# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import os import re import shlex import subprocess import time import traceback from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client from tempest.common import waiters from tempest import config from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils from tempest.lib import exceptions from tempest.scenario import manager from tempest import test from vmware_nsx_tempest.tests.nsxv.scenario import ( network_addon_methods as HELO) CONF = config.CONF LOG = manager.log.getLogger(__name__) Floating_IP_tuple = collections.namedtuple( 'Floating_IP_tuple', ['floating_ip', 'server']) Z_VM2_DEST = "VM[%(h_ipaddr)s] %(msg)s [%(helper)s %(d_ipaddr)s]" # Before checking for floatingIP and server connectivity, we need to wait # x seconds for the control-plane to push configuration to data-plane # prior to process add/update/delete requests. WAITTIME_AFTER_DISASSOC_FLOATINGIP = CONF.scenario.waitfor_disassoc WAITTIME_AFTER_ASSOC_FLOATINGIP = CONF.scenario.waitfor_assoc WAITTIME_FOR_CONNECTIVITY = CONF.scenario.waitfor_connectivity DNS_SERVERS_IPV4 = CONF.network.dns_servers OUTSIDE_WORLD_SERVERS = CONF.scenario.outside_world_servers # iptype IPTYPE_FLOATING = 'floating-ip' IPTYPE_FIXED = 'fixed-ip' IPTYPE_OUTSIDE_SERVER = 'outside-server' class TopoDeployScenarioManager(manager.NetworkScenarioTest): """Purposes for TopoDeployScenarionManager: 1. Each deployment scenarion create its network resources, so call set_network_resource at setup_credentials() to overwrite it. 2. setUp() is for test framework. Test case topology is part of test and is configured during test() cycle. 3. net_resources.py overwrite resourses.py so the method to add interfaces to routers are inline with CLI, and support router owned by admin, but subnets are primary/alt clients. -- mechanism removed with patch 320495 -- we are relaying on the test framework to delete resources in the reverse order of creating. 4. Ping is used for Data-plane testing. OUTSIDE_WORLD_SERVERS ping test make sense when tenant's DNS is pirvate to provider. 5. Teardown is high cost, each test should perform its un-config to complete the whole tenant life-cycle. WARNING: you need to increase your quota to run in parallel as you might run out of quota when things went wrong. """ # defined at test.py; used to create client managers credentials = ['admin', 'primary', 'alt'] # router attributes used to create the tenant's router tenant_router_attrs = {} @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, cls).skip_checks() for ext in ['router', 'security-group']: if not test.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network'): msg = "%s extension not enabled." % ext raise cls.skipException(msg) @classmethod def check_preconditions(cls): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, cls).check_preconditions() if not (CONF.network.project_networks_reachable or CONF.network.public_network_id): msg = ('Either project_networks_reachable must be "true", or ' 'public_network_id must be defined.') cls.enabled = False raise cls.skipException(msg) @classmethod def setup_credentials(cls): # Each client's network is created when client manager is created, # and client manager is created at setup_credentials. # topo-deploy scenarion manager asks not to create network resources. cls.set_network_resources(False, False, False, False) super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, cls).setup_credentials() @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, cls).resource_setup() cls.namestart = 'topo-deploy-tenant' cls.public_network_id = CONF.network.public_network_id # The creation of the 2nd tenant is defined by class.credentials # cls.alt_manager = clients.Manager(credentials=cls.alt_credentials()) cls.alt_tenant_id = cls.alt_manager.identity_client.tenant_id @classmethod def