# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # All rights reserved. """ Views for managing volumes. """ from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.forms import ValidationError from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon import messages from horizon.utils.fields import SelectWidget from horizon.utils.functions import bytes_to_gigabytes from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized from ..images_and_snapshots.utils import get_available_images from ..instances.tables import ACTIVE_STATES from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder from openstack_dashboard.api import glance class CreateForm(forms.SelfHandlingForm): name = forms.CharField(max_length="255", label=_("Volume Name")) description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, label=_("Description"), required=False) type = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Type"), required=False) size = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, label=_("Size (GB)")) encryption = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Encryption"), required=False) volume_source_type = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Volume Source"), required=False) snapshot_source = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Use snapshot as a source"), widget=SelectWidget( attrs={'class': 'snapshot-selector'}, data_attrs=('size', 'display_name'), transform=lambda x: ("%s (%sGB)" % (x.display_name, x.size))), required=False) image_source = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Use image as a source"), widget=SelectWidget( attrs={'class': 'image-selector'}, data_attrs=('size', 'name'), transform=lambda x: ("%s (%s)" % (x.name, filesizeformat(x.bytes)))), required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(CreateForm, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) volume_types = cinder.volume_type_list(request) self.fields['type'].choices = [("", "")] + \ [(type.name, type.name) for type in volume_types] # Hide the volume encryption field if the hypervisor doesn't support it # NOTE: as of Grizzly this is not yet supported in Nova so enabling # this setting will not do anything useful hypervisor_features = getattr(settings, "OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES", {}) can_encrypt_volumes = hypervisor_features.get("can_encrypt_volumes", False) if can_encrypt_volumes: # TODO(laura-glendenning) get from api call in future encryption_options = {"LUKS": "dmcrypt LUKS"} self.fields['encryption'].choices = [("", "")] + \ [(enc, display) for enc, display in encryption_options.items()] else: self.fields['encryption'].widget = forms.widgets.HiddenInput() self.fields['encryption'].required = False if ("snapshot_id" in request.GET): try: snapshot = self.get_snapshot(request, request.GET["snapshot_id"]) self.fields['name'].initial = snapshot.display_name self.fields['size'].initial = snapshot.size self.fields['snapshot_source'].choices = ((snapshot.id, snapshot),) try: # Set the volume type from the original volume orig_volume = cinder.volume_get(request, snapshot.volume_id) self.fields['type'].initial = orig_volume.volume_type except: pass self.fields['size'].help_text = _('Volume size must be equal ' 'to or greater than the snapshot size (%sGB)' % snapshot.size) del self.fields['image_source'] del self.fields['volume_source_type'] except: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to load the specified snapshot.')) elif ('image_id' in request.GET): try: image = self.get_image(request, request.GET["image_id"]) image.bytes = image.size self.fields['name'].initial = image.name self.fields['size'].initial = bytes_to_gigabytes(image.size) self.fields['image_source'].choices = ((image.id, image),) self.fields['size'].help_text = _('Volume size must be equal ' 'to or greater than the image size (%s)' % filesizeformat(image.size)) del self.fields['snapshot_source'] del self.fields['volume_source_type'] except: msg = _('Unable to load the specified image. %s') exceptions.handle(request, msg % request.GET['image_id']) else: source_type_choices = [] try: snapshots = cinder.volume_snapshot_list(request) if snapshots: source_type_choices.append(("snapshot_source", _("Snapshot"))) choices = [('', _("Choose a snapshot"))] + \ [(s.id, s) for s in snapshots] self.fields['snapshot_source'].choices = choices else: del self.fields['snapshot_source'] except: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve " "volume snapshots.")) images = get_available_images(request, request.user.tenant_id) if images: source_type_choices.append(("image_source", _("Image"))) choices = [('', _("Choose an image"))] for image in images: image.bytes = image.size image.size = bytes_to_gigabytes(image.bytes) choices.append((image.id, image)) self.fields['image_source'].choices = choices else: del self.fields['image_source'] if source_type_choices: choices = ([('no_source_type', _("No source, empty volume."))] + source_type_choices) self.fields['volume_source_type'].choices = choices else: del self.fields['volume_source_type'] def handle(self, request, data): try: # FIXME(johnp): cinderclient currently returns a useless # error message when the quota is exceeded when trying to create # a volume, so we need to check for that scenario here before we # send it off to try and create. usages = cinder.tenant_absolute_limits(self.request) volumes = cinder.volume_list(self.request) total_size = sum([getattr(volume, 'size', 0) for volume in volumes]) usages['gigabytesUsed'] = total_size