This fixes the imports plus some timeouts waiting for nova baremetal. Change-Id: I4dc7aad55a05068081ab0b5a12da7c57d3a032f4 Signed-off-by: Tomas Sedovic <tsedovic@redhat.com>
917 lines
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917 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
import copy
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
from random import randint
import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Max
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import exceptions
from requests import ConnectionError
from novaclient.v1_1.contrib import baremetal
from tuskarclient.v1 import client as tuskar_client
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
import tuskar_ui.infrastructure.models as dummymodels
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# FIXME: request isn't used right in the tuskar client right now, but looking
# at other clients, it seems like it will be in the future
def tuskarclient(request):
c = tuskar_client.Client(TUSKAR_ENDPOINT_URL)
return c
def baremetalclient(request):
nc = nova.nova_client.Client(NOVA_BAREMETAL_CREDS['user'],
return baremetal.BareMetalNodeManager(nc)
def overcloudclient(request):
c = nova.nova_client.Client(OVERCLOUD_USERNAME,
return c
class StringIdAPIResourceWrapper(base.APIResourceWrapper):
# horizon DataTable class expects ids to be string,
# if it's not string, then comparison in
# horizon/tables/base.py:get_object_by_id fails.
# Because of this, ids returned from dummy api are converted to string
# (luckily django autoconverts strings to integers when passing string to
# django model id)
def __init__(self, apiresource, request=None):
self.request = request
self._apiresource = apiresource
# this is redefined from base.APIResourceWrapper,
# remove this when tuskarclient returns object instead of dict
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self._attrs:
if issubclass(self._apiresource.__class__, dict):
return self._apiresource.get(attr)
return self._apiresource.__getattribute__(attr)
msg = ('Attempted to access unknown attribute "%s" on '
'APIResource object of type "%s" wrapping resource of '
'type "%s".') % (attr, self.__class__,
raise AttributeError(attr)
def id(self):
return str(self._apiresource.id)
# FIXME: self.request is required when calling some instance
# methods (e.g. list_flavors), once we really start using this request
# param (if ever), a proper request value should be set
def request(self):
return getattr(self, '_request', None)
def request(self, value):
setattr(self, '_request', value)
class Alert(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Alert object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['message', 'time']
class Capacity(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Capacity object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['name', 'value', 'unit']
def create(cls, request, content_object, name, value, unit):
c = dummymodels.Capacity(
return Capacity(c)
def update(cls, request, capacity_id, content_object, name, value, unit):
c = dummymodels.Capacity.objects.get(id=capacity_id)
c.content_object = content_object
c.name = name
c.value = value
c.unit = unit
return cls(c)
# defines a random usage of capacity - API should probably be able to
# determine usage of capacity based on capacity value and obejct_id
def usage(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_usage'):
self._usage = randint(0, int(self.value))
return self._usage
# defines a random average of capacity - API should probably be able to
# determine average of capacity based on capacity value and obejct_id
def average(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_average'):
self._average = randint(0, int(self.value))
return self._average
class Node(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Node object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['id', 'pm_address', 'cpus', 'memory_mb', 'service_host',
'local_gb', 'pm_user']
def get(cls, request, node_id):
node = cls(baremetalclient(request).get(node_id))
node.request = request
# FIXME ugly, fix after demo, make abstraction of instance details
# this is realy not optimal, but i dont hve time do fix it now
instances, more = nova.server_list(
search_opts={'paginate': True},
instance_details = {}
for instance in instances:
id = (instance.
