Networking Debug Tool for OpenStack
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changzhi1990 0e03c7b64e Upload steth doc
Basic setup for documentation.

The infra jobs call this as:
tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx
Therefore add venv as tox.ini environment as well.
Add sphinx as requirement to test-requirement so that docs can be build.

Change-Id: Idbbc0406d438e7be24cdbde59cac5a5229318d92
2016-01-19 10:35:20 +01:00
doc Upload steth doc 2016-01-19 10:35:20 +01:00
etc Change all name and path from stetho to steth 2016-01-18 18:26:52 +08:00
steth Change all name and path from stetho to steth 2016-01-18 18:26:52 +08:00
.gitignore Upload steth doc 2016-01-19 10:35:20 +01:00
.gitreview Add .gitreview 2016-01-18 07:16:55 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2015-12-21 12:19:11 +08:00 Change all name and path from stetho to steth 2016-01-18 18:26:52 +08:00
requirements.txt Move mock to test-requirements 2016-01-13 12:23:40 +08:00
setup.cfg Change all name and path from stetho to steth 2016-01-18 18:26:52 +08:00 use pbr replace setuptools 2016-01-12 11:29:40 +08:00
test-requirements.txt Upload steth doc 2016-01-19 10:35:20 +01:00
tox.ini Upload steth doc 2016-01-19 10:35:20 +01:00


A network inspection tool for OpenStack.

Steth is an inspection tool that can aid in pinpointing issues before deployment and during operation of an OpenStack environment.

It is modelled as agent(s)/client in which a controller interacts with agents deployed in your environment.


OpenStack networking can be deloyed as different architectures, such as ML2 with OVS(legacy and DVR), Linux bridge, OVN, Dragonflow and so forth. However, they all need enviromental prerequisites. For instance, VLAN needs to be configured as we expect; bandwidth should meet our requirements; connection between nodes should be active, etc.

Besides, with some well-deployed architectures, troubleshooting for VM networking is difficult. For instance, why VM cannot get an IP address; or why it cannot connect to Internet, etc. Steth integrates useful scripts and third party tools(like iperf, tcpdump, etc.) to help operators keep tracking on VM networking.


Steth is an introspection tool for OpenStack networking. Only proved to be working in ML2 with OVS for now.

Multiple Node Architecture

                                                                   note that steth does not save
                                                                   any state, it acts as a rpc
                                                                   client which makes requests to steth
                                    +--------------------------+   agent(s) and analyses the result.
                                    |                          |
                                    |   +------CLI---------+   |
                                    |   |                  |   |
             +--------------------------+     steth        +--------------------------+
             |                      |   |                  |   |                      |
             |                      |   +--------+---------+   |                      |
             |                      |            |             |                      |
             |                      +--------------------------+                      |
             |                                   |                                    |
             v                                   v                                    v
+-------+port:9698---------+        +-------+port:9698---------+         +-------+port:9698---------+
|            ^             |        |            ^             |         |            ^             |
|            |             |        |            |             |         |            |             |
| +----------+-------+     |        | +----------+-------+     |         | +----------+-------+     |
| |                  |     |        | |                  |     |         | |                  |     |
| |   steth-agent    |     |        | |   steth-agent    |     |         | |   steth-agent    |     |
| |                  |     |        | |                  |     |         | |                  |     |
| +-----------+------+     |        | +-----------+------+     |         | +-----------+------+     |
|             |            |        |             |            |         |             |            |
|             |            |        |             |            |         |             |            |
|  +----------v----------+ |        |  +----------v----------+ |         |  +----------v----------+ |
|  | run command like:   | |        |  | run command like:   | |         |  | run command like:   | |
|  | ping, iperf, tcpdump| |        |  | ping, iperf, tcpdump| |         |  | ping, iperf, tcpdump| |
|  | or use scapy to send| |        |  | or use scapy to send| |         |  | or use scapy to send| |
|  | packet              | |        |  | packet              | |         |  | packet              | |
|  +---------------------+ |        |  +---------------------+ |         |  +---------------------+ |
|                          |        |                          |         |                          |
|                          |        |                          |         |                          |
+--------------------------+        +--------------------------+         +--------------------------+

In multiple nodes scenario, Steth is a steteless CLI and controller. It knows each steth agent and will read config files, interact with OpenStack, and following by sending signals to agents if it is needed.

Steth Agent is introduced to manage processes or run commands. It should be installed in each compute and network node, and their IPs should be defined at config file of steth controller.

Steth Agent

Linstening in and waiting for the rpc request.

Note: for get_interface() agent API, we use ifconfig to get full information. However, the output of ifconfig varies from a Linux distribution to another. The API has only been tested on CentOS 6.5 and 7.0, not any other distributions else.