Add NVP Security group support
Implements blueprint security-groups-nvp Change-Id: Idfa7a756c7a2845e9aa9e7de4c7bceeec94b036f
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ INTERFACE_KEY = '_interfaces'
IPv4 = 'IPv4'
IPv6 = 'IPv6'
EXT_NS = '_extension_ns'
XML_NS_V20 = ''
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ down_revision = '48b6f43f7471'
# Change to ['*'] if this migration applies to all plugins
migration_for_plugins = [
from alembic import op
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import logging
import webob.exc
from quantum.api.v2 import attributes
from quantum.api.v2 import attributes as attr
from quantum.api.v2 import base
from quantum.common import constants
from quantum.common import exceptions as q_exc
@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ from quantum.db import dhcp_rpc_base
from quantum.db import portsecurity_db
# NOTE: quota_db cannot be removed, it is for db model
from quantum.db import quota_db
from quantum.db import securitygroups_db
from quantum.extensions import portsecurity as psec
from quantum.extensions import providernet as pnet
from quantum.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
from quantum.openstack.common import cfg
from quantum.openstack.common import rpc
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin.common import (securitygroups
as nvp_sec)
from quantum import policy
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin.common import config
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin.common import (exceptions
@ -108,13 +112,18 @@ class NVPRpcCallbacks(dhcp_rpc_base.DhcpRpcCallbackMixin):
class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
NvpPluginV2 is a Quantum plugin that provides L2 Virtual Network
functionality using NVP.
supported_extension_aliases = ["provider", "quotas", "port-security"]
supported_extension_aliases = ["provider", "quotas", "port-security",
__native_bulk_support = True
# Default controller cluster
default_cluster = None
@ -236,9 +245,9 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
network_type = attrs.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
physical_network = attrs.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK)
segmentation_id = attrs.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID)
network_type_set = attributes.is_attr_set(network_type)
physical_network_set = attributes.is_attr_set(physical_network)
segmentation_id_set = attributes.is_attr_set(segmentation_id)
network_type_set = attr.is_attr_set(network_type)
physical_network_set = attr.is_attr_set(physical_network)
segmentation_id_set = attr.is_attr_set(segmentation_id)
if not (network_type_set or physical_network_set or
@ -345,18 +354,19 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
def create_network(self, context, network):
net_data = network['network'].copy()
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, net_data)
self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id)
# Process the provider network extension
self._handle_provider_create(context, net_data)
# Replace ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED with None before sending to NVP
for attr, value in network['network'].iteritems():
if value is attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED:
net_data[attr] = None
for key, value in network['network'].iteritems():
if value is attr.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED:
net_data[key] = None
# FIXME(arosen) implement admin_state_up = False in NVP
if net_data['admin_state_up'] is False:
LOG.warning(_("Network with admin_state_up=False are not yet "
"supported by this plugin. Ignoring setting for "
"network %s"), net_data.get('name', '<unknown>'))
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, net_data)
target_cluster = self._find_target_cluster(net_data)
nvp_binding_type = net_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
if nvp_binding_type in ('flat', 'vlan'):
@ -544,6 +554,7 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
context, filters)
for quantum_lport in quantum_lports:
self._extend_port_port_security_dict(context, quantum_lport)
self._extend_port_dict_security_group(context, quantum_lport)
vm_filter = ""
tenant_filter = ""
@ -638,7 +649,7 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
# ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED is for the case where a port is created on a
# shared network that is not owned by the tenant.
# TODO(arosen) fix policy engine to do this for us automatically.
if attributes.is_attr_set(port['port'].get(psec.PORTSECURITY)):
if attr.is_attr_set(port['port'].get(psec.PORTSECURITY)):
self._enforce_set_auth(context, port,
port_data = port['port']
@ -653,6 +664,15 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
context, port_data)
port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = port_security
self._process_port_security_create(context, port_data)
# security group extension checks
if port_security and has_ip:
self._ensure_default_security_group_on_port(context, port)
elif attr.is_attr_set(port_data.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS)):
raise psec.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups()
port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] = (
self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port))
context, quantum_db['id'], port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS])
# provider networking extension checks
# Fetch the network and network binding from Quantum db
network = self._get_network(context, port_data['network_id'])
@ -681,7 +701,8 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
# Get NVP ls uuid for quantum network
nvplib.plug_interface(cluster, selected_lswitch['uuid'],
lport['uuid'], "VifAttachment",
@ -703,27 +724,55 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
"%(tenant_id)s: (%(id)s)"), port_data)
self._extend_port_port_security_dict(context, port_data)
self._extend_port_dict_security_group(context, port_data)
return port_data
def update_port(self, context, id, port):
self._enforce_set_auth(context, port,
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, port)
delete_security_groups = self._check_update_deletes_security_groups(
has_security_groups = self._check_update_has_security_groups(port)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
ret_port = super(NvpPluginV2, self).update_port(
context, id, port)
# copy values over
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, ret_port)
# Handle port security
if psec.PORTSECURITY in port['port']:
context, id, ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY])
# populate with value
# populate port_security setting
if psec.PORTSECURITY not in port['port']:
ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] = self._get_port_security_binding(
context, id)
has_ip = self._ip_on_port(ret_port)
# checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying
# security groups, port security is set and port has ip
if not (has_ip and ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY]):
if has_security_groups:
raise psec.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups()