instance_details[id] = instance
detail = instance_details.get(node_id)
if detail:
addresses = detail._apiresource.addresses.get('ctlplane')
if addresses:
node.ip_address_other = (", "
.join([addr['addr'] for addr in addresses]))
node.status = detail._apiresource._info['OS-EXT-STS:vm_state']
node.power_management = ""
if node.pm_user:
node.power_management = node.pm_user + "/********"
node.status = 'unprovisioned'
return node
def list(cls, request):
return [Node(n, request) for n in
def list_unracked(cls, request):
return [n for n in Node.list(request) if (n.rack is None)]
except ConnectionError:
return []
def create(cls, request, name, cpus, memory_mb, local_gb, prov_mac_address,
pm_address, pm_user, pm_password, terminal_port):
node = baremetalclient(request).create(name, cpus, memory_mb,
local_gb, prov_mac_address,
pm_address, pm_user,
pm_password, terminal_port)
return cls(node)
def list_flavors(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_flavors'):
# FIXME: just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances = 0
if not self.rack or not self.rack.get_resource_class:
return []
resource_class = self.rack.get_resource_class
added_flavors = tuskarclient(self.request).flavors\
self._flavors = []
if added_flavors:
for f in added_flavors:
flavor_obj = Flavor(f)
#flavor_obj.max_vms = f.max_vms
# FIXME just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances += 5
flavor_obj.used_instances = used_instances
return self._flavors
def rack(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_rack'):
# FIXME the node.rack association should be stored somewhere
self._rack = None
for rack in Rack.list(self.request):
for node_obj in rack.list_nodes:
if node_obj.id == self.id:
self._rack = rack
return self._rack
msg = "Could not obtain Nodes's rack"
return None
def vm_capacity(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_vm_capacity'):
value = dummymodels.ResourceClassFlavor.objects\
value = _("Unable to retrieve vm capacity")
vm_capacity = dummymodels.Capacity(name=_("Max VMs"),
self._vm_capacity = Capacity(vm_capacity)
return self._vm_capacity
# FIXME: just mock implementation, add proper one
def running_instances(self):
return 4
# FIXME: just mock implementation, add proper one
def remaining_capacity(self):
return 100 - self.running_instances
# FIXME: just mock implementation, add proper one
def is_provisioned(self):
return self.status != "unprovisioned" and self.rack
def alerts(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_alerts'):
self._alerts = [Alert(a) for a in
return self._alerts
def mac_address(self):
return self._apiresource.interfaces[0]['address']
return None
def running_virtual_machines(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_running_virtual_machines'):
search_opts = {}
search_opts['all_tenants'] = True
self._running_virtual_machines = [s for s in
servers.list(True, search_opts)
if s.hostId == self.id]
return self._running_virtual_machines
class Rack(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Rack object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['id', 'name', 'location', 'subnet', 'nodes', 'state',
'capacities', 'resource_class']
def create(cls, request, name, resource_class_id, location, subnet,
## FIXME: set nodes here
rack = tuskarclient(request).racks.create(
resource_class={'id': resource_class_id},
return cls(rack)
def update(cls, request, rack_id, kwargs):
## FIXME: set nodes here
correct_kwargs = copy.copy(kwargs)
# remove rack_id from kwargs (othervise it is duplicated)
correct_kwargs.pop('rack_id', None)
# correct data mapping for resource_class
if 'resource_class_id' in correct_kwargs:
correct_kwargs['resource_class'] = {
'id': correct_kwargs.pop('resource_class_id', None)}
rack = tuskarclient(request).racks.update(rack_id, **correct_kwargs)
return cls(rack)
def list(cls, request, only_free_racks=False):
if only_free_racks:
return [Rack(r, request) for r in
tuskarclient(request).racks.list() if (
r.resource_class is None)]
return [Rack(r, request) for r in
def get(cls, request, rack_id):
rack = cls(tuskarclient(request).racks.get(rack_id))
rack.request = request
return rack
def delete(cls, request, rack_id):
def node_ids(self):
""" List of unicode ids of nodes added to rack"""
return [
unicode(node['id']) for node in (
def list_nodes(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_nodes'):
self._nodes = [Node.get(self.request, node['id']) for node in
return self._nodes
def nodes_count(self):
return len(self.nodes)
def resource_class_id(self):
rclass = self.resource_class
return rclass['id'] if rclass else None
def get_resource_class(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_resource_class'):
rclass = self.resource_class
if rclass:
self._resource_class = ResourceClass.get(self.request,
self._resource_class = None
return self._resource_class
def list_capacities(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_capacities'):
self._capacities = [Capacity(c) for c in self.capacities]
return self._capacities
def vm_capacity(self):
""" Rack VM Capacity is maximum value from its Resource Class's
Flavors max_vms (considering flavor sizes are multiples).
if not hasattr(self, '_vm_capacity'):
value = max([flavor.max_vms for flavor in
value = None
self._vm_capacity = Capacity({'name': "VM Capacity",
'value': value,
'unit': 'VMs'})
return self._vm_capacity
def alerts(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_alerts'):
self._alerts = [Alert(a) for a in
return self._alerts
def aggregated_alerts(self):
# FIXME: for now return only list of nodes (particular alerts are not
# used)
return [node for node in self.list_nodes if node.alerts]
def list_flavors(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_flavors'):
# FIXME just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances = 0
if not self.get_resource_class:
return []
added_flavors = tuskarclient(self.request).flavors\
self._flavors = []
if added_flavors:
for f in added_flavors:
flavor_obj = Flavor(f)
#flavor_obj.max_vms = f.max_vms
# FIXME just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances += 2
flavor_obj.used_instances = used_instances
return self._flavors
def all_used_instances(self):
return [flavor.used_instances for flavor in self.list_flavors]
def total_instances(self):
# FIXME just mock implementation, add proper one
return sum(self.all_used_instances)
def remaining_capacity(self):
# FIXME just mock implementation, add proper one
return 100 - self.total_instances
def is_provisioned(self):
return (self.state == 'active') or (self.state == 'error')
def is_provisioning(self):
return (self.state == 'provisioning')
def provision(cls, request, rack_id):
class ResourceClass(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the ResourceClass object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['id', 'name', 'service_type', 'racks']
def get(cls, request, resource_class_id):
rc = cls(tuskarclient(request).resource_classes.get(resource_class_id))
rc.request = request
return rc
def create(self, request, name, service_type, flavors):
return ResourceClass(
def list(cls, request):
return [cls(rc, request) for rc in (
def update(cls, request, resource_class_id, **kwargs):
resource_class = cls(tuskarclient(request).resource_classes.update(
resource_class_id, **kwargs))
## FIXME: flavors have to be updated separately, seems less than ideal
for flavor_id in resource_class.flavors_ids:
Flavor.delete(request, resource_class.id, flavor_id)
for flavor in kwargs['flavors']:
Flavor.create(request, resource_class.id, **flavor)
return resource_class
def deletable(self):
return (len(self.racks) <= 0)
def delete(cls, request, resource_class_id):
def racks_ids(self):
""" List of unicode ids of racks added to resource class """
return [
unicode(rack['id']) for rack in self.racks]
def list_racks(self):
""" List of racks added to ResourceClass """
if not hasattr(self, '_racks'):
self._racks = [Rack.get(self.request, rid) for rid in (
return self._racks
def set_racks(self, request, racks_ids):
# FIXME: there is a bug now in tuskar, we have to remove all racks at
# first and then add new ones:
# https://github.com/tuskar/tuskar/issues/37
tuskarclient(request).resource_classes.update(self.id, racks=[])
racks = [{'id': rid} for rid in racks_ids]
tuskarclient(request).resource_classes.update(self.id, racks=racks)
def racks_count(self):
return len(self.racks)
def all_racks(self):
""" List of racks added to ResourceClass + list of free racks,