resource_cleanup(cls): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, cls).resource_cleanup() def setUp(self): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, self).setUp() self.cleanup_waits = [] self.addCleanup(self._wait_for_cleanups) self.servers_on_net = {} def tearDown(self): super(TopoDeployScenarioManager, self).tearDown() def addCleanup_with_wait(self, waiter_callable, thing_id, thing_id_param, cleanup_callable, cleanup_args=None, cleanup_kwargs=None, waiter_client=None): """Adds wait for async resource deletion at the end of cleanups @param waiter_callable: callable to wait for the resource to delete with the following waiter_client if specified. @param thing_id: the id of the resource to be cleaned-up @param thing_id_param: the name of the id param in the waiter @param cleanup_callable: method to load pass to self.addCleanup with the following *cleanup_args, **cleanup_kwargs. usually a delete method. """ if cleanup_args is None: cleanup_args = [] if cleanup_kwargs is None: cleanup_kwargs = {} self.addCleanup(cleanup_callable, *cleanup_args, **cleanup_kwargs) wait_dict = { 'waiter_callable': waiter_callable, thing_id_param: thing_id } if waiter_client: wait_dict['client'] = waiter_client self.cleanup_waits.append(wait_dict) def _wait_for_cleanups(self): # To handle async delete actions, a list of waits is added # which will be iterated over as the last step of clearing the # cleanup queue. That way all the delete calls are made up front # and the tests won't succeed unless the deletes are eventually # successful. This is the same basic approach used in the api tests to # limit cleanup execution time except here it is multi-resource, # because of the nature of the scenario tests. for wait in self.cleanup_waits: waiter_callable = wait.pop('waiter_callable') waiter_callable(**wait) # overwrite parent class which does not accept NSX-v extension def _create_router(self, client_mgr=None, tenant_id=None, namestart='topo-deploy', **kwargs): client_mgr = client_mgr or self.manager routers_client = getattr(client_mgr, "routers_client") router = HELO.router_create(self, client=routers_client, tenant_id=tenant_id, namestart=namestart, **kwargs) return router def _router_set_gateway(self, router_id, network_id, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client return HELO.router_gateway_set(self, router_id, network_id, client=routers_client) def _router_clear_gateway(self, router_id, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client return HELO.router_gateway_clear(self, router_id, client=routers_client) def _router_update_extra_routes(self, router_id, routes, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client router = routers_client.update_route(self, router_id, routes=routes) return router['router'] def _router_delete_extra_routes(self, router_id, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client return HELO.router_delete_extra_routes(self, router_id, routers_client) def _router_add_interface(self, net_router, net_subnet, client_mgr): routers_client = client_mgr.routers_client return HELO.router_interface_add(self, net_router['id'], net_subnet['id'], routers_client) def router_interface_add(self, router_id, subnet_id, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client return HELO.router_interface_add(self, router_id, subnet_id, routers_client) def router_interface_delete(self, router_id, subnet_id, client=None): routers_client = client or self.routers_client return HELO.router_interface_delete(self, router_id, subnet_id, routers_client) def create_server_on_network(self, networks, security_groups=None, name=None, image=None, wait_on_boot=True, flavor=None, servers_client=None, key_name=None, tenant_id=None): name = name or data_utils.rand_name('topo-deploy-vm') if security_groups is None: security_groups = [{'name': 'default'}] if type(networks) in (list, tuple): network_ifs = [{'uuid': nw['id']} for nw in networks] else: network_ifs = [{'uuid': networks['id']}] create_kwargs = { 'networks': network_ifs, 'security_groups': security_groups, } if key_name: create_kwargs['key_name'] = key_name if tenant_id: if not (servers_client and servers_client.tenant_id == tenant_id): create_kwargs['tenant_id'] = tenant_id LOG.debug("TopoDeploy Create server name=%(name)s" ", create_kwargs=%(create_kwargs)s", {'name': name, 'create_kwargs': str(create_kwargs)}) server = self.create_server( name=name, image=image, wait_on_boot=wait_on_boot, servers_client=servers_client, flavor=flavor, tenant_id=tenant_id, create_kwargs=create_kwargs) return server # overwrite parent classes; add servers_client # BUG https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1416175 def create_server(self, name=None, image=None, flavor=None, wait_on_boot=True, wait_on_delete=True, servers_client=None, tenant_id=None, create_kwargs=None): """Creates VM instance. @param image: image from which to create the instance @param wait_on_boot: wait for status ACTIVE before continue @param wait_on_delete: force synchronous delete on cleanup @param servers_client: the servers_client to create VM @param create_kwargs: additional details for instance creation @return: server dict """ name = name or data_utils.rand_name('topo-deploy-vm') image = image or CONF.compute.image_ref flavor = flavor or CONF.compute.flavor_ref servers_client = servers_client or self.servers_client create_kwargs = create_kwargs or {} if type(tenant_id) in (str, unicode): if servers_client.tenant_id != tenant_id: create_kwargs['tenant_id'] = tenant_id xmsg = ("Creating a server name=%(name)s, image=%(image)s" ", flavor=%(flavor)s, create_kwargs=%(create_kwargs)s" % {'name': name, 'image': image, 'flavor': flavor, 'create_kwargs': str(create_kwargs)}) LOG.debug(xmsg) server_resp = servers_client.create_server( name=name, imageRef=image, flavorRef=flavor, **create_kwargs) server = server_resp['server'] if wait_on_delete: self.addCleanup( waiters.wait_for_server_termination, servers_client, server['id']) self.addCleanup_with_wait( waiter_callable=waiters.wait_for_server_termination, thing_id=server['id'], thing_id_param='server_id', waiter_client=servers_client, cleanup_callable=test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc, cleanup_args=[servers_client.delete_server, server['id']]) if wait_on_boot: waiters.wait_for_server_status( client=servers_client, server_id=server['id'], status='ACTIVE') # The instance retrieved on creation is missing network # details, necessitating retrieval after it becomes active to # ensure correct details. server_resp = servers_client.show_server(server['id']) server = server_resp['server'] self.assertEqual(server['name'], name) self.servers_on_net[server['id']] = server return server def create_provider_network(self, client_mgr=None, create_body=None): name = create_body.get('name', None) or data_utils.rand_name('P-net') create_body['name'] = name client_mgr = client_mgr or self.admin_manager net_network = HELO.create_network( self, client=client_mgr.networks_client, **create_body) return net_network def create_provider_subnet(self, client_mgr=None, create_body=None): client_mgr = client_mgr or self.admin_manager subnets_client = client_mgr.subnets_client body = subnets_client.create_subnet(**create_body) net_subnet = body['subnet'] self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc, subnets_client.delete_subnet, net_subnet['id']) return net_subnet def setup_project_network(self, external_network_id, client_mgr=None, namestart=None, client=None, tenant_id=None, cidr_offset=0, **kwargs): """NOTE: Refer to create_networks@scenario/manager.py which might refer to public_router_id which we dont' want to use. The test class can define class variable tenant_router_attrs to create different type of routers, or overwrite with kwargs. """ name = namestart or data_utils.rand_name('topo-deploy-tenant') client_mgr = client_mgr