# Update did not have security groups passed in. Check
# that port does not have any security groups already on it.
filters = {'port_id': [id]}
security_groups = (
super(NvpPluginV2, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings(
context, filters)
if security_groups and not delete_security_groups:
raise psec.PortSecurityPortHasSecurityGroup()
if (delete_security_groups or has_security_groups):
# delete the port binding and read it with the new rules.
self._delete_port_security_group_bindings(context, id)
sgids = self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port)
self._process_port_create_security_group(context, id, sgids)
if psec.PORTSECURITY in port['port']:
context, id, ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY])
self._extend_port_port_security_dict(context, ret_port)
self._extend_port_dict_security_group(context, ret_port)
port_nvp, cluster = (
ret_port["network_id"], id))
@ -734,7 +783,8 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
# Update the port status from nvp. If we fail here hide it since
# the port was successfully updated but we were not able to retrieve
@ -763,7 +813,10 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
return super(NvpPluginV2, self).delete_port(context, id)
def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None):
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
quantum_db = super(NvpPluginV2, self).get_port(context, id, fields)
self._extend_port_port_security_dict(context, quantum_db)
self._extend_port_dict_security_group(context, quantum_db)
#TODO: pass only the appropriate cluster here
#Look for port in all lswitches
@ -783,3 +836,124 @@ class NvpPluginV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
def get_plugin_version(self):
def create_security_group(self, context, security_group, default_sg=False):
"""Create security group.
If default_sg is true that means a we are creating a default security
group and we don't need to check if one exists.
s = security_group.get('security_group')
if cfg.CONF.SECURITYGROUP.proxy_mode:
if not context.is_admin:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupProxyModeNotAdmin()
elif not s.get('external_id'):
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupProxyMode()
elif s.get('external_id'):
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotProxyMode()
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, s)
if not default_sg and not cfg.CONF.SECURITYGROUP.proxy_mode:
self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id,
if s.get('external_id'):
filters = {'external_id': [s.get('external_id')]}
security_groups = super(NvpPluginV2, self).get_security_groups(
context, filters=filters)
if security_groups:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupAlreadyExists(
name=s.get('name', ''), external_id=s.get('external_id'))
nvp_secgroup = nvplib.create_security_profile(self.default_cluster,
tenant_id, s)
security_group['security_group']['id'] = nvp_secgroup['uuid']
return super(NvpPluginV2, self).create_security_group(
context, security_group, default_sg)
def delete_security_group(self, context, security_group_id):
"""Delete a security group
:param security_group_id: security group rule to remove.
if (cfg.CONF.SECURITYGROUP.proxy_mode and not context.is_admin):
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupProxyModeNotAdmin()
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
security_group = super(NvpPluginV2, self).get_security_group(
context, security_group_id)
if not security_group:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=security_group_id)
if security_group['name'] == 'default':
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupCannotRemoveDefault()
filters = {'security_group_id': [security_group['id']]}
if super(NvpPluginV2, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings(
context, filters):
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupInUse(id=security_group['id'])
return super(NvpPluginV2, self).delete_security_group(
context, security_group_id)
def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule):
"""create a single security group rule"""
bulk_rule = {'security_group_rules': [security_group_rule]}
return self.create_security_group_rule_bulk(context, bulk_rule)[0]
def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rule):
""" create security group rules
:param security_group_rule: list of rules to create
s = security_group_rule.get('security_group_rules')
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, s)
# TODO(arosen) is there anyway we could avoid having the update of
# the security group rules in nvp outside of this transaction?
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id)
security_group_id = self._validate_security_group_rules(
context, security_group_rule)
# Check to make sure security group exists and retrieve
# security_group['id'] needed incase it only has an external_id
security_group = super(NvpPluginV2, self).get_security_group(
context, security_group_id)
if not security_group:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=security_group_id)
# Check for duplicate rules
self._check_for_duplicate_rules(context, s)
# gather all the existing security group rules since we need all
# of them to PUT to NVP.
combined_rules = self._merge_security_group_rules_with_current(
context, s, security_group['id'])
return super(
NvpPluginV2, self).create_security_group_rule_bulk_native(
context, security_group_rule)
def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, sgrid):
""" Delete a security group rule
:param sgrid: security group id to remove.