meaning racks that don't belong to any ResourceClass"""
if not hasattr(self, '_all_racks'):
self._all_racks =\
[r for r in (
Rack.list(self.request)) if (
r.resource_class_id is None or
str(r.resource_class_id) == self.id)]
return self._all_racks
def nodes(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_nodes'):
nodes_lists = [rack.list_nodes for rack in self.list_racks]
self._nodes = [node for nodes in nodes_lists for node in nodes]
return self._nodes
def nodes_count(self):
return len(self.nodes)
def flavors_ids(self):
""" List of unicode ids of flavors added to resource class """
return [unicode(flavor.id) for flavor in self.list_flavors]
def list_flavors(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_flavors'):
# FIXME just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances = 0
added_flavors = tuskarclient(self.request).flavors.list(self.id)
self._flavors = []
for f in added_flavors:
flavor_obj = Flavor(f)
#flavor_obj.max_vms = f.max_vms
# FIXME just a mock of used instances, add real values
used_instances += 5
flavor_obj.used_instances = used_instances
return self._flavors
def all_flavors(self):
""" Joined relation table resourceclassflavor with all global flavors
if not hasattr(self, '_all_flavors'):
my_flavors = self.list_flavors
self._all_flavors = []
for flavor in FlavorTemplate.list(self.request):
fname = "%s.%s" % (self.name, flavor.name)
f = next((f for f in my_flavors if f.name == fname), None)
if f:
flavor.max_vms = f.max_vms
return self._all_flavors
# FIXME: for now, we display list of flavor templates when
# editing a resource class - we have to set id of flavor template, not
# flavor
def flavortemplates_ids(self):
""" List of unicode ids of flavor templates added to resource class """
return [unicode(ft.flavor_template.id) for ft in self.list_flavors]
def all_used_instances(self):
return [flavor.used_instances for flavor in self.list_flavors]
def total_instances(self):
# FIXME just mock implementation, add proper one
return sum(self.all_used_instances)
def remaining_capacity(self):
# FIXME just mock implementation, add proper one
return 100 - self.total_instances
def capacities(self):
"""Aggregates Rack capacities values
if not hasattr(self, '_capacities'):
capacities = [rack.list_capacities for rack in self.list_racks]
def add_capacities(c1, c2):
return [Capacity({'name': a.name,
'value': int(a.value) + int(b.value),
'unit': a.unit}) for a, b in zip(c1, c2)]
self._capacities = reduce(add_capacities, capacities)
return self._capacities
def vm_capacity(self):
""" Resource Class VM Capacity is maximum value from It's Flavors
max_vms (considering flavor sizes are multiples), multipled by
number of Racks in Resource Class.
if not hasattr(self, '_vm_capacity'):
value = self.racks_count * max([flavor.max_vms for flavor in
value = _("Unable to retrieve vm capacity")
self._vm_capacity = Capacity({'name': _("VM Capacity"),
'value': value,
'unit': _('VMs')})
return self._vm_capacity
def aggregated_alerts(self):
# FIXME: for now return only list of racks (particular alerts are not
# used)
return [rack for rack in self.list_racks if (rack.alerts +
def has_provisioned_rack(self):
return any([rack.is_provisioned for rack in self.list_racks])
class FlavorTemplate(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Flavor object returned by the
dummy model.
