# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import argparse import datetime import json import os import pprint import re import socket import stat import sys import traceback import compute import credentials import iperf_tool import network import nuttcp_tool import pns_mongo import sshutils import configure from glanceclient.v2 import client as glanceclient from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as keystoneclient from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutronclient from novaclient.client import Client from novaclient.exceptions import ClientException __version__ = '2.0.0' from perf_instance import PerfInstance as PerfInstance # Check IPv4 address syntax - not completely fool proof but will catch # some invalid formats def is_ipv4(address): try: socket.inet_aton(address) except socket.error: return False return True def get_absolute_path_for_file(file_name): ''' Return the filename in absolute path for any file passed as relateive path. ''' if os.path.isabs(__file__): abs_file_path = os.path.join(__file__.split("vmtp.py")[0], file_name) else: abs_file = os.path.abspath(__file__) abs_file_path = os.path.join(abs_file.split("vmtp.py")[0], file_name) return abs_file_path def normalize_paths(cfg): ''' Normalize the various paths to config files, tools, ssh priv and pub key files. ''' cfg.public_key_file = get_absolute_path_for_file(cfg.public_key_file) cfg.private_key_file = get_absolute_path_for_file(cfg.private_key_file) cfg.perf_tool_path = get_absolute_path_for_file(cfg.perf_tool_path) class FlowPrinter(object): def __init__(self): self.flow_num = 0 def print_desc(self, desc): self.flow_num += 1 print "=" * 60 print('Flow %d: %s' % (self.flow_num, desc)) class ResultsCollector(object): def __init__(self): self.results = {'flows': []} self.results['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.results['args'] = ' '.join(sys.argv) self.results['version'] = __version__ self.ppr = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, width=100) def add_property(self, name, value): self.results[name] = value def add_flow_result(self, flow_res): self.results['flows'].append(flow_res) self.ppr.pprint(flow_res) def display(self): self.ppr.pprint(self.results) def pprint(self, res): self.ppr.pprint(res) def get_controller_info(self, cfg): if cfg.ctrl_username and cfg.ctrl_host: print 'Fetching OpenStack deployment details...' if cfg.ctrl_password: sshcon = sshutils.SSH(cfg.ctrl_username, cfg.ctrl_host, password=cfg.ctrl_password) else: sshcon = sshutils.SSH(cfg.ctrl_username, cfg.ctrl_host, key_filename=cfg.private_key_file, connect_retry_count=cfg.ssh_retry_count) if sshcon is not None: self.results['distro'] = sshcon.get_host_os_version() self.results['openstack_version'] = sshcon.check_openstack_version() else: print 'ERROR: Cannot connect to the controller node.' def save(self, cfg): '''Save results in json format file.''' print('Saving results in json file: ' + cfg.json_file + "...") with open(cfg.json_file, 'w') as jfp: json.dump(self.results, jfp, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def save_to_db(self, cfg): '''Save results to MongoDB database.''' print "Saving results to MongoDB database..." post_id = pns_mongo.\ pns_add_test_result_to_mongod(cfg.pns_mongod_ip, cfg.pns_mongod_port, cfg.pns_db, cfg.pns_collection, self.results) if post_id is None: print "ERROR: Failed to add result to DB" class VmtpException(Exception): pass class VmtpTest(object): def __init__(self): ''' 1. Authenticate nova and neutron with keystone 2. Create new client objects for neutron and nova 3. Find external network 4. Find or create router for external network 5. Find or create internal mgmt and data networks 6. Add internal mgmt network to router 7. Import public key for ssh 8. Create 2 VM instances on internal networks 9. Create floating ips for VMs 10. Associate floating ip with VMs ''' self.server = None self.client = None self.net = None self.comp = None self.ping_status = None self.client_az_list = None self.sec_group = None self.image_instance = None self.flavor_type = None # Create an instance on a particular availability zone def create_instance(self, inst, az, int_net): nics = [{'net-id': int_net['id']}] self.assert_true(inst.create(self.image_instance, self.flavor_type, config.public_key_name, nics, az, int_net['name'], self.sec_group)) def assert_true(self, cond): if not cond: raise VmtpException('Assert failure') def setup(self): # If we need to reuse existing vms just return without setup if not config.reuse_existing_vm: creds = cred.get_credentials() creds_nova = cred.get_nova_credentials_v2() # Create the nova and neutron instances nova_client = Client(**creds_nova) neutron = neutronclient.Client(**creds) self.comp = compute.Compute(nova_client, config) # Add the script public key to openstack self.comp.add_public_key(config.public_key_name, config.public_key_file) self.image_instance = self.comp.find_image(config.image_name) if self.image_instance is None: if config.vm_image_url is not None: print '%s: image for VM not found, uploading it ...' \ % (config.image_name) keystone = keystoneclient.Client(**creds) glance_endpoint = keystone.service_catalog.url_for( service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL') glance_client = glanceclient.Client( glance_endpoint, token=keystone.auth_token) self.comp.upload_image_via_url( glance_client, config.image_name, config.vm_image_url) self.image_instance = self.comp.find_image(config.image_name) else: # Exit the pogram print '%s: image to launch VM not found. ABORTING.' \ % (config.image_name) sys.exit(1) self.assert_true(self.image_instance) print 'Found image %s to launch VM, will continue' % (config.image_name) self.flavor_type = self.comp.find_flavor(config.flavor_type) self.net = network.Network(neutron, config) # Create a new security group for the test self.sec_group = self.comp.security_group_create() if not self.sec_group: raise VmtpException("Security group creation failed") if config.reuse_existing_vm: self.server.internal_ip = config.vm_server_internal_ip self.client.internal_ip = config.vm_client_internal_ip if config.vm_server_external_ip: self.server.ssh_ip = config.vm_server_external_ip else: self.server.ssh_ip = config.vm_server_internal_ip if config.vm_client_external_ip: self.client.ssh_ip = config.vm_client_external_ip else: self.client.ssh_ip = config.vm_client_internal_ip return # this is the standard way of running the test # NICs to be used for the VM if config.reuse_network_name: # VM needs to connect to existing management and new data network # Reset the management network name config.internal_network_name[0] = config.reuse_network_name else: # Make sure we have an external network and an external router self.assert_true(self.net.ext_net) self.assert_true(self.net.ext_router) self.assert_true(self.net.vm_int_net) # Get hosts for the availability zone to use # avail_list = self.comp.list_hypervisor(config.availability_zone) avail_list = self.comp.get_az_host_list() if not avail_list: sys.exit(5) # compute the list of client vm placements to run # the first host is always where the server runs server_az = avail_list[0] if len(avail_list) > 1: # 2 hosts are known if config.inter_node_only: # in this case we do not want the client to run on the same host # as the server avail_list.pop(0) self.client_az_list = avail_list self.server = PerfInstance(config.vm_name_server, config, self.comp, self.net, server=True) self.server.display('Creating server VM...') self.create_instance(self.server, server_az, self.net.vm_int_net[0]) # Test throughput for the case of the external host def ext_host_tp_test(self): client = PerfInstance('Host-' + ext_host_list[1] + '-Client', config) if not client.setup_ssh(ext_host_list[1], ext_host_list[0]): client.display('SSH failed, check IP or make sure public key is configured') else: client.buginf('SSH connected') client.create() fpr.print_desc('External-VM (upload/download)') res = client.run_client('External-VM', self.server.ssh_ip, self.server, bandwidth=config.vm_bandwidth, bidirectional=True) if res: rescol.add_flow_result(res) client.dispose() def add_location(self, label): '''Add a note to a label to specify same node or differemt node.''' # We can only tell if there is a host part in the az # e.g. 'nova:GG34-7' if ':' in self.client.az: if self.client.az == self.server.az: return label + ' (intra-node)' else: return label + ' (inter-node)' return label def create_flow_client(self, client_az, int_net): self.client = PerfInstance(config.vm_name_client, config, self.comp, self.net) self.create_instance(self.client, client_az, int_net) def measure_flow(self, label, target_ip): label = self.add_location(label) fpr.print_desc(label) # results for this flow as a dict perf_output = self.client.run_client(label, target_ip, self.server, bandwidth=config.vm_bandwidth, az_to=self.server.az) if opts.stop_on_error: # check if there is any error in the results results_list = perf_output['results'] for res_dict in results_list: if 'error' in res_dict: print('Stopping execution on error, cleanup all VMs/networks manually') rescol.pprint(perf_output) sys.exit(2) rescol.add_flow_result(perf_output) def measure_vm_flows(self): network_type = 'Unknown' try: network_type = self.net.vm_int_net[0]['provider:network_type'] print "OpenStack network type: " + network_type rescol.add_property('encapsulation', network_type) except KeyError as exp: network_type = 'Unknown' print "Provider network type not found: ", str(exp) # scenarios need to be