var Scoreboard = (function () { var board = {}; var row_cache = {}; var score = {}; var table_div_id = null; var table = null; var form = null; var table_header = null; var hostname = null; var ci_results = null; var ci_accounts = null; var user_filter = null; var spinner = null; var overlay = null; var opaque_overlay = null; var page = 1; // Default value for the search var page_size = null; var num_results = null; var hide_overlay = function () { spinner.stop(); overlay.remove(); opaque_overlay.remove(); }; var show_overlay = function () { overlay = $(document.createElement('div')); overlay.addClass('overlay_clear'); overlay.appendTo(document.body); opaque_overlay = $(document.createElement('div')); opaque_overlay.addClass('overlay_opaque'); opaque_overlay.appendTo(document.body); title = $(document.createElement('div')); title.addClass('overlay_title'); title.html('Building results...'); title.appendTo(overlay); var opts = { lines: 20, // The number of lines to draw length: 35, // The length of each line width: 10, // The line thickness radius: 45, // The radius of the inner circle corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1) rotate: 0, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors speed: 1, // Rounds per second trail: 60, // Afterglow percentage shadow: true, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: true, // Whether to use hardware acceleration className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) top: '50%', // Top position relative to parent left: '50%' // Left position relative to parent }; spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(); $(spinner.el).appendTo(overlay); }; var gather_data_and_build = function () { show_overlay(); $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'results', data:, success: function(data) { ci_results = JSON.parse(data); num_results = ci_results.length; get_ci_accounts(); } }); }; var get_ci_accounts = function () { $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'ci-accounts', success: function(data) { parse_accounts(data); build_table(); build_pagination(); } }); }; var find_ci_in_list = function (ci, list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (ci == list[i]._id) { return list[i]; } } }; var parse_accounts = function (ci_accounts_raw) { var all_ci_accounts = JSON.parse(ci_accounts_raw); var ci_account_objs = {}; ci_accounts = []; // Filter if there is a user url param var user_param = get_param_by_name('user') user_filter = [] if (user_param != '') { user_filter = user_param.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(',') } for (var patchset in ci_results) { for (var ci in ci_results[patchset].results) { if (user_filter.length > 0 && user_filter.indexOf(ci) == -1) { continue; } if (!(ci in ci_account_objs)) { ci_account_objs[ci] = true; ci_accounts.push(find_ci_in_list(ci, all_ci_accounts)); } } } }; var ci_account_header = function (user_name, user_name_pretty) { return user_name_pretty + '
(' + user_name + ')'; }; var create_header = function () { td = $(document.createElement('td')); td.addClass('pretty_table_header'); return td; }; var create_filler = function (td) { if (!td) td = $(document.createElement('td')); td.addClass('no_result'); td.html(' '); return td; }; var create_button = function (btn_type, btn_value) { return $('', { type:btn_type, value:btn_value }); }; var toggle_page_btn = function (button, comparison) { if (page == comparison) { button.prop("disabled", true); } else { button.prop("disabled", false); } }; var add_header = function (header_title) { var td = create_header(); td.html(header_title); td.appendTo(table_header); }; var set_result = function(cell, result, ci_account) { var cell_class = null; var count = null; switch (result) { case 'SUCCESS': cell_class = 'success'; break; case 'FAILURE': case 'ERROR': case 'NOT_REGISTERED': case 'ABORTED': cell_class = 'fail'; break; case 'MERGE FAILED': case 'UNKNOWN': default: cell_class = 'unknown'; break; } var result_type = cell_class.toUpperCase(); if (!score[result_type]) { score[result_type] = {} } score[result_type][ci_account] = score[result_type][ci_account] || 0 count = score[result_type][ci_account] + 1 score[result_type][ci_account] = count cell.removeClass().addClass(cell_class); cell.html(result); }; var add_on_click_url = function(element, url) { element.on('click', (function () { // closures are weird.. scope the url so each on click is using // the right one and not just the last url handled by the loop