# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Usage: python usage_seed.py [period_length] [sql_connection] python usage_seed.py hour mysql://user:password@nova-db.example.com/nova?charset=utf8 The idea behind usage seeding is to take the current state of all active instances on active compute hosts and insert that data into Stacktach's usage tables. This script should be run against the nova database in each cell which has active compute nodes. The reason for that is because the global cell does not have information on active compute hosts. """ import __builtin__ setattr(__builtin__, '_', lambda x: x) import datetime import os import sys from oslo.config import cfg CONF = cfg.CONF from nova.compute import task_states from nova.context import RequestContext from nova.db import api as novadb from nova.db.sqlalchemy import api as sqlapi from nova.db.sqlalchemy import models as novamodels POSSIBLE_TOPDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(POSSIBLE_TOPDIR, 'stacktach')): sys.path.insert(0, POSSIBLE_TOPDIR) from stacktach import datetime_to_decimal as dt from stacktach import models if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "Proper Usage: usage_seed.py [period_length] [sql_connection]" sys.exit(1) CONF.set_override("connection", sys.argv[2], group='database') # start yanked from reports/nova_usage_audit.py def get_previous_period(time, period_length): if period_length == 'day': last_period = time - datetime.timedelta(days=1) start = datetime.datetime(year=last_period.year, month=last_period.month, day=last_period.day) end = datetime.datetime(year=time.year, month=time.month, day=time.day) return start, end elif period_length == 'hour': last_period = time - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) start = datetime.datetime(year=last_period.year, month=last_period.month, day=last_period.day, hour=last_period.hour) end = datetime.datetime(year=time.year, month=time.month, day=time.day, hour=time.hour) return start, end # end yanked from reports/nova_usage_audit.py inst_types = {} def get_instance_type(type_id): global inst_types context = RequestContext('1', '1', is_admin=True) if type_id in inst_types: return inst_types[type_id] else: inst_type = sqlapi.model_query(context, novamodels.InstanceTypes)\ .filter_by(id=type_id).first() inst_types[type_id] = inst_type return inst_type def get_metadata(instance_uuid): context = RequestContext('1', '1', is_admin=True) return sqlapi.instance_system_metadata_get(context, instance_uuid) def _usage_for_instance(instance, task=None): usage = { 'instance': instance['uuid'], 'tenant': instance['project_id'], 'instance_type_id': instance.get('instance_type_id'), } instance_type = get_instance_type(instance.get('instance_type_id')) usage['instance_flavor_id'] = instance_type['flavorid'] metadata = get_metadata(instance['uuid']) usage['os_architecture'] = metadata.get('image_org.openstack__1__architecture') usage['os_distro'] = metadata.get('image_org.openstack__1__os_distro') usage['os_version'] = metadata.get('image_org.openstack__1__os_version') usage['rax_options'] = metadata.get('image_com.rackspace__1__options') launched_at = instance.get('launched_at') if launched_at is not None: usage['launched_at'] = dt.dt_to_decimal(launched_at) if task is not None: usage['task'] = task return usage def _delete_for_instance(instance): delete = { 'instance': instance['uuid'], 'deleted_at': dt.dt_to_decimal(instance.get('deleted_at')), } launched_at = instance.get('launched_at') if launched_at is not None: delete['launched_at'] = dt.dt_to_decimal(launched_at) return delete def get_computes(): context = RequestContext('1', '1', is_admin=True) return sqlapi.model_query(context, novamodels.Service, read_deleted='no')\ .filter_by(topic='compute').all() def get_active_instances(period_length): start, end = get_previous_period(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), period_length) session = sqlapi.get_session() computes = get_computes() active_instances = [] yesterday = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) for compute in computes: if compute.updated_at > yesterday: query = session.query(novamodels.Instance) active_filter = (novamodels.Instance.terminated_at == None, novamodels.Instance.terminated_at > start) query = query.filter(sqlapi.or_(*active_filter)) query = query.filter_by(host=compute.host) for instance in query.all(): active_instances.append(instance) return active_instances def get_action_for_instance(context, instance_uuid, action_name): actions = novadb.actions_get(context, instance_uuid) for action in actions: if action['action'] == action_name: return action rebuild_tasks = [task_states.REBUILDING, task_states.REBUILD_BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPING, task_states.REBUILD_SPAWNING] resize_tasks = [task_states.RESIZE_PREP, task_states.RESIZE_MIGRATING, task_states.RESIZE_MIGRATED, task_states.RESIZE_FINISH] resize_revert_tasks = [task_states.RESIZE_REVERTING] rescue_tasks = [task_states.RESCUING] in_flight_tasks = (rebuild_tasks + resize_tasks + resize_revert_tasks + rescue_tasks) def seed(period_length): usages = [] building_usages = [] in_flight_usages = [] deletes = [] start, end = get_previous_period(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), period_length) context = RequestContext(1, 1, is_admin=True) print "Selecting all active instances" active_instances = get_active_instances(period_length) print "Selected all active instances" print "Populating active usages, preparing for in-flight" for instance in active_instances: vm_state = instance['vm_state'] task_state = instance['task_state'] if vm_state == 'building': if instance['deleted'] != 0 and instance['deleted_at'] >= start: building_usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance)) deletes.append(_delete_for_instance(instance)) elif instance['deleted'] == 0: building_usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance)) else: if task_state in in_flight_tasks: if (instance['deleted'] != 0 and instance['deleted_at'] is not None and instance['deleted_at'] >= start): # Just in case... deletes.append(_delete_for_instance(instance)) in_flight_usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance, task=task_state)) elif instance['deleted'] == 0: in_flight_usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance, task=task_state)) else: if (instance['deleted'] != 0 and instance['deleted_at'] is not None and instance['deleted_at'] >= start): deletes.append(_delete_for_instance(instance)) usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance)) elif instance['deleted'] == 0: usages.append(_usage_for_instance(instance)) print "Populated active instances, processing building" for usage in building_usages: action = get_action_for_instance(context, usage['instance'], 'create') if action is not None: usage['request_id'] = action['request_id'] print "Populated building, processing in-flight" for usage in in_flight_usages: instance = usage['instance'] action = None if usage['task'] in rebuild_tasks: action = get_action_for_instance(context, instance, 'rebuild') elif usage['task'] in resize_tasks: action = get_action_for_instance(context, instance, 'resize') elif usage['task'] in resize_revert_tasks: action = get_action_for_instance(context, instance, 'resizeRevert') elif usage['task'] in rescue_tasks: action = get_action_for_instance(context, instance, 'rescue') if action is not None: usage['request_id'] = action['request_id'] del usage['task'] print "Done cataloging usage" print "Saving active instances" active_InstanceUsages = map(lambda x: models.InstanceUsage(**x), usages) models.InstanceUsage.objects.bulk_create(active_InstanceUsages, batch_size=100) print "Saving building instances" building_InstanceUsages = map(lambda x: models.InstanceUsage(**x), building_usages) models.InstanceUsage.objects.bulk_create(building_InstanceUsages, batch_size=100) print "Saving in-flight instances" in_flight_InstanceUsages = map(lambda x: models.InstanceUsage(**x), in_flight_usages) models.InstanceUsage.objects.bulk_create(in_flight_InstanceUsages, batch_size=100) print "Saving deletes" all_InstanceDeletes = map(lambda x: models.InstanceDeletes(**x), deletes) models.InstanceDeletes.objects.bulk_create(all_InstanceDeletes, batch_size=100) return (len(usages), len(building_usages), len(in_flight_usages), len(deletes)) if __name__ == '__main__': msg = ("Seeded system with: \n" "%s Active Instances \n" "%s Building Instances \n" "%s In Flight Instances \n" "%s Deleted Instances \n") print msg % seed(sys.argv[1])