import argparse import datetime import json import sys import time import os import prettytable sys.path.append(os.environ.get('STACKTACH_INSTALL_DIR', '/stacktach')) from stacktach import datetime_to_decimal as dt from stacktach import image_type from stacktach import models def make_report(yesterday=None, start_hour=0, hours=24, percentile=97, store=False, region=None, too_long=1800): if not yesterday: yesterday = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() -\ datetime.timedelta(days=1) rstart = datetime.datetime(year=yesterday.year, month=yesterday.month,, hour=start_hour) rend = rstart + datetime.timedelta(hours=hours-1, minutes=59, seconds=59) dstart = dt.dt_to_decimal(rstart) dend = dt.dt_to_decimal(rend) too_long_col = '> %d' % (too_long / 60) cells = [] regions = [] if region: region = region.upper() deployments = models.Deployment.objects.all() for deployment in deployments: name = if not region or region in name: regions.append( cells.append( if not len(regions): print "No regions found for '%s'" % region sys.exit(1) # Get all the instances that have changed in the last N hours ... updates = models.RawData.objects.filter(event='compute.instance.update', when__gt=dstart, when__lte=dend, deployment__in=regions)\ .values('instance').distinct() expiry = 60 * 60 # 1 hour cmds = ['create', 'rebuild', 'rescue', 'resize', 'snapshot'] failures = {} # { key : {failure_type: count} } durations = {} attempts = {} for uuid_dict in updates: uuid = uuid_dict['instance'] # All the unique Request ID's for this instance during that timespan. reqs = models.RawData.objects.filter(instance=uuid, when__gt=dstart, when__lte=dend) \ .values('request_id').distinct() for req_dict in reqs: req = req_dict['request_id'] raws = models.RawData.objects.filter(request_id=req)\ .exclude(event='compute.instance.exists')\ .order_by('when') start = None err = None failure_type = None operation = "aux" image_type_num = 0 for raw in raws: if not start: start = raw.when if 'error' in raw.routing_key: err = raw failure_type = 'http' if failure_type != 'state' and raw.old_state != 'error'\ and raw.state == 'error': failure_type = 'state' if raw.old_state == 'error' and \ (not raw.state in ['deleted', 'error']): failure_type = None for cmd in cmds: if cmd in raw.event: operation = cmd break if raw.image_type: image_type_num |= raw.image_type # Get image (base or snapshot) from image_type bit field image = "?" if image_type.isset(image_type_num, image_type.BASE_IMAGE): image = "base" if image_type.isset(image_type_num, image_type.SNAPSHOT_IMAGE): image = "snap" #Get os_type from image_type bit field os_type = "?" if image_type.isset(image_type_num, image_type.LINUX_IMAGE): os_type = "linux" if image_type.isset(image_type_num, image_type.WINDOWS_IMAGE): os_type = "windows" if not start: continue end = raw.when diff = end - start if diff > too_long and failure_type is None: failure_type = too_long_col key = (operation, image, os_type) # Track durations for all attempts, good and bad ... _durations = durations.get(key, []) _durations.append(diff) durations[key] = _durations attempts[key] = attempts.get(key, 0) + 1 if failure_type: if err: queue, body = json.loads(err.json) payload = body['payload'] exc = payload.get('exception') if exc: code = int(exc.get('kwargs', {}).get('code', 0)) if code >= 400 and code < 500: failure_type = "4xx" if code >= 500 and code < 600: failure_type = "5xx" breakdown = failures.get(key, {}) breakdown[failure_type] = breakdown.get(failure_type, 0) + 1 failures[key] = breakdown # Summarize the results ... report = [] pct = (float(100 - percentile) / 2.0) / 100.0 details = {'percentile': percentile, 'pct': pct, 'hours': hours, 'start': float(dstart), 'end': float(dend), 'region': region, 'cells': cells} report.append(details) failure_types = ["4xx", "5xx", too_long_col, "state"] cols = ["Operation", "Image", "OS Type", "Min", "Max", "Med", "%d%%" % percentile, "Requests"] for failure_type in failure_types: cols.append("%s" % failure_type) cols.append("%% %s" % failure_type) report.append(cols) total = 0 failure_totals = {} for key, count in attempts.iteritems(): total += count operation, image, os_type = key breakdown = failures.get(key, {}) this_failure_pair = [] for failure_type in failure_types: # Failure counts for this attempt. # Sum for grand totals. failure_count = breakdown.get(failure_type, 0) failure_totals[failure_type] = \ failure_totals.get(failure_type, 0) + failure_count # Failure percentage for this attempt. percentage = float(failure_count) / float(count) this_failure_pair.append((failure_count, percentage)) # N-th % of durations ... _values = durations[key] _values.sort() _min = 99999999 _max = 0 _total = 0.0 for value in _values: _min = min(_min, value) _max = max(_max, value) _total += float(value) _num = len(_values) _avg = float(_total) / float(_num) half = _num / 2 _median = _values[half] _percentile_index = int((float(percentile) / 100.0) * float(_num)) _percentile = _values[_percentile_index] _fmin = dt.sec_to_str(_min) _fmax = dt.sec_to_str(_max) _favg = dt.sec_to_str(_avg) _fmedian = dt.sec_to_str(_median) _fpercentile = dt.sec_to_str(_percentile) row = [operation, image, os_type, _fmin, _fmax, _fmedian, _fpercentile, count] for failure_count, failure_percentage in this_failure_pair: row.append(failure_count) row.append(failure_percentage) report.append(row) details['total'] = total failure_grand_total = 0 for failure_type in failure_types: failure_total = failure_totals.get(failure_type, 0) failure_grand_total += failure_total details["%s failure count" % failure_type] = failure_total failure_percentage = (float(failure_total)/float(total)) * 100.0 details["%s failure percentage" % failure_type] = failure_percentage details['failure_grand_total'] = failure_grand_total details['failure_grand_rate'] = (float(failure_grand_total)/float(total)) * 100.0 return (rstart, rend, report) def valid_date(date): try: t = time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") return datetime.datetime(*t[:6]) except Exception: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "'%s' is not in YYYY-MM-DD format." % date) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('StackTach Nova Usage Summary Report') parser.add_argument('--utcdate', help='Report start date YYYY-MM-DD. Default yesterday midnight.', type=valid_date, default=None) parser.add_argument('--region', help='Report Region. Default is all regions.', default=None) parser.add_argument('--hours', help='Report span in hours. Default: 24', default=24, type=int) parser.add_argument('--days_back', help='Report start date. N days back from now. Default: 0', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument('--hours_back', help='Report start date. N hours back from now. Default: 0', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument('--start_hour', help='Starting hour 0-23. Default: 0', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument('--percentile', help='Percentile for timings. Default: 97', default=97, type=int) parser.add_argument('--too_long', help='Seconds for an operation to fail. Default: 1800 (30min)', default=1800, type=int) parser.add_argument('--store', help='Store report in database. Default: False', default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--silent', help="Do not show summary report. Default: False", default=False, action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() yesterday = args.utcdate days_back = args.days_back hours_back = args.hours_back percentile = args.percentile hours = args.hours start_hour = args.start_hour store_report = region = args.region too_long = args.too_long if (not yesterday) and days_back > 0: yesterday = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() - \ datetime.timedelta(days=days_back) if (not yesterday) and hours_back > 0: yesterday = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - \ datetime.timedelta(hours=hours_back) yesterday = yesterday.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) start_hour = yesterday.hour start, end, raw_report = make_report(yesterday, start_hour, hours, percentile, store_report, region, too_long) details = raw_report[0] pct = details['pct'] region_name = "all" if region: region_name = region if store_report: values = {'json': json.dumps(raw_report), 'created': dt.dt_to_decimal(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), 'period_start': start, 'period_end': end, 'version': 4, 'name': 'summary for region: %s' % region_name} report = models.JsonReport(**values) print "Report stored (id=%d)" % if args.silent: sys.exit(1) print "'%s' Report for %s to %s" % (region_name, start, end) cols = raw_report[1] # Print the results ... p = prettytable.PrettyTable(cols) for c in cols[2:]: p.align[c] = 'r' p.sortby = cols[0] for row in raw_report[2:]: frow = row[:] for col in [9, 11, 13, 15]: frow[col] = "%.1f%%" % (row[col] * 100.0) p.add_row(frow) print p total = details['total'] failure_total = details['failure_grand_total'] failure_rate = details['failure_grand_rate'] print "Total: %d, Failures: %d, Failure Rate: %.1f%%" % \ (total, failure_total, failure_rate)