# Copyright 2013 Dell Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Rajesh Mohan, Rajesh_Mohan3@Dell.com, DELL Inc. from neutron.agent.linux import iptables_manager from neutron.extensions import firewall as fw_ext from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.services.firewall.drivers import fwaas_base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) FWAAS_DRIVER_NAME = 'Fwaas iptables driver' FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN = 'fwaas-default-policy' INGRESS_DIRECTION = 'ingress' EGRESS_DIRECTION = 'egress' CHAIN_NAME_PREFIX = {INGRESS_DIRECTION: 'i', EGRESS_DIRECTION: 'o'} """ Firewall rules are applied on internal-interfaces of Neutron router. The packets ingressing tenant's network will be on the output direction on internal-interfaces. """ IPTABLES_DIR = {INGRESS_DIRECTION: '-o', EGRESS_DIRECTION: '-i'} IPV4 = 'ipv4' IPV6 = 'ipv6' IP_VER_TAG = {IPV4: 'v4', IPV6: 'v6'} class IptablesFwaasDriver(fwaas_base.FwaasDriverBase): """IPTables driver for Firewall As A Service.""" def __init__(self): LOG.debug(_("Initializing fwaas iptables driver")) def create_firewall(self, apply_list, firewall): LOG.debug(_('Creating firewall %(fw_id)s for tenant %(tid)s)'), {'fw_id': firewall['id'], 'tid': firewall['tenant_id']}) try: if firewall['admin_state_up']: self._setup_firewall(apply_list, firewall) else: self.apply_default_policy(apply_list, firewall) except (LookupError, RuntimeError): # catch known library exceptions and raise Fwaas generic exception LOG.exception(_("Failed to create firewall: %s"), firewall['id']) raise fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError(driver=FWAAS_DRIVER_NAME) def delete_firewall(self, apply_list, firewall): LOG.debug(_('Deleting firewall %(fw_id)s for tenant %(tid)s)'), {'fw_id': firewall['id'], 'tid': firewall['tenant_id']}) fwid = firewall['id'] try: for router_info in apply_list: ipt_mgr = router_info.iptables_manager self._remove_chains(fwid, ipt_mgr) self._remove_default_chains(ipt_mgr) # apply the changes immediately (no defer in firewall path) ipt_mgr.defer_apply_off() except (LookupError, RuntimeError): # catch known library exceptions and raise Fwaas generic exception LOG.exception(_("Failed to delete firewall: %s"), fwid) raise fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError(driver=FWAAS_DRIVER_NAME) def update_firewall(self, apply_list, firewall): LOG.debug(_('Updating firewall %(fw_id)s for tenant %(tid)s)'), {'fw_id': firewall['id'], 'tid': firewall['tenant_id']}) try: if firewall['admin_state_up']: self._setup_firewall(apply_list, firewall) else: self.apply_default_policy(apply_list, firewall) except (LookupError, RuntimeError): # catch known library exceptions and raise Fwaas generic exception LOG.exception(_("Failed to update firewall: %s"), firewall['id']) raise fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError(driver=FWAAS_DRIVER_NAME) def apply_default_policy(self, apply_list, firewall): LOG.debug(_('Applying firewall %(fw_id)s for tenant %(tid)s)'), {'fw_id': firewall['id'], 'tid': firewall['tenant_id']}) fwid = firewall['id'] try: for router_info in apply_list: ipt_mgr = router_info.iptables_manager # the following only updates local memory; no hole in FW self._remove_chains(fwid, ipt_mgr) self._remove_default_chains(ipt_mgr) # create default 'DROP ALL' policy chain self._add_default_policy_chain_v4v6(ipt_mgr) self._enable_policy_chain(fwid, ipt_mgr) # apply the changes immediately (no defer in firewall path) ipt_mgr.defer_apply_off() except (LookupError, RuntimeError): # catch known library exceptions and raise Fwaas generic exception LOG.exception(_("Failed to apply default policy on firewall: %s"), fwid) raise fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError(driver=FWAAS_DRIVER_NAME) def _setup_firewall(self, apply_list, firewall): fwid = firewall['id'] for router_info in apply_list: ipt_mgr = router_info.iptables_manager # the following only updates local memory; no hole in FW self._remove_chains(fwid, ipt_mgr) self._remove_default_chains(ipt_mgr) # create default 'DROP ALL' policy chain self._add_default_policy_chain_v4v6(ipt_mgr) #create chain based on configured policy self._setup_chains(firewall, ipt_mgr) # apply the changes immediately (no defer in firewall path) ipt_mgr.defer_apply_off() def _get_chain_name(self, fwid, ver, direction): return '%s%s%s' % (CHAIN_NAME_PREFIX[direction], IP_VER_TAG[ver], fwid) def _setup_chains(self, firewall, ipt_mgr): """Create Fwaas chain using the rules in the policy """ fw_rules_list = firewall['firewall_rule_list'] fwid = firewall['id'] #default rules for invalid packets and established sessions invalid_rule = self._drop_invalid_packets_rule() est_rule = self._allow_established_rule() for ver in [IPV4, IPV6]: if ver == IPV4: table = ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'] else: table = ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'] ichain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, INGRESS_DIRECTION) ochain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, EGRESS_DIRECTION) for name in [ichain_name, ochain_name]: table.add_chain(name) table.add_rule(name, invalid_rule) table.add_rule(name, est_rule) for rule in fw_rules_list: if not rule['enabled']: continue iptbl_rule = self._convert_fwaas_to_iptables_rule(rule) if rule['ip_version'] == 4: ver = IPV4 table = ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'] else: ver = IPV6 table = ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'] ichain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, INGRESS_DIRECTION) ochain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, EGRESS_DIRECTION) table.add_rule(ichain_name, iptbl_rule) table.add_rule(ochain_name, iptbl_rule) self._enable_policy_chain(fwid, ipt_mgr) def _remove_default_chains(self, nsid): """Remove fwaas default policy chain.""" self._remove_chain_by_name(IPV4, FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN, nsid) self._remove_chain_by_name(IPV6, FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN, nsid) def _remove_chains(self, fwid, ipt_mgr): """Remove fwaas policy chain.""" for ver in [IPV4, IPV6]: for direction in [INGRESS_DIRECTION, EGRESS_DIRECTION]: chain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, direction) self._remove_chain_by_name(ver, chain_name, ipt_mgr) def _add_default_policy_chain_v4v6(self, ipt_mgr): ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'].add_chain(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN) ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'].add_rule(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN, '-j DROP') ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'].add_chain(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN) ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'].add_rule(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN, '-j DROP') def _remove_chain_by_name(self, ver, chain_name, ipt_mgr): if ver == IPV4: ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'].ensure_remove_chain(chain_name) else: ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'].ensure_remove_chain(chain_name) def _add_rules_to_chain(self, ipt_mgr, ver, chain_name, rules): if ver == IPV4: table = ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter'] else: table = ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'] for rule in rules: table.add_rule(chain_name, rule) def _enable_policy_chain(self, fwid, ipt_mgr): bname = iptables_manager.binary_name for (ver, tbl) in [(IPV4, ipt_mgr.ipv4['filter']), (IPV6, ipt_mgr.ipv6['filter'])]: for direction in [INGRESS_DIRECTION, EGRESS_DIRECTION]: chain_name = self._get_chain_name(fwid, ver, direction) chain_name = iptables_manager.get_chain_name(chain_name) if chain_name in tbl.chains: jump_rule = ['%s qr-+ -j %s-%s' % (IPTABLES_DIR[direction], bname, chain_name)] self._add_rules_to_chain(ipt_mgr, ver, 'FORWARD', jump_rule) #jump to DROP_ALL policy chain_name = iptables_manager.get_chain_name(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN) jump_rule = ['-o qr-+ -j %s-%s' % (bname, chain_name)] self._add_rules_to_chain(ipt_mgr, IPV4, 'FORWARD', jump_rule) self._add_rules_to_chain(ipt_mgr, IPV6, 'FORWARD', jump_rule) #jump to DROP_ALL policy chain_name = iptables_manager.get_chain_name(FWAAS_DEFAULT_CHAIN) jump_rule = ['-i qr-+ -j %s-%s' % (bname, chain_name)] self._add_rules_to_chain(ipt_mgr, IPV4, 'FORWARD', jump_rule) self._add_rules_to_chain(ipt_mgr, IPV6, 'FORWARD', jump_rule) def _convert_fwaas_to_iptables_rule(self, rule): action = rule.get('action') == 'allow' and 'ACCEPT' or 'DROP' args = [self._protocol_arg(rule.get('protocol')), self._port_arg('dport', rule.get('protocol'), rule.get('destination_port')), self._port_arg('sport', rule.get('protocol'), rule.get('source_port')), self._ip_prefix_arg('s', rule.get('source_ip_address')), self._ip_prefix_arg('d', rule.get('destination_ip_address')), self._action_arg(action)] iptables_rule = ' '.join(args) return iptables_rule def _drop_invalid_packets_rule(self): return '-m state --state INVALID -j DROP' def _allow_established_rule(self): return '-m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT' def _action_arg(self, action): if action: return '-j %s' % action return '' def _protocol_arg(self, protocol): if protocol: return '-p %s' % protocol return '' def _port_arg(self, direction, protocol, port): if not (protocol in ['udp', 'tcp'] and port): return '' return '--%s %s' % (direction, port) def _ip_prefix_arg(self, direction, ip_prefix): if ip_prefix: return '-%s %s' % (direction, ip_prefix) return ''