tested for both inter and intra node # 1. VM to VM on same data network # 2. VM to VM on seperate networks fixed-fixed # 3. VM to VM on seperate networks floating-floating # we should have 1 or 2 AZ to use (intra and inter-node) for client_az in self.client_az_list: self.create_flow_client(client_az, self.net.vm_int_net[0]) self.measure_flow("VM to VM same network fixed IP", self.server.internal_ip) self.client.dispose() self.client = None if not config.reuse_network_name: # Different network self.create_flow_client(client_az, self.net.vm_int_net[1]) self.measure_flow("VM to VM different network fixed IP", self.server.internal_ip) self.measure_flow("VM to VM different network floating IP", self.server.ssh_ip) self.client.dispose() self.client = None # If external network is specified run that case if ext_host_list[0]: self.ext_host_tp_test() def teardown(self): ''' Clean up the floating ip and VMs ''' print '---- Cleanup ----' if self.server: self.server.dispose() if self.client: self.client.dispose() if not config.reuse_existing_vm and self.net: self.net.dispose() # Remove the public key if self.comp: self.comp.remove_public_key(config.public_key_name) # Finally remove the security group try: self.comp.security_group_delete(self.sec_group) except ClientException: # May throw novaclient.exceptions.BadRequest if in use print('Security group in use: not deleted') def run(self): error_flag = False try: self.setup() self.measure_vm_flows() except KeyboardInterrupt: traceback.format_exc() except (VmtpException, sshutils.SSHError, ClientException): traceback.format_exc() error_flag = True if opts.stop_on_error and error_flag: print('Stopping execution on error, cleanup all VMs/networks manually') sys.exit(2) else: self.teardown() def test_native_tp(nhosts): fpr.print_desc('Native Host to Host throughput') server_host = nhosts[0] server = PerfInstance('Host-' + server_host[1] + '-Server', config, server=True) if not server.setup_ssh(server_host[1], server_host[0]): server.display('SSH failed, check IP or make sure public key is configured') else: server.display('SSH connected') server.create() # if inter-node-only requested we avoid running the client on the # same node as the server - but only if there is at least another # IP provided if config.inter_node_only and len(nhosts) > 1: # remove the first element of the list nhosts.pop(0) # IP address clients should connect to, check if the user # has passed a server listen interface name if len(server_host) == 3: # use the IP address configured on given interface server_ip = server.get_interface_ip(server_host[2]) if not server_ip: print('Error: cannot get IP address for interface ' + server_host[2]) else: server.display('Clients will use server IP address %s (%s)' % (server_ip, server_host[2])) else: # use same as ssh IP server_ip = server_host[1] if server_ip: # start client side, 1 per host provided for client_host in nhosts: client = PerfInstance('Host-' + client_host[1] + '-Client', config) if not client.setup_ssh(client_host[1], client_host[0]): client.display('SSH failed, check IP or make sure public key is configured') else: client.buginf('SSH connected') client.create() res = client.run_client('Native host-host', server_ip, server, bandwidth=config.vm_bandwidth) rescol.add_flow_result(res) client.dispose() server.dispose() def extract_user_host_pwd(user_host_pwd): ''' splits user@host[:pwd] into a 3 element tuple 'hugo@' -> ('hugo', '', 'secret') 'huggy@' -> ('huggy', '', None) None ->(None, None, None) Examples of fatal errors (will call exit): 'hutch@q.1.1.1' (invalid IP) '@' (missing username) 'hiro@' or 'buggy' (missing host IP) ''' if not user_host_pwd: return (None, None, None) match = re.search(r'^([^@]+)@([0-9\.]+):?(.*)$', user_host_pwd) if not match: print('Invalid argument: ' + user_host_pwd) sys.exit(3) if not is_ipv4(match.group(2)): print 'Invalid IPv4 address ' + match.group(2) sys.exit(4) return match.groups() if __name__ == '__main__': fpr = FlowPrinter() rescol = ResultsCollector() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OpenStack VM Throughput V' + __version__) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', action='store', help='override default values with a config file', metavar='') parser.add_argument('-r', '--rc', dest='rc', action='store', help='source OpenStack credentials from rc file', metavar='') parser.add_argument('-m', '--monitor', dest='monitor', action='store', help='Enable CPU monitoring (requires Ganglia)', metavar='[:]') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', dest='pwd', action='store', help='OpenStack password', metavar='') parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', dest='time', action='store', help='throughput test duration in seconds (default 10 sec)', metavar='