Ke Wu 89d3d11cb1 Adds ResourceBrowser and ResourceBrowserView class
related: blueprint swift-ui-improvements

Provides new API for building browser for navigation,
as well as new look and feel in CSS.
Applies it to container panel of the nova dashboard.

Change-Id: Iecd984263bae7c3774a0630639f645cee4cffca9
2012-08-09 16:48:57 -07:00

676 lines
28 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from django import http
from django import shortcuts
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from mox import IsA
from horizon import tables
from horizon import test
class FakeObject(object):
def __init__(self, id, name, value, status, optional=None, excluded=None):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.status = status
self.optional = optional
self.excluded = excluded
self.extra = "extra"
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
FakeObject('1', 'object_1', 'value_1', 'up', 'optional_1', 'excluded_1'),
FakeObject('2', 'object_2', '<strong>evil</strong>', 'down', 'optional_2'),
FakeObject('3', 'object_3', 'value_3', 'up'),
FakeObject('1', 'object_1', 'value_1', 'down', 'optional_1', 'excluded_1'),
FakeObject('1', 'object_1', 'value_1', 'up', 'optional_1', 'excluded_1'),
FakeObject('1', 'object_1', 2, 'up'),
FakeObject('2', 'object_2', 4, 'up'),
FakeObject('1', 'object_1', 'A Value That is longer than 35 characters!',
'down', 'optional_1'),
class MyLinkAction(tables.LinkAction):
name = "login"
verbose_name = "Log In"
url = "login"
attrs = {
"class": "ajax-modal",
def get_link_url(self, datum=None, *args, **kwargs):
return reverse(self.url)
class MyAction(tables.Action):
name = "delete"
verbose_name = "Delete Me"
verbose_name_plural = "Delete Them"
def allowed(self, request, obj=None):
return getattr(obj, 'status', None) != 'down'
def handle(self, data_table, request, object_ids):
return shortcuts.redirect('http://example.com/?ids=%s'
% ",".join(object_ids))
class MyColumn(tables.Column):
class MyRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(cls, request, obj_id):
return TEST_DATA_2[0]
class MyBatchAction(tables.BatchAction):
name = "batch"
action_present = _("Batch")
action_past = _("Batched")
data_type_singular = _("Item")
data_type_plural = _("Items")
def action(self, request, object_ids):
class MyToggleAction(tables.BatchAction):
name = "toggle"
action_present = (_("Down"), _("Up"))
action_past = (_("Downed"), _("Upped"))
data_type_singular = _("Item")
data_type_plural = _("Items")
def allowed(self, request, obj=None):
if not obj:
return False
self.down = getattr(obj, 'status', None) == 'down'
if self.down:
self.current_present_action = 1
return self.down or getattr(obj, 'status', None) == 'up'
def action(self, request, object_ids):
if self.down:
#up it
self.current_past_action = 1
class MyFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
def filter(self, table, objs, filter_string):
q = filter_string.lower()
def comp(obj):
if q in obj.name.lower():
return True
return False
return filter(comp, objs)
def get_name(obj):
return "custom %s" % obj.name
def get_link(obj):
return reverse('login')
class MyTable(tables.DataTable):
id = tables.Column('id', hidden=True, sortable=False)
name = tables.Column(get_name, verbose_name="Verbose Name", sortable=True)
value = tables.Column('value',
attrs={'class': 'green blue'},
status = tables.Column('status', link=get_link)
optional = tables.Column('optional', empty_value='N/A')
excluded = tables.Column('excluded')
class Meta:
name = "my_table"
verbose_name = "My Table"
status_columns = ["status"]
columns = ('id', 'name', 'value', 'optional', 'status')
row_class = MyRow
column_class = MyColumn
table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction, MyBatchAction)
row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction, MyBatchAction, MyToggleAction)
class NoActionsTable(tables.DataTable):
id = tables.Column('id')
class Meta:
name = "no_actions_table"
verbose_name = _("No Actions Table")
table_actions = ()
row_actions = ()
class DataTableTests(test.TestCase):
def test_table_instantiation(self):
""" Tests everything that happens when the table is instantiated. """
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
# Properties defined on the table
self.assertEqual(self.table.data, TEST_DATA)
self.assertEqual(self.table.name, "my_table")
# Verify calculated options that weren't specified explicitly
# Test for verbose_name
self.assertEqual(unicode(self.table), u"My Table")
