# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 #Copyright 2013 Cloudbase Solutions SRL #Copyright 2013 Pedro Navarro Perez #All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # @author: Pedro Navarro Perez # @author: Alessandro Pilotti, Cloudbase Solutions Srl import eventlet import platform import re import time from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.agent.common import config from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc from neutron.common import config as logging_config from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import topics from neutron import context from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall from neutron.openstack.common.rpc import dispatcher from neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent import utils from neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent import utilsfactory from neutron.plugins.hyperv.common import constants LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) agent_opts = [ cfg.ListOpt( 'physical_network_vswitch_mappings', default=[], help=_('List of : ' 'where the physical networks can be expressed with ' 'wildcards, e.g.: ."*:external"')), cfg.StrOpt( 'local_network_vswitch', default='private', help=_('Private vswitch name used for local networks')), cfg.IntOpt('polling_interval', default=2, help=_("The number of seconds the agent will wait between " "polling for local device changes.")), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_metrics_collection', default=False, help=_('Enables metrics collections for switch ports by using ' 'Hyper-V\'s metric APIs. Collected data can by ' 'retrieved by other apps and services, e.g.: ' 'Ceilometer. Requires Hyper-V / Windows Server 2012 ' 'and above')) ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(agent_opts, "AGENT") config.register_agent_state_opts_helper(cfg.CONF) class HyperVNeutronAgent(object): # Set RPC API version to 1.0 by default. RPC_API_VERSION = '1.0' def __init__(self): self._utils = utilsfactory.get_hypervutils() self._polling_interval = CONF.AGENT.polling_interval self._load_physical_network_mappings() self._network_vswitch_map = {} self._set_agent_state() self._setup_rpc() def _set_agent_state(self): self.agent_state = { 'binary': 'neutron-hyperv-agent', 'host': cfg.CONF.host, 'topic': n_const.L2_AGENT_TOPIC, 'configurations': {'vswitch_mappings': self._physical_network_mappings}, 'agent_type': n_const.AGENT_TYPE_HYPERV, 'start_flag': True} def _report_state(self): try: self.state_rpc.report_state(self.context, self.agent_state) self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(_("Failed reporting state! %s"), ex) def _setup_rpc(self): self.agent_id = 'hyperv_%s' % platform.node() self.topic = topics.AGENT self.plugin_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.PLUGIN) # RPC network init self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session() # Handle updates from service self.dispatcher = self._create_rpc_dispatcher() # Define the listening consumers for the agent consumers = [[topics.PORT, topics.UPDATE], [topics.NETWORK, topics.DELETE], [topics.PORT, topics.DELETE], [constants.TUNNEL, topics.UPDATE]] self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.dispatcher, self.topic, consumers) report_interval = CONF.AGENT.report_interval if report_interval: heartbeat = loopingcall.LoopingCall(self._report_state) heartbeat.start(interval=report_interval) def _load_physical_network_mappings(self): self._physical_network_mappings = {} for mapping in CONF.AGENT.physical_network_vswitch_mappings: parts = mapping.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: LOG.debug(_('Invalid physical network mapping: %s'), mapping) else: pattern = re.escape(parts[0].strip()).replace('\\*', '.*') vswitch = parts[1].strip() self._physical_network_mappings[pattern] = vswitch def _get_vswitch_for_physical_network(self, phys_network_name): for pattern in self._physical_network_mappings: if phys_network_name is None: phys_network_name = '' if re.match(pattern, phys_network_name): return self._physical_network_mappings[pattern] # Not found in the mappings, the vswitch has the same name return phys_network_name def _get_network_vswitch_map_by_port_id(self, port_id): for network_id, map in self._network_vswitch_map.iteritems(): if port_id in map['ports']: return (network_id, map) def network_delete(self, context, network_id=None): LOG.debug(_("network_delete received. " "Deleting network %s"), network_id) # The network may not be defined on this agent if network_id in self._network_vswitch_map: self._reclaim_local_network(network_id) else: LOG.debug(_("Network %s not defined on agent."), network_id) def port_delete(self, context, port_id=None): LOG.debug(_("port_delete received")) self._port_unbound(port_id) def port_update(self, context, port=None, network_type=None, segmentation_id=None, physical_network=None): LOG.debug(_("port_update received")) self._treat_vif_port( port['id'], port['network_id'], network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, port['admin_state_up']) def _create_rpc_dispatcher(self): return dispatcher.RpcDispatcher([self]) def _get_vswitch_name(self, network_type, physical_network): if network_type != constants.TYPE_LOCAL: vswitch_name = self._get_vswitch_for_physical_network( physical_network) else: vswitch_name = CONF.AGENT.local_network_vswitch return