2013-02-12 14:04:54 -06:00

64 lines
1.7 KiB

import datetime
import json
import sys
from stacktach import datetime_to_decimal as dt
from stacktach import image_type
from stacktach import models
if __name__ != '__main__':
states = {}
def fix_chunk(hours, length):
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
start = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours+length)
end = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)
dstart = dt.dt_to_decimal(start)
dend = dt.dt_to_decimal(end)
done = 0
updated = 0
block = 0
print "Hours ago (%d to %d) %d - %d" % (hours + length, hours, dstart, dend)
updates = models.RawData.objects.filter(event='compute.instance.update',
when__gt=dstart, when__lte=dend)\
.only('task', 'image_type', 'json')
for raw in updates:
queue, body = json.loads(raw.json)
payload = body.get('payload', {})
task = payload.get('new_task_state', None)
if task != None and task != 'None':
states[task] = states.get(task, 0) + 1
raw.task = task
raw.image_type = image_type.get_numeric_code(payload, raw.image_type)
updated += 1
done += 1
if done >= 10000:
block += 1
done = 0
print "# 10k blocks processed: %d (events %d)" % \
(block, updated)
updated = 0
for kv in states.iteritems():
print "%s = %d" % kv
for day in xrange(0, 90):
hours = day * 24
steps = 12
chunk = 24 / steps
for x in xrange(steps):
fix_chunk(hours, chunk)
hours += chunk