# Column ordering and exclusion.
# This should include auto-columns for multi_select and actions,
# but should not contain the excluded column.
# Additionally, auto-generated columns should use the custom
# column class specified on the table.
['<MyColumn: multi_select>',
'<Column: id>',
'<Column: name>',
'<Column: value>',
'<Column: optional>',
'<Column: status>',
'<MyColumn: actions>'])
# Actions (these also test ordering)
['<MyBatchAction: batch>',
'<MyAction: delete>',
'<MyFilterAction: filter>',
'<MyLinkAction: login>',
'<MyToggleAction: toggle>'])
['<MyFilterAction: filter>',
'<MyAction: delete>',
'<MyBatchAction: batch>'])
['<MyAction: delete>',
'<MyLinkAction: login>',
'<MyBatchAction: batch>',
'<MyToggleAction: toggle>'])
# Auto-generated columns
multi_select = self.table.columns['multi_select']
self.assertEqual(multi_select.auto, "multi_select")
self.assertEqual(multi_select.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""),
actions = self.table.columns['actions']
self.assertEqual(actions.auto, "actions")
self.assertEqual(actions.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""),
def test_table_force_no_multiselect(self):
class TempTable(MyTable):
class Meta:
columns = ('id',)
table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,)
row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,)
multi_select = False
self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
['<Column: id>',
'<Column: actions>'])
def test_table_force_no_actions_column(self):
class TempTable(MyTable):
class Meta:
columns = ('id',)
table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,)
row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,)
actions_column = False
self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
['<Column: multi_select>',
'<Column: id>'])
def test_table_natural_no_actions_column(self):
class TempTable(MyTable):
class Meta:
columns = ('id',)
table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,)
self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
['<Column: multi_select>',
'<Column: id>'])
def test_table_natural_no_multiselect(self):
class TempTable(MyTable):
class Meta:
columns = ('id',)
row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,)
self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
['<Column: id>',
'<Column: actions>'])
def test_table_column_inheritance(self):
class TempTable(MyTable):
extra = tables.Column('extra')
class Meta:
name = "temp_table"
table_actions = (MyFilterAction, MyAction,)
row_actions = (MyAction, MyLinkAction,)
self.table = TempTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
['<Column: multi_select>',
'<Column: id>',
'<Column: name>',
'<Column: value>',
'<Column: status>',
'<Column: optional>',
'<Column: excluded>',
'<Column: extra>',
'<Column: actions>'])
def test_table_construction(self):
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
# Verify we retrieve the right columns for headers
columns = self.table.get_columns()
self.assertQuerysetEqual(columns, ['<MyColumn: multi_select>',
'<Column: id>',
'<Column: name>',
'<Column: value>',
'<Column: optional>',
'<Column: status>',
'<MyColumn: actions>'])
# Verify we retrieve the right rows from our data
rows = self.table.get_rows()
self.assertQuerysetEqual(rows, ['<MyRow: my_table__row__1>',
'<MyRow: my_table__row__2>',
'<MyRow: my_table__row__3>'])
# Verify each row contains the right cells
['<Cell: multi_select, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: id, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: name, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: value, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: optional, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: status, my_table__row__1>',
'<Cell: actions, my_table__row__1>'])
def test_table_column(self):
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
row = self.table.get_rows()[0]
row3 = self.table.get_rows()[2]
id_col = self.table.columns['id']
name_col = self.table.columns['name']
value_col = self.table.columns['value']
# transform
self.assertEqual(row.cells['id'].data, '1') # Standard attr access
self.assertEqual(row.cells['name'].data, 'custom object_1') # Callable
# name and verbose_name
self.assertEqual(unicode(id_col), "Id")
self.assertEqual(unicode(name_col), "Verbose Name")
# sortable
self.assertEqual(id_col.sortable, False)
self.assertNotIn("sortable", id_col.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""))
self.assertEqual(name_col.sortable, True)
self.assertIn("sortable", name_col.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""))
# hidden
self.assertEqual(id_col.hidden, True)
self.assertIn("hide", id_col.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""))
self.assertEqual(name_col.hidden, False)
self.assertNotIn("hide", name_col.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""))
# link and get_link_url
self.assertIn('href="http://example.com/"', row.cells['value'].value)
self.assertIn('href="/auth/login/"', row.cells['status'].value)
# empty_value
self.assertEqual(row3.cells['optional'].value, "N/A")
# classes
self.assertEqual(value_col.get_final_attrs().get('class', ""),
"green blue sortable anchor normal_column")
# status
cell_status = row.cells['status'].status
self.assertEqual(cell_status, True)
# status_choices
id_col.status = True
