# Quick Start Guide
## Contents
* [Overview](#overview)
* [System Setup](#system_setup)
* [SwiftOnFile Setup](#swift_setup)
* [Using SwiftOnFile](#using_swift)
* [What now?](#what_now)
## Overview
SwiftOnFile allows any POSIX compliant filesystem (which supports extended attributes) to be used as the backend to OpenStack Swift (Object Store).
The following guide assumes you have a running [OpenStack Swift SAIO setup][], and you want to extend this setup to try SwiftOnHPSS as Storage Policy. This will get you quickly started with a SwiftOnHPSS deployment on an HPSS client running RHEL.
This guide will not provide detailed information on how to prepare a SAIO setup. This guide assumes you know about these technologies; if you require any help in setting those please refer to the links provided.
## System Setup
### Prerequisites on RHEL
1. SAIO deployment (this guide uses SAIO on Fedora 20) running Swift 2.0 or newer versions
2. One HPSS FUSE mountpoint at some subdirectory in `/mnt/swiftonhpss`
### Install SwiftOnHPSS
1. `cd $HOME; git clone https://github.com/openstack/swiftonhpss.git`
2. `cd $HOME/swiftonfile; python setup.py develop; cd $HOME`
### Configure SwiftOnHPSS as Storage Policy
#### Object Server Configuration
An SAIO setup emulates a four node swift setup and should have four object server running. Add another object server for SwiftOnFile DiskFile API implementation by setting the following configurations in the file /etc/swift/object-server/5.conf:
devices = /mnt/swiftonhpss
mount_check = false
bind_port = 6050
max_clients = 1024
workers = 1
disable_fallocate = true
pipeline = object-server
use = egg:swiftonhpss#object
user =
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL2
log_level = DEBUG
log_requests = on
disk_chunk_size = 65536
>Note: The parameter 'devices' tells about the path where your HPSS FUSE mountpoint is. The sub directory under which your HPSS mountpoint is will be called the device name.
>For example: You have a xfs formated partition /dev/sdb1, and you mounted it under /mnt/swiftonhpss/main, then your device name would be 'main' & and the parameter 'devices' would contain value '/mnt/swiftonhpss'.
#### Setting SwiftOnFile as storage policy
Edit /etc/swift.conf to add swiftonfile as a storage policy:
name = gold
default = yes
name = silver
name = swiftonhpss
You can also make "swiftonhpss" the default storage policy by using the 'default' parameter.
#### Prepare rings
Edit the remakerings script to prepare rings for this new storage policy:
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder create 1 1 1
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder add r1z1- 1
swift-ring-builder object-2.builder rebalance
Execute the remakerings script to prepare new rings files.
In a SAIO setup remakerings scipt is usually situated at ~/bin/remakerings.You can also run above rings builder commands manually.
Notice the mapping between SP index (`2`) defined in `swift.conf` file above and the object ring builder command.
#### Load the new configurations
Restart swift services to reflect new changes:
swift-init main restart
## Using SwiftOnHPSS
It is assumed that you are still using 'tempauth' as authentication method, which is default in SAIO deployment.
#### Get the token
curl -v -H 'X-Auth-User: test:tester' -H "X-Auth-key: testing" -k http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0
Use 'X-Auth-Token' & 'X-Storage-Url' returned in above request for all subsequent requests.
#### Create a container
Create a container using the following command:
curl -v -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_XXXX' -H 'X-Storage-Policy: swiftonhpss' http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_test/mycontainer
It should return `HTTP/1.1 201 Created` on a successful creation.
#### Create an object
You can now place an object in the container you have just created:
echo "Hello World" > mytestfile
curl -v -X PUT -T mytestfile -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_XXXX' http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_test/mycontainer/mytestfile
To confirm that the object has been written correctly, you can compare the
test file with the object you created:
cat /mnt/swiftonhpss/vol/AUTH_test/mycontainer/mytestfile
#### Request the object
Now you can retreive the object and inspect its contents using the
following commands:
curl -v -X GET -o newfile -H 'X-Auth-Token: AUTH_XXXX' http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_test/mycontainer/mytestfile
cat newfile
You can also use etag information provided while you do HEAD on object
and compare it with md5sum of the file on your filesystem.
## What now?
You now have a single node SwiftOnHPSS setup ready, next sane step is a multinode swift and SwiftOnHPSS setup. It is recomended to have a look at [OpenStack Swift deployment guide][] & [Multiple Server Swift Installation][].If you now consider yourself familiar with a typical 4-5 node Swift setup, you are good to extend this setup further and add SwiftOnHPSS DiskFile implementation as a Storage Policy to it.
For more information, please visit the following links:
* [OpenStack Swift deployment guide][]
* [Multiple Server Swift Installation][]
* [OpenStack Swift Storage Policy][]
* [GlusterFS Quick Start Guide][]
* [OpenStack Swift API][]
[GlusterFS Quick Start Guide]: http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/QuickStart
[OpenStack Swift API]: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-object-storage/1.0/content/
[OpenStack Swift Storage Policy]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/overview_policies.html
[OpenStack Swift SAIO setup]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/development_saio.html
[OpenStack Swift deployment guide]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/deployment_guide.html
[Multiple Server Swift Installation]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/howto_installmultinode.html