John Postlethwait 0074328fbb Updating Horizon to use LESS.
This changes all of the Bootstrap CSS and Horizon
CSS to use LESS. Horizon's specific CSS will be
organized into separate files in another commit,
as it is outside the scope of this BP.

We are also now packing LESS 1.3.0 directly within

Implementation of Blueprint transition-to-lesscss

Change-Id: Ie4be8b28ab3ce04ea21d7d5cd49c2ccb66bd8ade
2012-06-07 14:32:43 -07:00

149 lines
4.3 KiB

var path = require('path'),
sys = require('util'),
fs = require('fs');
var less = {
version: [1, 3, 0],
Parser: require('./parser').Parser,
importer: require('./parser').importer,
tree: require('./tree'),
render: function (input, options, callback) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof(options) === 'function') {
callback = options, options = {};
var parser = new(less.Parser)(options),
if (callback) {
parser.parse(input, function (e, root) {
callback(e, root && root.toCSS && root.toCSS(options));
} else {
ee = new(require('events').EventEmitter);
process.nextTick(function () {
parser.parse(input, function (e, root) {
if (e) { ee.emit('error', e) }
else { ee.emit('success', root.toCSS(options)) }
return ee;
writeError: function (ctx, options) {
options = options || {};
var message = "";
var extract = ctx.extract;
var error = [];
var stylize = options.color ? less.stylize : function (str) { return str };
if (options.silent) { return }
if (ctx.stack) { return sys.error(stylize(ctx.stack, 'red')) }
if (!ctx.hasOwnProperty('index')) {
return sys.error(ctx.stack || ctx.message);
if (typeof(extract[0]) === 'string') {
error.push(stylize((ctx.line - 1) + ' ' + extract[0], 'grey'));
if (extract[1]) {
error.push(ctx.line + ' ' + extract[1].slice(0, ctx.column)
+ stylize(stylize(stylize(extract[1][ctx.column], 'bold')
+ extract[1].slice(ctx.column + 1), 'red'), 'inverse'));
if (typeof(extract[2]) === 'string') {
error.push(stylize((ctx.line + 1) + ' ' + extract[2], 'grey'));
error = error.join('\n') + '\033[0m\n';
message += stylize(ctx.type + 'Error: ' + ctx.message, 'red');
ctx.filename && (message += stylize(' in ', 'red') + ctx.filename +
stylize(':' + ctx.line + ':' + ctx.column, 'grey'));
sys.error(message, error);
if (ctx.callLine) {
sys.error(stylize('from ', 'red') + (ctx.filename || ''));
sys.error(stylize(ctx.callLine, 'grey') + ' ' + ctx.callExtract);
['color', 'directive', 'operation', 'dimension',
'keyword', 'variable', 'ruleset', 'element',
'selector', 'quoted', 'expression', 'rule',
'call', 'url', 'alpha', 'import',
'mixin', 'comment', 'anonymous', 'value',
'javascript', 'assignment', 'condition', 'paren',
].forEach(function (n) {
require('./tree/' + n);
less.Parser.importer = function (file, paths, callback, env) {
var pathname;
// TODO: Undo this at some point,
// or use different approach.
for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
try {
pathname = path.join(paths[i], file);
} catch (e) {
pathname = null;
if (pathname) {
fs.readFile(pathname, 'utf-8', function(e, data) {
if (e) return callback(e);
paths: [path.dirname(pathname)].concat(paths),
filename: pathname
}).parse(data, function (e, root) {
callback(e, root, data);
} else {
if (typeof(env.errback) === "function") {
env.errback(file, paths, callback);
} else {
callback({ type: 'File', message: "'" + file + "' wasn't found.\n" });
for (var k in less) { exports[k] = less[k] }
// Stylize a string
function stylize(str, style) {
var styles = {
'bold' : [1, 22],
'inverse' : [7, 27],
'underline' : [4, 24],
'yellow' : [33, 39],
'green' : [32, 39],
'red' : [31, 39],
'grey' : [90, 39]
return '\033[' + styles[style][0] + 'm' + str +
'\033[' + styles[style][1] + 'm';
less.stylize = stylize;