Valet gives OpenStack the ability to optimize cloud resources while simultaneously meeting a cloud application's QoS requirements. Valet provides an api service, a placement optimizer (Ostro), a high availability data storage and persistence layer (Music), and a set of OpenStack plugins.
IMPORTANT: Overall Installation of Valet is covered in a separate document.
Learn more about Valet:
- OpenStack Newton Summit Presentation (Austin, TX, 27 April 2016)
- Presentation Slides (PDF)
Valet consists of the following components:
- valet-openstack: a set of OpenStack plugins used to interact with Valet
- valet-api: an API engine used to interact with Valet
- Ostro: a placement optimization engine
- Music: a data storage and persistence service
- ostro-listener: a message bus listener used in conjunction with Ostro and Music
Additional documents:
- OpenStack Heat Resource Plugins: Heat resources
- Placement API: API requests/responses
- Using Postman with valet-api: Postman support