[[post-extra|$TEMPEST_CONFIG]] [nsxv3] nsx_manager= nsx_user= nsx_password= [[post-config|$NOVA_CONF]] [DEFAULT] image_handlers=vmware_copy, vmware_download force_config_drive = False [vmware] task_poll_interval=0.5 use_linked_clone=false insecure = true datastore_regex = vdnet* [[local|localrc]] DATABASE_PASSWORD=openstack ADMIN_PASSWORD=openstack SERVICE_PASSWORD=openstack SERVICE_TOKEN=openstack RABBIT_PASSWORD=openstack # Enable Logging LOGFILE=/opt/stack/logs/stack.sh.log VERBOSE=True LOG_COLOR=True SCREEN_LOGDIR=/opt/stack/logs RECLONE=True VIRT_DRIVER=vsphere CINDER_DRIVER=vsphere CINDER_ENABLED_BACKENDS=vsphere VMWAREAPI_IP= VMWAREAPI_USER= VMWAREAPI_PASSWORD= VMWAREAPI_CLUSTER= # Use IPv4 only IP_VERSION=4 # Pre-requisite ENABLED_SERVICES=rabbit,mysql,key # Horizon (Dashboard UI) ENABLED_SERVICES+=,horizon #HORIZON_REPO=https://github.com/openstack/horizon # Nova - Compute Service ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-api,n-crt,n-obj,n-cpu,n-cond,n-sch # Nova Network - If you don't want to use Neutron and need a simple network setup (old good stuff!) #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-net ## Nova Cells #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-cell # VNC server ENABLED_SERVICES+=,n-novnc,n-xvnc,n-cauth # Glance - Image Service ENABLED_SERVICES+=,g-api,g-reg # Tempest ENABLED_SERVICES+=,tempest # Swift - Object Storage #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,s-proxy,s-object,s-container,s-account # Neutron - Networking Service # If Neutron is not declared the old good nova-network will be used # If use agent to provider DHCP and metadata #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-svc,q-dhcp,q-meta,neutron # If use native DHCP support from NSX, q-dhcp & q-meta shouldn't be enabled ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-svc,neutron ## Neutron - Load Balancing #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-lbaas ## Neutron - VPN as a Service #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-vpn ## Neutron - Firewall as a Service #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,q-fwaas # Cinder - Block Device Service #ENABLED_SERVICES+=,cinder,c-api,c-vol,c-sch,c-bak # Apache fronted for WSGI APACHE_ENABLED_SERVICES+=keystone,swift # Enable NSX-T plugin stable/liberty branch enable_plugin vmware-nsx Q_PLUGIN=vmware_nsx_v3 # Defatult vlan transport zone for provider network DEFAULT_VLAN_TZ_UUID= # Defatult overlay transport zone fro tenant network DEFAULT_OVERLAY_TZ_UUID= NSX_MANAGER= OVS_BRIDGE=nsxvswitch NSX_USER= NSX_PASSWORD= # Default tier0 uuid which is created by admin DEFAULT_TIER0_ROUTER_UUID= # Default Edge cluster uuid DEFAULT_EDGE_CLUSTER_UUID= # Enabled native DHCP support from NSX backend DHCP_PROFILE_UUID= DHCP_RELAY_SERVICE= METADATA_PROXY_UUID= METADATA_PROXY_SHARED_SECRET= METADATA_PROXY_USE_HTTPS=False METADATA_PROXY_CERT_FILE= METADATA_PROXY_PRIV_KEY_FILE= NATIVE_DHCP_METADATA=True