While in theory both VNC and SPICE can be enabled at the same time, this is not expected to be common. Thus, rather than adding a 'SPICE console' tab, this renames the existing 'VNC console' tab to simply be 'Console'. This tab is setup to prefer exposing a VNC console, but if that is not enabled, then expose the SPICE console. The reason for this order is that the noVNC widget has had much more testing than the current spice-html5 widget. Thus if both VNC & SPICE are enabled, VNC is likely a more reliable choice at this point in time. Blueprint: libvirt-spice Change-Id: If3d3769fe8e29c5930ac8b42d841c92182c4be72 Signed-off-by: Daniel P. Berrange <berrange@redhat.com>
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Openstack, LLC
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2012 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from novaclient.v1_1 import client as nova_client
from novaclient.v1_1 import security_group_rules as nova_rules
from novaclient.v1_1.security_groups import SecurityGroup as NovaSecurityGroup
from novaclient.v1_1.servers import REBOOT_HARD
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized
from openstack_dashboard.api.base import (APIResourceWrapper, QuotaSet,
APIDictWrapper, url_for)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# API static values
class VNCConsole(APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary returned by the
novaclient.servers.get_vnc_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class SPICEConsole(APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary returned by the
novaclient.servers.get_spice_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class Server(APIResourceWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around novaclient.server.Server
Preserves the request info so image name can later be retrieved
_attrs = ['addresses', 'attrs', 'id', 'image', 'links',
'metadata', 'name', 'private_ip', 'public_ip', 'status', 'uuid',
'image_name', 'VirtualInterfaces', 'flavor', 'key_name',
'tenant_id', 'user_id', 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state',
'OS-EXT-STS:task_state', 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name',
def __init__(self, apiresource, request):
super(Server, self).__init__(apiresource)
self.request = request
def image_name(self):
import glanceclient.exc as glance_exceptions
from openstack_dashboard.api import glance
image = glance.image_get(self.request, self.image['id'])
return image.name
except glance_exceptions.ClientException:
return "(not found)"
def internal_name(self):
return getattr(self, 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name', "")
def reboot(self, hardness=REBOOT_HARD):
novaclient(self.request).servers.reboot(self.id, hardness)
class NovaUsage(APIResourceWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around contrib/simple_usage.py."""
_attrs = ['start', 'server_usages', 'stop', 'tenant_id',
'total_local_gb_usage', 'total_memory_mb_usage',
'total_vcpus_usage', 'total_hours']
def get_summary(self):
return {'instances': self.total_active_instances,
'memory_mb': self.memory_mb,
'vcpus': getattr(self, "total_vcpus_usage", 0),
'vcpu_hours': self.vcpu_hours,
'local_gb': self.local_gb,
'disk_gb_hours': self.disk_gb_hours}
def total_active_instances(self):
return sum(1 for s in self.server_usages if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpus(self):
return sum(s['vcpus'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpu_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_hours", 0)
def local_gb(self):
return sum(s['local_gb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def memory_mb(self):
return sum(s['memory_mb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def disk_gb_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_local_gb_usage", 0)
class SecurityGroup(APIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper around novaclient.security_groups.SecurityGroup which wraps its
rules in SecurityGroupRule objects and allows access to them.
_attrs = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'tenant_id']
def rules(self):
"""Wraps transmitted rule info in the novaclient rule class."""
