# valet-api Valet gives OpenStack the ability to optimize cloud resources while simultaneously meeting a cloud application's QoS requirements. Valet provides an api service, an optimizer (Ostro), and a set of OpenStack plugins. This document covers installation of valet-api, the API engine used to interact with Valet. **IMPORTANT**: [Overall Installation of Valet is covered in a separate document](https://github.com/att-comdev/valet/blob/master/doc/valet_os.md). ## Prerequisites Prior to installation: * Ubuntu 14.04 LTS * Python 2.7.6 with pip * An OpenStack Kilo cloud * [Music](https://github.com/att-comdev/valet) 6.0 * [Ostro](https://github.com/att-comdev/valet/blob/master/doc/ostro.md) 2.0 Throughout this document, the following installation-specific items are required. Have values for these prepared and ready before continuing. Suggestions for values are provided in this document where applicable. | Name | Description | Example | |------|-------------|-------| | ``$USER`` | User id | ``user1234`` | | ``$VENV`` | Python virtual environment path (if any) | ``/etc/valet/venv`` | | ``$VALET_API_PATH`` | Local git repository's ``valet_api`` directory | ``/home/user1234/git/valet/valet_api`` | | ``$VALET_HOST`` | valet-api hostname | ``localhost`` | | ``$VALET_USERNAME`` | OpenStack placement service username | ``valet`` | | ``$VALET_PASSWORD`` | OpenStack placement service password | | | ``$VALET_TENANT_NAME`` | OpenStack placement service default tenant | ``service`` | | ``$KEYSTONE_AUTH_API`` | Keystone Auth API publicurl endpoint | ``http://controller:5000/`` | | ``$VALET_CONFIG_PATH`` | Valet configuration directory | ``/var/www/valet`` | | ``$APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH`` | apache2 httpd server configuration path | ``/etc/apache2`` | | ``$OSLO_MSG_USERNAME`` | Oslo Messaging Service username | ``messaging`` | | ``$OSLO_MSG_PASSWORD`` | Oslo Message Service password | | | ``$OSLO_MSG_HOST`` | Oslo Messaging Service host | ``controller`` | Root or sufficient sudo privileges are required for some steps. ### A Note About Python Virtual Environments It is recommended to install and configure valet-api within a python [virtual environment](http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/) (venv), This helps avoid instabilities and conflicts within the default python environment. ## Installation Install valet-api on a host that can reach all OpenStack Keystone endpoints (public, internal, and admin). This can be a controller node or a separate host. Likewise, valet-api, Ostro, and Music may be installed on the same host or separate hosts. valet-api is located in ``valet_api``. ```bash $ cd $VALET_API_PATH $ sudo pip install . ``` If the following error appears when installing valet-api, and SSL access is required (e.g., if Keystone can only be reached via SSL), use a newer Python 2.7 Ubuntu package. ```bash [InsecurePlatformWarning](https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning): A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. ``` ## User Account Create an Ubuntu user/group for the valet service user (usually ``valet``): ```bash $ sudo adduser --gecos "valet service user" valet ``` If the Ubuntu-assigned uid/gid requires adjustment: ```bash $ sudo usermod -u $DESIRED_ID -U valet $ sudo groupmod -g $DESIRED_ID valet ``` ## Configuration Copy ``$VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/config.py`` to a suitable configuration path (``$VALET_CONFIG_PATH``) outside of the git repository prior to editing. (Always edit the copy, never the original.) As the config file will contain sensitive passwords, ``$VALET_CONFIG_PATH`` must have limited visibility and be accessible only to the user running valet-api. Edit the following sections in the ``config.py`` copy. See the [valet-openstack README](https://github.com/att-comdev/valet/blob/master/doc/valet_os.md) for additional context around the ``server`` and ``identity`` sections. *Note: In OpenStack parlance, Valet is canonically referred to as a **placement service**.* ### Server * Set ``port`` to match the port number used by OpenStack Keystone's placement service (usually ``8090``). * ``host`` can remain ````. ```python server = { 'port': '8090', 'host': '' } ``` ### Identity * Set ``username`` and ``password`` to the OpenStack placement service user. * Set ``project_name`` to the OpenStack placement service user's tenant name. * Set ``auth_url`` to the OpenStack Keystone API publicurl endpoint. ```python identity = { 'config': { 'username': '$VALET_USERNAME', 'password': '$VALET_PASSWORD', 'project_name': '$VALET_TENANT_NAME', 'auth_url': '$KEYSTONE_AUTH_API', } } ``` Once authenticated via Keystone's *publicurl* endpoint, valet-api uses Keystone's *adminurl* endpoint for further API calls. Access to the adminurl endpoint is required for: * Authentication (AuthN) of OpenStack users for valet-api access. * Authorization (AuthZ) of OpenStack users for valet-api access. This is presently limited to users assigned an ``admin`` role. * Obtaining a list of all OpenStack cloud tenants (used by Valet Groups). *Note: Formal Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) support (via oslo-policy) is expected in a future release.