# Copyright 2012 Anton Beloglazov # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from contracts import contract from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection class Database(object): """ A class representing the database, where fields are tables. """ @contract(connection=Connection, vms=Table, vm_resource_usage=Table) def __init__(self, connection, vms, vm_resource_usage): """ Initialize the database. :param connection: A database connection table. :param vms: The vms table. :param vm_resource_usage: The vm_resource_usage table. """ self.connection = connection self.vms = vms self.vm_resource_usage = vm_resource_usage @contract def select_cpu_mhz_for_vm(self, uuid, n): """ Select n last values of CPU MHz for a VM UUID. :param uuid: The UUID of a VM. :type uuid: str[36] :param n: The number of last values to select. :type n: int,>0 :return: The list of n last CPU Mhz values. :rtype: list(int) """ sel = select([self.vm_resource_usage.c.cpu_mhz]). \ where(and_( self.vms.c.id == self.vm_resource_usage.c.vm_id, self.vms.c.uuid == uuid)). \ order_by(self.vm_resource_usage.c.id.asc()). \ limit(n) res = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall() return [x[0] for x in res] @contract def select_vm_id(self, uuid): """ Select the ID of a VM by the VM UUID, or insert a new record. :param uuid: The UUID of a VM. :type uuid: str[36] :return: The ID of the VM. :rtype: int """ sel = select([self.vms.c.id]).where(self.vms.c.uuid == uuid) row = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchone() if row == None: return self.vms.insert().execute(uuid=uuid).inserted_primary_key[0] else: return row['id'] @contract def insert_cpu_mhz(self, data): """ Insert a set of CPU MHz values for a set of VMs. :param data: A dictionary of VM UUIDs and CPU MHz values. :type data: dict(str : int) """ if data: query = [] for uuid, cpu_mhz in data.items(): vm_id = self.select_vm_id(uuid) query.append({'vm_id': vm_id, 'cpu_mhz': cpu_mhz}) self.vm_resource_usage.insert().execute(query)