
OpenStack Django-Nova

The Django-Nova project is a Django module that is used to provide web based
interactions with the OpenStack Nova cloud controller.

There is a reference implementation that uses this module located at:


It is highly recommended that you make use of this reference implementation
so that changes you make can be visualized effectively and are consistent.
Using this reference implementation as a development environment will greatly
simplify development of the django-nova module.

Of course, if you are developing your own Django site using django-nova, then
you can disregard this advice.

Getting Started

Django-Nova uses Buildout (http://www.buildout.org/) to manage local
development.  To configure your local Buildout environment:

  $ python bootstrap.py
  $ bin/buildout

This will install all the dependencies of django-nova and provide some useful
scripts in the bin/ directory:

  bin/python provides a python shell for the current buildout.
  bin/django provides django functions for the current buildout.

You should now be able to run unit tests as follows:

  $ bin/django test