Sometimes we want to hide certain UI elements depending on the permissions granted to the current user. At the moment this is possible for Actions and Panels. This commit extends support to DataTable too. We also set the permission on the volume snapshots table so that, like the volumes panel, it is only displayed when the 'volume' service is active. Fixes bug #1087128. Change-Id: Icc12b479c3eb888320af735b8b7810e58517eef0
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
from django.views import generic
from horizon.templatetags.horizon import has_permissions
class MultiTableMixin(object):
""" A generic mixin which provides methods for handling DataTables. """
data_method_pattern = "get_%s_data"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MultiTableMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.table_classes = getattr(self, "table_classes", [])
self._data = {}
self._tables = {}
self._data_methods = defaultdict(list)
self.get_data_methods(self.table_classes, self._data_methods)
def _get_data_dict(self):
if not self._data:
for table in self.table_classes:
data = []
name = table._meta.name
func_list = self._data_methods.get(name, [])
for func in func_list:
self._data[name] = data
return self._data
def get_data_methods(self, table_classes, methods):
for table in table_classes:
name = table._meta.name
if table._meta.mixed_data_type:
for data_type in table._meta.data_types:
func = self.check_method_exist(self.data_method_pattern,
if func:
type_name = table._meta.data_type_name
func = self.check_method_exist(self.data_method_pattern,
if func:
def wrap_func(self, data_func, type_name, data_type):
def final_data():
data = data_func()
self.assign_type_string(data, type_name, data_type)
return data
return final_data
def check_method_exist(self, func_pattern="%s", *names):
func_name = func_pattern % names
func = getattr(self, func_name, None)
if not func or not callable(func):
cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
raise NotImplementedError("You must define a %s method "
"in %s." % (func_name, cls_name))
return func
def assign_type_string(self, data, type_name, data_type):
for datum in data:
setattr(datum, type_name, data_type)
def get_tables(self):
if not self.table_classes:
raise AttributeError('You must specify one or more DataTable '
'classes for the "table_classes" attribute '
'on %s.' % self.__class__.__name__)
if not self._tables:
for table in self.table_classes:
if not has_permissions(self.request.user,
func_name = "get_%s_table" % table._meta.name
table_func = getattr(self, func_name, None)
if table_func is None:
tbl = table(self.request, **self.kwargs)
tbl = table_func(self, self.request, **self.kwargs)
self._tables[table._meta.name] = tbl
return self._tables
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(MultiTableMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
tables = self.get_tables()
for name, table in tables.items():
context["%s_table" % name] = table
return context
def has_more_data(self, table):
return False
def handle_table(self, table):
name = table.name
data = self._get_data_dict()
self._tables[name].data = data[table._meta.name]
self._tables[name]._meta.has_more_data = self.has_more_data(table)
handled = self._tables[name].maybe_handle()
return handled
class MultiTableView(MultiTableMixin, generic.TemplateView):
A class-based generic view to handle the display and processing of
multiple :class:`~horizon.tables.DataTable` classes in a single view.
Three steps are required to use this view: set the ``table_classes``
attribute with a tuple of the desired
:class:`~horizon.tables.DataTable` classes;
define a ``get_{{ table_name }}_data`` method for each table class
which returns a set of data for that table; and specify a template for
the ``template_name`` attribute.
def construct_tables(self):
tables = self.get_tables().values()
# Early out before data is loaded
for table in tables:
preempted = table.maybe_preempt()
if preempted:
return preempted
# Load data into each table and check for action handlers
for table in tables:
handled = self.handle_table(table)
if handled:
return handled
# If we didn't already return a response, returning None continues
# with the view as normal.
return None
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
handled = self.construct_tables()
if handled:
return handled
context = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
return self.render_to_response(context)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# GET and POST handling are the same
return self.get(request, *args, **kwargs)
class DataTableView(MultiTableView):
""" A class-based generic view to handle basic DataTable processing.
Three steps are required to use this view: set the ``table_class``
attribute with the desired :class:`~horizon.tables.DataTable` class;
define a ``get_data`` method which returns a set of data for the
table; and specify a template for the ``template_name`` attribute.
Optionally, you can override the ``has_more_data`` method to trigger
pagination handling for APIs that support it.
table_class = None
context_object_name = 'table'
def _get_data_dict(self):
if not self._data:
self._data = {self.table_class._meta.name: self.get_data()}
return self._data
def get_data(self):
raise NotImplementedError('You must define a "get_data" method on %s.'
% self.__class__.__name__)
def get_tables(self):
if not self._tables:
self._tables = {}
if has_permissions(self.request.user,
self._tables[self.table_class._meta.name] = self.get_table()
return self._tables
def get_table(self):
if not self.table_class:
raise AttributeError('You must specify a DataTable class for the '
'"table_class" attribute on %s.'
% self.__class__.__name__)
if not hasattr(self, "table"):
self.table = self.table_class(self.request, **self.kwargs)
return self.table
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(DataTableView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
if hasattr(self, "table"):
context[self.context_object_name] = self.table
return context
class MixedDataTableView(DataTableView):
""" A class-based generic view to handle DataTable with mixed data
Basic usage is the same as DataTableView.
Three steps are required to use this view:
#. Set the ``table_class`` attribute with desired
:class:`~horizon.tables.DataTable` class. In the class the
``data_types`` list should have at least two elements.
#. Define a ``get_{{ data_type }}_data`` method for each data type
which returns a set of data for the table.
#. Specify a template for the ``template_name`` attribute.
table_class = None
context_object_name = 'table'
def _get_data_dict(self):
if not self._data:
table = self.table_class
self._data = {table._meta.name: []}
for data_type in table.data_types:
func_name = "get_%s_data" % data_type
data_func = getattr(self, func_name, None)
if data_func is None:
cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
raise NotImplementedError("You must define a %s method "
"for %s data type in %s." %
(func_name, data_type, cls_name))
data = data_func()
self.assign_type_string(data, data_type)
return self._data
def assign_type_string(self, data, type_string):
for datum in data:
setattr(datum, self.table_class.data_type_name,
def get_table(self):
self.table = super(MixedDataTableView, self).get_table()
if not self.table._meta.mixed_data_type:
raise AttributeError('You must have at least two elements in '
'the data_types attibute '
'in table %s to use MixedDataTableView.'
% self.table._meta.name)
return self.table