# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from neutron.db.migration.alembic_migrations import external from neutron.db.migration import cli as migration from neutron.tests.functional.db import test_migrations from neutron.tests.unit import testlib_api from vmware_nsx.db.migration import alembic_migrations from vmware_nsx.db.migration.models import head #TODO(abhiraut): Remove this list from here once *aaS repos forms its # own list. # Add *aaS tables to EXTERNAL_TABLES since they should not be # tested. LBAAS_TABLES = { 'nsxv_edge_monitor_mappings', 'nsxv_edge_pool_mappings', 'nsxv_edge_vip_mappings', # LBaaS v2 tables 'lbaas_healthmonitors', 'lbaas_l7policies', 'lbaas_l7rules', 'lbaas_listeners', 'lbaas_loadbalancer_statistics', 'lbaas_loadbalanceragentbindings', 'lbaas_loadbalancers', 'lbaas_members', 'lbaas_pools', 'lbaas_sessionpersistences', 'lbaas_sni', } L2GW_TABLES = { 'l2gw_alembic_version', 'physical_locators', 'physical_switches', 'physical_ports', 'logical_switches', 'ucast_macs_locals', 'ucast_macs_remotes', 'vlan_bindings', 'l2gatewayconnections', 'l2gatewayinterfaces', 'l2gatewaydevices', 'l2gateways', 'pending_ucast_macs_remotes' } SFC_TABLES = { 'sfc_flow_classifier_l7_parameters', 'sfc_flow_classifiers', 'sfc_port_chain_parameters', 'sfc_service_function_params', 'sfc_port_pair_group_params', 'sfc_chain_classifier_associations', 'sfc_port_pairs', 'sfc_chain_group_associations', 'sfc_port_pair_groups', 'sfc_port_chains', 'sfc_uuid_intid_associations', 'sfc_path_port_associations', 'sfc_portpair_details', 'sfc_path_nodes', } TAAS_TABLES = { 'tap_services', 'tap_flows', 'tap_id_associations', } FWAAS_TABLES = { 'firewall_router_associations', 'cisco_firewall_associations', 'firewall_rules_v2', 'firewall_group_port_associations_v2', } VPNAAS_TABLES = { 'vpn_endpoint_groups', 'vpn_endpoints', } # EXTERNAL_TABLES should contain all names of tables that are not related to # current repo. EXTERNAL_TABLES = (set(external.TABLES) | LBAAS_TABLES | VPNAAS_TABLES | L2GW_TABLES | SFC_TABLES | TAAS_TABLES | FWAAS_TABLES) class _TestModelsMigrationsFoo(test_migrations._TestModelsMigrations): def db_sync(self, engine): cfg.CONF.set_override('connection', engine.url, group='database') for conf in migration.get_alembic_configs(): self.alembic_config = conf self.alembic_config.neutron_config = cfg.CONF migration.do_alembic_command(conf, 'upgrade', 'heads') def get_metadata(self): return head.get_metadata() def include_object(self, object_, name, type_, reflected, compare_to): if type_ == 'table' and (name.startswith('alembic') or name == alembic_migrations.VERSION_TABLE or name in EXTERNAL_TABLES): return False if type_ == 'index' and reflected and name.startswith("idx_autoinc_"): return False return True class TestModelsMigrationsMysql(testlib_api.MySQLTestCaseMixin, _TestModelsMigrationsFoo, testlib_api.SqlTestCaseLight): def test_models_sync(self): #TODO(asarfaty): Fix this issue in FWaaS or drop it self.skipTest('Temporarily skip this test as it is broken by fwaas') class TestModelsMigrationsPsql(testlib_api.PostgreSQLTestCaseMixin, _TestModelsMigrationsFoo, testlib_api.SqlTestCaseLight): pass