if (cfg.CONF.SECURITYGROUP.proxy_mode and not context.is_admin):
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupProxyModeNotAdmin()
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# determine security profile id
security_group_rule = (
super(NvpPluginV2, self).get_security_group_rule(
context, sgrid))
if not security_group_rule:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupRuleNotFound(id=sgrid)
sgid = security_group_rule['security_group_id']
current_rules = self._get_security_group_rules_nvp_format(
context, sgid, True)
current_rules, sgrid)
self.default_cluster, sgid, current_rules)
return super(NvpPluginV2, self).delete_security_group_rule(context,
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Nicira, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless equired by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Aaron Rosen, Nicira Networks, Inc.
from quantum.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
# Protocol number look up for supported protocols
protocol_num_look_up = {'tcp': 6, 'icmp': 1, 'udp': 17}
class NVPSecurityGroups(object):
def _convert_to_nvp_rule(self, rule, with_id=False):
"""Converts Quantum API security group rule to NVP API."""
nvp_rule = {}
params = ['source_ip_prefix', 'protocol',
'source_group_id', 'port_range_min',
'port_range_max', 'ethertype']
if with_id:
for param in params:
value = rule.get(param)
if param not in rule:
nvp_rule[param] = value
elif not value:
elif param == 'source_ip_prefix':
nvp_rule['ip_prefix'] = rule['source_ip_prefix']
elif param == 'source_group_id':
nvp_rule['profile_uuid'] = rule['source_group_id']
elif param == 'protocol':
nvp_rule['protocol'] = protocol_num_look_up[rule['protocol']]
nvp_rule[param] = value
return nvp_rule
def _convert_to_nvp_rules(self, rules, with_id=False):
"""Converts a list of Quantum API security group rules to NVP API."""
nvp_rules = {'logical_port_ingress_rules': [],
'logical_port_egress_rules': []}
for direction in ['logical_port_ingress_rules',
for rule in rules[direction]:
self._convert_to_nvp_rule(rule, with_id))
return nvp_rules
def _get_security_group_rules_nvp_format(self, context, security_group_id,
"""Query quantum db for security group rules. If external_id is
provided the external_id will also be returned.
fields = ['source_ip_prefix', 'source_group_id', 'protocol',
'port_range_min', 'port_range_max', 'protocol', 'ethertype']
if with_id:
filters = {'security_group_id': [security_group_id],
'direction': ['ingress']}
ingress_rules = self.get_security_group_rules(context, filters, fields)
filters = {'security_group_id': [security_group_id],
'direction': ['egress']}
egress_rules = self.get_security_group_rules(context, filters, fields)
rules = {'logical_port_ingress_rules': egress_rules,
'logical_port_egress_rules': ingress_rules}
return self._convert_to_nvp_rules(rules, with_id)
def _get_profile_uuid(self, context, source_group_id):
"""Return profile id from novas group id. """
security_group = self.get_security_group(context, source_group_id)
if not security_group:
raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=source_group_id)
return security_group['id']
def _merge_security_group_rules_with_current(self, context, new_rules,
merged_rules = self._get_security_group_rules_nvp_format(
context, security_group_id)
for new_rule in new_rules:
rule = new_rule['security_group_rule']
rule['security_group_id'] = security_group_id
if rule.get('souce_group_id'):
rule['source_group_id'] = self._get_profile_uuid(
context, rule['source_group_id'])
if rule['direction'] == 'ingress':
elif rule['direction'] == 'egress':
return merged_rules
def _remove_security_group_with_id_and_id_field(self, rules, rule_id):
"""This function receives all of the current rule associated with a
security group and then removes the rule that matches the rule_id. In
addition it removes the id field in the dict with each rule since that
should not be passed to nvp.
