# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import abc import contextlib import copy import datetime import eventlet import itertools import logging import requests import six import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse from eventlet import greenpool from eventlet import pools from neutron.callbacks import events from neutron.callbacks import registry from neutron.callbacks import resources from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_service import loopingcall from requests import adapters from requests import exceptions as requests_exceptions from vmware_nsx._i18n import _, _LI, _LW from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.v3 import client as nsx_client LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) # disable warning message for each HTTP retry logging.getLogger( "requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool").setLevel(logging.ERROR) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AbstractHTTPProvider(object): """Interface for providers of HTTP connections which are responsible for creating and validating connections for their underlying HTTP support. """ @property def default_scheme(self): return 'https' @abc.abstractproperty def provider_id(self): """A unique string name for this provider.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def validate_connection(self, cluster_api, endpoint, conn): """Validate the said connection for the given endpoint and cluster. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def new_connection(self, cluster_api, provider): """Create a new http connection for the said cluster and cluster provider. The actual connection should duck type requests.Session http methods (get(), put(), etc.). """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def is_connection_exception(self, exception): """Determine if the given exception is related to connection failure. Return True if it's a connection exception and False otherwise. """ class TimeoutSession(requests.Session): """Extends requests.Session to support timeout at the session level. """ def __init__(self, timeout=None, read_timeout=None): self.timeout = timeout or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.http_timeout self.read_timeout = read_timeout or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.http_read_timeout super(TimeoutSession, self).__init__() # wrapper timeouts at the session level # see: https://goo.gl/xNk7aM def request(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = (self.timeout, self.read_timeout) return super(TimeoutSession, self).request(*args, **kwargs) class NSXRequestsHTTPProvider(AbstractHTTPProvider): """Concrete implementation of AbstractHTTPProvider using requests.Session() as the underlying connection. """ @property def provider_id(self): return "%s-%s" % (requests.__title__, requests.__version__) def validate_connection(self, cluster_api, endpoint, conn): client = nsx_client.NSX3Client(conn, url_prefix=endpoint.provider.url) zones = client.get('transport-zones') if not zones or zones['result_count'] <= 0: msg = _("No transport zones found " "for '%s'") % endpoint.provider.url LOG.warning(msg) raise nsx_exc.ResourceNotFound( manager=endpoint.provider.url, operation=msg) def new_connection(self, cluster_api, provider): session = TimeoutSession(cluster_api.http_timeout, cluster_api.http_read_timeout) session.auth = (cluster_api.username, cluster_api.password) # NSX v3 doesn't use redirects session.max_redirects = 0 session.verify = not cluster_api.insecure if session.verify and cluster_api.ca_file: # verify using the said ca bundle path session.verify = cluster_api.ca_file # we are pooling with eventlet in the cluster class adapter = adapters.HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1, max_retries=cluster_api.retries, pool_block=False) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) return session def is_connection_exception(self, exception): return isinstance(exception, requests_exceptions.ConnectionError) class ClusterHealth(object): """Indicator of overall cluster health with respect to the connectivity of the clusters managed endpoints. """ # all endpoints are UP GREEN = 'GREEN' # at least 1 endpoint is UP, but 1 or more are DOWN ORANGE = 'ORANGE' # all endpoints are DOWN RED = 'RED' class EndpointState(object): """Tracks the connectivity state for a said endpoint. """ # no UP or DOWN state recorded yet INITIALIZED = 'INITIALIZED' # endpoint has been validate and is good UP = 'UP' # endpoint can't be reached or validated DOWN = 'DOWN' class Provider(object): """Data holder for a provider which has a unique id and a connection URL. """ def __init__(self, provider_id, provider_url): self.id = provider_id self.url = provider_url def __str__(self): return str(self.url) class Endpoint(object): """A single NSX manager endpoint (host) which includes related information such as the endpoint's provider, state, etc.. A pool is used to hold connections to the endpoint which are doled out when proxying HTTP methods to the underlying connections. """ def __init__(self, provider, pool): self.provider = provider self.pool = pool self._state = EndpointState.INITIALIZED self._last_updated = datetime.datetime.now() @property def last_updated(self): return self._last_updated @property def state(self): return self._state def set_state(self, state): if self.state != state: LOG.info(_LI("Endpoint '%(ep)s' changing from state" " '%(old)s' to '%(new)s'"), {'ep': self.provider, 'old': self.state, 'new': state}) old_state = self._state self._state = state self._last_updated = datetime.datetime.now() return old_state def __str__(self): return "[%s] %s" % (self.state, self.provider) class EndpointConnection(object): """Simple data holder which contains an endpoint and a connection for that endpoint. """ def __init__(self, endpoint, connection): self.endpoint = endpoint self.connection = connection class ClusteredAPI(object): """Duck types the major HTTP based methods of a requests.Session such as get(), put(), post(), etc. and transparently proxies those calls to one of its managed NSX manager endpoints. """ _HTTP_VERBS = ['get', 'delete', 'head', 'put', 'post', 'patch', 'create'] def __init__(self, providers, http_provider, min_conns_per_pool=1, max_conns_per_pool=500, keepalive_interval=33): self._http_provider = http_provider self._keepalive_interval = keepalive_interval def _init_cluster(*args, **kwargs): self._init_endpoints(providers, min_conns_per_pool, max_conns_per_pool) _init_cluster() # reinitialize upon fork for api workers to ensure each # process has its own keepalive loops + state registry.subscribe( _init_cluster, resources.PROCESS, events.AFTER_CREATE) def _init_endpoints(self, providers, min_conns_per_pool, max_conns_per_pool): LOG.debug("Initializing API endpoints") def _create_conn(p): def _conn(): # called when a pool needs to create a new connection return self._http_provider.new_connection(self, p) return _conn self._endpoints = {} for provider in providers: pool = pools.Pool( min_size=min_conns_per_pool, max_size=max_conns_per_pool, order_as_stack=True, create=_create_conn(provider)) endpoint = Endpoint(provider, pool) self._endpoints[provider.id] = endpoint # service requests using round robin self._endpoint_schedule = itertools.cycle(self._endpoints.values()) # duck type to proxy http invocations for method in ClusteredAPI._HTTP_VERBS: setattr(self, method, self._proxy_stub(method)) conns = greenpool.GreenPool() for endpoint in self._endpoints.values(): conns.spawn(self._validate, endpoint) eventlet.sleep(0) while conns.running(): if (self.health == ClusterHealth.GREEN or self.health == ClusterHealth.ORANGE): # only wait for 1 or more endpoints to reduce init time break eventlet.sleep(0.5) for endpoint in self._endpoints.values(): # dynamic loop for each endpoint to ensure connectivity loop = loopingcall.DynamicLoopingCall( self._endpoint_keepalive, endpoint) loop.start(initial_delay=self._keepalive_interval, periodic_interval_max=self._keepalive_interval, stop_on_exception=False) LOG.debug("Done initializing API endpoint(s). " "API cluster health: %s", self.health) def _endpoint_keepalive(self, endpoint): delta = datetime.datetime.now() - endpoint.last_updated if delta.seconds >= self._keepalive_interval: # TODO(boden): backoff on validation failure self._validate(endpoint) return self._keepalive_interval return self._keepalive_interval - delta.seconds @property def providers(self): return [ep.provider for ep in self._endpoints.values()] @property def endpoints(self): return copy.copy(self._endpoints) @property def http_provider(self): return self._http_provider @property def health(self): down = 0 up = 0 for endpoint in self._endpoints.values(): if endpoint.state != EndpointState.UP: down += 1 else: up += 1 if down == len(self._endpoints): return ClusterHealth.RED return (ClusterHealth.GREEN if up == len(self._endpoints) else ClusterHealth.ORANGE) def _validate(self, endpoint): try: with endpoint.pool.item() as conn: self._http_provider.validate_connection(self, endpoint, conn) endpoint.set_state(EndpointState.UP) LOG.debug("Validated API cluster endpoint: %s", endpoint) except Exception as e: endpoint.set_state(EndpointState.DOWN) LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to validate API cluster endpoint " "'%(ep)s' due to: %(err)s"), {'ep': endpoint, 'err': e}) def _select_endpoint(self): # check