Implements blueprint floating-ips-workflow. Change-Id: I2b850aa0f3e8f4e11d9bd94c97e1dc4336fa5bb1
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253 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from django import forms
from django import http
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import test
from horizon import workflows
def local_callback_func(request, context):
return "one"
def other_callback_func(request, context):
return "two"
def extra_callback_func(request, context):
return "extra"
class TestActionOne(workflows.Action):
project_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Project"))
user_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("User"))
class Meta:
name = _("Test Action One")
slug = "test_action_one"
def populate_project_id_choices(self, request, context):
return [(tenant.id, tenant.name) for tenant in
def populate_user_id_choices(self, request, context):
return [(request.user.id, request.user.username)]
def handle(self, request, context):
return {"foo": "bar"}
class TestActionTwo(workflows.Action):
instance_id = forms.CharField(label=_("Instance"))
class Meta:
name = _("Test Action Two")
slug = "test_action_two"
class TestActionThree(workflows.Action):
extra = forms.CharField(widget=forms.widgets.Textarea)
class Meta:
name = _("Test Action Three")
slug = "test_action_three"
class AdminAction(workflows.Action):
admin_id = forms.CharField(label=_("Admin"))
class Meta:
name = _("Admin Action")
slug = "admin_action"
roles = ("admin",)
class TestStepOne(workflows.Step):
action_class = TestActionOne
contributes = ("project_id", "user_id")
class TestStepTwo(workflows.Step):
action_class = TestActionTwo
depends_on = ("project_id",)
contributes = ("instance_id",)
connections = {"project_id": (local_callback_func,
class TestExtraStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = TestActionThree
depends_on = ("project_id",)
contributes = ("extra_data",)
connections = {"project_id": (extra_callback_func,)}
after = TestStepOne
before = TestStepTwo
class AdminStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = AdminAction
contributes = ("admin_id",)
after = TestStepOne
before = TestStepTwo
class TestWorkflow(workflows.Workflow):
slug = "test_workflow"
default_steps = (TestStepOne, TestStepTwo)
class TestWorkflowView(workflows.WorkflowView):
workflow_class = TestWorkflow
template_name = "workflow.html"
class WorkflowsTests(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(WorkflowsTests, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
super(WorkflowsTests, self).tearDown()
def _reset_workflow(self):
TestWorkflow._cls_registry = set([])
def test_workflow_construction(self):
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
['<TestStepOne: test_action_one>',
'<TestExtraStep: test_action_three>',
'<TestStepTwo: test_action_two>'])
self.assertEqual(flow.depends_on, set(['project_id']))
def test_step_construction(self):
step_one = TestStepOne(TestWorkflow(self.request))
# Action slug is moved from Meta by metaclass, and
# Step inherits slug from action.
self.assertEqual(step_one.name, TestActionOne.name)
self.assertEqual(step_one.slug, TestActionOne.slug)
# Handlers should be empty since there are no connections.
self.assertEqual(step_one._handlers, {})
step_two = TestStepTwo(TestWorkflow(self.request))
# Handlers should be populated since we do have connections.
[local_callback_func, other_callback_func])
def test_step_invalid_callback(self):
# This should raise an exception
class InvalidStep(TestStepTwo):
connections = {"project_id": ('local_callback_func',)}
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_connection_handlers_called(self):
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
# This should set the value without any errors, but trigger nothing
flow.context['does_not_exist'] = False
self.assertEqual(flow.context['does_not_exist'], False)
# The order here is relevant. Note that we inserted "extra" between
# steps one and two, and one has no handlers, so we should see
# a response from extra, then one from each of step two's handlers.
val = flow.context.set('project_id', self.tenant.id)
self.assertEqual(val, [('test_action_three', 'extra'),
('test_action_two', 'one'),
('test_action_two', 'two')])
def test_workflow_validation(self):
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
# Missing items fail validation.
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.WorkflowValidationError):
# All required items pass validation.
seed = {"project_id": self.tenant.id,
"user_id": self.user.id,
"instance_id": self.servers.first().id}
req = self.factory.post("/", seed)
flow = TestWorkflow(req, context_seed={"project_id": self.tenant.id})
for step in flow.steps:
if not step.action.is_valid():
self.fail("Step %s was unexpectedly invalid: %s"
% (step.slug, step.action.errors))
# Additional items shouldn't affect validation
flow.context.set("extra_data", "foo")
def test_workflow_finalization(self):
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
def test_workflow_view(self):
view = TestWorkflowView.as_view()
req = self.factory.get("/")
res = view(req)
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
def test_workflow_registration(self):
req = self.factory.get("/foo")
flow = TestWorkflow(req)
['<TestStepOne: test_action_one>',
'<TestStepTwo: test_action_two>'])
flow = TestWorkflow(req)
['<TestStepOne: test_action_one>',
'<TestExtraStep: test_action_three>',
'<TestStepTwo: test_action_two>'])
def test_workflow_render(self):
req = self.factory.get("/foo")
flow = TestWorkflow(req)
output = http.HttpResponse(flow.render())
self.assertContains(output, unicode(flow.name))
self.assertContains(output, unicode(TestActionOne.name))
self.assertContains(output, unicode(TestActionTwo.name))
self.assertContains(output, unicode(TestActionThree.name))
def test_can_haz(self):
self.assertQuerysetEqual(TestWorkflow._cls_registry, [])
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
step = AdminStep(flow)
self.assertItemsEqual(step.roles, (self.roles.admin.name,))
['<TestStepOne: test_action_one>',
'<TestStepTwo: test_action_two>'])
self.request.user.roles = (self.roles.admin._info,)
flow = TestWorkflow(self.request)
['<TestStepOne: test_action_one>',
'<AdminStep: admin_action>',
'<TestStepTwo: test_action_two>'])