or self.manager # _create_router() edits distributed and router_type # Child classes use class var tenant_router_attrs to define # tenant's router type, however, caller can overwrite it with kwargs. distributed = kwargs.get('distributed', self.tenant_router_attrs.get('distributed')) router_type = kwargs.get('router_type', self.tenant_router_attrs.get('router_type')) net_router = self._create_router( client_mgr=client_mgr, tenant_id=tenant_id, namestart=name, distributed=distributed, router_type=router_type) self._router_set_gateway(net_router['id'], external_network_id, client=client_mgr.routers_client) net_network, net_subnet = self.create_network_subnet( client_mgr=client_mgr, name=net_router['name'], tenant_id=tenant_id, cidr_offset=cidr_offset) self._router_add_interface(net_router, net_subnet, client_mgr) return net_network, net_subnet, net_router def create_network_subnet(self, client_mgr=None, tenant_id=None, name=None, cidr_offset=0): client_mgr = client_mgr or self.manager tenant_id = tenant_id or _g_tenant_id(client_mgr.networks_client) name = name or data_utils.rand_name('topo-deploy-network') net_network = self.create_network( client=client_mgr.networks_client, tenant_id=tenant_id, name=name) net_subnet = self.create_subnet( client=client_mgr.subnets_client, network=net_network, cidr_offset=cidr_offset, name=net_network['name']) return net_network, net_subnet # cloned from _create_network@manager.py. Allow name parameter def create_network(self, client=None, tenant_id=None, name=None, **kwargs): networks_client = client or self.networks_client tenant_id = tenant_id or _g_tenant_id(networks_client) name = name or data_utils.rand_name('topo-deploy-network') return HELO.create_network(self, client=networks_client, tenant_id=tenant_id, name=name, **kwargs) def create_subnet(self, network, client=None, gateway='', cidr=None, mask_bits=None, ip_version=None, cidr_offset=0, allocation_pools=None, dns_nameservers=None, **kwargs): subnets_client = client or self.subnets_client kwargs.update(client=subnets_client, gateway=gateway, cidr=cidr, cidr_offset=cidr_offset, mask_bits=mask_bits, ip_version=ip_version, allocation_pools=allocation_pools, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers) return HELO.create_subnet(self, network, **kwargs) def create_floatingip_for_server(self, server, external_network_id=None, port_id=None, client_mgr=None, and_check_assigned=True): client_mgr = client_mgr or self.manager net_floatingip = self.create_floating_ip( server, external_network_id=external_network_id, port_id=port_id, client=client_mgr.floating_ips_client) if port_id: # attached to port, will not check ip assignement & reachability return net_floatingip serv_fip = net_floatingip['floating_ip_address'] # in some condiction, remove the serv_fip from your local known_hosts # can solve the ssh "Connection refused" problem. rm_sshkey(serv_fip) if not and_check_assigned: # caller will do the floatingip assigned to server and ping tests return net_floatingip self._waitfor_floatingip_assigned_to_server(client_mgr.servers_client, server.get('id')) server_pingable = self._waitfor_associated_floatingip(net_floatingip) STEPINTO_DEBUG_IF_TRUE(not server_pingable) self.assertTrue( server_pingable, msg=("Expect server to be reachable after" " floating-ip[%s] assigned." % serv_fip)) return net_floatingip def _waitfor_floatingip_assigned_to_server(self, server_client, server_id, on_network=None, extra_timeout=60): timeout = server_client.build_timeout + extra_timeout interval = server_client.build_interval start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: sv = server_client.show_server(server_id) sv = sv.get('server', sv) fip = self.get_server_ip_address(sv, 'floating') if fip: elapse_time = time.time() - start_time xmsg = ("%s Take %d seconds to assign floatingip to server[%s]" % ("OS-STATS:", int(elapse_time), sv.get('name'))) LOG.debug(xmsg) return