Swift3 (1.8) * multi object deletion support - achieve the stuff in Swift3 and drop s3multi dependency off * multi object upload support - includes Initiate, Upload Part, Upload Part (copy), Abort, List (Uploads and Parts) * Swift 2.3.0 Support * x-amz-request-id is now transuction id in Swift * new ACL mechanism partially support Swift3 now has a couple of ACL scheme. One is a traditional scheme using native container ACL conpatible with backend Swift. The other is new scheme called 's3acl' that works as completely compatible with actual S3 ACLs. The new scheme is build espicially forcused on: - Single bucket namespace - Owner/Grant achievement - Object ACL support Note that the new scheme is still under development, so don't use it for production w/o enough testing. * logger improvement * review workflow changed - because Swift3 has joined to stackforge, use gerrit review instead of git hub pull request * test and package environment improvement - Add tox based test - pbr support - functional tests improvement - FakeSwift to simulate backend Swift - pylint support * Refactors - split controllers like as original Swift - create Swift3 request/response classes - add XML validation - add pipeline validation - ACL handlers for s3acl * A tons of bug fixes - Thanks guys for working this!! Swift3 (<1.7) * TODO (or skip to write down?) swift3 (0.5) * Initial separation release