_attrs = ['name']
def max_vms(self):
return getattr(self, '_max_vms', '0')
def max_vms(self, value='0'):
self._max_vms = value
def used_instances(self):
return getattr(self, '_used_instances', 0)
def used_instances(self, value=0):
self._used_instances = value
def list(cls, request, only_free_racks=False):
return [cls(f) for f in dummymodels.FlavorTemplate.objects.all()]
def get(cls, request, flavor_id):
return cls(dummymodels.FlavorTemplate.objects.get(id=flavor_id))
def create(cls, request,
name, cpu, memory, storage, ephemeral_disk, swap_disk):
template = dummymodels.FlavorTemplate(name=name)
Capacity.create(request, template, 'cpu', cpu, '')
Capacity.create(request, template, 'memory', memory, 'MB')
Capacity.create(request, template, 'storage', storage, 'GB')
template, 'ephemeral_disk', ephemeral_disk, 'GB')
Capacity.create(request, template, 'swap_disk', swap_disk, 'MB')
def capacities(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_capacities'):
self._capacities = [Capacity(c) for c in
return self._capacities
def capacity(self, capacity_name):
key = "_%s" % capacity_name
if not hasattr(self, key):
capacity = [c for c in self.capacities if (
c.name == capacity_name)][0]
capacity = dummymodels.Capacity(
value=_('Unable to retrieve '
'(Is the flavor configured properly?)'),
setattr(self, key, capacity)
return getattr(self, key)
def cpu(self):
return self.capacity('cpu')
def memory(self):
return self.capacity('memory')
def storage(self):
return self.capacity('storage')
def ephemeral_disk(self):
return self.capacity('ephemeral_disk')
def swap_disk(self):
return self.capacity('swap_disk')
def running_virtual_machines(self):
# FIXME: arbitrary number
return randint(0, int(self.cpu.value))
# defines a random average of capacity - API should probably be able to
# determine average of capacity based on capacity value and obejct_id
def vms_over_time(self, start_time, end_time):
values = []
current_time = start_time
while current_time <= end_time:
{'date': current_time,
'active_vms': randint(0, self.running_virtual_machines)})
current_time += timedelta(hours=1)
return values
def update(cls, request, template_id, name, cpu, memory, storage,
ephemeral_disk, swap_disk):
t = dummymodels.FlavorTemplate.objects.get(id=template_id)
t.name = name
template = cls(t)
Capacity.update(request, template.cpu.id, template._apiresource,
'cpu', cpu, '')
Capacity.update(request, template.memory.id, template._apiresource,
'memory', memory, 'MB')
Capacity.update(request, template.storage.id, template._apiresource,
'storage', storage, 'GB')
Capacity.update(request, template.ephemeral_disk.id,
template._apiresource, 'ephemeral_disk',
ephemeral_disk, 'GB')
Capacity.update(request, template.swap_disk.id, template._apiresource,
'swap_disk', swap_disk, 'MB')
return template
def delete(cls, request, template_id):
class Flavor(StringIdAPIResourceWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the Flavor object returned by Tuskar.
_attrs = ['id', 'name', 'max_vms']
def create(cls, request, resource_class_id, name, max_vms, capacities):
return cls(tuskarclient(request).flavors.create(
def delete(cls, request, resource_class_id, flavor_id):
tuskarclient(request).flavors.delete(resource_class_id, flavor_id)
# FIXME: returns flavor template for this flavor
def flavor_template(self):
# strip resource class prefix from flavor name before comparing:
fname = re.sub(r'^.*\.', '', self.name)
return next(f for f in FlavorTemplate.list(None) if (
f.name == fname))
def capacities(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_capacities'):
## FIXME: should we distinguish between tuskar
## capacities and our internal capacities?
CapacityStruct = namedtuple('CapacityStruct', 'name value unit')
self._capacities = [Capacity(CapacityStruct(
unit=c['unit'])) for c in self._apiresource.capacities]
return self._capacities
def capacity(self, capacity_name):
key = "_%s" % capacity_name
if not hasattr(self, key):
capacity = [c for c in self.capacities if (
c.name == capacity_name)][0]
# FIXME: test this
capacity = Capacity(
value=_('Unable to retrieve '
'(Is the flavor configured properly?)'),
setattr(self, key, capacity)
return getattr(self, key)
def cpu(self):
return self.capacity('cpu')
def memory(self):
return self.capacity('memory')
def storage(self):
return self.capacity('storage')
def ephemeral_disk(self):
return self.capacity('ephemeral_disk')
def swap_disk(self):
return self.capacity('swap_disk')
def running_virtual_machines(self):
# FIXME: arbitrary number
return randint(0, int(self.cpu.value))
# defines a random average of capacity - API should probably be able to
# determine average of capacity based on capacity value and obejct_id
def vms_over_time(self, start_time, end_time):
values = []
current_time = start_time
while current_time <= end_time:
values.append({'date': current_time,
'value': randint(0, self.running_virtual_machines)})
current_time += timedelta(hours=1)
return values