fip time.sleep(interval) raise Exception( "Server[%s] did not get its floatingip in %s seconds" % (server_id, timeout)) def get_server_ip_address(self, server, ip_type='fixed', network_name=None): if network_name and server['addresses'].get(network_name): s_if = network_name else: s_if = server['addresses'].keys()[0] for s_address in server['addresses'][s_if]: if s_address['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == ip_type: return s_address.get('addr') return None def _waitfor_associated_floatingip(self, net_floatingip): host_ip = net_floatingip['floating_ip_address'] return self.waitfor_host_connected(host_ip) def waitfor_host_connected(self, host_ip, ping_timeout=5, msg=None): PING_START = 'ping-progress-start' PING_INSESSION = 'ping-progress-in-session' PING_DONE = 'ping-progress-completed' PING_TIMEOUT = 'ping-progress-timeout' if msg and type(msg) in (str, unicode): xmsg = ("waitfor_host_connected ip=%(ip)s! %(msg)s" % {'ip': host_ip, 'msg': msg}) LOG.debug(xmsg) t0 = time.time() t1 = time.time() + WAITTIME_FOR_CONNECTIVITY LOG.debug("VM-IP[%(ip)s] %(msg)s: %(t1)s.", {'ip': host_ip, 'msg': PING_START, 't1': t0}) while (time.time() < t1): # waitfor backend to create floatingip & linkages time.sleep(WAITTIME_AFTER_ASSOC_FLOATINGIP) server_pingable = self.ping_ip_address( host_ip, ping_timeout=ping_timeout) if server_pingable: xmsg = ("VM-IP[%(ip)s] %(msg)s: %(t1)s (%(t2)s)." % {'ip': host_ip, 'msg': PING_DONE, 't1': time.time(), 't2': (time.time() - t0)}) LOG.debug(xmsg) break xmsg = ("VM-IP[%(ip)s] %(msg)s, redo after %(t1)s seconds." % {'ip': host_ip, 'msg': PING_INSESSION, 't1': WAITTIME_AFTER_ASSOC_FLOATINGIP}) LOG.debug(xmsg) if not server_pingable: xmsg = ("VM-IP[%(ip)s] %(msg)s: %(t1)s (%(t2)s)." % {'ip': host_ip, 'msg': PING_TIMEOUT, 't1': time.time(), 't2': (time.time() - t0)}) LOG.debug(xmsg) return server_pingable def disassociate_floatingip(self, net_floatingip, client=None, and_delete=False): floating_ips_client = client or self.floating_ips_client kwargs = dict(port_id=None) floating_ip = floating_ips_client.update_floatingip( net_floatingip['id'], **kwargs) floating_ip = floating_ip.get('floatingip', floating_ip) self.assertIsNone(floating_ip['port_id']) if and_delete: floating_ips_client.delete_floatingip(floating_ip['id']) return floating_ip def associate_floatingip(self, net_floatingip, to_server, client=None): floating_ips_client = client or self.floating_ips_client port_id, _ = self._get_server_port_id_and_ip4(to_server) kwargs = dict(port_id=port_id) floating_ip = floating_ips_client.update_floatingip( net_floatingip['id'], **kwargs)['floatingip'] self.assertEqual(port_id, floating_ip['port_id']) return floating_ip def check_networks(self, net_network, net_subnet=None, net_router=None): return HELO.check_networks(self, net_network, net_subnet, net_router) # use this carefully, as it expect existence of floating_ip_tuple def check_public_network_connectivity(self, should_connect=True, msg=None, ping_timeout=30): """Verifies connectivty To a VM via public network and floating IP, and verifies floating IP has resource status is correct. @param should_connect: bool. determines if connectivity check is negative or positive. @param msg: Failure message to add to Error message. Should describe the place in the test scenario where the method was called, to indicate the context of the failure """ floating_ip, server = self.floating_ip_tuple return self._check_floatingip_connectivity( floating_ip, server, should_connect, msg, ping_timeout) def _check_floatingip_connectivity(self, floating_ip, server, should_connect=True, msg=None, ping_timeout=30, floating_ips_client=None): ip_address = floating_ip['floating_ip_address'] floatingip_status = 'ACTIVE' if should_connect else 'DOWN' is_pingable = self.ping_ip_address(ip_address, ping_timeout=ping_timeout) msg = msg if msg else ( "Timeout out waiting for %s to