# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from mock import patch import pecan from pecan.configuration import set_config from pecan.testing import load_test_app from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import fixture as fixture_config from tricircle.api import app from tricircle.common import az_ag from tricircle.common import context from tricircle.common import utils from tricircle.db import core from tricircle.tests import base OPT_GROUP_NAME = 'keystone_authtoken' cfg.CONF.import_group(OPT_GROUP_NAME, "keystonemiddleware.auth_token") def fake_is_admin(ctx): return True class API_FunctionalTest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(API_FunctionalTest, self).setUp() self.addCleanup(set_config, {}, overwrite=True) cfg.CONF.register_opts(app.common_opts) self.CONF = self.useFixture(fixture_config.Config()).conf self.CONF.set_override('auth_strategy', 'noauth') self.CONF.set_override('tricircle_db_connection', 'sqlite:///:memory:') core.initialize() core.ModelBase.metadata.create_all(core.get_engine()) self.context = context.get_admin_context() self.app = self._make_app() def _make_app(self, enable_acl=False): self.config = { 'app': { 'root': 'tricircle.api.controllers.root.RootController', 'modules': ['tricircle.api'], 'enable_acl': enable_acl, 'errors': { 400: '/error', '__force_dict__': True } }, } return load_test_app(self.config) def tearDown(self): super(API_FunctionalTest, self).tearDown() cfg.CONF.unregister_opts(app.common_opts) pecan.set_config({}, overwrite=True) core.ModelBase.metadata.drop_all(core.get_engine()) class TestPodController(API_FunctionalTest): """Test version listing on root URI.""" @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_no_input(self): pods = [ # missing pod { "pod_xxx": { "dc_name": "dc1", "pod_az_name": "az1" }, "expected_error": 400 }] for test_pod in pods: response = self.app.post_json( '/v1.0/pods', dict(pod_xxx=test_pod['pod_xxx']), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_int, test_pod['expected_error']) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_invalid_input(self): pods = [ # missing az and pod { "pod": { "dc_name": "dc1", "pod_az_name": "az1" }, "expected_error": 422 }, # missing pod { "pod": { "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "az1" }, "expected_error": 422 }, # missing pod { "pod": { "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "", }, "expected_error": 422 }, # missing az { "pod": { "pod_name": "", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1" }, "expected_error": 422 }, # az & pod == "" { "pod": { "pod_name": "", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "" }, "expected_error": 422 }, # invalid pod { "pod": { "pod_name": "", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "az1" }, "expected_error": 422 } ] self._test_and_check(pods) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_duplicate_top_region(self): pods = [ # the first time to create TopRegion { "pod": { "pod_name": "TopRegion", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "TopRegion2", "pod_az_name": "", "dc_name": "dc1" }, "expected_error": 409 }, ] self._test_and_check(pods) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_duplicate_pod(self): pods = [ { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod1", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod1", "pod_az_name": "az2", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 409 }, ] self._test_and_check(pods) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_pod_duplicate_top_region(self): pods = [ # the first time to create TopRegion { "pod": { "pod_name": "TopRegion", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc1" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "TopRegion", "pod_az_name": "az2", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 409 }, ] self._test_and_check(pods) def _test_and_check(self, pods): for test_pod in pods: response = self.app.post_json( '/v1.0/pods', dict(pod=test_pod['pod']), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_int, test_pod['expected_error']) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_get_all(self): pods = [ # the first time to create TopRegion { "pod": { "pod_name": "TopRegion", "pod_az_name": "", "dc_name": "dc1", "az_name": "" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod1", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod2", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200 }, ] self._test_and_check(pods) response = self.app.get('/v1.0/pods') self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200) self.assertIn('TopRegion', response) self.assertIn('Pod1', response) self.assertIn('Pod2', response) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) @patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ') def test_get_delete_one(self, mock_context): mock_context.return_value = self.context pods = [ { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod1", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200, }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod2", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200, }, { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod3", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ2" }, "expected_error": 200, }, ] self._test_and_check(pods) response = self.app.get('/v1.0/pods') self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200) return_pods = response.json for ret_pod in return_pods['pods']: _id = ret_pod['pod_id'] single_ret = self.app.get('/v1.0/pods/' + str(_id)) self.assertEqual(single_ret.status_int, 200) one_pod_ret = single_ret.json get_one_pod = one_pod_ret['pod'] self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['pod_id'], ret_pod['pod_id']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['pod_name'], ret_pod['pod_name']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['pod_az_name'], ret_pod['pod_az_name']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['dc_name'], ret_pod['dc_name']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['az_name'], ret_pod['az_name']) _id = ret_pod['pod_id'] # check ag and az automaticly added ag_name = utils.get_ag_name(ret_pod['pod_name']) ag = az_ag.get_ag_by_name(self.context, ag_name) self.assertIsNotNone(ag) self.assertEqual(ag['name'], utils.get_ag_name(ret_pod['pod_name'])) self.assertEqual(ag['availability_zone'], ret_pod['az_name']) single_ret = self.app.delete('/v1.0/pods/' + str(_id)) self.assertEqual(single_ret.status_int, 200) # make sure ag is deleted ag = az_ag.get_ag_by_name(self.context, ag_name) self.assertIsNone(ag) class TestBindingController(API_FunctionalTest): """Test version listing on root URI.""" @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_no_input(self): pod_bindings = [ # missing pod_binding { "pod_xxx": { "tenant_id": "dddddd", "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 400 }] for test_pod in pod_bindings: response = self.app.post_json( '/v1.0/bindings', dict(pod_xxx=test_pod['pod_xxx']), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_int, test_pod['expected_error']) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_post_invalid_input(self): pod_bindings = [ # missing tenant_id and or az_pod_map_id { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "dddddd", "pod_id": "" }, "expected_error": 422 }, { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "", "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 422 }, { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "dddddd", }, "expected_error": 422 }, { "pod_binding": { "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 422 } ] self._test_and_check(pod_bindings) @patch.object(context, 'is_admin_context', new=fake_is_admin) def test_bindings(self): pods = [ { "pod": { "pod_name": "Pod1", "pod_az_name": "az1", "dc_name": "dc2", "az_name": "AZ1" }, "expected_error": 200 } ] pod_bindings = [ { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "dddddd", "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "aaaaa", "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 200 }, { "pod_binding": { "tenant_id": "dddddd", "pod_id": "0ace0db2-ef33-43a6-a150-42703ffda643" }, "expected_error": 409 } ] self._test_and_check_pod(pods) _id = self._get_az_pod_id() self._test_and_check(pod_bindings, _id) # get all response = self.app.get('/v1.0/bindings') self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200) # get one return_pod_bindings = response.json for ret_pod in return_pod_bindings['pod_bindings']: _id = ret_pod['id'] single_ret = self.app.get('/v1.0/bindings/' + str(_id)) self.assertEqual(single_ret.status_int, 200) one_pot_ret = single_ret.json get_one_pod = one_pot_ret['pod_binding'] self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['id'], ret_pod['id']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['tenant_id'], ret_pod['tenant_id']) self.assertEqual(get_one_pod['pod_id'], ret_pod['pod_id']) _id = ret_pod['id'] single_ret = self.app.delete('/v1.0/bindings/' + str(_id)) self.assertEqual(single_ret.status_int, 200) def _get_az_pod_id(self): response = self.app.get('/v1.0/pods') self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200) return_pods = response.json for ret_pod in return_pods['pods']: _id = ret_pod['pod_id'] return _id def _test_and_check(self, pod_bindings, _id=None): for test_pod in pod_bindings: if _id is not None: test_pod['pod_binding']['pod_id'] = str(_id) response = self.app.post_json( '/v1.0/bindings', dict(pod_binding=test_pod['pod_binding']), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_int, test_pod['expected_error']) def _test_and_check_pod(self, pods): for test_pod in pods: response = self.app.post_json( '/v1.0/pods', dict(pod=test_pod['pod']), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_int, test_pod['expected_error'])