for rule_direction in rules.values():
item_to_remove = None
for port_rule in rule_direction:
if port_rule['id'] == rule_id:
item_to_remove = port_rule
# remove key from dictionary for NVP
del port_rule['id']
if item_to_remove:
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def get_port(cluster, network, port, relations=None):
def _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,
port_security_enabled, security_profiles):
lport_obj['allowed_address_pairs'] = []
if port_security_enabled:
for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
@ -430,11 +430,13 @@ def _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,
{"mac_address": mac_address,
"ip_address": ""})
lport_obj['security_profiles'] = list(security_profiles or [])
def update_port(cluster, lswitch_uuid, lport_uuid, quantum_port_id, tenant_id,
display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled,
mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None):
mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None,
# device_id can be longer than 40 so we rehash it
hashed_device_id = hashlib.sha1(device_id).hexdigest()
@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ def update_port(cluster, lswitch_uuid, lport_uuid, quantum_port_id, tenant_id,
dict(scope='vm_id', tag=hashed_device_id)])
_configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,
port_security_enabled, security_profiles)
path = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + lswitch_uuid + "/lport/" + lport_uuid
@ -465,7 +467,8 @@ def update_port(cluster, lswitch_uuid, lport_uuid, quantum_port_id, tenant_id,
def create_lport(cluster, lswitch_uuid, tenant_id, quantum_port_id,
display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled,
mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None):
mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None,
""" Creates a logical port on the assigned logical switch """
# device_id can be longer than 40 so we rehash it
hashed_device_id = hashlib.sha1(device_id).hexdigest()
@ -478,7 +481,7 @@ def create_lport(cluster, lswitch_uuid, tenant_id, quantum_port_id,
_configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,
port_security_enabled, security_profiles)
path = _build_uri_path(LPORT_RESOURCE, parent_resource_id=lswitch_uuid)
@ -538,3 +541,148 @@ def plug_interface(cluster, lswitch_id, port, type, attachment=None):
result = json.dumps(resp_obj)
return result
# Security Profile convenience functions.
TENANT_ID_SCOPE = 'os_tid'
def format_exception(etype, e, execption_locals, request=None):
"""Consistent formatting for exceptions.
:param etype: a string describing the exception type.
:param e: the exception.
:param request: the request object.
:param execption_locals: calling context local variable dict.
:returns: a formatted string.
msg = ["Error. %s exception: %s." % (etype, e)]
if request:
msg.append("request=[%s]" % request)
if request.body:
msg.append("request.body=[%s]" % str(request.body))
l = dict((k, v) for k, v in execption_locals if k != 'request')
msg.append("locals=[%s]" % str(l))
return ' '.join(msg)
def do_request(*args, **kwargs):
"""Convenience function wraps do_single_request.
:param args: a list of positional arguments.
:param kwargs: a list of keyworkds arguments.
:returns: the result of do_single_request loaded into a python object
or None."""
res = do_single_request(*args, **kwargs)
if res:
return json.loads(res)
return res
def mk_body(**kwargs):
"""Convenience function creates and dumps dictionary to string.
:param kwargs: the key/value pirs to be dumped into a json string.
:returns: a json string."""
return json.dumps(kwargs, ensure_ascii=False)
def set_tenant_id_tag(tenant_id, taglist=None):
"""Convenience function to add tenant_id tag to taglist.
:param tenant_id: the tenant_id to set.
:param taglist: the taglist to append to (or None).
:returns: a new taglist that includes the old taglist with the new
tenant_id tag set."""
new_taglist = []
if taglist:
new_taglist = [x for x in taglist if x['scope'] != TENANT_ID_SCOPE]
new_taglist.append(dict(scope=TENANT_ID_SCOPE, tag=tenant_id))
return new_taglist
def set_ext_security_profile_id_tag(external_id, taglist=None):
"""Convenience function to add spid tag to taglist.
:param external_id: the security_profile id from nova
:param taglist: the taglist to append to (or None).
:returns: a new taglist that includes the old taglist with the new
spid tag set."""
