# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright 2013, Nachi Ueno, NTT I3, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils from neutron.plugins.common import constants from neutron.services.vpn.device_drivers import ipsec as ipsec_driver from neutron.tests import base _uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid FAKE_HOST = 'fake_host' FAKE_ROUTER_ID = _uuid() FAKE_VPN_SERVICE = { 'id': _uuid(), 'router_id': FAKE_ROUTER_ID, 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': constants.PENDING_CREATE, 'subnet': {'cidr': ''}, 'ipsec_site_connections': [ {'peer_cidrs': ['', '']}, {'peer_cidrs': ['', '']}] } class TestIPsecDeviceDriver(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self, driver=ipsec_driver.OpenSwanDriver): super(TestIPsecDeviceDriver, self).setUp() self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall) for klass in [ 'os.makedirs', 'os.path.isdir', 'neutron.agent.linux.utils.replace_file', 'neutron.openstack.common.rpc.create_connection', 'neutron.services.vpn.device_drivers.ipsec.' 'OpenSwanProcess._gen_config_content', 'shutil.rmtree', ]: mock.patch(klass).start() self.execute = mock.patch( 'neutron.agent.linux.utils.execute').start() self.agent = mock.Mock() self.driver = driver( self.agent, FAKE_HOST) self.driver.agent_rpc = mock.Mock() def test_vpnservice_updated(self): with mock.patch.object(self.driver, 'sync') as sync: context = mock.Mock() self.driver.vpnservice_updated(context) sync.assert_called_once_with(context, []) def test_create_router(self): process_id = _uuid() process = mock.Mock() process.vpnservice = FAKE_VPN_SERVICE self.driver.processes = { process_id: process} self.driver.create_router(process_id) process.enable.assert_called_once_with() def test_destroy_router(self): process_id = _uuid() process = mock.Mock() process.vpnservice = FAKE_VPN_SERVICE self.driver.processes = { process_id: process} self.driver.destroy_router(process_id) process.disable.assert_called_once_with() self.assertNotIn(process_id, self.driver.processes) def test_sync_added(self): self.driver.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host.return_value = [ FAKE_VPN_SERVICE] context = mock.Mock() process = mock.Mock() process.vpnservice = FAKE_VPN_SERVICE process.connection_status = {} process.status = constants.ACTIVE process.updated_pending_status = True self.driver.process_status_cache = {} self.driver.processes = { FAKE_ROUTER_ID: process} self.driver.sync(context, []) self.agent.assert_has_calls([ mock.call.add_nat_rule( FAKE_ROUTER_ID, 'POSTROUTING', '-s -d -m policy ' '--dir out --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT ', top=True), mock.call.add_nat_rule( FAKE_ROUTER_ID, 'POSTROUTING', '-s -d -m policy ' '--dir out --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT ', top=True), mock.call.add_nat_rule( FAKE_ROUTER_ID, 'POSTROUTING', '-s -d -m policy ' '--dir out --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT ', top=True), mock.call.add_nat_rule( FAKE_ROUTER_ID, 'POSTROUTING', '-s -d -m policy ' '--dir out --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT ', top=True), mock.call.iptables_apply(FAKE_ROUTER_ID) ]) process.update.assert_called_once_with() self.driver.agent_rpc.update_status.assert_called_once_with( context, [{'status': 'ACTIVE', 'ipsec_site_connections': {}, 'updated_pending_status': True, 'id': FAKE_VPN_SERVICE['id']}]) def test_sync_removed(self): self.driver.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host.return_value = [] context = mock.Mock() process_id = _uuid() process = mock.Mock() process.vpnservice = FAKE_VPN_SERVICE self.driver.processes = { process_id: process} self.driver.sync(context, []) process.disable.assert_called_once_with() self.assertNotIn(process_id, self.driver.processes) def test_sync_removed_router(self): self.driver.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host.return_value = [] context = mock.Mock() process_id = _uuid() self.driver.sync(context, [{'id': process_id}]) self.assertNotIn(process_id, self.driver.processes)