340 lines
12 KiB
340 lines
12 KiB
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
import json
import sys
import time
import os
import re
sys.path.append(os.environ.get('STACKTACH_INSTALL_DIR', '/stacktach'))
from stacktach import datetime_to_decimal as dt
from stacktach import image_type
from stacktach import models
if __name__ != '__main__':
# To mask unique identifiers for categorizing notifications
def mask_msg(text):
# Needs order because of how precedent effects masking.
# Example: REQ_ID has a UUID in it, but the meaning is different
# in this context, so best to grab those first.
# LG_NUM usually represents a memory size; with the number of flavors
# this can create a lot of noise.
# The intent is to remove noise from unimportant subtleties
masking_regex = (
(1, 'REQ_ID',
(2, 'UUID',
(4, 'LG_NUM',
masked = str(text)
for config in masking_regex:
masked = re.sub(config[2], "$%s" % str(config[1]), masked)
return masked
# Assemble message from exception object
def build_exc_msg(exc=None, separator=", "):
White-list exception components we're aware of, and leave a catch all;
because of freeform exception objects from notifications.
if exc is None:
return exc
message = []
if exc.get('kwargs', False):
kwargs = exc['kwargs']
if kwargs.get('value', False):
value = kwargs['value']
trcbk_index = value.rfind("Traceback")
if trcbk_index > 0:
value = str(value[:trcbk_index]) + "$TRACEBACK"
message.append("value: %s" % value)
# kwargs: generic message components that don't require more filter
misc_list = ['reason', 'method', 'topic', 'exc_type',
'actual', 'code']
for key in misc_list:
if kwargs.get(key, False):
message.append("%s: %s" % (key, kwargs[key]))
# END generic message components in kwargs
if kwargs.get('expected', False):
message.append("expected: %s" % kwargs['expected'][0])
if exc.get('details', False):
details = exc['details']
if type(details) is list:
for item in details:
elif type(details) is dict:
for k, v in details.iteritems():
message.append("%s: %s" % (k, v))
elif type(details) is str:
# exc: generic messages that don't require more filter
misc_list = ['message', 'cmd', 'stderr', 'exit_code',
'code', 'description']
for key in misc_list:
if exc.get(key, False):
message.append("%s: %s" % (key, exc[key]))
if exc.get('stdout', False):
if exc['stdout'] != "":
message.append("stdout: %s" % exc['stdout'])
#END generic message components in exc
if len(message) == 0:
for k, v in exc.iteritems():
message.append("%s: %s" % (k, v))
return separator.join(message)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Start report
yesterday = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
t = time.strptime(sys.argv[1], "%Y-%m-%d")
yesterday = datetime.datetime(*t[:6])
except Exception, e:
print e
print "Usage: python error_details.py YYYY-MM-DD (the end date)"
hours = 0
length = 24
start = datetime.datetime(year=yesterday.year, month=yesterday.month,
end = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=length-1, minutes=59, seconds=59)
deployments = {}
instance_map = {} # { uuid : [request_id, request_id, ...] }
exception_counts = {} # { exception_message : count }
event_counts = {} # { event_name : count }
tenant_issues = {}
codes = {}
metadata = {
'report_format': 'json',
'instances': instance_map,
'exception_counts': exception_counts,
'event_counts': event_counts,
'tenant_issues': tenant_issues,
'codes': codes,
# Tell Stacky to format as JSON and set placeholders for various summaries
report = [metadata]
dstart = dt.dt_to_decimal(start)
dend = dt.dt_to_decimal(end)
for deploy in models.Deployment.objects.all():
deployments[deploy.id] = deploy.name
# Get all the instances that have changed in the last N hours ...
updates = models.RawData.objects.filter(event='compute.instance.update',
when__gt=dstart, when__lte=dend)\
expiry = 60 * 60 # 1 hour
cmds = ['create', 'rebuild', 'rescue', 'resize', 'snapshot']
requests = models.RawData.objects.filter(when__gt=dstart, when__lte=dend)\
.values('request_id', 'instance')\
inst_recs = {}
for request in requests:
uuid = request['instance']
request_id = request['request_id']
value = inst_recs.get(uuid, [])
inst_recs[uuid] = value
for uuid_dict in updates:
uuid = uuid_dict['instance']
req_list = []
for req in inst_recs.get(uuid, []):
raws = list(models.RawData.objects.filter(request_id=req)
.values("id", "when", "routing_key", "old_state",
"state", "tenant", "event", "image_type",
_start = None
_when = None
err_id = None
failure_type = None
operation = "n/a"
platform = 0
tenant = 0
cell = "n/a"
image_type_num = 0
for raw in raws:
_when = raw['when']
_routing_key = raw['routing_key']
_old_state = raw['old_state']
_state = raw['state']
_tenant = raw['tenant']
_event = raw['event']
_image_type = raw['image_type']
_name = raw['deployment']
_id = raw['id']
if not _start:
_start = _when
if 'error' in _routing_key:
err_id = _id
failure_type = 'http'
if failure_type != 'state' and _old_state != 'error' and\
_state == 'error':
failure_type = 'state'
err_id = _id
if _old_state == 'error' and \
(not _state in ['deleted', 'error']):
failure_type = None
err_id = None
if _tenant:
tenant = _tenant
for cmd in cmds:
if cmd in _event:
operation = cmd
cell = deployments.get(_name, "n/a")
if _image_type:
image_type_num |= _image_type
if not _start:
_end = _when
diff = _end - _start
if diff > 1800 and failure_type is None:
failure_type = ">30"
if failure_type:
key = (operation, image_type_num, cell)
failed_request = {}
message = [] # For exception message masking
instance_map[uuid] = req_list
failed_request['req'] = req
failed_request['uuid'] = uuid
failed_request['tenant'] = tenant
failed_request['duration'] = "%.2f minutes" % (diff/60)
failed_request['operation'] = operation
failed_request['platform'] = image_type.readable(image_type_num)
tenant_issues[tenant] = tenant_issues.get(tenant, 0) + 1
if err_id:
err = models.RawData.objects.get(id=err_id)
queue, body = json.loads(err.json)
payload = body['payload']
# Add error information to failed request report
failed_request['event_id'] = err.id
failed_request['tenant'] = err.tenant
failed_request['service'] = err.service
failed_request['host'] = err.host
failed_request['deployment'] = err.deployment.name
failed_request['event'] = err.event
failed_request['when'] = str(dt.dt_from_decimal(err.when))
# Track failed event counts
event_counts[err.event] = event_counts.get(err.event, 0) + 1
exc = payload.get('exception')
if exc:
# group the messages ...
failed_request['exception'] = exc
# assemble message from exception and generalize
message_str = mask_msg(build_exc_msg(exc))
# count exception messages
exception_counts[message_str] = exception_counts.get(
message_str, 0) + 1
# extract the code, if any ...
code = exc.get('kwargs', {}).get('code')
if code:
codes[code] = codes.get(code, 0) + 1
failure_type = code
failed_request['failure_type'] = failure_type
raws = models.RawData.objects.filter(request_id=req)\
failed_request['details'] = []
for raw in raws:
failure_detail = {}
failure_detail['host'] = raw.host
failure_detail['event'] = raw.event
failure_detail['old_state'] = raw.old_state
failure_detail['state'] = raw.state
failure_detail['old_task'] = raw.old_task
failure_detail['task'] = raw.task
# Assign values to store in DB
values = {'json': json.dumps(report),
'created': dt.dt_to_decimal(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
'period_start': start,
'period_end': end,
'version': 1,
'name': 'Error detail report'}
json_report = models.JsonReport(**values)