Setup ===== This is a quick guide to setting up tuskar-ui. Prerequisites ------------- tuskar-ui is a web UI for talking to Tuskar. It is an extension of the existing Horizon web interface. Installation prerequisites are: 1. A functional OpenStack installation. Horizon and tuskar-ui will connect to the Keystone service here. Keystone does *not* need to be on the same machine as your tuskar-ui interface, but its HTTP API must be accessible. 2. A functional Tuskar installation. tuskar-ui talks to Tuskar via an HTTP interface. It may, but does not have to, reside on the same machine as tuskar-ui, but it must be network accessible. You may find `the Tuskar install guide `_ helpful. For baremetal provisioning, you will want a Nova Baremetal driver installed and registered in the Keystone services catalog. (You can `read more about setting up Nova Baremetal here `_.) If you are using Devstack to run OpenStack, you can use `Devstack Baremetal configuration `_. Installing the packages ----------------------- tuskar-ui is a Django app written in Python and has a few installation dependencies: On a RHEL 6 system, you should install the following: :: yum install git python-devel swig openssl-devel mysql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel gcc gcc-c++ The above should work well for similar RPM-based distributions. For other distros or platforms, you will obviously need to convert as appropriate. Then, you'll want to use the ``easy_install`` utility to set up a few other tools: :: easy_install pip easy_install nose Install the management UI ------------------------- Begin by cloning the horizon and tuskar-ui repositories: :: git clone git:// git clone git:// Go into ``horizon`` and install a virtual environment for your setup:: cd horizon python tools/ Next, run ```` to have pip install Horizon dependencies: :: ./ Set up your ```` file: :: cp ../tuskar-ui/ openstack_dashboard/local/ Open up the copied ```` file in your preferred text editor. You will want to customize several settings: - ``OPENSTACK_HOST`` should be configured with the hostname of your OpenStack server. Verify that the ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL`` and ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE`` settings are correct for your environment. (They should be correct unless you modified your OpenStack server to change them.) - ``TUSKAR_ENDPOINT_URL`` should point to the Tuskar server you configured. It normally runs on port 8585. Install Tuskar-UI with all dependencies in your virtual environment:: tools/ pip install -r ../tuskar-ui/requirements.txt tools/ pip install -e ../tuskar-ui/ And enable it in Horizon:: cp ../tuskar-ui/ openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/ Starting the app ---------------- If everything has gone according to plan, you should be able to run: :: tools/ ./ runserver and have the application start on port 8080. The Tuskar dashboard will be located at http://localhost:8080/infrastructure If you wish to access it remotely (i.e., not just from localhost), you need to open port 8080 in iptables: :: iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT and launch the server with ```` on the end: :: tools/ ./ runserver