if "_rules" not in self.__dict__:
manager = nova_rules.SecurityGroupRuleManager
self._rules = [nova_rules.SecurityGroupRule(manager, rule)
for rule in self._apiresource.rules]
return self.__dict__['_rules']
def rules(self, value):
self._rules = value
class SecurityGroupRule(APIResourceWrapper):
""" Wrapper for individual rules in a SecurityGroup. """
_attrs = ['id', 'ip_protocol', 'from_port', 'to_port', 'ip_range', 'group']
def __unicode__(self):
if 'name' in self.group:
vals = {'from': self.from_port,
'to': self.to_port,
'group': self.group['name']}
return _('ALLOW %(from)s:%(to)s from %(group)s') % vals
vals = {'from': self.from_port,
'to': self.to_port,
'cidr': self.ip_range['cidr']}
return _('ALLOW %(from)s:%(to)s from %(cidr)s') % vals
class FlavorExtraSpec(object):
def __init__(self, flavor_id, key, val):
self.flavor_id = flavor_id
self.id = key
self.key = key
self.value = val
def novaclient(request):
insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False)
LOG.debug('novaclient connection created using token "%s" and url "%s"' %
(request.user.token.id, url_for(request, 'compute')))
c = nova_client.Client(request.user.username,
auth_url=url_for(request, 'compute'),
c.client.auth_token = request.user.token.id
c.client.management_url = url_for(request, 'compute')
return c
def server_vnc_console(request, instance_id, console_type='novnc'):
return VNCConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_vnc_console(instance_id,
def server_spice_console(request, instance_id, console_type='spice-html5'):
return SPICEConsole(novaclient(request).servers.get_spice_console(
instance_id, console_type)['console'])
def flavor_create(request, name, memory, vcpu, disk, ephemeral=0, swap=0,
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.create(name, memory, vcpu, disk,
if (metadata):
flavor_extra_set(request, flavor.id, metadata)
return flavor
def flavor_delete(request, flavor_id):
def flavor_get(request, flavor_id):
return novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
def flavor_list(request):
"""Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors)."""
return novaclient(request).flavors.list()
def flavor_get_extras(request, flavor_id, raw=False):
"""Get flavor extra specs."""
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
extras = flavor.get_keys()
if raw:
return extras
return [FlavorExtraSpec(flavor_id, key, value) for
key, value in extras.items()]
def flavor_extra_delete(request, flavor_id, keys):
"""Unset the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
return flavor.unset_keys(keys)
def flavor_extra_set(request, flavor_id, metadata):
"""Set the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
if (not metadata): # not a way to delete keys
return None
return flavor.set_keys(metadata)
def tenant_floating_ip_list(request):
"""Fetches a list of all floating ips."""
return novaclient(request).floating_ips.list()
def floating_ip_pools_list(request):
"""Fetches a list of all floating ip pools."""
return novaclient(request).floating_ip_pools.list()
def tenant_floating_ip_get(request, floating_ip_id):
"""Fetches a floating ip."""
return novaclient(request).floating_ips.get(floating_ip_id)
def tenant_floating_ip_allocate(request, pool=None):
"""Allocates a floating ip to tenant. Optionally you may provide a pool
for which you would like the IP.
return novaclient(request).floating_ips.create(pool=pool)
def tenant_floating_ip_release(request, floating_ip_id):
"""Releases floating ip from the pool of a tenant."""
return novaclient(request).floating_ips.delete(floating_ip_id)
def snapshot_create(request, instance_id, name):
return novaclient(request).servers.create_image(instance_id, name)
def keypair_create(request, name):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.create(name)
def keypair_import(request, name, public_key):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.create(name, public_key)
def keypair_delete(request, keypair_id):
def keypair_list(request):
return novaclient(request).keypairs.list()
def server_create(request, name, image, flavor, key_name, user_data,
security_groups, block_device_mapping, nics=None,
return Server(novaclient(request).servers.create(
name, image, flavor, userdata=user_data,
key_name=key_name, block_device_mapping=block_device_mapping,
min_count=instance_count), request)
def server_delete(request, instance):
def server_get(request, instance_id):
return Server(novaclient(request).servers.get(instance_id), request)
def server_list(request, search_opts=None, all_tenants=False):
if search_opts is None:
search_opts = {}
if all_tenants:
search_opts['all_tenants'] = True
search_opts['project_id'] = request.user.tenant_id
return [Server(s, request)
for s in novaclient(request).servers.list(True, search_opts)]
def server_console_output(request, instance_id, tail_length=None):
"""Gets console output of an instance."""
return novaclient(request).servers.get_console_output(instance_id,
def server_security_groups(request, instance_id):
"""Gets security groups of an instance."""
