New algorithm that supports s3v4 was added. What I did in this patch in detail: - Implements v4 related code into mix-in class to provide some methods for authentication algorithms (e.g. string_to_sign) - S3Timestamp everywhere. Old code take a lot of complicated timestamp translation from/to datetime, time, date header format (str). This patch gathers the translation into "timestamp" property method which should be actually handled in the validatation. - Run functional tests for both v2/v4 authentication in the same environment at the same time which shows evidence that we have complete backword compatibilities and we can adopt v4 w/o anything broken. *Bonus* - Fix some minger bugs for singed urls (almostly expired timestamp), for header/query mixture and for unit test case mistake. The reason I implemented this from Andrey's original patch is the signature v4 stuff is too complicated if we mixes the process/routine into same class because of a bunch of if/elif/else statements for header handling. (e.g. if 'X-Amz-Date' in req.headers) Note that it is not his issue, just AWS is getting complicated algorithms. However, for maintainansibility, we need more clear code to find easily which statement is supported on v2/v4 to prevent merge buggy code into master. That is why I tried to do this. Hopefully this code fits the original author's intention. NOTE for operators: - Signature V4 is supported only for keystone auth. - Set the same value of "region" configuration in keystone to "location" in swift3 conf file to enable SigV4. - Sigv2 and SigV4 can be used at the same cluster configuration. - This stuff has been supported since Keystone (We probably need to bump the minimum version for keystone in requirements) Change-Id: I386abd4ead40f55855657e354fd8ef3fd0d13aa7 Co-Authored-By: Andrey Pavlov <andrey-mp@yandex.ru> Closes-Bug: #1411078
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# This is the minimum pipeline for Swift3. See swift manual if you want to add
# more middleware.
# Keystone pipeline
# Note that s3token and authtoken require the keystonemiddleware package.
pipeline = proxy-logging cache swift3 s3token authtoken keystoneauth bulk slo proxy-logging proxy-server
# Tempauth pipeline
# pipeline = proxy-logging cache swift3 tempauth bulk slo proxy-logging proxy-server
use = egg:swift#proxy
# See swift manual for more details.
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
use = egg:swift3#swift3
# Swift has no concept of the S3's resource owner; the resources
# (i.e. containers and objects) created via the Swift API have no owner
# information. This option specifies how the swift3 middleware handles them
# with the S3 API. If this option is 'false', such kinds of resources will be
# invisible and no users can access them with the S3 API. If set to 'true',
# the resource without owner is belong to everyone and everyone can access it
# with the S3 API. If you care about S3 compatibility, set 'false' here. This
# option makes sense only when the s3_acl option is set to 'true' and your
# Swift cluster has the resources created via the Swift API.
# allow_no_owner = false
# Set a region name of your Swift cluster. Note that Swift3 doesn't choose a
# region of the newly created bucket actually. This value is used for the
# GET Bucket location API and v4 signatures calculation.
# location = US
# Set whether to enforce DNS-compliant bucket names. Note that S3 enforces
# these conventions in all regions except the US Standard region.
# dns_compliant_bucket_names = True
# Set the default maximum number of objects returned in the GET Bucket
# response.
# max_bucket_listing = 1000
# Set the maximum number of parts returned in the List Parts operation.
# (default: 1000)
# When setting it to be larger than 10000, set to be larger
# container_listing_limit in swift.conf.(specification of S3: 1000)
# max_parts_listing = 1000
# Set the maximum number of objects we can delete with the Multi-Object Delete
# operation.
# max_multi_delete_objects = 1000
# If set to 'true', Swift3 uses its own metadata for ACL
# (e.g. X-Container-Sysmeta-Swift3-Acl) to achieve the best S3 compatibility.
# If set to 'false', Swift3 tries to use Swift ACL (e.g. X-Container-Read)
# instead of S3 ACL as far as possible. If you want to keep backward
# compatibility with Swift3 1.7 or earlier, set false here
# If set to 'false' after set to 'true' and put some container/object,
# all users will be able to access container/object.
# Note that s3_acl doesn't keep the acl consistency between S3 API and Swift
# API. (e.g. when set s3acl to true and PUT acl, we won't get the acl
# information via Swift API at all and the acl won't be applied against to
# Swift API even if it is for a bucket currently supported.)
# Note that s3_acl currently supports only keystone and tempauth.
# DON'T USE THIS for production before enough testing for your use cases.
# This stuff is still under development and it might cause something
# you don't expect.
# s3_acl = false
# Specify a host name of your Swift cluster. This enables virtual-hosted style
# requests.
# storage_domain =
# Enable pipeline order check for SLO, s3token, authtoken, keystoneauth according to
# standard swift3/Swift construction using either tempauth or keystoneauth.
# If the order is incorrect, it raises a except to stop proxy.
# Turn auth_pipeline_check off only when you want to bypass these authenticate
# middlewares in order to use other 3rd party (or your proprietary) authenticate middleware.
# auth_pipeline_check = True
# Enable multi-part uploads. (default: true)
# This is required to store files larger than Swift's max_file_size (by default, 5GiB).
# Note that has performance implications when deleting objects, as we now have to
# check for whether there are also segments to delete.
# allow_multipart_uploads = True
# Set the maximum number of parts for Upload Part operation.(default: 1000)
# When setting it to be larger than the default value in order to match the
# specification of S3, set to be larger max_manifest_segments for slo
# middleware.(specification of S3: 10000)
# max_upload_part_num = 1000
# Enable returning only buckets which owner are the user who requested
# GET Service operation. (default: false)
# If you want to enable the above feature, set this and s3_acl to true.
# That might cause significant performance degradation. So, only if your
# service absolutely need this feature, set this setting to true.
# If you set this to false, Swift3 returns all buckets.
# check_bucket_owner = false
# In default, Swift reports only S3 style access log.
# (e.g. PUT /bucket/object) If set force_swift_request_proxy_log
# to be 'true', Swift will become to output Swift style log
# (e.g. PUT /v1/account/container/object) in addition to S3 style log.
# Note that they will be reported twice (i.e. Swift3 doesn't care about
# the duplication) and Swift style log will includes also various subrequests
# to achieve S3 compatibilities when force_swift_request_proxy_log is set to
# 'true'
# force_swift_request_proxy_log = false
use = egg:swift#catch_errors
use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
use = egg:swift#bulk
use = egg:swift#slo
# AWS S3 document says that each part must be at least 5 MB in a multipart
# upload, except the last part.
min_segment_size = 5242880
use = egg:swift#dlo
use = egg:swift#memcache
# See swift manual for more details.
use = egg:swift3#s3token
# Prefix that will be prepended to the tenant to form the account
reseller_prefix = AUTH_
# Keystone server details
auth_uri = http://keystonehost:35357/
# SSL-related options
#insecure = False
#certfile =
#keyfile =
# See swift manual for more details.
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
identity_uri = http://keystonehost:35357/
auth_uri = http://keystonehost:5000/
admin_tenant_name = service
admin_user = swift
admin_password = password
cache = swift.cache
# See swift manual for more details.
use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
operator_roles = admin, swiftoperator