new_taglist = []
if taglist:
new_taglist = [x for x in taglist if x['scope'] !=
if external_id:
return new_taglist
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Security Group API Calls
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_security_profile(cluster, tenant_id, security_profile):
path = "/ws.v1/security-profile"
tags = set_tenant_id_tag(tenant_id)
tags = set_ext_security_profile_id_tag(
security_profile.get('external_id'), tags)
# Allow all dhcp responses in
dhcp = {'logical_port_egress_rules': [{'ethertype': 'IPv4',
'protocol': 17,
'port_range_min': 68,
'port_range_max': 68,
'ip_prefix': ''}],
'logical_port_ingress_rules': []}
body = mk_body(
tags=tags, display_name=security_profile.get('name'),
rsp = do_request("POST", path, body, cluster=cluster)
except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e:
LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals()))
raise exception.QuantumException()
if security_profile.get('name') == 'default':
# If security group is default allow ip traffic between
# members of the same security profile.
rules = {'logical_port_egress_rules': [{'ethertype': 'IPv4',
'profile_uuid': rsp['uuid']},
{'ethertype': 'IPv6',
'profile_uuid': rsp['uuid']}],
'logical_port_ingress_rules': []}
update_security_group_rules(cluster, rsp['uuid'], rules)
LOG.debug("Created Security Profile: %s" % rsp)
return rsp
def update_security_group_rules(cluster, spid, rules):
path = "/ws.v1/security-profile/%s" % spid
# Allow all dhcp responses in
{'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'protocol': constants.UDP_PROTOCOL,
'port_range_min': constants.DHCP_RESPONSE_PORT,
'port_range_max': constants.DHCP_RESPONSE_PORT,
'ip_prefix': ''})
body = mk_body(
rsp = do_request("PUT", path, body, cluster=cluster)
except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e:
LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals()))
raise exception.QuantumException()
LOG.debug("Updated Security Profile: %s" % rsp)
return rsp
def delete_security_profile(cluster, spid):
path = "/ws.v1/security-profile/%s" % spid
do_request("DELETE", path, cluster=cluster)
except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e:
LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals()))
raise exception.QuantumException()
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"display_name": "%(display_name)s",
"_href": "/ws.v1/security-profile/%(uuid)s",
"tags": [{"scope": "os_tid", "tag": "%(tenant_id)s"},
{"scope": "nova_spid", "tag": "%(nova_spid)s"}],
"logical_port_egress_rules": [],
"_schema": "/ws.v1/schema/SecurityProfileConfig",
"logical_port_ingress_rules": [],
"uuid": "%(uuid)s"
@ -35,17 +35,20 @@ class FakeClient:
"lswitch": "fake_post_lswitch.json",
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json"
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json",
"securityprofile": "fake_post_security_profile.json"
"lswitch": "fake_post_lswitch.json",
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json"
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json",
"securityprofile": "fake_post_security_profile.json"
_fake_lswitch_dict = {}
_fake_lport_dict = {}
_fake_lportstatus_dict = {}
_fake_securityprofile_dict = {}
def __init__(self, fake_files_path):
self.fake_files_path = fake_files_path
@ -102,17 +105,32 @@ class FakeClient:
self._fake_lportstatus_dict[fake_lport['uuid']] = fake_lport_status
return fake_lport
def _add_securityprofile(self, body):
fake_securityprofile = json.loads(body)
fake_securityprofile['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
fake_securityprofile['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(
fake_securityprofile, 'os_tid')
fake_securityprofile['nova_spid'] = self._get_tag(fake_securityprofile,
self._fake_securityprofile_dict[fake_securityprofile['uuid']] = (
return fake_securityprofile
def _get_resource_type(self, path):
uri_split = path.split('/')
resource_type = ('status' in uri_split and
'lport' in uri_split and 'lportstatus'
or 'lport' in uri_split and 'lport'
or 'lswitch' in uri_split and 'lswitch')
or 'lswitch' in uri_split and 'lswitch' or
'security-profile' in uri_split and 'securityprofile')
switch_uuid = ('lswitch' in uri_split and
len(uri_split) > 3 and uri_split[3])
port_uuid = ('lport' in uri_split and
len(uri_split) > 5 and uri_split[5])
return (resource_type, switch_uuid, port_uuid)
securityprofile_uuid = ('security-profile' in uri_split and
len(uri_split) > 3 and uri_split[3])
return (resource_type, switch_uuid, port_uuid, securityprofile_uuid)
def _list(self, resource_type, response_file,
switch_uuid=None, query=None):
@ -176,7 +194,8 @@ class FakeClient:
def handle_get(self, url):
#TODO(salvatore-orlando): handle field selection
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid, sec_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(
response_file = self.FAKE_GET_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
@ -199,7 +218,8 @@ class FakeClient:
def handle_post(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, _p) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
(res_type, s_uuid, _p, sec_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(
response_file = self.FAKE_POST_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
@ -214,8 +234,9 @@ class FakeClient:
def handle_put(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid, sec_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid or sec_uuid
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
@ -229,8 +250,9 @@ class FakeClient:
def handle_delete(self, url):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid, sec_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid or sec_uuid
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
@ -22,13 +22,14 @@ import webob.exc
import quantum.common.test_lib as test_lib
from quantum import context
from quantum.extensions import providernet as pnet
from quantum.extensions import securitygroup as secgrp
from quantum import manager
from quantum.openstack.common import cfg
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin import nvplib
from quantum.tests.unit.nicira import fake_nvpapiclient
import quantum.tests.unit.test_db_plugin as test_plugin
import quantum.tests.unit.test_extension_portsecurity as psec
import quantum.tests.unit.test_extension_security_group as ext_sg
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NICIRA_PKG_PATH = 'quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin'
@ -120,6 +121,24 @@ class TestNiciraPortsV2(test_plugin.TestPortsV2, NiciraPluginV2TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(ls), 2)
def test_update_port_delete_ip(self):
