentored by Jonathan LaCour. The project was taken over by a small group of volunteers when Evan had no free time for the project. It is now hosted as a `Google Code project`_. During the hosting change the project was renamed to SQLAlchemy Migrate. - Download_ - Documentation: * Versioning_: Version tracking/update management for your database schema * Changeset_: Database-independent schema changes; ALTER TABLE with SQLAlchemy .. _`google's summer of code`: http://code.google.com/soc .. _`Google Code project`: http://code.google.com/p/sqlalchemy-migrate .. _download: download.html .. _versioning: versioning.html .. _changeset: changeset.html .. _sqlalchemy: http://www.sqlalchemy.org