OpenStack Dashboard ------------------- The OpenStack Dashboard is a Django based reference implementation of a web based management interface for OpenStack. It is based on django-openstack, which is designed to be a generic Django module that can be re-used in other sites. For more information about how to get started with the OpenStack Dashboard, view the README file in the openstack-dashboard folder. For more information about working directly with django-openstack, see the README file in the django-openstack folder. For release management: * https://launchpad.net/openstack-dashboard For blueprints and feature specifications: * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-dashboard For issue tracking: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-dashboard Project Structure and Testing: ------------------------------ This project is a bit different from other Openstack projects in that it has two very distinct components underneath it: django-openstack, and openstack-dashboard. django-openstack holds the generic libraries and components that can be used in any Django project. In testing, this component is set up with buildout (see run_tests.sh), and any dependencies that get added need to be added to the django-openstack/buildout.cfg file. openstack-dashboard is a reference django project that uses django-openstack and is built with a virtualenv and tested through that environment. If depdendencies are added that the reference django project needs, they should be added to openstack-dashboard/tools/pip-requires. The run_tests.sh script invokes tests and analysis on both of these components in it's process, and is what Jenkins uses to verify the stability of the project.