#m Copyright 2012 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import weakref from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import external_net as extnet_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec from neutron_lib.api import faults from neutron_lib.api import validators from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import context as q_context from neutron_lib.db import utils as db_utils from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import l3 as l3_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import port_security as psec_exc from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import six from sqlalchemy import exc as sql_exc from sqlalchemy.orm import exc as sa_exc import webob.exc from neutron.api import extensions as neutron_extensions from neutron.db import _model_query as model_query from neutron.db import _resource_extend as resource_extend from neutron.db import agentschedulers_db from neutron.db import allowedaddresspairs_db as addr_pair_db from neutron.db import api as db_api from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 from neutron.db import dns_db from neutron.db import external_net_db from neutron.db import extradhcpopt_db from neutron.db import extraroute_db from neutron.db import l3_attrs_db from neutron.db import l3_db from neutron.db import l3_dvr_db from neutron.db import l3_gwmode_db from neutron.db.models import l3 as l3_db_models from neutron.db.models import securitygroup as securitygroup_model # noqa from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.db import portbindings_db from neutron.db import portsecurity_db from neutron.db import quota_db # noqa from neutron.db import securitygroups_db from neutron.extensions import providernet from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg from neutron.quota import resource_registry from neutron_lib.api.definitions import extra_dhcp_opt as edo_ext from neutron_lib.api.definitions import extraroute as xroute_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import multiprovidernet as mpnet_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet from neutron_lib.exceptions import extraroute as xroute_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import multiprovidernet as mpnet_exc from neutron_lib.plugins import utils import vmware_nsx from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.api_client import exception as api_exc from vmware_nsx.common import config # noqa from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.common import nsx_utils from vmware_nsx.common import securitygroups as sg_utils from vmware_nsx.common import sync from vmware_nsx.common import utils as c_utils from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db from vmware_nsx.db import maclearning as mac_db from vmware_nsx.db import networkgw_db from vmware_nsx.db import nsx_models from vmware_nsx.db import qos_db from vmware_nsx.dhcp_meta import modes as dhcpmeta_modes from vmware_nsx.extensions import maclearning as mac_ext from vmware_nsx.extensions import networkgw from vmware_nsx.extensions import qos_queue as qos from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.mh import l2gateway as l2gwlib from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.mh import queue as queuelib from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.mh import router as routerlib from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.mh import secgroup as secgrouplib from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.mh import switch as switchlib LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NSX_NOSNAT_RULES_ORDER = 10 NSX_FLOATINGIP_NAT_RULES_ORDER = 224 NSX_EXTGW_NAT_RULES_ORDER = 255 NSX_DEFAULT_NEXTHOP = '' class NsxPluginV2(addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin, agentschedulers_db.DhcpAgentSchedulerDbMixin, db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2, dhcpmeta_modes.DhcpMetadataAccess, l3_dvr_db.L3_NAT_with_dvr_db_mixin, external_net_db.External_net_db_mixin, extradhcpopt_db.ExtraDhcpOptMixin, extraroute_db.ExtraRoute_db_mixin, l3_gwmode_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin, mac_db.MacLearningDbMixin, networkgw_db.NetworkGatewayMixin, portbindings_db.PortBindingMixin, portsecurity_db.PortSecurityDbMixin, qos_db.QoSDbMixin, securitygroups_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin, dns_db.DNSDbMixin): supported_extension_aliases = ["allowed-address-pairs", "binding", "dvr", "ext-gw-mode", xroute_apidef.ALIAS, "mac-learning", "multi-provider", "network-gateway", "port-security", "provider", "qos-queue", "quotas", "external-net", "extra_dhcp_opt", "router", "security-group", constants.SUBNET_ALLOCATION_EXT_ALIAS] __native_bulk_support = True __native_pagination_support = True __native_sorting_support = True # Map nova zones to cluster for easy retrieval novazone_cluster_map = {} @resource_registry.tracked_resources( network=models_v2.Network, port=models_v2.Port, subnet=models_v2.Subnet, subnetpool=models_v2.SubnetPool, security_group=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroup, security_group_rule=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroupRule, router=l3_db_models.Router, floatingip=l3_db_models.FloatingIP) def __init__(self): LOG.warning("The NSX-MH plugin is deprecated and may be removed " "in the O or the P cycle") super(NsxPluginV2, self).__init__() # TODO(salv-orlando): Replace These dicts with # collections.defaultdict for better handling of default values # Routines for managing logical ports in NSX self.port_special_owners = [l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW, l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF] self._port_drivers = { 'create': {constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW: self._nsx_create_ext_gw_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_FLOATINGIP: self._nsx_create_fip_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: self._nsx_create_router_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE: self._nsx_create_router_port, networkgw_db.DEVICE_OWNER_NET_GW_INTF: self._nsx_create_l2_gw_port, 'default': self._nsx_create_port}, 'delete': {constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW: self._nsx_delete_ext_gw_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: self._nsx_delete_router_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE: self._nsx_delete_router_port, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_FLOATINGIP: self._nsx_delete_fip_port, networkgw_db.DEVICE_OWNER_NET_GW_INTF: self._nsx_delete_port, 'default': self._nsx_delete_port} } neutron_extensions.append_api_extensions_path( [vmware_nsx.NSX_EXT_PATH]) self.cfg_group = 'NSX' # group name for nsx section in nsx.ini self.nsx_opts = cfg.CONF.NSX self.nsx_sync_opts = cfg.CONF.NSX_SYNC self.cluster = nsx_utils.create_nsx_cluster( cfg.CONF, self.nsx_opts.concurrent_connections, self.nsx_opts.nsx_gen_timeout) self.base_binding_dict = { pbin.VIF_TYPE: pbin.VIF_TYPE_OVS, pbin.VIF_DETAILS: { # TODO(rkukura): Replace with new VIF security details pbin.CAP_PORT_FILTER: 'security-group' in self.supported_extension_aliases}} self._extend_fault_map() self.setup_dhcpmeta_access() # Set this flag to false as the default gateway has not # been yet updated from the config file self._is_default_net_gw_in_sync = False # Create a synchronizer instance for backend sync self._synchronizer = sync.NsxSynchronizer( weakref.proxy(self), self.cluster, self.nsx_sync_opts.state_sync_interval, self.nsx_sync_opts.min_sync_req_delay, self.nsx_sync_opts.min_chunk_size, self.nsx_sync_opts.max_random_sync_delay) def _ensure_default_network_gateway(self): if self._is_default_net_gw_in_sync: return # Add the gw in the db as default, and unset any previous default def_l2_gw_uuid = self.cluster.default_l2_gw_service_uuid try: ctx = q_context.get_admin_context() self._unset_default_network_gateways(ctx) if not def_l2_gw_uuid: return try: def_network_gw = self._get_network_gateway(ctx, def_l2_gw_uuid) except networkgw_db.GatewayNotFound: # Create in DB only - don't go to backend def_gw_data = {'id': def_l2_gw_uuid, 'name': 'default L2 gateway service', 'devices': [], 'tenant_id': ctx.tenant_id} gw_res_name = networkgw.GATEWAY_RESOURCE_NAME.replace('-', '_') def_network_gw = super( NsxPluginV2, self).create_network_gateway( ctx, {gw_res_name: def_gw_data}) # In any case set is as default self._set_default_network_gateway(ctx, def_network_gw['id']) # Ensure this method is executed only once self._is_default_net_gw_in_sync = True except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Unable to process default l2 gw service: " "%s", def_l2_gw_uuid) def _build_ip_address_list(self, context, fixed_ips, subnet_ids=None): """Build ip_addresses data structure for logical router port. No need to perform validation on IPs - this has already been done in the l3_db mixin class. """ ip_addresses = [] for ip in fixed_ips: if not subnet_ids or (ip['subnet_id'] in subnet_ids): subnet = self._get_subnet(context, ip['subnet_id']) ip_prefix = '%s/%s' % (ip['ip_address'], subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) ip_addresses.append(ip_prefix) return ip_addresses def _create_and_attach_router_port(self, cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, attachment_type, attachment, attachment_vlan=None, subnet_ids=None): # Use a fake IP address if gateway port is not 'real' ip_addresses = (port_data.get('fake_ext_gw') and [''] or self._build_ip_address_list(context, port_data['fixed_ips'], subnet_ids)) try: lrouter_port = routerlib.create_router_lport( cluster, nsx_router_id, port_data.get('tenant_id', 'fake'), port_data.get('id', 'fake'), port_data.get('name', 'fake'), port_data.get('admin_state_up', True), ip_addresses, port_data.get('mac_address')) LOG.debug("Created NSX router port:%s", lrouter_port['uuid']) except api_exc.NsxApiException: LOG.exception("Unable to create port on NSX logical router " "%s", nsx_router_id) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=_("Unable to create logical router port for neutron " "port id %(port_id)s on router %(nsx_router_id)s") % {'port_id': port_data.get('id'), 'nsx_router_id': nsx_router_id}) self._update_router_port_attachment(cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, lrouter_port['uuid'], attachment_type, attachment, attachment_vlan) return lrouter_port def _update_router_gw_info(self, context, router_id, info): # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): We need to worry about rollback of NSX # configuration in case of failures in the process # Ref. LP bug 1102301 router = self._get_router(context, router_id) # Check whether SNAT rule update should be triggered # NSX also supports multiple external networks so there is also # the possibility that NAT rules should be replaced current_ext_net_id = router.gw_port_id and router.gw_port.network_id new_ext_net_id = info and info.get('network_id') # SNAT should be enabled unless info['enable_snat'] is # explicitly set to false enable_snat = new_ext_net_id and info.get('enable_snat', True) # Remove if ext net removed, changed, or if snat disabled remove_snat_rules = (current_ext_net_id and new_ext_net_id != current_ext_net_id or router.enable_snat and not enable_snat) # Add rules if snat is enabled, and if either the external network # changed or snat was previously disabled # NOTE: enable_snat == True implies new_ext_net_id != None add_snat_rules = (enable_snat and (new_ext_net_id != current_ext_net_id or not router.enable_snat)) router = super(NsxPluginV2, self)._update_router_gw_info( context, router_id, info, router=router) # Add/Remove SNAT rules as needed # Create an elevated context for dealing with metadata access # cidrs which are created within admin context ctx_elevated = context.elevated() if remove_snat_rules or add_snat_rules: cidrs = self._find_router_subnets_cidrs(ctx_elevated, router_id) nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) if remove_snat_rules: # Be safe and concede NAT rules might not exist. # Therefore, use min_num_expected=0 for cidr in cidrs: routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "SourceNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=0, raise_on_len_mismatch=False, source_ip_addresses=cidr) if add_snat_rules: ip_addresses = self._build_ip_address_list( ctx_elevated, router.gw_port['fixed_ips']) # Set the SNAT rule for each subnet (only first IP) for cidr in cidrs: cidr_prefix = int(cidr.split('/')[1]) routerlib.create_lrouter_snat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, ip_addresses[0].split('/')[0], ip_addresses[0].split('/')[0], order=NSX_EXTGW_NAT_RULES_ORDER - cidr_prefix, match_criteria={'source_ip_addresses': cidr}) def _update_router_port_attachment(self, cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, nsx_router_port_id, attachment_type, attachment, attachment_vlan=None): if not nsx_router_port_id: nsx_router_port_id = self._find_router_gw_port(context, port_data) try: routerlib.plug_router_port_attachment(cluster, nsx_router_id, nsx_router_port_id, attachment, attachment_type, attachment_vlan) LOG.debug("Attached %(att)s to NSX router port %(port)s", {'att': attachment, 'port': nsx_router_port_id}) except api_exc.NsxApiException: # Must remove NSX logical port routerlib.delete_router_lport(cluster, nsx_router_id, nsx_router_port_id) LOG.exception("Unable to plug attachment in NSX logical " "router port %(r_port_id)s, associated with " "Neutron %(q_port_id)s", {'r_port_id': nsx_router_port_id, 'q_port_id': port_data.get('id')}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("Unable to plug attachment in router port " "%(r_port_id)s for neutron port id %(q_port_id)s " "on router %(router_id)s") % {'r_port_id': nsx_router_port_id, 'q_port_id': port_data.get('id'), 'router_id': nsx_router_id})) def _get_port_by_device_id(self, context, device_id, device_owner): """Retrieve ports associated with a specific device id. Used for retrieving all