Support advanced validation of dictionaries in the API.
This change allows to specify constraints for individual keys in dictionaries in the specification of the API resources. Introduces type:dict_or_none validator that allows to skip validation of a dictionary if a None value was supplied. Adds constraints for session persistance parameters to the API. Disables specifying cookie_name for session persistence, if the type is set to HTTP_COOKIE or SOURCE_IP. Fixes: bug #1104110 Change-Id: I62068deed449967949eaba9259028c88dd6974f8
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,18 +31,28 @@ ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED = object()
SHARED = 'shared'
def _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, target_dict):
def _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, target_dict, strict=True):
""" Allows to verify keys in a dictionary.
:param expected_keys: A list of keys expected to be present.
:param target_dict: The dictionary which should be verified.
:param strict: Specifies whether additional keys are allowed to be present.
:return: True, if keys in the dictionary correspond to the specification.
if not isinstance(target_dict, dict):
msg = (_("Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary "
"with keys: %(expected_keys)s") %
dict(target_dict=target_dict, expected_keys=expected_keys))
return msg
provided_keys = target_dict.keys()
if set(expected_keys) != set(provided_keys):
msg = (_("Expected keys not found. Expected: '%(expected_keys)s', "
"Provided: '%(provided_keys)s'") %
dict(expected_keys=expected_keys, provided_keys=provided_keys))
expected_keys = set(expected_keys)
provided_keys = set(target_dict.keys())
predicate = expected_keys.__eq__ if strict else expected_keys.issubset
if not predicate(provided_keys):
msg = (_("Validation of dictionary's keys failed."
"Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s") % locals())
return msg
@ -268,12 +278,56 @@ def _validate_uuid_list(data, valid_values=None):
return msg
def _validate_dict(data, valid_values=None):
def _validate_dict(data, key_specs=None):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
msg = _("'%s' is not a dictionary") % data
return msg
# Do not perform any further validation, if no constraints are supplied
if not key_specs:
# Check whether all required keys are present
required_keys = [key for key, spec in key_specs.iteritems()
if spec.get('required')]
if required_keys:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(required_keys, data, False)
if msg:
return msg
# Perform validation of all values according to the specifications.
for key, key_validator in [(k, v) for k, v in key_specs.iteritems()
if k in data]:
for val_name in [n for n in key_validator.iterkeys()
if n.startswith('type:')]:
# Check whether specified validator exists.
if val_name not in validators:
msg = _("Validator '%s' does not exist.") % val_name
return msg
val_func = validators[val_name]
val_params = key_validator[val_name]
msg = val_func(data.get(key), val_params)
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_dict_or_none(data, key_specs=None):
if data is not None:
return _validate_dict(data, key_specs)
def _validate_dict_or_empty(data, key_specs=None):
if data != {}:
return _validate_dict(data, key_specs)
def _validate_non_negative(data, valid_values=None):
@ -376,6 +430,8 @@ MAC_PATTERN = "^%s[aceACE02468](:%s{2}){5}$" % (HEX_ELEM, HEX_ELEM)
# Dictionary that maintains a list of validation functions
validators = {'type:dict': _validate_dict,
'type:dict_or_none': _validate_dict_or_none,
'type:dict_or_empty': _validate_dict_or_empty,
'type:fixed_ips': _validate_fixed_ips,
'type:hostroutes': _validate_hostroutes,
'type:ip_address': _validate_ip_address,
@ -249,10 +249,15 @@ class LoadBalancerPluginDb(LoadBalancerPluginBase):
'admin_state_up': vip['admin_state_up'],
'status': vip['status']}
if vip['session_persistence']:
res['session_persistence'] = {
'type': vip['session_persistence']['type'],
'cookie_name': vip['session_persistence']['cookie_name']
s_p = {
'type': vip['session_persistence']['type']
if vip['session_persistence']['type'] == 'APP_COOKIE':
s_p['cookie_name'] = vip['session_persistence']['cookie_name']
res['session_persistence'] = s_p
return self._fields(res, fields)
def _update_pool_vip_info(self, context, pool_id, vip_id):
@ -260,13 +265,43 @@ class LoadBalancerPluginDb(LoadBalancerPluginBase):
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
pool_db.update({'vip_id': vip_id})
def _check_session_persistence_info(self, info):
""" Performs sanity check on session persistence info.