become reachable" % ip_address) if should_connect: self.assertTrue(is_pingable, msg=msg) else: self.assertFalse(is_pingable, msg=msg) self.check_floating_ip_status(floating_ip, floatingip_status, floating_ips_client) def check_floating_ip_status(self, floating_ip, status, floating_ips_client=None): """Verifies floatingip reaches the given status :param dict floating_ip: floating IP dict to check status :param status: target status :raises: AssertionError if status doesn't match """ floating_ips_client = floating_ips_client or self.floating_ips_client floatingip_id = floating_ip['id'] def refresh(): result = (floating_ips_client. show_floatingip(floatingip_id)['floatingip']) return status == result['status'] test_utils.call_until_true(refresh, CONF.network.build_timeout, CONF.network.build_interval) floating_ip = floating_ips_client.show_floatingip( floatingip_id)['floatingip'] self.assertEqual(status, floating_ip['status'], message="FloatingIP: {fp} is at status: {cst}. " "failed to reach status: {st}" .format(fp=floating_ip, cst=floating_ip['status'], st=status)) LOG.info("FloatingIP: {fp} is at status: {st}" .format(fp=floating_ip, st=status)) def get_image_userpass(self): return (CONF.validation.image_ssh_user, CONF.validation.image_ssh_password) def get_server_image(self): return CONF.compute.image_ref def get_server_flavor(self): return CONF.compute.flavor_ref # common utilities def make_node_info(net_floatingip, username, password, include_outside_servers=False): floating_ip_address = net_floatingip['floating_ip_address'] fixed_ip_address = net_floatingip['fixed_ip_address'] node = dict(ipaddr=floating_ip_address, username=username, password=password) node['dest'] = [dict(ipaddr=floating_ip_address, reachable=None, helper=IPTYPE_FLOATING), dict(ipaddr=fixed_ip_address, reachable=None, helper=IPTYPE_FIXED)] if include_outside_servers: outside_servers = dict(ipaddr=OUTSIDE_WORLD_SERVERS[0], reachable=None, helper=IPTYPE_OUTSIDE_SERVER) node['dest'].append(outside_servers) return node # we want to check the dest[iptype] is not reachable for # at least (x_contd=2+=1 to make it is not really reachable. def check_host_not_reachable(host, dest_list, iptype_list, time_out=10, repeat_cnt=12, x_contd=2): not_connected = 0 for x in range(0, 12): not_reachable = check_host_is_reachable( host, dest_list, iptype_list, time_out=time_out) if not_reachable: not_connected += 1 else: not_connected = 0 if not_connected > x_contd: return True return False # check_hosts_connectivity def check_host_is_reachable(host, dest_list, iptype_list, time_out=120): rm_sshkey(host['ipaddr']) ssh_client = get_remote_client_by_password(host['ipaddr'], host['username'], host['password']) n_not_reachable = 0 for dest in dest_list: for iptype in iptype_list: if not dest_has_iptype(dest, iptype): dest['reachable'] = None continue dest['reachable'] = is_reachable( ssh_client, dest['ipaddr'], time_out=time_out) if not dest['reachable']: n_not_reachable += 1 xmsg = {'h_ipaddr': host['ipaddr'], 'msg': "can-not-reach-dest", 'helper': dest['helper'], 'd_ipaddr': dest['ipaddr']} LOG.debug(Z_VM2_DEST, xmsg) else: xmsg = {'h_ipaddr': host['ipaddr'], 'msg': "can-not-dest", 'helper': dest['helper'], 'd_ipaddr': dest['ipaddr']} LOG.debug(Z_VM2_DEST, xmsg) return (False if n_not_reachable else True) def dest_has_iptype(dest, iptype): if ('helper' in dest and re.search(iptype, dest['helper'], re.I)): return True return False def check_hosts_connectivity(host, dest_list, ignore_helper=None, time_out=120): rm_sshkey(host['ipaddr']) ssh_client = get_remote_client_by_password(host['ipaddr'], host['username'], host['password']) n_not_reachable = 0 for dest in dest_list: # caller can say to ignore dest ipaddr if ('helper' in dest and type(ignore_helper) in (str, unicode) and re.search(ignore_helper, dest['helper'], re.I)): dest['reachable'] = None continue dest['reachable'] = is_reachable(ssh_client, dest['ipaddr'], time_out=time_out) if