vswitch_name def _provision_network(self, port_id, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id): LOG.info(_("Provisioning network %s"), net_uuid) vswitch_name = self._get_vswitch_name(network_type, physical_network) if network_type in [constants.TYPE_VLAN, constants.TYPE_FLAT]: #Nothing to do pass elif network_type == constants.TYPE_LOCAL: #TODO(alexpilotti): Check that the switch type is private #or create it if not existing pass else: raise utils.HyperVException( msg=(_("Cannot provision unknown network type %(network_type)s" " for network %(net_uuid)s") % dict(network_type=network_type, net_uuid=net_uuid))) map = { 'network_type': network_type, 'vswitch_name': vswitch_name, 'ports': [], 'vlan_id': segmentation_id} self._network_vswitch_map[net_uuid] = map def _reclaim_local_network(self, net_uuid): LOG.info(_("Reclaiming local network %s"), net_uuid) del self._network_vswitch_map[net_uuid] def _port_bound(self, port_id, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id): LOG.debug(_("Binding port %s"), port_id) if net_uuid not in self._network_vswitch_map: self._provision_network( port_id, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id) map = self._network_vswitch_map[net_uuid] map['ports'].append(port_id) self._utils.connect_vnic_to_vswitch(map['vswitch_name'], port_id) if network_type == constants.TYPE_VLAN: LOG.info(_('Binding VLAN ID %(segmentation_id)s ' 'to switch port %(port_id)s'), dict(segmentation_id=segmentation_id, port_id=port_id)) self._utils.set_vswitch_port_vlan_id( segmentation_id, port_id) elif network_type == constants.TYPE_FLAT: #Nothing to do pass elif network_type == constants.TYPE_LOCAL: #Nothing to do pass else: LOG.error(_('Unsupported network type %s'), network_type) if CONF.AGENT.enable_metrics_collection: self._utils.enable_port_metrics_collection(port_id) def _port_unbound(self, port_id): (net_uuid, map) = self._get_network_vswitch_map_by_port_id(port_id) if net_uuid not in self._network_vswitch_map: LOG.info(_('Network %s is not avalailable on this agent'), net_uuid) return LOG.debug(_("Unbinding port %s"), port_id) self._utils.disconnect_switch_port(map['vswitch_name'], port_id, True) if not map['ports']: self._reclaim_local_network(net_uuid) def _update_ports(self, registered_ports): ports = self._utils.get_vnic_ids() if ports == registered_ports: return added = ports - registered_ports removed = registered_ports - ports return {'current': ports, 'added': added, 'removed': removed} def _treat_vif_port(self, port_id, network_id, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, admin_state_up): if self._utils.vnic_port_exists(port_id): if admin_state_up: self._port_bound(port_id, network_id, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id) else: self._port_unbound(port_id) else: LOG.debug(_("No port %s defined on agent."), port_id) def _treat_devices_added(self, devices): resync = False for device in devices: LOG.info(_("Adding port %s"), device) try: device_details = self.plugin_rpc.get_device_details( self.context, device, self.agent_id) except Exception as e: LOG.debug( _("Unable to get port details for " "device %(device)s: %(e)s"), {'device': device, 'e': e}) resync = True continue if 'port_id' in device_details: LOG.info( _("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(device_details)s"), {'device': device, 'device_details': device_details}) self._treat_vif_port( device_details['port_id'], device_details['network_id'], device_details['network_type'], device_details['physical_network'], device_details['segmentation_id'], device_details['admin_state_up']) return resync def _treat_devices_removed(self, devices): resync = False for device in devices: LOG.info(_("Removing port %s"), device) try: self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) except Exception as e: LOG.debug( _("Removing port failed for device %(device)s: %(e)s"), dict(device=device, e=e)) resync = True continue self._port_unbound(device) return resync def _process_network_ports(self, port_info): resync_a = False resync_b = False if 'added' in port_info: resync_a = self._treat_devices_added(port_info['added']) if 'removed' in port_info: resync_b = self._treat_devices_removed(port_info['removed']) # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin return (resync_a | resync_b) def daemon_loop(self): sync = True ports = set() while True: try: start = time.time() if sync: LOG.info(_("Agent out of sync with plugin!")) ports.clear() sync = False port_info = self._update_ports(ports) # notify plugin about port deltas if port_info: LOG.debug(_("Agent loop has new devices!")) # If treat devices fails - must resync with plugin sync = self._process_network_ports(port_info) ports = port_info['current'] except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_("Error in agent event loop: %s"), e) sync = True # sleep till end of polling interval elapsed = (time.time() - start) if (elapsed < self._polling_interval): time.sleep(self._polling_interval - elapsed) else: LOG.debug(_("Loop iteration exceeded interval " "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)"), {'polling_interval': self._polling_interval, 'elapsed': elapsed}) def main(): eventlet.monkey_patch() cfg.CONF(project='neutron') logging_config.setup_logging(cfg.CONF) plugin = HyperVNeutronAgent() # Start everything. LOG.info(_("Agent initialized successfully, now running... ")) plugin.daemon_loop()