:param info: Session persistence info
if info['type'] == 'APP_COOKIE':
if not info.get('cookie_name'):
raise ValueError(_("'cookie_name' should be specified for this"
" type of session persistence."))
if 'cookie_name' in info:
raise ValueError(_("'cookie_name' is not allowed for this type"
" of session persistence"))
def _create_session_persistence_db(self, session_info, vip_id):
sesspersist_db = SessionPersistence(
return sesspersist_db
def _update_vip_session_persistence(self, context, vip_id, info):
vip = self._get_resource(context, Vip, vip_id)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Update sessionPersistence table
sess_qry = context.session.query(SessionPersistence)
sesspersist_db = sess_qry.filter_by(vip_id=vip_id).first()
# Insert a None cookie_info if it is not present to overwrite an
# an existing value in the database.
if 'cookie_name' not in info:
info['cookie_name'] = None
if sesspersist_db:
@ -305,16 +340,13 @@ class LoadBalancerPluginDb(LoadBalancerPluginBase):
vip_id = vip_db['id']
sessionInfo = v['session_persistence']
if sessionInfo:
has_session_persistence = True
sesspersist_db = SessionPersistence(
vip_db.session_persistence = sesspersist_db
vip_id = vip_db['id']
session_info = v['session_persistence']
if session_info:
s_p = self._create_session_persistence_db(session_info, vip_id)
vip_db.session_persistence = s_p
self._update_pool_vip_info(context, v['pool_id'], vip_id)
@ -90,7 +90,14 @@ RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = {
'session_persistence': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_to': attr.convert_none_to_empty_dict,
'default': {},
'validate': {'type:dict': None},
'validate': {
'type:dict_or_empty': {
'type': {'type:values': ['APP_COOKIE',
'required': True},
'cookie_name': {'type:string': None,
'required': False}}},
'is_visible': True},
'connection_limit': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': -1,
@ -421,22 +421,58 @@ class TestLoadBalancer(LoadBalancerPluginDbTestCase):
('address', ""),
('port', 80),
('protocol', 'HTTP'),
('session_persistence', {'type': "HTTP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': "jessionId"}),
('session_persistence', {'type': "HTTP_COOKIE"}),
('connection_limit', -1),
('admin_state_up', True),
('status', 'PENDING_CREATE')]
session_persistence={'type': "HTTP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': "jessionId"}) as vip:
session_persistence={'type': "HTTP_COOKIE"}) as vip:
for k, v in keys:
self.assertEqual(vip['vip'][k], v)
def test_create_vip_with_session_persistence_with_app_cookie(self):
name = 'vip7'
keys = [('name', name),
('subnet_id', self._subnet_id),
('address', ""),
('port', 80),
('protocol', 'HTTP'),
('session_persistence', {'type': "APP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': 'sessionId'}),
('connection_limit', -1),
('admin_state_up', True),
('status', 'PENDING_CREATE')]
session_persistence={'type': "APP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': 'sessionId'}) as vip:
for k, v in keys:
self.assertEqual(vip['vip'][k], v)
def test_create_vip_with_session_persistence_unsupported_type(self):
name = 'vip5'
vip =, session_persistence={'type': "UNSUPPORTED"})
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPClientError, vip.__enter__)
def test_create_vip_with_unnecessary_cookie_name(self):
name = 'vip8'
s_p = {'type': "SOURCE_IP", 'cookie_name': 'sessionId'}
vip =, session_persistence=s_p)
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPClientError, vip.__enter__)
def test_create_vip_with_session_persistence_without_cookie_name(self):
name = 'vip6'
vip =, session_persistence={'type': "APP_COOKIE"})
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPClientError, vip.__enter__)
def test_reset_session_persistence(self):
name = 'vip4'
session_persistence = {'type': "HTTP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': "cookie_name"}
session_persistence = {'type': "HTTP_COOKIE"}
update_info = {'vip': {'session_persistence': None}}
@ -467,7 +503,7 @@ class TestLoadBalancer(LoadBalancerPluginDbTestCase):
data = {'vip': {'name': name,
'connection_limit': 100,
{'type': "HTTP_COOKIE",
{'type': "APP_COOKIE",
'cookie_name': "jesssionId"},
'admin_state_up': False}}
req = self.new_update_request('vips', data, vip['vip']['id'])
@ -23,6 +23,24 @@ from quantum.common import exceptions as q_exc
class TestAttributes(unittest2.TestCase):
def _construct_dict_and_constraints(self):
""" Constructs a test dictionary and a definition of constraints.