not dest['reachable']: n_not_reachable += 1 xmsg = {'h_ipaddr': host['ipaddr'], 'msg': "can-not-reach-dest", 'helper': dest['helper'], 'd_ipaddr': dest['ipaddr']} LOG.debug(Z_VM2_DEST, xmsg) else: xmsg = {'h_ipaddr': host['ipaddr'], 'msg': "can-reach-dest", 'helper': dest['helper'], 'd_ipaddr': dest['ipaddr']} LOG.debug(Z_VM2_DEST, xmsg) return n_not_reachable def rm_sshkey(ip_addr): # ssh-keygen -f "/home/stack/.ssh/known_hosts" -R kh_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', '/home/stack'), '.ssh/known_hosts') cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-f', kh_file, '-R', ip_addr] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) proc.communicate() return proc.returncode def is_reachable(ssh_client, dest_ip, time_out=60.0, ping_timeout=5.0): for now in run_till_timeout(time_out, ping_timeout): reachable = dest_is_reachable(ssh_client, dest_ip) if reachable: return True LOG.debug("DEST[%(ip)s] NOT-REACHABLE, retry in %(t1)s seconds.", {'ip': dest_ip, 't1': time_out}) return False def isnot_reachable(ssh_client, dest_ip, time_out=60.0, ping_timeout=5.0, idle_time=2.0): if idle_time > 0.0: time.sleep(idle_time) for now in run_till_timeout(time_out, ping_timeout): reachable = dest_is_reachable(ssh_client, dest_ip) if not reachable: return True LOG.debug("DEST[%(ip)s] IS-REACHABLE, retry in %(t1)s seconds.", {'ip': dest_ip, 't1': time_out}) return False def dest_is_reachable(ssh_client, dest_ip): XPTN = r"(\d+).*transmit.*(\d+).*receive.*(\d+).*loss" try: result = ssh_client.ping_host(dest_ip) m = re.search(XPTN, result, (re.I | re.M)) if m and int(m.group(1)) > 0 and int(m.group(3)) == 0: return True else: return False except Exception: tb_str = traceback.format_exc() mesg = ("ERROR on testing dest_ip[%s] is reachable:\n%s" % (dest_ip, tb_str)) LOG.debug(mesg) return False def run_till_timeout(seconds_to_try, interval=5.0): now, end_time = time.time(), time.time() + seconds_to_try while now < end_time: yield now time.sleep(interval) now = time.time() def _g_tenant_id(os_client): try: return os_client.tenant_id except Exception: return os_client.rest_client.tenant_id def get_remote_client_by_password(client_ip, username, password): ssh_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(client_ip, username, password) return ssh_client def delete_all_servers(tenant_servers_client, trys=5): # try at least trys+1 time to delete servers, otherwise # network resources can not be deleted for s in tenant_servers_client.list_servers()['servers']: tenant_servers_client.delete_server(s['id']) for x in range(0, trys): try: waitfor_servers_terminated(tenant_servers_client) return except Exception: pass # last try waitfor_servers_terminated(tenant_servers_client) def waitfor_servers_terminated(tenant_servers_client, pause=2.0): while (True): s_list = tenant_servers_client.list_servers()['servers'] if len(s_list) < 1: return time.sleep(pause) def copy_file_to_host(file_from, dest, host, username, pkey): dest = "%s@%s:%s" % (username, host, dest) cmd = "scp -v -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \ "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " \ "-i %(pkey)s %(file1)s %(dest)s" % {'pkey': pkey, 'file1': file_from, 'dest': dest} args = shlex.split(cmd.encode('utf-8')) subprocess_args = {'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT} proc = subprocess.Popen(args, **subprocess_args) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed(cmd, proc.returncode, stdout, stderr) return stdout def STEPINTO_DEBUG_IF_TRUE(want2debug=False): """Betting you are not set OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=24-hours running tempest""" t_timeout = int(os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0)) if want2debug and t_timeout > 86400: # uncomment following statements to turn on debuggging # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() pass