Implement l3 north-south networking functionality. In our current design, external network is hosted in one of the bottom pod, VMs hosted in other bottom pods are connected to this external network via a bridge network, using the same physical network as the east- west networking, but different vlan. Change-Id: I953322737aa97b2d1ebd9a15dc479d7aba753678
179 lines
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Executable File
179 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_messaging as messaging
from oslo_service import periodic_task
from tricircle.common import client
from tricircle.common import constants
from tricircle.common.i18n import _
from tricircle.common.i18n import _LI
import tricircle.db.api as db_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PeriodicTasks(periodic_task.PeriodicTasks):
def __init__(self):
super(PeriodicTasks, self).__init__(CONF)
class XManager(PeriodicTasks):
target = messaging.Target(version='1.0')
def __init__(self, host=None, service_name='xjob'):
LOG.debug(_('XManager initialization...'))
if not host:
host = CONF.host
self.host = host
self.service_name = service_name
# self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier(self.service_name, self.host)
self.additional_endpoints = []
self.clients = {'top': client.Client()}
super(XManager, self).__init__()
def _get_client(self, pod_name=None):
if not pod_name:
return self.clients['top']
if pod_name not in self.clients:
self.clients[pod_name] = client.Client(pod_name)
return self.clients[pod_name]
def periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):
"""Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
return self.run_periodic_tasks(context, raise_on_error=raise_on_error)
def init_host(self):
Hook to do additional manager initialization when one requests
the service be started. This is called before any service record
is created.
Child classes should override this method.
LOG.debug(_('XManager init_host...'))
def cleanup_host(self):
Hook to do cleanup work when the service shuts down.
Child classes should override this method.
LOG.debug(_('XManager cleanup_host...'))
def pre_start_hook(self):
Hook to provide the manager the ability to do additional
start-up work before any RPC queues/consumers are created. This is
called after other initialization has succeeded and a service
record is created.
Child classes should override this method.
LOG.debug(_('XManager pre_start_hook...'))
def post_start_hook(self):
Hook to provide the manager the ability to do additional
start-up work immediately after a service creates RPC consumers
and starts 'running'.
Child classes should override this method.
LOG.debug(_('XManager post_start_hook...'))
# rpc message endpoint handling
def test_rpc(self, ctx, payload):
LOG.info(_LI("xmanager receive payload: %s"), payload)
info_text = "xmanager receive payload: %s" % payload
return info_text
def configure_extra_routes(self, ctx, payload):
# TODO(zhiyuan) performance and reliability issue
# better have a job tracking mechanism
t_router_id = payload['router']
b_pods, b_router_ids = zip(*db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id(
ctx, t_router_id, constants.RT_ROUTER))
router_bridge_ip_map = {}
router_cidr_map = {}
for i, b_pod in enumerate(b_pods):
bottom_client = self._get_client(pod_name=b_pod['pod_name'])
b_inferfaces = bottom_client.list_ports(
ctx, filters=[{'key': 'device_id',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': b_router_ids[i]},
{'key': 'device_owner',
'comparator': 'eq',
'value': 'network:router_interface'}])
cidrs = []
for b_inferface in b_inferfaces:
ip = b_inferface['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
ew_bridge_cidr = ''
ns_bridge_cidr = ''
if netaddr.IPAddress(ip) in netaddr.IPNetwork(ew_bridge_cidr):
router_bridge_ip_map[b_router_ids[i]] = ip
if netaddr.IPAddress(ip) in netaddr.IPNetwork(ns_bridge_cidr):
b_subnet = bottom_client.get_subnets(
ctx, b_inferface['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'])
router_cidr_map[b_router_ids[i]] = cidrs
for i, b_router_id in enumerate(b_router_ids):
if b_router_id not in router_bridge_ip_map:
bottom_client = self._get_client(pod_name=b_pods[i]['pod_name'])
extra_routes = []
for router_id, cidrs in router_cidr_map.iteritems():
if router_id == b_router_id:
for cidr in cidrs:
{'nexthop': router_bridge_ip_map[router_id],
'destination': cidr})
bottom_client.update_routers(ctx, b_router_id,
{'router': {'routes': extra_routes}})