:return: A (dictionary, constraint) tuple
constraints = {'key1': {'type:values': ['val1', 'val2'],
'required': True},
'key2': {'type:string': None,
'required': False},
'key3': {'type:dict': {'k4': {'type:string': None,
'required': True}},
'required': True}}
dictionary = {'key1': 'val1',
'key2': 'a string value',
'key3': {'k4': 'a string value'}}
return dictionary, constraints
def test_is_attr_set(self):
data = attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
self.assertIs(attributes.is_attr_set(data), False)
@ -430,17 +448,85 @@ class TestAttributes(unittest2.TestCase):
msg = attributes._validate_uuid_list(uuid_list)
self.assertEquals(msg, None)
def test_validate_dict(self):
def test_validate_dict_type(self):
for value in (None, True, '1', []):
"'%s' is not a dictionary" % value)
def test_validate_dict_without_constraints(self):
msg = attributes._validate_dict({})
# Validate a dictionary without constraints.
msg = attributes._validate_dict({'key': 'value'})
def test_validate_a_valid_dict_with_constraints(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a valid dictionary failed.')
def test_validate_dict_with_invalid_validator(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
constraints['key1'] = {'type:unsupported': None, 'required': True}
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertEqual(msg, "Validator 'type:unsupported' does not exist.")
def test_validate_dict_not_required_keys(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
del dictionary['key2']
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Field that was not required by the specs was'
'required by the validator.')
def test_validate_dict_required_keys(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
del dictionary['key1']
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIn('Expected keys:', msg, 'The error was not detected.')
def test_validate_dict_wrong_values(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
dictionary['key1'] = 'UNSUPPORTED'
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
def test_subdictionary(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
del dictionary['key3']['k4']
dictionary['key3']['k5'] = 'a string value'
msg = attributes._validate_dict(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIn('Expected keys:', msg, 'The error was not detected.')
def test_validate_dict_or_none(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
# Check whether None is a valid value.
msg = attributes._validate_dict_or_none(None, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a None dictionary failed.')
# Check validation of a regular dictionary.
msg = attributes._validate_dict_or_none(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a valid dictionary failed.')
def test_validate_dict_or_empty(self):
dictionary, constraints = self._construct_dict_and_constraints()
# Check whether an empty dictionary is valid.
msg = attributes._validate_dict_or_empty({}, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a None dictionary failed.')
# Check validation of a regular dictionary.
msg = attributes._validate_dict_or_none(dictionary, constraints)
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a valid dictionary failed.')
self.assertIsNone(msg, 'Validation of a valid dictionary failed.')
def test_validate_non_negative(self):
for value in (-1, '-2'):
@ -499,6 +585,10 @@ class TestConvertToInt(unittest2.TestCase):
[], attributes.convert_none_to_empty_list(None))
def test_convert_none_to_empty_dict(self):
{}, attributes.convert_none_to_empty_dict(None))
def test_convert_none_to_empty_list_value(self):
values = ['1', 3, [], [1], {}, {'a': 3}]
for value in values:
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class LoadBalancerExtensionTestCase(testlib_api.WebTestCase):
'port': 80,
'protocol': 'HTTP',
'pool_id': _uuid(),
'session_persistence': {'type': 'dummy'},
'session_persistence': {'type': 'HTTP_COOKIE'},
'connection_limit': 100,
'admin_state_up': True,
'tenant_id': _uuid()}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user