# TODO(gabriel): This needs to be moved up to novaclient, and should
# be removed once novaclient supports this call.
security_groups = []
nclient = novaclient(request)
resp, body = nclient.client.get('/servers/%s/os-security-groups'
% instance_id)
if body:
# Wrap data in SG objects as novaclient would.
sg_objs = [NovaSecurityGroup(nclient.security_groups, sg, loaded=True)
for sg in body.get('security_groups', [])]
# Then wrap novaclient's object with our own. Yes, sadly wrapping
# with two layers of objects is necessary.
security_groups = [SecurityGroup(sg) for sg in sg_objs]
# Package up the rules, as well.
for sg in security_groups:
rule_objects = [SecurityGroupRule(rule) for rule in sg.rules]
sg.rules = rule_objects
return security_groups
def server_pause(request, instance_id):
def server_unpause(request, instance_id):
def server_suspend(request, instance_id):
def server_resume(request, instance_id):
def server_reboot(request, instance_id, hardness=REBOOT_HARD):
server = server_get(request, instance_id)
def server_update(request, instance_id, name):
response = novaclient(request).servers.update(instance_id, name=name)
# TODO(gabriel): servers.update method doesn't return anything. :-(
if response is None:
return True
return response
def server_migrate(request, instance_id):
def server_confirm_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_revert_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_add_floating_ip(request, server, floating_ip):
"""Associates floating IP to server's fixed IP.
server = novaclient(request).servers.get(server)
fip = novaclient(request).floating_ips.get(floating_ip)
return novaclient(request).servers.add_floating_ip(server.id, fip.ip)
def server_remove_floating_ip(request, server, floating_ip):
"""Removes relationship between floating and server's fixed ip.
fip = novaclient(request).floating_ips.get(floating_ip)
server = novaclient(request).servers.get(fip.instance_id)
return novaclient(request).servers.remove_floating_ip(server.id, fip.ip)
def tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return QuotaSet(novaclient(request).quotas.get(tenant_id))
def tenant_quota_update(request, tenant_id, **kwargs):
novaclient(request).quotas.update(tenant_id, **kwargs)
def default_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return QuotaSet(novaclient(request).quotas.defaults(tenant_id))
def usage_get(request, tenant_id, start, end):
return NovaUsage(novaclient(request).usage.get(tenant_id, start, end))
def usage_list(request, start, end):
return [NovaUsage(u) for u in
novaclient(request).usage.list(start, end, True)]
def security_group_list(request):
return [SecurityGroup(g) for g
in novaclient(request).security_groups.list()]
def security_group_get(request, sg_id):
return SecurityGroup(novaclient(request).security_groups.get(sg_id))
def security_group_create(request, name, desc):
return SecurityGroup(novaclient(request).security_groups.create(name,
def security_group_delete(request, security_group_id):
def security_group_rule_create(request, parent_group_id, ip_protocol=None,
from_port=None, to_port=None, cidr=None,
sg = novaclient(request).security_group_rules.create(parent_group_id,
return SecurityGroupRule(sg)
def security_group_rule_delete(request, security_group_rule_id):
def virtual_interfaces_list(request, instance_id):
return novaclient(request).virtual_interfaces.list(instance_id)
def get_x509_credentials(request):
return novaclient(request).certs.create()
def get_x509_root_certificate(request):
return novaclient(request).certs.get()
def instance_volume_attach(request, volume_id, instance_id, device):
return novaclient(request).volumes.create_server_volume(instance_id,
def instance_volume_detach(request, instance_id, att_id):
return novaclient(request).volumes.delete_server_volume(instance_id,
def instance_volumes_list(request, instance_id):
from openstack_dashboard.api.cinder import cinderclient
volumes = novaclient(request).volumes.get_server_volumes(instance_id)
for volume in volumes:
volume_data = cinderclient(request).volumes.get(volume.id)
volume.name = volume_data.display_name
return volumes
def tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved=False):
limits = novaclient(request).limits.get(reserved=reserved).absolute
limits_dict = {}
for limit in limits:
# -1 is used to represent unlimited quotas
if limit.value == -1:
limits_dict[limit.name] = float("inf")
limits_dict[limit.name] = limit.value
return limits_dict