id_col.status_choices = (('1', False), ('2', True), ('3', None))
cell_status = row.cells['id'].status
self.assertEqual(cell_status, False)
cell_status = row3.cells['id'].status
self.assertEqual(cell_status, None)
# Ensure data is not cached on the column across table instances
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_2)
row = self.table.get_rows()[0]
self.assertTrue("down" in row.cells['status'].value)
def test_table_row(self):
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
row = self.table.get_rows()[0]
self.assertEqual(row.table, self.table)
self.assertEqual(row.datum, TEST_DATA[0])
self.assertEqual(row.id, 'my_table__row__1')
# Verify row status works even if status isn't set on the column
self.assertEqual(row.status, True)
self.assertEqual(row.status_class, 'status_up')
# Check the cells as well
cell_status = row.cells['status'].status
self.assertEqual(cell_status, True)
def test_table_column_truncation(self):
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_5)
row = self.table.get_rows()[0]
self.assertEqual(len(row.cells['value'].data), 35)
u'A Value That is longer than 35 c...')
def test_table_rendering(self):
self.table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
# Table actions
table_actions = self.table.render_table_actions()
resp = http.HttpResponse(table_actions)
self.assertContains(resp, "table_search", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__filter__q", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__delete", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__action_delete"', 1)
# Row actions
row_actions = self.table.render_row_actions(TEST_DATA[0])
resp = http.HttpResponse(row_actions)
self.assertContains(resp, "<li", 3)
self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__delete__1", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__toggle__1", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, "/auth/login/", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, "ajax-modal", 1)
self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row_1__action_delete"', 1)
# Whole table
resp = http.HttpResponse(self.table.render())
self.assertContains(resp, '<table id="my_table"', 1)
self.assertContains(resp, '<th ', 8)
self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__1"', 1)
self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__2"', 1)
self.assertContains(resp, 'id="my_table__row__3"', 1)
update_string = "action=row_update&amp;table=my_table&amp;obj_id="
self.assertContains(resp, update_string, 3)
self.assertContains(resp, "data-update-interval", 3)
# Verify our XSS protection
self.assertContains(resp, '<a href="http://example.com/">'
'&lt;strong&gt;evil&lt;/strong&gt;</a>', 1)
# Filter = False hides the search box
self.table._meta.filter = False
table_actions = self.table.render_table_actions()
resp = http.HttpResponse(table_actions)
self.assertContains(resp, "table_search", 0)
def test_table_actions(self):
# Single object action
action_string = "my_table__delete__1"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'delete', '1'))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(handled["location"], "http://example.com/?ids=1")
# Batch action (without toggle) conjugation behavior
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/')
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA_3)
toggle_action = self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA_3[0])[2]
self.assertEqual(unicode(toggle_action.verbose_name), "Batch Item")
# Single object toggle action
# GET page - 'up' to 'down'
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/')
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA_3)
self.assertEqual(len(self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA_3[0])), 4)
toggle_action = self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA_3[0])[3]
self.assertEqual(unicode(toggle_action.verbose_name), "Down Item")
# Toggle from status 'up' to 'down'
# POST page
action_string = "my_table__toggle__1"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'toggle', '1'))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(handled["location"], "/my_url/")
u"Downed Item: object_1")
# Toggle from status 'down' to 'up'
# GET page - 'down' to 'up'
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/')
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA_2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA_2[0])), 3)
toggle_action = self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA_2[0])[2]
self.assertEqual(unicode(toggle_action.verbose_name), "Up Item")
# POST page
action_string = "my_table__toggle__2"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'toggle', '2'))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(handled["location"], "/my_url/")
u"Upped Item: object_2")
# Multiple object action
action_string = "my_table__delete"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string,
'object_ids': [1, 2]})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'delete', None))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(handled["location"], "http://example.com/?ids=1,2")
# Action with nothing selected
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'delete', None))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled, None)
"Please select a row before taking that action.")