# This test case overrides the default because the nvp plugin
# implements port_security/security groups and it is not allowed
# to remove an ip address from a port unless the security group
# is first removed.
with self.subnet() as subnet:
with self.port(subnet=subnet) as port:
data = {'port': {'admin_state_up': False,
'fixed_ips': [],
req = self.new_update_request('ports',
data, port['port']['id'])
res = self.deserialize('json', req.get_response(self.api))
class TestNiciraNetworksV2(test_plugin.TestNetworksV2,
@ -185,3 +204,34 @@ class NiciraPortSecurityTestCase(psec.PortSecurityDBTestCase):
class TestNiciraPortSecurity(psec.TestPortSecurity,
class NiciraSecurityGroupsTestCase(ext_sg.SecurityGroupDBTestCase):
_plugin_name = ('%s.QuantumPlugin.NvpPluginV2' % NICIRA_PKG_PATH)
def setUp(self):
etc_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'etc')
test_lib.test_config['config_files'] = [os.path.join(etc_path,
# mock nvp api client
fc = fake_nvpapiclient.FakeClient(etc_path)
self.mock_nvpapi = mock.patch('%s.NvpApiClient.NVPApiHelper'
% NICIRA_PKG_PATH, autospec=True)
instance = self.mock_nvpapi.start()
instance.return_value.login.return_value = "the_cookie"
def _fake_request(*args, **kwargs):
return fc.fake_request(*args, **kwargs)
instance.return_value.request.side_effect = _fake_request
super(NiciraSecurityGroupsTestCase, self).setUp(self._plugin_name)
def tearDown(self):
super(NiciraSecurityGroupsTestCase, self).tearDown()
class TestNiciraSecurityGroup(ext_sg.TestSecurityGroups,
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import os
import mock
import webob.exc
from quantum.api.v2 import attributes as attr
from quantum.common.test_lib import test_config
from quantum import context
from quantum.db import db_base_plugin_v2
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ class SecurityGroupTestPlugin(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
def create_port(self, context, port):
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, port['port'])
default_sg = self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id)
if not port['port'].get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS):
if not attr.is_attr_set(port['port'].get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS)):
port['port'][ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] = [default_sg]
session = context.session
with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
@ -207,6 +208,13 @@ class SecurityGroupTestPlugin(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2,
return super(SecurityGroupTestPlugin, self).create_network(context,
def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
quantum_lports = super(SecurityGroupTestPlugin, self).get_ports(
context, filters)
for quantum_lport in quantum_lports:
self._extend_port_dict_security_group(context, quantum_lport)
return quantum_lports
class SecurityGroupDBTestCase(SecurityGroupsTestCase):
def setUp(self, plugin=None):
@ -215,6 +223,10 @@ class SecurityGroupDBTestCase(SecurityGroupsTestCase):
test_config['extension_manager'] = ext_mgr
super(SecurityGroupDBTestCase, self).setUp(plugin)
def tearDown(self):
del test_config['plugin_name_v2']
super(SecurityGroupDBTestCase, self).tearDown()
class TestSecurityGroups(SecurityGroupDBTestCase):
def test_create_security_group(self):
@ -649,6 +661,18 @@ class TestSecurityGroups(SecurityGroupDBTestCase):
self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)
self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
def test_list_ports_security_group(self):
with as n:
with self.subnet(n):
res = self._create_port(self.fmt, n['network']['id'])
self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)
res = self.new_list_request('ports')
ports = self.deserialize(self.fmt,
port = ports['ports'][0]
self.assertEquals(len(port[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS]), 1)
self._delete('ports', port['id'])
def test_update_port_with_security_group(self):
with as n:
with self.subnet(n):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user