{% extends "base.html" %} {% block extra_js %} function details(tenant_id, column, row_id) { $("#detail").load('/' + tenant_id + '/details/' + column + '/' + row_id); }; function expand(tenant_id, row_id) { $("#row_expansion_" + row_id).load('/' + tenant_id + '/expand/' + row_id); }; function search_form(tenant_id) { var field = $("#field").val(); var value = $("#query").val(); var data = {'field':field, 'value':value}; $("#detail").load('/' + tenant_id + '/search/', data); return false; }; {% endblock %} {% block extra_init_js %} $('#host-box').resizable(); $('#instance-box').resizable(); {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{{state.tenant.email}} (TID:{{state.tenant.tenant_id}}) - {{state.tenant.project_name}} logout
Recent Activity
{% include "host_status.html" %}
click on an item above to see more of the same type.
{% endblock %}