var review_url = url; return function () {, '_blank'); } })()); }; var handle_patchset = function(patchset) { var result_row = null; var ci_index = null; // console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); var review_id_patchset = patchset._id; // add a new row for the review number + patchset result_row = $(document.createElement('tr')); result_row.appendTo(table); var label = create_header(); label.html(review_id_patchset); label.appendTo(result_row); var review_patchset_split = review_id_patchset.split(','); var url = "" + review_patchset_split[0] + "/" + review_patchset_split[1]; add_on_click_url(label, url); label.prop('title', url); for (var i = 0; i < ci_accounts.length; i++) { var ci_account = ci_accounts[i]; var td = $(document.createElement('td')); if (ci_account._id in patchset.results) { var result = patchset.results[ci_account._id]; add_on_click_url(td, url) td.prop('title', url); set_result(td, result, ci_account._id); } else { td = create_filler(td); } td.appendTo(result_row); } }; var build_table = function () { if ($('#scoreboard table').length) { $('#scoreboard table').remove(); } table = $(document.createElement('table')); table.addClass('pretty_table'); table.attr('cellspacing', 0); table_container = $('#' + table_div_id); table_container.addClass('scoreboard_container'); table.appendTo(table_container); // build a table header that will (by the time // we're done) have row for each ci account name table_header = $(document.createElement('tr')); table_header.addClass('table_header'); create_header().appendTo(table_header); // spacer box table_header.appendTo(table); for (var i = 0; i < ci_accounts.length; i++) { var ci = ci_accounts[i] add_header(ci_account_header(ci._id, ci.user_name_pretty)); } // TODO: maybe process some of this in a worker thread? // It might be nice if we can build a model and then render it // all in one go instead of modifying the DOM so much... // // For now we will handle a single result at a time (later on // we could maybe stream/pull incremental updates so the page // is 'live'). // // This will add each result into the table and then yield // the main thread so the browser can render, handle events, // and generally not lock up and be angry with us. It still // takes a while to actually build out the table, but at least // it will be more exciting to watch all the results pop up // on the screen instead of just blank page. if (page_size == '') { page_size = 25; // Default value if not set } var index = page_size * (page - 1); var max = page * page_size; score = {}; (function handle_patchset_wrapper() { if (index < max && ci_results[index] != null) { handle_patchset(ci_results[index]); index++; window.setTimeout(handle_patchset_wrapper, 0); } else { build_score(); hide_overlay(); } })(); }; var build_score = function () { var score_row = null; var label = null; score_row = $(document.createElement('tr')); label = create_header(); label.html('Score'); label.appendTo(score_row); $(score_row).insertAfter($('table tr.table_header')); for (var j = 0; j < ci_accounts.length; j++) { var ci = ci_accounts[j] score_header = create_header(); score_header.appendTo(score_row); score_header.css({ width: '75px', height: '75px', }) var data = [] var count = 0; if (score['SUCCESS'] && score['SUCCESS'][ci._id] > 0) { data.push({ value: score['SUCCESS'][ci._id], color:'#00FF00', label: 'Success: ' + score['SUCCESS'][ci._id], border: true, borderColor: 'grey' }); count += score['SUCCESS'][ci._id]; } if (score['FAIL'] && score['FAIL'][ci._id] > 0) { data.push({ value: score['FAIL'][ci._id], color:'#FF3300', label: 'Fail: ' + score['FAIL'][ci._id], border: true, borderColor: 'grey' }); count += score['FAIL'][ci._id]; } if (score['UNKNOWN'] && score['UNKNOWN'][ci._id] > 0) { data.push({ value: score['UNKNOWN'][ci._id], color:'#FF0000', label: 'Unknown: ' + score['UNKNOWN'][ci._id], border: true, borderColor: 'grey' }); count += score['UNKNOWN'][ci._id]; } var table = $('#scoreboard > table > tbody > tr') var total_count = $('#scoreboard > table > tbody > tr').length - 2; // don't count the first two rows var missing = total_count - count; if (missing > 0) { data.push({ value: missing, color:'#FFFFFF', label: 'Missing: ' + missing, border: true, borderColor: 'grey' }); } EZBC.draw(score_header[0], data, 3, 'grey'); } }; var build_pagination = function () { var container = $('#paginator'); if (num_results != null) { var previous_btn = create_button ('button', '<'); var index = $('