#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # Using the REST API, populates the DB with some sample data # Based on python-ceilometerclient/ceilometerclient/common/http.py import httplib import json import logging import socket import urlparse import uuid LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def log_curl_request(conn, base_url, url, method, kwargs): curl = ['curl -i -X %s' % method] for (key, value) in kwargs['headers'].items(): header = '-H \'%s: %s\'' % (key, value) curl.append(header) if 'body' in kwargs: curl.append('-d \'%s\'' % kwargs['body']) curl.append('http://%s:%d%s%s' % (conn.host, conn.port, base_url, url)) LOG.debug(' '.join(curl)) def log_http_response(resp, body=None): status = (resp.version / 10.0, resp.status, resp.reason) dump = ['\nHTTP/%.1f %s %s' % status] dump.extend(['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in resp.getheaders()]) dump.append('') if body: dump.extend([body, '']) LOG.debug('\n'.join(dump)) def make_connection_url(base_url, url): return '%s/%s' % (base_url.rstrip('/'), url.lstrip('/')) def http_request(conn, base_url, url, method, **kwargs): log_curl_request(conn, base_url, url, method, kwargs) try: conn_url = make_connection_url(base_url, url) conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs) resp = conn.getresponse() except socket.gaierror as e: message = ('Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s' % {'url': url, 'e': e}) raise RuntimeError(message) except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e: message = ('Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s' % {'endpoint': 'http://%s:%d' % (conn.host, conn.port), 'e': e}) raise RuntimeError(message) if 300 <= resp.status < 600: LOG.warn('Request returned failure/redirect status.') raise RuntimeError('Status code %d returned' % resp.status) body = resp.read() log_http_response(resp, body) return resp, body def json_request(conn, base_url, url, method, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('headers', {}) kwargs['headers'].setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/json') kwargs['headers'].setdefault('Accept', 'application/json') if 'body' in kwargs: kwargs['body'] = json.dumps(kwargs['body']) resp, body = http_request(conn, base_url, url, method, **kwargs) content_type = resp.getheader('content-type', None) if resp.status == 204 or resp.status == 205 or content_type is None: body = None elif 'application/json' in content_type: try: body = json.loads(body) except ValueError: LOG.error('Could not decode response body as JSON') else: body = None return resp, body def create_resource_class(conn, base_url, name, service_type, racks, flavors): return json_request(conn, base_url, '/resource_classes', 'POST', body=dict(name=name, service_type=service_type, racks=racks, flavors=flavors)) def create_rack(conn, base_url, name, slots, location, subnet, capacities, nodes): return json_request(conn, base_url, '/racks', 'POST', body=dict(name=name, slots=slots, subnet=subnet, location=location, capacities=capacities,nodes=nodes)) def set_nodes_on_rack(conn, base_url, rack_url, nodes): return json_request(conn, base_url, rack_url, 'PUT', body=dict(nodes=nodes)) def create_flavor(conn, base_url, resource_class_url, flavor): return json_request(conn, base_url + resource_class_url, '/flavors', 'PUT', body=flavor) def get_location(base_url, resp): return urlparse.urlparse(resp.getheader('location')).path[len(base_url):] def generate_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) def generate_data(): logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost', 8585) base_url = '/v1' capacities = [ dict(name='total_cpu', value='64', unit='count'), dict(name='total_memory', value='16384', unit='MB'), ] nodes = [] while len(nodes) < 30: nodes.append(dict(id=generate_uuid())) rack_resp1, rack_body1 = create_rack(conn, base_url, name='compute_1', slots=3, subnet='', location='room d2, row 1', capacities=capacities, nodes=nodes[0:3]) rack_resp2, rack_body2 = create_rack(conn, base_url, name='compute_2', slots=3, subnet='', location='room d2, row 2', capacities=capacities, nodes=nodes[3:6]) compute_racks = [ dict(id=rack_body1.get('id'),links=rack_body1.get('links')), dict(id=rack_body2.get('id'),links=rack_body2.get('links')), ] rack_resp3, rack_body3 = create_rack(conn, base_url, name='not_compute', slots=3, subnet='', location='room d2, row 3', capacities=capacities, nodes=[nodes[7]]) non_compute_racks = [ dict(id=rack_body3.get('id'),links=rack_body3.get('links')), ] flavors = [ dict(name='m1.small', capacities=[ dict(name='cpu', value='1', unit='count'), dict(name='memory', value='1.7', unit='GB'), dict(name='storage', value='160', unit='GB'), ]), dict(name='m1.medium', capacities=[ dict(name='cpu', value='1', unit='count'), dict(name='memory', value='3.75', unit='GB'), dict(name='storage', value='410', unit='GB'), ]), dict(name='m1.large', capacities=[ dict(name='cpu', value='2', unit='count'), dict(name='memory', value='7.5', unit='GB'), dict(name='storage', value='840', unit='GB'), ]), dict(name='m1.xlarge', capacities=[ dict(name='cpu', value='4', unit='count'), dict(name='memory', value='15', unit='GB'), dict(name='storage', value='1680', unit='GB'), ]), ] rc_resp1, rc_body1 = create_resource_class(conn, base_url, name='compute-rc', service_type='compute', racks=compute_racks, flavors=[flavors[3]]) rc_resp1, rc_body1 = create_resource_class(conn, base_url, name='non-compute-rc', service_type='not_compute', racks=non_compute_racks, flavors=[]) if __name__ == '__main__': generate_data()