neutron ports attached to a given router. """ port_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port) return port_qry.filter_by( device_id=device_id, device_owner=device_owner,).all() def _find_router_subnets_cidrs(self, context, router_id): """Retrieve subnets attached to the specified router.""" ports = self._get_port_by_device_id(context, router_id, l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF) # No need to check for overlapping CIDRs cidrs = [] for port in ports: for ip in port.get('fixed_ips', []): cidrs.append(self._get_subnet(context, ip.subnet_id).cidr) return cidrs def _nsx_find_lswitch_for_port(self, context, port_data): network = self._get_network(context, port_data['network_id']) return self._handle_lswitch_selection( context, self.cluster, network) def _nsx_create_port_helper(self, session, ls_uuid, port_data, do_port_security=True): # Convert Neutron security groups identifiers into NSX security # profiles identifiers nsx_sec_profile_ids = [ nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( session, self.cluster, neutron_sg_id) for neutron_sg_id in (port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] or [])] return switchlib.create_lport(self.cluster, ls_uuid, port_data['tenant_id'], port_data['id'], port_data['name'], port_data['device_id'], port_data['admin_state_up'], port_data['mac_address'], port_data['fixed_ips'], port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY], nsx_sec_profile_ids, port_data.get(qos.QUEUE), port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING), port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)) def _handle_create_port_exception(self, context, port_id, ls_uuid, lp_uuid): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # rollback nsx logical port only if it was successfully # created on NSX. Should this command fail the original # exception will be raised. if lp_uuid: # Remove orphaned port from NSX switchlib.delete_port(self.cluster, ls_uuid, lp_uuid) # rollback the neutron-nsx port mapping nsx_db.delete_neutron_nsx_port_mapping(context.session, port_id) LOG.exception("An exception occurred while creating the " "neutron port %s on the NSX plaform", port_id) def _nsx_create_port(self, context, port_data): """Driver for creating a logical switch port on NSX platform.""" # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): On the NSX platform we do not really have # external networks. So if as user tries and create a "regular" VIF # port on an external network we are unable to actually create. # However, in order to not break unit tests, we need to still create # the DB object and return success if self._network_is_external(context, port_data['network_id']): LOG.info("NSX plugin does not support regular VIF ports on " "external networks. Port %s will be down.", port_data['network_id']) # No need to actually update the DB state - the default is down return port_data lport = None selected_lswitch = None try: selected_lswitch = self._nsx_find_lswitch_for_port(context, port_data) lport = self._nsx_create_port_helper(context.session, selected_lswitch['uuid'], port_data, True) nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_port_mapping( context.session, port_data['id'], selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid']) if port_data['device_owner'] not in self.port_special_owners: switchlib.plug_vif_interface( self.cluster, selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid'], "VifAttachment", port_data['id']) LOG.debug("_nsx_create_port completed for port %(name)s " "on network %(network_id)s. The new port id is " "%(id)s.", port_data) except (api_exc.NsxApiException, n_exc.NeutronException): self._handle_create_port_exception( context, port_data['id'], selected_lswitch and selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport and lport['uuid']) except db_exc.DBError as e: if (port_data['device_owner'] == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP and isinstance(e.inner_exception, sql_exc.IntegrityError)): LOG.warning( "Concurrent network deletion detected; Back-end " "Port %(nsx_id)s creation to be rolled back for " "Neutron port: %(neutron_id)s", {'nsx_id': lport['uuid'], 'neutron_id': port_data['id']}) if selected_lswitch and lport: try: switchlib.delete_port(self.cluster, selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid']) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.debug("NSX Port %s already gone", lport['uuid']) def _nsx_delete_port(self, context, port_data): # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): On the NSX platform we do not really have # external networks. So deleting regular ports from external networks # does not make sense. However we cannot raise as this would break # unit tests. if self._network_is_external(context, port_data['network_id']): LOG.info("NSX plugin does not support regular VIF ports on " "external networks. Port %s will be down.", port_data['network_id']) return nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_data['id']) if not nsx_port_id: LOG.debug("Port '%s' was already deleted on NSX platform", id) return # TODO(bgh): if this is a bridged network and the lswitch we just got # back will have zero ports after the delete we should garbage collect # the lswitch. try: switchlib.delete_port(self.cluster, nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id) LOG.debug("_nsx_delete_port completed for port %(port_id)s " "on network %(net_id)s", {'port_id': port_data['id'], 'net_id': port_data['network_id']}) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.warning("Port %s not found in NSX", port_data['id']) def _nsx_delete_router_port(self, context, port_data): # Delete logical router port nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_data['device_id']) nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_data['id']) if not nsx_port_id: LOG.warning( "Neutron port %(port_id)s not found on NSX backend. " "Terminating delete operation. A dangling router port " "might have been left on router %(router_id)s", {'port_id': port_data['id'], 'router_id': nsx_router_id}) return try: routerlib.delete_peer_router_lport(self.cluster, nsx_router_id, nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id) except api_exc.NsxApiException: # Do not raise because the issue might as well be that the # router has already been deleted, so there would be nothing # to do here LOG.exception("Ignoring exception as this means the peer " "for port '%s' has already been deleted.", nsx_port_id) # Delete logical switch port self._nsx_delete_port(context, port_data) def _nsx_create_router_port(self, context, port_data): """Driver for creating a switch port to be connected to a router.""" # No router ports on external networks! if self._network_is_external(context, port_data['network_id']): raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("It is not allowed to create router interface " "ports on external networks as '%s'") % port_data['network_id'])) ls_port = None selected_lswitch = None try: selected_lswitch = self._nsx_find_lswitch_for_port( context, port_data) # Do not apply port security here! ls_port = self._nsx_create_port_helper( context.session, selected_lswitch['uuid'], port_data, False) # Assuming subnet being attached is on first fixed ip # element in port data subnet_id = None if len(port_data['fixed_ips']): subnet_id = port_data['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_data['device_id']) # Create peer port on logical router self._create_and_attach_router_port( self.cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, "PatchAttachment", ls_port['uuid'], subnet_ids=[subnet_id]) nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_port_mapping( context.session, port_data['id'], selected_lswitch['uuid'], ls_port['uuid']) LOG.debug("_nsx_create_router_port completed for port " "%(name)s on network %(network_id)s. The new " "port id is %(id)s.", port_data) except (api_exc.NsxApiException, n_exc.NeutronException): self._handle_create_port_exception( context, port_data['id'], selected_lswitch and selected_lswitch['uuid'], ls_port and ls_port['uuid']) def _find_router_gw_port(self, context, port_data): router_id = port_data['device_id'] if not router_id: raise n_exc.BadRequest(_("device_id field must be populated in " "order to create an external gateway " "port for network %s"), port_data['network_id']) nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) lr_port = routerlib.find_router_gw_port(context, self.cluster, nsx_router_id) if not lr_port: raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("The gateway port for the NSX router %s " "was not found on the backend") % nsx_router_id)) return lr_port @lockutils.synchronized('vmware', 'neutron-') def _nsx_create_ext_gw_port(self, context, port_data): """Driver for creating an external gateway port on NSX platform.""" # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Handle NSX resource # rollback when something goes not quite as expected lr_port = self._find_router_gw_port(context, port_data) ip_addresses = self._build_ip_address_list(context, port_data['fixed_ips']) # This operation actually always updates a NSX logical port # instead of creating one. This is because the gateway port # is created at the same time as the NSX logical router, otherwise # the fabric status of the NSX router will be down. # admin_status should always be up for the gateway port # regardless of what the user specifies in neutron nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_data['device_id']) routerlib.update_router_lport(self.cluster, nsx_router_id, lr_port['uuid'], port_data['tenant_id'], port_data['id'], port_data['name'], True, ip_addresses) ext_network = self.get_network(context, port_data['network_id']) if ext_network.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) == c_utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT: # Update attachment physical_network = (ext_network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] or self.cluster.default_l3_gw_service_uuid) self._update_router_port_attachment( self.cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, lr_port['uuid'], "L3GatewayAttachment", physical_network, ext_network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID]) LOG.debug("_nsx_create_ext_gw_port completed on external network " "%(ext_net_id)s, attached to router:%(router_id)s. " "NSX port id is %(nsx_port_id)s", {'ext_net_id': port_data['network_id'], 'router_id': nsx_router_id, 'nsx_port_id': lr_port['uuid']}) @lockutils.synchronized('vmware', 'neutron-') def _nsx_delete_ext_gw_port(self, context, port_data): # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Handle NSX resource # rollback when something goes not quite as expected try: router_id = port_data['device_id'] nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) if not nsx_router_id: LOG.debug("No object found on backend for router %s. This " "that the router was already deleted and no " "further action is needed for resetting the " "external gateway port", router_id) return lr_port = self._find_router_gw_port(context, port_data) # Delete is actually never a real delete, otherwise the NSX # logical router will stop working routerlib.update_router_lport(self.cluster, nsx_router_id, lr_port['uuid'], port_data['tenant_id'], port_data['id'], port_data['name'], True, ['']) # Reset attachment self._update_router_port_attachment( self.cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, lr_port['uuid'], "L3GatewayAttachment", self.cluster.default_l3_gw_service_uuid) LOG.debug("_nsx_delete_ext_gw_port completed on external network " "%(ext_net_id)s, attached to NSX router:%(router_id)s", {'ext_net_id': port_data['network_id'], 'router_id': nsx_router_id}) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.debug("Logical router resource %s not found " "on NSX platform : the router may have " "already been deleted", port_data['device_id']) except api_exc.NsxApiException: raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=_("Unable to update logical router" "on NSX Platform")) def _nsx_create_l2_gw_port(self, context, port_data): """Create a switch port, and attach it to a L2 gateway attachment.""" # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): On the NSX platform we do not really have # external networks. So if as user tries and create a "regular" VIF # port on an external network we are unable to actually create. # However, in order to not break unit tests, we need to still create # the DB object and return success if self._network_is_external(context, port_data['network_id']): LOG.info("NSX plugin does not support regular VIF ports on " "external networks. Port %s will be down.", port_data['network_id']) # No need to actually update the DB state - the default is down return port_data lport = None try: selected_lswitch = self._nsx_find_lswitch_for_port( context, port_data) lport = self._nsx_create_port_helper( context.session, selected_lswitch['uuid'], port_data, True) nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_port_mapping( context.session, port_data['id'], selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid']) l2gwlib.plug_l2_gw_service( self.cluster, selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid'], port_data['device_id'], int(port_data.get('gw:segmentation_id') or 0)) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if lport: switchlib.delete_port(self.cluster, selected_lswitch['uuid'], lport['uuid']) LOG.debug("_nsx_create_l2_gw_port completed for port %(name)s " "on network %(network_id)s. The new port id " "is %(id)s.", port_data) def _nsx_create_fip_port(self, context, port_data): # As we do not create ports for floating IPs in NSX, # this is a no-op driver pass def _nsx_delete_fip_port(self, context, port_data): # As we do not create ports for floating IPs in NSX, # this is a no-op driver pass def _extend_fault_map(self): """Extends the Neutron Fault Map. Exceptions specific to the NSX Plugin are mapped to standard HTTP Exceptions. """ faults.FAULT_MAP.update({nsx_exc.InvalidNovaZone: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_exc.NoMorePortsException: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_exc.MaintenanceInProgress: webob.exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable, nsx_exc.InvalidSecurityCertificate: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest}) def _validate_provider_create(self, context, network): segments = network.get(mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS) if not validators.is_attr_set(segments): return mpnet_apidef.check_duplicate_segments(segments) for segment in segments: network_type = segment.