for UP state until exhausting all endpoints seen, total = 0, len(self._endpoints.values()) while seen < total: endpoint = next(self._endpoint_schedule) if endpoint.state == EndpointState.UP: return endpoint seen += 1 def endpoint_for_connection(self, conn): # check all endpoint pools for endpoint in self._endpoints.values(): if (conn in endpoint.pool.channel.queue or conn in endpoint.pool.free_items): return endpoint @property def cluster_id(self): return ','.join([str(ep.provider.url) for ep in self._endpoints.values()]) @contextlib.contextmanager def connection(self): with self.endpoint_connection() as conn_data: yield conn_data.connection @contextlib.contextmanager def endpoint_connection(self): endpoint = self._select_endpoint() if not endpoint: LOG.debug("All endpoints down for: %s" % [str(ep) for ep in self._endpoints.values()]) # all endpoints are DOWN and will have their next # state updated as per _endpoint_keepalive() raise nsx_exc.ServiceClusterUnavailable( cluster_id=self.cluster_id) if endpoint.pool.free() == 0: LOG.info(_LI("API endpoint %(ep)s at connection " "capacity %(max)s and has %(waiting)s waiting"), {'ep': endpoint, 'max': endpoint.pool.max_size, 'waiting': endpoint.pool.waiting()}) # pool.item() will wait if pool has 0 free with endpoint.pool.item() as conn: yield EndpointConnection(endpoint, conn) def _proxy_stub(self, proxy_for): def _call_proxy(url, *args, **kwargs): return self._proxy(proxy_for, url, *args, **kwargs) return _call_proxy def _proxy(self, proxy_for, uri, *args, **kwargs): # proxy http request call to an avail endpoint with self.endpoint_connection() as conn_data: conn = conn_data.connection endpoint = conn_data.endpoint # http conn must support requests style interface do_request = getattr(conn, proxy_for) if not uri.startswith('/'): uri = "/%s" % uri url = "%s%s" % (endpoint.provider.url, uri) try: LOG.debug("API cluster proxy %s %s to %s", proxy_for.upper(), uri, url) # call the actual connection method to do the # http request/response over the wire response = do_request(url, *args, **kwargs) endpoint.set_state(EndpointState.UP) return response except Exception as e: LOG.warning(_LW("Request failed due to: %s"), e) if not self._http_provider.is_connection_exception(e): # only trap and retry connection errors raise e endpoint.set_state(EndpointState.DOWN) LOG.debug("Connection to %s failed, checking additional " "endpoints" % url) # retry until exhausting endpoints return self._proxy(proxy_for, uri, *args, **kwargs) class NSXClusteredAPI(ClusteredAPI): """Extends ClusteredAPI to get conf values and setup the NSX v3 cluster. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, retries=None, insecure=None, ca_file=None, concurrent_connections=None, http_timeout=None, http_read_timeout=None, conn_idle_timeout=None, http_provider=None): self.username = username or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.nsx_api_user self.password = password or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.nsx_api_password self.retries = retries or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.http_retries self.insecure = insecure or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.insecure self.ca_file = ca_file or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.ca_file self.conns_per_pool = (concurrent_connections or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.concurrent_connections) self.http_timeout = http_timeout or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.http_timeout self.http_read_timeout = (http_read_timeout or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.http_read_timeout) self.conn_idle_timeout = (conn_idle_timeout or cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.conn_idle_timeout) self._http_provider = http_provider or NSXRequestsHTTPProvider() super(NSXClusteredAPI, self).__init__( self._build_conf_providers(), self._http_provider, max_conns_per_pool=self.conns_per_pool, keepalive_interval=self.conn_idle_timeout) LOG.debug("Created NSX clustered API with '%s' " "provider", self._http_provider.provider_id) def _build_conf_providers(self): def _schemed_url(uri): uri = uri.strip('/') return urlparse.urlparse( uri if uri.startswith('http') else "%s://%s" % (self._http_provider.default_scheme, uri)) conf_urls = cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.nsx_api_managers[:] urls = [] providers = [] for conf_url in conf_urls: conf_url = _schemed_url(conf_url) if conf_url in urls: LOG.warning(_LW("'%s' already defined in configuration file. " "Skipping."), urlparse.urlunparse(conf_url)) continue urls.append(conf_url) providers.append(Provider( conf_url.netloc, urlparse.urlunparse(conf_url))) return providers