usages['volumesUsed'] = len(volumes) availableGB = usages['maxTotalVolumeGigabytes'] -\ usages['gigabytesUsed'] availableVol = usages['maxTotalVolumes'] - usages['volumesUsed'] snapshot_id = None image_id = None source_type = data.get('volume_source_type', None) if (data.get("snapshot_source", None) and source_type in [None, 'snapshot_source']): # Create from Snapshot snapshot = self.get_snapshot(request, data["snapshot_source"]) snapshot_id = snapshot.id if (data['size'] < snapshot.size): error_message = _('The volume size cannot be less than ' 'the snapshot size (%sGB)' % snapshot.size) raise ValidationError(error_message) elif (data.get("image_source", None) and source_type in [None, 'image_source']): # Create from Snapshot image = self.get_image(request, data["image_source"]) image_id = image.id image_size = bytes_to_gigabytes(image.size) if (data['size'] < image_size): error_message = _('The volume size cannot be less than ' 'the image size (%s)' % filesizeformat(image.size)) raise ValidationError(error_message) else: if type(data['size']) is str: data['size'] = int(data['size']) if availableGB < data['size']: error_message = _('A volume of %(req)iGB cannot be created as ' 'you only have %(avail)iGB of your quota ' 'available.') params = {'req': data['size'], 'avail': availableGB} raise ValidationError(error_message % params) elif availableVol <= 0: error_message = _('You are already using all of your available' ' volumes.') raise ValidationError(error_message) metadata = {} if data['encryption']: metadata['encryption'] = data['encryption'] volume = cinder.volume_create(request, data['size'], data['name'], data['description'], data['type'], snapshot_id=snapshot_id, image_id=image_id, metadata=metadata) message = _('Creating volume "%s"') % data['name'] messages.info(request, message) return volume except ValidationError as e: self.api_error(e.messages[0]) return False except: exceptions.handle(request, ignore=True) self.api_error(_("Unable to create volume.")) return False @memoized def get_snapshot(self, request, id): return cinder.volume_snapshot_get(request, id) @memoized def get_image(self, request, id): return glance.image_get(request, id) class AttachForm(forms.SelfHandlingForm): instance = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Attach to Instance"), help_text=_("Select an instance to " "attach to.")) device = forms.CharField(label=_("Device Name")) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttachForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Hide the device field if the hypervisor doesn't support it. hypervisor_features = getattr(settings, "OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES", {}) can_set_mount_point = hypervisor_features.get("can_set_mount_point", True) if not can_set_mount_point: self.fields['device'].widget = forms.widgets.HiddenInput() self.fields['device'].required = False # populate volume_id volume = kwargs.get('initial', {}).get("volume", None) if volume: volume_id = volume.id else: volume_id = None self.fields['volume_id'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), initial=volume_id) # Populate instance choices instance_list = kwargs.get('initial', {}).get('instances', []) instances = [] for instance in instance_list: if instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES and \ not any(instance.id == att["server_id"] for att in volume.attachments): instances.append((instance.id, '%s (%s)' % (instance.name, instance.id))) if instances: instances.insert(0, ("", _("Select an instance"))) else: instances = (("", _("No instances available")),) self.fields['instance'].choices = instances def handle(self, request, data): instance_choices = dict(self.fields['instance'].choices) instance_name = instance_choices.get(data['instance'], _("Unknown instance (None)")) # The name of the instance in the choices list has the ID appended to # it, so let's slice that off... instance_name = instance_name.rsplit(" (")[0] try: attach = api.nova.instance_volume_attach(request, data['volume_id'], data['instance'], data.get('device', '')) volume = cinder.volume_get(request, data['volume_id']) if not volume.display_name: volume_name = volume.id else: volume_name = volume.display_name message = _('Attaching volume %(vol)s to instance ' '%(inst)s on %(dev)s.') % {"vol": volume_name, "inst": instance_name, "dev": attach.device} messages.info(request, message) return True except: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:volumes:index") exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to attach volume.'), redirect=redirect) class CreateSnapshotForm(forms.SelfHandlingForm): name = forms.CharField(max_length="255", label=_("Snapshot Name")) description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, label=_("Description"), required=False) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(CreateSnapshotForm, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) # populate volume_id volume_id = kwargs.get('initial', {}).get('volume_id', []) self.fields['volume_id'] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), initial=volume_id) def handle(self, request, data): try: snapshot = cinder.volume_snapshot_create(request, data['volume_id'], data['name'], data['description']) message = _('Creating volume snapshot "%s"') % data['name'] messages.info(request, message) return snapshot except: redirect = reverse("horizon:project:images_and_snapshots:index") exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to create volume snapshot.'), redirect=redirect)