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) physical_network = segment.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK) physical_network_set = validators.is_attr_set(physical_network) segmentation_id = segment.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID) network_type_set = validators.is_attr_set(network_type) segmentation_id_set = validators.is_attr_set(segmentation_id) # If the physical_network_uuid isn't passed in use the default one. if not physical_network_set: physical_network = cfg.CONF.default_tz_uuid err_msg = None if not network_type_set: err_msg = _("%s required") % pnet.NETWORK_TYPE elif network_type in (c_utils.NetworkTypes.GRE, c_utils.NetworkTypes.STT, c_utils.NetworkTypes.FLAT): if segmentation_id_set: err_msg = _("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with " "flat network type") elif network_type == c_utils.NetworkTypes.VLAN: if not segmentation_id_set: err_msg = _("Segmentation ID must be specified with " "vlan network type") elif (segmentation_id_set and not utils.is_valid_vlan_tag(segmentation_id)): err_msg = (_("%(segmentation_id)s out of range " "(%(min_id)s through %(max_id)s)") % {'segmentation_id': segmentation_id, 'min_id': constants.MIN_VLAN_TAG, 'max_id': constants.MAX_VLAN_TAG}) else: # Verify segment is not already allocated bindings = ( nsx_db.get_network_bindings_by_vlanid_and_physical_net( context.session, segmentation_id, physical_network) ) if bindings: raise n_exc.VlanIdInUse( vlan_id=segmentation_id, physical_network=physical_network) elif network_type == c_utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT: if (segmentation_id_set and not utils.is_valid_vlan_tag(segmentation_id)): err_msg = (_("%(segmentation_id)s out of range " "(%(min_id)s through %(max_id)s)") % {'segmentation_id': segmentation_id, 'min_id': constants.MIN_VLAN_TAG, 'max_id': constants.MAX_VLAN_TAG}) # Network must be external if not network.get(extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL): err_msg = (_("The l3_ext provide network type can be " "used with external networks only")) else: err_msg = (_("%(net_type_param)s %(net_type_value)s not " "supported") % {'net_type_param': pnet.NETWORK_TYPE, 'net_type_value': network_type}) if err_msg: raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Validate tranport zone uuid # which should be specified in physical_network def _extend_network_dict_provider(self, context, network, multiprovider=None, bindings=None): if not bindings: bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network['id']) if not multiprovider: multiprovider = nsx_db.is_multiprovider_network(context.session, network['id']) # With NSX plugin 'normal' overlay networks will have no binding # TODO(salvatore-orlando) make sure users can specify a distinct # phy_uuid as 'provider network' for STT net type if bindings: if not multiprovider: # network came in through provider networks api network[pnet.NETWORK_TYPE] = bindings[0].binding_type network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = bindings[0].phy_uuid network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] = bindings[0].vlan_id else: # network come in though multiprovider networks api network[mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS] = [ {pnet.NETWORK_TYPE: binding.binding_type, pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: binding.phy_uuid, pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID: binding.vlan_id} for binding in bindings] def extend_port_dict_binding(self, port_res, port_db): super(NsxPluginV2, self).extend_port_dict_binding(port_res, port_db) port_res[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] = pbin.VNIC_NORMAL def _handle_lswitch_selection(self, context, cluster, network): # NOTE(salv-orlando): This method used to select a NSX logical switch # with an available port, and create a new logical switch if # necessary. As there is no more need to perform switch chaining in # NSX, the logic for creating a new logical switch has been removed. max_ports = self.nsx_opts.max_lp_per_overlay_ls network_bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings( context.session, network['id']) for network_binding in network_bindings: if network_binding.binding_type in (c_utils.NetworkTypes.FLAT, c_utils.NetworkTypes.VLAN): max_ports = self.nsx_opts.max_lp_per_bridged_ls # This is still necessary as there could be chained switches in # the deployment and the code needs to find the first one with # an available slot for a port lswitches = nsx_utils.fetch_nsx_switches( context.session, cluster, network['id']) try: return [ls for ls in lswitches if (ls['_relations']['LogicalSwitchStatus'] ['lport_count'] < max_ports)].pop(0) except IndexError: # Too bad, no switch where a port can be created LOG.debug("No switch has available ports (%d checked)", len(lswitches)) raise nsx_exc.NoMorePortsException(network=network.id) def _convert_to_nsx_transport_zones(self, cluster, network=None, bindings=None): # TODO(salv-orlando): Remove this method and call nsx-utils direct return nsx_utils.convert_to_nsx_transport_zones( cluster.default_tz_uuid, network, bindings, default_transport_type=cfg.CONF.NSX.default_transport_type) def _convert_to_transport_zones_dict(self, network): """Converts the provider request body to multiprovider. Returns: True if request is multiprovider False if provider and None if neither. """ if any(validators.is_attr_set(network.get(f)) for f in (pnet.NETWORK_TYPE, pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK, pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID)): if validators.is_attr_set(network.get(mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS)): raise mpnet_exc.SegmentsSetInConjunctionWithProviders() # convert to transport zone list network[mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS] = [ {pnet.NETWORK_TYPE: network[pnet.NETWORK_TYPE], pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK: network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK], pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID: network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID]}] del network[pnet.NETWORK_TYPE] del network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] del network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] return False if