
OpenStack Dashboard

The OpenStack Dashboard is a reference implementation of a Django site that
uses the Django-Nova project to provide web based interactions with the
OpenStack Nova cloud controller.

For more information about the Django-Nova project, please visit:


Getting Started

The first step is to obtain a local copy of the django-nova project:

  $ mkdir django-nova
  $ cd django-nova
  $ bzr init-repo .
  $ bzr branch lp:django-nova/trunk

Next we will create the virtualenv for local development. A tool is included to
create one for you:

  $ python tools/install_venv.py

Now that the virtualenv is created, you need to configure your local
environment.  To do this, create a local_settings.py file in the local/
directory.  There is a local_settings.py.example file there that may be used
as a template.

Finally, issue the django syncdb command:

  $ tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb

If after you have specified the admin user the script appears to hang, it
probably means the installation of Nova being referred to in local_settings.py
is unavailable.

If all is well you should now able to run the server locally:

  $ tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver