import copy from django.forms.util import flatatt class HTMLElement(object): """ A generic base class that gracefully handles html-style attributes. """ def __init__(self): self.attrs = getattr(self, "attrs", {}) self.classes = getattr(self, "classes", []) def get_default_classes(self): """ Returns an iterable of default classes which should be combined with any other declared classes. """ return [] def get_default_attrs(self): """ Returns a dict of default attributes which should be combined with other declared attributes. """ return {} def get_final_attrs(self): """ Returns a dict containing the final attributes of this element which will be rendered. """ final_attrs = copy.copy(self.get_default_attrs()) final_attrs.update(self.attrs) # Handle css class concatenation default = " ".join(self.get_default_classes()) defined = self.attrs.get('class', '') additional = " ".join(getattr(self, "classes", [])) non_empty = [test for test in (defined, default, additional) if test] final_classes = " ".join(non_empty).strip() final_attrs.update({'class': final_classes}) return final_attrs @property def attr_string(self): """ Returns a flattened string of HTML attributes based on the ``attrs`` dict provided to the class. """ return flatatt(self.get_final_attrs())