openstack 0885397d10 Add source code to Tricircle
Initial PoC source code for Tricircle, the project for OpenStack cascading solution.

Change-Id: I8abc93839a26446cb61c8d9004dfd812bd91de6e
2014-09-25 15:56:40 +08:00
2014-09-25 15:56:40 +08:00
2014-09-25 15:56:40 +08:00
2014-09-25 15:56:40 +08:00

Neutron L3 Proxy

L3-Proxy acts as the same role of L3-agent in cascading OpenStack. L3-Proxy treats cascaded Neutron-Server as its linux namespaces, convert the internal request message from the message bus to restful API calling to cascaded neutron-server.

Key modules

  • The new l3 proxy module l3_proxy,which treats cascaded Neutron-Server as its linux namespaces, convert the internal request message from the message bus to restful API calling to cascaded neutron-server:



  • openstack-neutron-l3-agent-2014.1-1.1 and l2-proxy has been installed


We provide two ways to install the l3 proxy code. In this section, we will guide you through installing the l3 proxy with the minimum configuration.

  • Note:

    • Make sure you have an existing installation of Openstack Icehouse.
    • We recommend that you Do backup at least the following files before installation, because they are to be overwritten or modified: $NEUTRON_CONFIG_PARENT_DIR/neutron.conf (replace the $... with actual directory names.)
  • Manual Installation

    • Navigate to the local repository and copy the contents in 'neutron' sub-directory to the corresponding places in existing neutron, e.g. cp -r $LOCAL_REPOSITORY_DIR/neutron $NEUTRON_PARENT_DIR (replace the $... with actual directory name.)

    • Navigate to the local repository and copy the contents in 'etc' sub-directory to the corresponding places in existing neutron, e.g. cp -r $LOCAL_REPOSITORY_DIR/etc $NEUTRON_CONFIG_DIR (replace the $... with actual directory name.)

    • Update the neutron configuration file (e.g. /etc/neutron/l3_proxy_agent.ini) with the minimum option below. If the option already exists, modify its value, otherwise add it to the config file. Check the "Configurations" section below for a full configuration guide and detail explanation for each configuration item.

      ###configuration for neutron cascading ###
      admin_tenant_name = $TENANT_NAME
      admin_user = $USER_NAME
      admin_password = $USER_PWD
      auth_url = http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0
      os_region_name = $CASCADEDING_REGION_NAME
      cascaded_os_region_name = $CASCADED_REGION_NAME
      cascaded_auth_url = http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0
      cascaded_admin_user_name = $USER_NAME
      cascaded_admin_password = $USER_PWD
      cascaded_tenant_name = $CASCADED_TENANT_NAME
    • Start the neutron l3 proxy. nohup /usr/bin/python /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/neutron/agent/ --config-file=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file=/etc/neutron/l3_proxy_agent.ini >/dev/null 2>&1 &

    • Done. The neutron l3 proxy should be working with a demo configuration.

  • Automatic Installation

    • Navigate to the installation directory and run installation script.

      cd $LOCAL_REPOSITORY_DIR/installation
      sudo bash ./

      (replace the $... with actual directory name.)

    • Done. The installation code should setup the l3 proxy with the minimum configuration below. Check the "Configurations" section for a full configuration guide and detail explanation for each configuration item.

      ###cascade info ###
      admin_tenant_name = $TENANT_NAME
      admin_user = $USER_NAME
      admin_password = $USER_PWD
      auth_url = http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0
      os_region_name = $CASCADEDING_REGION_NAME
      cascaded_os_region_name = $CASCADED_REGION_NAME
      cascaded_auth_url = http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0
      cascaded_admin_user_name = $USER_NAME
      cascaded_admin_password = $USER_PWD
      cascaded_tenant_name = $CASCADED_TENANT_NAME
  • Troubleshooting

    In case the automatic installation process is not complete, please check the followings:

    • Make sure your OpenStack version is Icehouse.

    • Check the variables in the beginning of the scripts. Your installation directories may be different from the default values we provide.

    • The installation code will automatically add the related codes to $NEUTRON_PARENT_DIR/neutron and modify the related configuration.

    • In case the automatic installation does not work, try to install manually.


  • This is a (default) configuration sample for the l3 proxy. Please add/modify these options in /etc/neutron/l3_proxy_agent.ini.
  • Note:
    • Please carefully make sure that options in the configuration file are not duplicated. If an option name already exists, modify its value instead of adding a new one of the same name.
    • Please refer to the 'Configuration Details' section below for proper configuration and usage of costs and constraints.


#The global keystone component service url, by which the l3 porxy
#can access to global keystone service.
#In future, seperate KeyStone service may be used.
cascaded_auth_url = http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0

#The region name ,which will be set as a parameter when
#the cascaded level component services register endpoint to keystone
cascaded_os_region_name =$CASCADED_REGION_NAME

# username for connecting to cascaded neutron in admin context (string
# value)

# password for connecting to cascaded neutron in admin context (string
# value)

# tenant name for connecting to cascaded neutron in admin context
# (string value)

#The global keystone component service url, by which the l3 porxy
#can access to global keystone service.
#In future, seperate KeyStone service may be used.
auth_url= http://$CASCADING_CONTROL_IP:35357/v2.0

#The region name ,which will be set as a parameter when
#the cascading level component services register endpoint to keystone

# username for connecting to cascading neutron in admin context (string
# value)
admin_user= $USER_NAME

# password for connecting to cascading neutron in admin context (string
# value)

# tenant name for connecting to cascading neutron in admin context
# (string value)