validators.is_attr_set(mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS): return True def create_network(self, context, network): net_data = network['network'] tenant_id = net_data['tenant_id'] self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id) # Process the provider network extension provider_type = self._convert_to_transport_zones_dict(net_data) self._validate_provider_create(context, net_data) # Replace ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED with None before sending to NSX for key, value in six.iteritems(network['network']): if value is constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED: net_data[key] = None # FIXME(arosen) implement admin_state_up = False in NSX if net_data['admin_state_up'] is False: LOG.warning("Network with admin_state_up=False are not yet " "supported by this plugin. Ignoring setting for " "network %s", net_data.get('name', '')) transport_zone_config = self._convert_to_nsx_transport_zones( self.cluster, net_data) external = net_data.get(extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL) # NOTE(salv-orlando): Pre-generating uuid for Neutron # network. This will be removed once the network create operation # becomes an asynchronous task net_data['id'] = str(uuidutils.generate_uuid()) if (not validators.is_attr_set(external) or validators.is_attr_set(external) and not external): lswitch = switchlib.create_lswitch( self.cluster, net_data['id'], tenant_id, net_data.get('name'), transport_zone_config, shared=net_data.get(constants.SHARED)) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): new_net = super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_network(context, network) # Process port security extension self._process_network_port_security_create( context, net_data, new_net) # DB Operations for setting the network as external self._process_l3_create(context, new_net, net_data) # Process QoS queue extension net_queue_id = net_data.get(qos.QUEUE) if net_queue_id: # Raises if not found self.get_qos_queue(context, net_queue_id) self._process_network_queue_mapping( context, new_net, net_queue_id) # Add mapping between neutron network and NSX switch if (not validators.is_attr_set(external) or validators.is_attr_set(external) and not external): nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_network_mapping( context.session, new_net['id'], lswitch['uuid']) if (net_data.get(mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS) and isinstance(provider_type, bool)): net_bindings = [] for tz in net_data[mpnet_apidef.SEGMENTS]: segmentation_id = tz.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID, 0) segmentation_id_set = validators.is_attr_set( segmentation_id) if not segmentation_id_set: segmentation_id = 0 net_bindings.append(nsx_db.add_network_binding( context.session, new_net['id'], tz.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE), tz.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK), segmentation_id)) if provider_type: nsx_db.set_multiprovider_network(context.session, new_net['id']) self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, new_net, provider_type, net_bindings) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions net_model = self._get_network(context, new_net['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('networks', new_net, net_model) self.handle_network_dhcp_access(context, new_net, action='create_network') return new_net def delete_network(self, context, id): external = self._network_is_external(context, id) # Before removing entry from Neutron DB, retrieve NSX switch # identifiers for removing them from backend if not external: lswitch_ids = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_ids( context.session, self.cluster, id) self._process_l3_delete(context, id) nsx_db.delete_network_bindings(context.session, id) super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_network(context, id) # Do not go to NSX for external networks if not external: try: switchlib.delete_networks(self.cluster, id, lswitch_ids) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.warning("The following logical switches were not " "found on the NSX backend:%s", lswitch_ids) self.handle_network_dhcp_access(context, id, action='delete_network') LOG.debug("Delete network complete for network: %s", id) def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None): with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # goto to the plugin DB and fetch the network network = self._get_network(context, id) if (self.nsx_sync_opts.always_read_status or fields and 'status' in fields): # External networks are not backed by nsx lswitches if not network.external: # Perform explicit state synchronization self._synchronizer.synchronize_network(context, network) # Don't do field selection here otherwise we won't be able # to add provider networks fields net_result = self._make_network_dict(network, context=context) self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, net_result) return db_utils.resource_fields(net_result, fields) def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): filters = filters or {} with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context): networks = ( super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_networks( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse)) for net in networks: self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, net) return (networks if not fields else [db_utils.resource_fields(network, fields) for network in networks]) def update_network(self, context, id, network): providernet._raise_if_updates_provider_attributes(network['network']) if network["network"].get("admin_state_up") is False: raise NotImplementedError(_("admin_state_up=False networks " "are not supported.")) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): net = super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_network(context, id, network) if psec.PORTSECURITY in network['network']: self._process_network_port_security_update( context, network['network'], net) net_queue_id = network['network'].get(qos.QUEUE) if net_queue_id: self._delete_network_queue_mapping(context, id) self._process_network_queue_mapping(context, net, net_queue_id) self._process_l3_update(context, net, network['network']) self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, net) # If provided, update port name on backend; treat backend failures as # not critical (log error, but do not raise) if 'name' in network['network']: # in case of chained switches update name only for the first one nsx_switch_ids = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_ids( context.session, self.cluster, id) if not nsx_switch_ids or len(nsx_switch_ids) < 1: LOG.warning("Unable to find NSX mappings for neutron " "network:%s", id) try: switchlib.update_lswitch(self.cluster, nsx_switch_ids[0], network['network']['name']) except api_exc.NsxApiException as e: LOG.warning("Logical switch update on NSX backend failed. " "Neutron network id:%(net_id)s; " "NSX lswitch