# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Purpose of this script is to build a framework which can be leveraged to build utilities to help the on-field ops in system debugging. TODO: Use Cliff https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cliff TODO: Define commands instead of -r -o like get-security-groups, delete-security-groups, nsx neutron nsxv3 can be options TODO: Add support for other resources, ports, logical switches etc. TODO: Autocomplete command line args """ import enum import glob import importlib import logging import os import requests import sys from neutron.callbacks import registry from neutron.common import config as neutron_config from vmware_nsx._i18n import _LE, _LI from vmware_nsx.common import config # noqa from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import _options from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants from vmware_nsx.shell.admin import version # Suppress the Insecure request warning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Operations(enum.Enum): LIST = 'list' CLEAN = 'clean' LIST_MISMATCHES = 'list-mismatches' FIX_MISMATCH = 'fix-mismatch' NEUTRON_LIST = 'neutron-list' NEUTRON_CLEAN = 'neutron-clean' NEUTRON_UPDATE = 'neutron-update' NSX_LIST = 'nsx-list' NSX_CLEAN = 'nsx-clean' NSX_UPDATE = 'nsx-update' ops = [op.value for op in Operations] class Resource(object): def __init__(self, name, ops): self.name = name self.supported_ops = ops # Add supported NSX-V3 resources in this dictionary nsxv3_resources = { constants.SECURITY_GROUPS: Resource(constants.SECURITY_GROUPS, ops) } # Add supported NSX-V resources in this dictionary nsxv_resources = { constants.EDGES: Resource(constants.EDGES, [Operations.NSX_LIST.value, Operations.NEUTRON_LIST.value, Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value]), constants.BACKUP_EDGES: Resource(constants.BACKUP_EDGES, [Operations.LIST.value, Operations.CLEAN.value, Operations.LIST_MISMATCHES.value, Operations.FIX_MISMATCH.value]), constants.ORPHANED_EDGES: Resource(constants.ORPHANED_EDGES, [Operations.LIST.value, Operations.CLEAN.value]), constants.SPOOFGUARD_POLICY: Resource(constants.SPOOFGUARD_POLICY, [Operations.LIST.value]), constants.DHCP_BINDING: Resource(constants.DHCP_BINDING, [Operations.LIST.value, Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value]), } nsxv3_resources_names = map(lambda res: res.name, nsxv3_resources.itervalues()) nsxv_resources_names = map(lambda res: res.name, nsxv_resources.itervalues()) def _get_plugin(): plugin = cfg.CONF.core_plugin plugin_name = '' if plugin == constants.NSXV3_PLUGIN: plugin_name = 'nsxv3' elif plugin == constants.NSXV_PLUGIN: plugin_name = 'nsxv' return plugin_name def _get_plugin_dir(): plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/admin/plugins" return '{}/{}/resources'.format(plugin_dir, _get_plugin()) def _get_resources(): modules = glob.glob(_get_plugin_dir() + "/*.py") return map(lambda module: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module))[0], modules) cli_opts = [cfg.StrOpt('fmt', short='f', default='psql', choices=['psql', 'json'], help='Supported output formats: json, psql'), cfg.StrOpt('resource', short='r', choices=nsxv_resources_names + nsxv3_resources_names, help='Supported list of resources: NSX-V3: %s ' 'NSX-V: %s' % (', '.join(nsxv3_resources_names), ', '.join(nsxv_resources_names))), cfg.StrOpt('operation', short='o', help='Supported list of operations: {}' .format(', '.join(ops))), cfg.BoolOpt('force', default=False, help='Enables \'force\' mode. No confirmations will ' 'be made before deletions.'), cfg.MultiStrOpt('property', short='p', help='Key-value pair containing the information ' 'to be updated. For ex: key=value.') ] def _init_resource_plugin(): resources = _get_resources() for resource in resources: if resource != '__init__': importlib.import_module("." + resource, "vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins." "{}.resources".format(_get_plugin())) def _init_cfg(): cfg.CONF.register_cli_opts(cli_opts) # NOTE(gangila): neutron.common.config registers some options by default # which are then shown in the help message. We don't need them # so we unregister these options cfg.CONF.unregister_opts(_options.common_cli_opts) cfg.CONF.unregister_opts(_options.logging_cli_opts) cfg.CONF.unregister_opts(neutron_config.core_cli_opts) cfg.CONF(args=sys.argv[1:], project='NSX', prog='Admin Utility', version=version.__version__, usage='nsxadmin -r -o ', default_config_files=[constants.NEUTRON_CONF, constants.NSX_INI]) def _validate_resource_choice(resource, nsx_plugin): if nsx_plugin == 'nsxv' and resource not in nsxv_resources: LOG.error(_LE('Supported list of NSX-V resources: %s'), nsxv_resources_names) sys.exit(1) elif nsx_plugin == 'nsxv3'and resource not in nsxv3_resources: LOG.error(_LE('Supported list of NSX-V3 resources: %s'), nsxv3_resources_names) sys.exit(1) def _validate_op_choice(choice, nsx_plugin): if nsx_plugin == 'nsxv': supported_resource_ops = \ nsxv_resources[cfg.CONF.resource].supported_ops if choice not in supported_resource_ops: LOG.error(_LE('Supported list of operations for the NSX-V ' 'resource %s'), supported_resource_ops) sys.exit(1) elif nsx_plugin == 'nsxv3': supported_resource_ops = \ nsxv3_resources[cfg.CONF.resource].supported_ops if choice not in supported_resource_ops: LOG.error(_LE('Supported list of operations for the NSX-V3 ' 'resource %s'), supported_resource_ops) sys.exit(1) def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): _init_cfg() _init_resource_plugin() nsx_plugin_in_use = _get_plugin() LOG.info(_LI('NSX Plugin in use: %s'), nsx_plugin_in_use) _validate_resource_choice(cfg.CONF.resource, nsx_plugin_in_use) _validate_op_choice(cfg.CONF.operation, nsx_plugin_in_use) registry.notify(cfg.CONF.resource, cfg.CONF.operation, 'nsxadmin', force=cfg.CONF.force, property=cfg.CONF.property) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))