# Action with specific id and multiple ids favors single id
action_string = "my_table__delete__3"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string,
'object_ids': [1, 2]})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
('my_table', 'delete', '3'))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
# At least one object in table
# BatchAction is available
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/')
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA_2)
['<MyFilterAction: filter>',
'<MyAction: delete>',
'<MyBatchAction: batch>'])
# Zero objects in table
# BatchAction not available
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/')
self.table = MyTable(req, None)
['<MyFilterAction: filter>',
'<MyAction: delete>'])
# Filtering
action_string = "my_table__filter__q"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {action_string: '2'})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled, None)
['<FakeObject: object_2>'])
# Ensure fitering respects the request method, e.g. no filter here
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/', {action_string: '2'})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled, None)
['<FakeObject: object_1>',
'<FakeObject: object_2>',
'<FakeObject: object_3>'])
# Updating and preemptive actions
params = {"table": "my_table", "action": "row_update", "obj_id": "1"}
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/',
self.table = MyTable(req)
resp = self.table.maybe_preempt()
self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
# Make sure the data returned differs from the original
self.assertContains(resp, "my_table__row__1")
self.assertContains(resp, "status_down")
# Verify that we don't get a response for a valid action with the
# wrong method.
params = {"table": "my_table", "action": "delete", "obj_id": "1"}
req = self.factory.get('/my_url/', params)
self.table = MyTable(req)
resp = self.table.maybe_preempt()
self.assertEqual(resp, None)
resp = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(resp, None)
# Verbose names
table_actions = self.table.get_table_actions()
self.assertEqual(unicode(table_actions[0].verbose_name), "filter")
self.assertEqual(unicode(table_actions[1].verbose_name), "Delete Me")
row_actions = self.table.get_row_actions(TEST_DATA[0])
self.assertEqual(unicode(row_actions[0].verbose_name), "Delete Me")
self.assertEqual(unicode(row_actions[1].verbose_name), "Log In")
def test_column_uniqueness(self):
table1 = MyTable(self.request)
table2 = MyTable(self.request)
# Regression test for launchpad bug 964345.
self.assertNotEqual(id(table1), id(table2))
self.assertNotEqual(id(table1.columns), id(table2.columns))
t1cols = table1.columns.values()
t2cols = table2.columns.values()
self.assertEqual(t1cols[0].name, t2cols[0].name)
self.assertNotEqual(id(t1cols[0]), id(t2cols[0]))
def test_summation_row(self):
# Test with the "average" method.
table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA_4)
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertContains(res, '<tr class="summation"', 1)
self.assertContains(res, '<td>Summary</td>', 1)
self.assertContains(res, '<td>3.0</td>', 1)
# Test again with the "sum" method.
table.columns['value'].summation = "sum"
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertContains(res, '<tr class="summation"', 1)
self.assertContains(res, '<td>Summary</td>', 1)
self.assertContains(res, '<td>6</td>', 1)
# One last test with no summation.
table.columns['value'].summation = None
table.needs_summary_row = False
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertNotContains(res, '<tr class="summation"')
self.assertNotContains(res, '<td>3.0</td>')
self.assertNotContains(res, '<td>6</td>')
def test_table_action_attributes(self):
table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertContains(res, "<form")
table = MyTable(self.request, TEST_DATA, needs_form_wrapper=False)
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertNotContains(res, "<form")
table = NoActionsTable(self.request, TEST_DATA)
res = http.HttpResponse(table.render())
self.assertNotContains(res, "<form")
def test_table_action_object_display_is_none(self):
action_string = "my_table__toggle__1"
req = self.factory.post('/my_url/', {'action': action_string})
self.table = MyTable(req, TEST_DATA)
self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.table, 'get_object_display')
('my_table', 'toggle', '1'))
handled = self.table.maybe_handle()
self.assertEqual(handled.status_code, 302)
self.assertEqual(handled["location"], "/my_url/")
u"Downed Item: N/A")