id:%(lswitch_id)s;" "Error:%(error)s", {'net_id': id, 'lswitch_id': nsx_switch_ids[0], 'error': e}) return net def create_port(self, context, port): # If PORTSECURITY is not the default value ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED # then we pass the port to the policy engine. The reason why we don't # pass the value to the policy engine when the port is # ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED is for the case where a port is created on a # shared network that is not owned by the tenant. port_data = port['port'] dhcp_opts = port_data.get(edo_ext.EXTRADHCPOPTS, []) # Set port status as 'DOWN'. This will be updated by backend sync. port_data['status'] = constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # First we allocate port in neutron database neutron_db = super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_port(context, port) neutron_port_id = neutron_db['id'] # Update fields obtained from neutron db (eg: MAC address) port["port"].update(neutron_db) self.handle_port_metadata_access(context, neutron_db) # port security extension checks (port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip( context, port_data) port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = port_security self._process_port_port_security_create( context, port_data, neutron_db) # allowed address pair checks if validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get( addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)): if not port_security: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() else: self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs( context, neutron_db, port_data[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]) else: # remove ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED port_data[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = [] # security group extension checks # NOTE: check_update_has_security_groups works fine for # create operations as well if port_security and has_ip: self._ensure_default_security_group_on_port(context, port) elif self._check_update_has_security_groups( {'port': port_data}): raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups() port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] = ( self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port)) self._process_port_create_security_group( context, port_data, port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS]) # QoS extension checks port_queue_id = self._check_for_queue_and_create( context, port_data) self._process_port_queue_mapping( context, port_data, port_queue_id) if (isinstance(port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING), bool)): self._create_mac_learning_state(context, port_data) elif mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING in port_data: port_data.pop(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update(context, port['port'], port_data) self._process_port_create_extra_dhcp_opts(context, port_data, dhcp_opts) # For some reason the port bindings DB mixin does not handle # the VNIC_TYPE attribute, which is required by nova for # setting up VIFs. context.session.flush() port_data[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] = pbin.VNIC_NORMAL # DB Operation is complete, perform NSX operation try: port_data = port['port'].copy() port_create_func = self._port_drivers['create'].get( port_data['device_owner'], self._port_drivers['create']['default']) port_create_func(context, port_data) LOG.debug("port created on NSX backend for tenant " "%(tenant_id)s: (%(id)s)", port_data) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.warning("Logical switch for network %s was not " "found in NSX.", port_data['network_id']) # Put port in error on neutron DB with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): port = self._get_port(context, neutron_port_id) port_data['status'] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR port['status'] = port_data['status'] context.session.add(port) except Exception: # Port must be removed from neutron DB with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to create port or set port " "attachment in NSX.") with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): self.ipam.delete_port(context, neutron_port_id) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions port_model = self._get_port(context, neutron_port_id) resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port_data, port_model) self.handle_port_dhcp_access(context, port_data, action='create_port') return port_data def update_port(self, context, id, port): delete_security_groups = self._check_update_deletes_security_groups( port) has_security_groups = self._check_update_has_security_groups(port) delete_addr_pairs = self._check_update_deletes_allowed_address_pairs( port) has_addr_pairs = self._check_update_has_allowed_address_pairs(port) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): ret_port = super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_port( context, id, port) # Save current mac learning state to check whether it's # being updated or not old_mac_learning_state = ret_port.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) # copy values over - except fixed_ips as # they've already been processed port['port'].pop('fixed_ips', None) ret_port.update(port['port']) tenant_id = ret_port['tenant_id'] self._update_extra_dhcp_opts_on_port(context, id, port, ret_port) # populate port_security setting if psec.PORTSECURITY not in port['port']: ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] = self._get_port_security_binding( context, id) has_ip = self._ip_on_port(ret_port) # validate port security and allowed address pairs if not ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY]: # has address pairs in request if has_addr_pairs: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() elif not delete_addr_pairs: # check if address pairs are in db ret_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = ( self.get_allowed_address_pairs(context, id)) if ret_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() if (delete_addr_pairs or has_addr_pairs): # delete address pairs and read them in self._delete_allowed_address_pairs(context, id) self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs( context, ret_port, ret_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]) # checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying # security groups, port security is set and port has ip if not (has_ip and ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY]): if has_security_groups: raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups() # Update did not have security groups passed in. Check # that port does not have any security groups already on it. filters = {'port_id': [id]} security_groups = ( super(NsxPluginV2, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings( context, filters) ) if security_groups and not delete_security_groups: raise psec_exc.PortSecurityPortHasSecurityGroup() if (delete_security_groups