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# Copyright 2012 Anton Beloglazov
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This is the default configuration file for OpenStack Neat
# The directory, where log files will be created by the Neat services
log_directory = /var/log/neat
# The level of emitted log messages:
# 0 -- no logging
# 1 -- errors and warnings
# 2 -- errors, warnings, and information messages
# 3 -- errors, warnings, information messages, and debug messages
log_level = 3
# The directory, where the VM instance data are stored
vm_instance_directory = /var/lib/nova/instances
# The host name and credentials for connecting to the MySQL database
# specified in the format supported by SQLAlchemy
sql_connection = mysql://neat:neatpassword@controller/neat
# The admin tenant name for authentication with Nova using Keystone
os_admin_tenant_name = admin
# The admin user name for authentication with Nova using Keystone
os_admin_user = admin
# The admin password for authentication with Nova using Keystone
os_admin_password = adminpassword
# The OpenStack authentication URL
os_auth_url = http://controller:5000/v2.0/
# A coma-separated list of compute host names
compute_hosts = compute1, compute2, compute3, compute4
# The name of the host running the global manager
global_manager_host = controller
# The port of the REST web service exposed by the global manager
global_manager_port = 60080
# The time interval between subsequent invocations of the database
# cleaner in seconds
db_cleaner_interval = 7200
# The directory used by the data collector to store the data on the
# resource usage by the VMs running on the host
local_data_directory = /var/lib/neat
# The time interval between subsequent invocations of the local
# manager in seconds
local_manager_interval = 300
# The time interval between subsequent invocations of the data
# collector in seconds
data_collector_interval = 300
# The number of the latest data values stored locally by the data
# collector and passed to the underload / overload detection and VM
# placement algorithms
data_collector_data_length = 100
# The threshold on the overall (all cores) utilization of the physical
# CPU of a host, above which the host is considered to be overloaded.
# This is used for logging host overloads into the database.
host_cpu_overload_threshold = 0.8
# The threshold on the overall (all cores) utilization of the physical
# CPU of a host that can be allocated to VMs.
host_cpu_usable_by_vms = 1.0
# The user name for connecting to the compute hosts to switch them
# into the sleep mode
compute_user = neat
# The password of the user account used for connecting to the compute
# hosts to switch them into the sleep mode
compute_password = neatpassword
# The network bandwidth in MB/s available for VM migration
network_migration_bandwidth = 10
# A shell command used to switch a host into the sleep mode, the
# compute_user must have permissions to execute this command
sleep_command = pm-suspend
# The network interface to send a magic packet from using ether-wake
ether_wake_interface = eth0
# The fully qualified name of a Python factory function that returns a
# function implementing an underload detection algorithm
#algorithm_underload_detection_factory = neat.locals.underload.trivial.threshold_factory
algorithm_underload_detection_factory = neat.locals.underload.trivial.last_n_average_threshold_factory
# A JSON encoded parameters, which will be parsed and passed to the
# specified underload detection algorithm factory
#algorithm_underload_detection_parameters = {"threshold": 0.3}
algorithm_underload_detection_parameters = {"threshold": 0.5, "n": 2}
# The fully qualified name of a Python factory function that returns a
# function implementing an overload detection algorithm
#algorithm_overload_detection_factory = neat.locals.overload.trivial.threshold_factory
algorithm_overload_detection_factory = neat.locals.overload.mhod.core.mhod_factory
#algorithm_overload_detection_factory = neat.locals.overload.trivial.last_n_average_threshold_factory
#algorithm_overload_detection_factory = neat.locals.overload.statistics.loess_factory
#algorithm_overload_detection_factory = neat.locals.overload.otf.otf_factory
# A JSON encoded parameters, which will be parsed and passed to the
# specified overload detection algorithm factory
#algorithm_overload_detection_parameters = {"threshold": 0.9}
algorithm_overload_detection_parameters = {"state_config": [0.8], "otf": 0.1, "history_size": 500, "window_sizes": [30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], "bruteforce_step": 0.5, "learning_steps": 10}
#algorithm_overload_detection_parameters = {"threshold": 0.95, "n": 2}
#algorithm_overload_detection_parameters = {"threshold": 0.8, "param": 1.0, "length": 30}
#algorithm_overload_detection_parameters = {"otf": 0.2, "threshold": 0.8, "limit": 10}
# The fully qualified name of a Python factory function that returns a
# function implementing a VM selection algorithm
#algorithm_vm_selection_factory = neat.locals.vm_selection.algorithms.minimum_migration_time_factory
algorithm_vm_selection_factory = neat.locals.vm_selection.algorithms.minimum_migration_time_max_cpu_factory
# A JSON encoded parameters, which will be parsed and passed to the
# specified VM selection algorithm factory
#algorithm_vm_selection_parameters = {}
algorithm_vm_selection_parameters = {"last_n": 2}
# The fully qualified name of a Python factory function that returns a
# function implementing a VM placement algorithm
algorithm_vm_placement_factory = neat.globals.vm_placement.bin_packing.best_fit_decreasing_factory
# A JSON encoded parameters, which will be parsed and passed to the
# specified VM placement algorithm factory
algorithm_vm_placement_parameters = {"cpu_threshold": 0.8, "ram_threshold": 0.95, "last_n_vm_cpu": 2}