* If the Keystone adminurl endpoint is not reachable, Valet will not be able to obtain a complete tenant list. To mitigate: * Add an additional identity config setting named ``'interface'``, set to ``'public'``. * In the OpenStack cloud, ensure the valet user (``$VALET_USERNAME``) is a member of every tenant. Keep membership current as needed. ### Messaging * Set ``transport_url`` to match the OpenStack Oslo Messaging Service endpoint. ```python messaging = { 'config': { 'transport_url': 'rabbit://$OSLO_MSG_USERNAME:$OSLO_MSG_PASSWORD@$OSLO_MSG_HOST:5672/', } } ``` ### Music * Set ``host``, ``port``, ``keyspace``, and ``replication_factor`` as needed for access to Music. * Alternately, set ``hosts`` (plural form) to a python list of hosts if more than one host is used (e.g., ``'[host1, host2, host3]'``). For example, if Music is hosted on ```` port ``8080`` with a keyspace of ``valet`` and replication factor of ``3``: ```python music = { 'host': '', 'port': '8080', 'keyspace': 'valet', 'replication_factor': 3, } ``` *Notes: If ``host`` and ``hosts`` are both set, ``host`` is used and ``hosts`` is ignored. Music does not use AuthN or AuthZ at this time.* ## Data Storage Initialization Use the ``pecan populate`` command to initialize data storage: ```bash $ pecan populate $VALET_CONFIG_PATH/config.py ``` Any previously created tables will be left as-is and not deleted/re-created. *Note: Music does not support migrations. If necessary, schema changes in future versions will be noted here with specific upgrade instructions.* ## Running for the first time Use the ``pecan serve`` command to run valet-api and verify installation. ```bash $ pecan serve $VALET_CONFIG_PATH/config.py ``` Browse to ``http://$VALET_HOST:8090/`` (no AuthN/AuthZ required). Check for a response, for example: ```json { "versions": [ { "status": "CURRENT", "id": "v1.0", "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" } ] } ] } ``` valet-api comes with a [Postman](http://www.getpostman.com/) collection of sample API calls, located in ``$VALET_API_PATH/valet_api/tests``. [Learn more](https://github.com/att-comdev/valet/blob/master/valet/tests/api/README.md). See the ``doc`` directory for placement service. *IMPORTANT: Do not use ``pecan serve`` to run valet-api in a production environment. A number of production-quality WSGI-compatible environments are available (e.g., apache2 httpd).* ## Configuring apache2 httpd This section describes an example WSGI installation using apache2 httpd. ### Prerequisites * apache2 httpd * libapache2-mod-wsgi (3.4 at a minimum, 3.5 recommended by the author) * A ``valet`` service user account/group on the host where valet-api is installed. ### Configuration Set up directories and ownership: ```bash $ sudo mkdir $VALET_CONFIG_PATH $ sudo mkdir /var/log/apache2/valet $ sudo cp -p $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/app.wsgi $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/config.py $VALET_CONFIG_PATH $ sudo chown -R valet:valet /var/log/apache2/valet $VALET_CONFIG_PATH ``` Set up valet-api as a site: ```bash $ sudo cd $APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH/sites-available $ sudo cp -p $VALET_API_PATH/etc/valet_api/app.apache2 valet.conf $ sudo chown root:root valet.conf ``` *Note: ``$APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH`` may be ``/opt/apache2`` or ``/etc/apache2`` depending on the installation.* If valet-api was installed in a python virtual environment, append ``python-home=$VENV`` to ``WSGIDaemonProcess`` within ``valet.conf``. Apache will then use the correct python environment and libraries. Enable valet-api, ensure the configuration syntax is valid, and restart: ```bash $ cd $APACHE2_CONFIG_PATH/sites-enabled $ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/valet.conf . $ sudo apachectl -t Syntax OK $ sudo apachectl graceful ``` ## Uninstallation Activate a virtual environment (venv) first if necessary, then uninstall with: ```bash $ sudo pip uninstall valet-api ``` Remove previously made configuration file changes, OpenStack user accounts, and other settings as needed.