or has_security_groups): # delete the port binding and read it with the new rules. self._delete_port_security_group_bindings(context, id) sgids = self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port) self._process_port_create_security_group(context, ret_port, sgids) if psec.PORTSECURITY in port['port']: self._process_port_port_security_update( context, port['port'], ret_port) port_queue_id = self._check_for_queue_and_create( context, ret_port) # Populate the mac learning attribute new_mac_learning_state = port['port'].get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) if (new_mac_learning_state is not None and old_mac_learning_state != new_mac_learning_state): self._update_mac_learning_state(context, id, new_mac_learning_state) ret_port[mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING] = new_mac_learning_state self._delete_port_queue_mapping(context, ret_port['id']) self._process_port_queue_mapping(context, ret_port, port_queue_id) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update(context, port['port'], ret_port) nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, self.cluster, id) # Convert Neutron security groups identifiers into NSX security # profiles identifiers nsx_sec_profile_ids = [ nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, self.cluster, neutron_sg_id) for neutron_sg_id in (ret_port[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] or [])] # Perform the NSX operation outside of the DB transaction LOG.debug("Updating port %s on NSX backend", ret_port['id']) if nsx_port_id: try: switchlib.update_port( self.cluster, nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id, id, tenant_id, ret_port['name'], ret_port['device_id'], ret_port['admin_state_up'], ret_port['mac_address'], ret_port['fixed_ips'], ret_port[psec.PORTSECURITY], nsx_sec_profile_ids, ret_port[qos.QUEUE], ret_port.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING), ret_port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)) # Update the port status from nsx. If we fail here hide it # since the port was successfully updated but we were not # able to retrieve the status. ret_port['status'] = switchlib.get_port_status( self.cluster, nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id) # FIXME(arosen) improve exception handling. except Exception: ret_port['status'] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR LOG.exception("Unable to update port id: %s.", nsx_port_id) # If nsx_port_id is not in database or in nsx put in error state. else: ret_port['status'] = constants.PORT_STATUS_ERROR return ret_port def delete_port(self, context, id, l3_port_check=True, nw_gw_port_check=True): """Deletes a port on a specified Virtual Network. If the port contains a remote interface attachment, the remote interface is first un-plugged and then the port is deleted. :returns: None :raises: exception.PortInUse :raises: exception.PortNotFound :raises: exception.NetworkNotFound """ # if needed, check to see if this is a port owned by # a l3 router. If so, we should prevent deletion here if l3_port_check: self.prevent_l3_port_deletion(context, id) neutron_db_port = self.get_port(context, id) # Perform the same check for ports owned by layer-2 gateways if nw_gw_port_check: self.prevent_network_gateway_port_deletion(context, neutron_db_port) port_delete_func = self._port_drivers['delete'].get( neutron_db_port['device_owner'], self._port_drivers['delete']['default']) port_delete_func(context, neutron_db_port) self.disassociate_floatingips(context, id) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): queue = self._get_port_queue_bindings(context, {'port_id': [id]}) # metadata_dhcp_host_route self.handle_port_metadata_access( context, neutron_db_port, is_delete=True) super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_port(context, id) # Delete qos queue if possible if queue: self.delete_qos_queue(context, queue[0]['queue_id'], False) self.handle_port_dhcp_access( context, neutron_db_port, action='delete_port') def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None): with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): if (self.nsx_sync_opts.always_read_status or fields and 'status' in fields): # Perform explicit state synchronization db_port = self._get_port(context, id) self._synchronizer.synchronize_port( context, db_port) return self._make_port_dict(db_port, fields) else: return super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_port(context, id, fields) def get_router(self, context, id, fields=None): with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): if (self.nsx_sync_opts.always_read_status or fields and 'status' in fields): db_router = self._get_router(context, id) # Perform explicit state synchronization self._synchronizer.synchronize_router( context, db_router) return self._make_router_dict(db_router, fields) else: return super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_router(context, id, fields) def _create_lrouter(self, context, router, nexthop): tenant_id = router['tenant_id'] distributed = router.get('distributed') try: lrouter = routerlib.create_lrouter( self.cluster, router['id'], tenant_id, router['name'], nexthop, distributed=(validators.is_attr_set(distributed) and distributed)) except nsx_exc.InvalidVersion: msg = _("Cannot create a distributed router with the NSX " "platform currently in execution. Please, try " "without specifying the 'distributed' attribute.") LOG.exception(msg) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) except api_exc.NsxApiException: err_msg = _("Unable to create logical router on NSX Platform") LOG.exception(err_msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=err_msg) # Create the port here - and update it later if we have gw_info try: self._create_and_attach_router_port( self.cluster, context, lrouter['uuid'], {'fake_ext_gw': True}, "L3GatewayAttachment", self.cluster.default_l3_gw_service_uuid) except nsx_exc.NsxPluginException: LOG.exception("Unable to create L3GW port on logical router " "%(router_uuid)s. Verify Default Layer-3 " "Gateway service %(def_l3_gw_svc)s id is " "correct", {'router_uuid': lrouter['uuid'], 'def_l3_gw_svc': self.cluster.default_l3_gw_service_uuid}) # Try and remove logical router from NSX routerlib.delete_lrouter(self.cluster, lrouter['uuid']) # Return user a 500 with an apter message raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("Unable to create router %s on NSX backend") % router['id'])) lrouter['status'] = constants.ACTIVE return lrouter def _process_extra_attr_router_create(self, context, router_db, r): for extra_attr in l3_attrs_db.get_attr_info().keys(): if extra_attr in r: self.set_extra_attr_value(context, router_db, extra_attr, r[extra_attr]) def create_router(self, context, router): # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): We completely override this method in # order to be able to use the NSX ID as Neutron ID # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Propose upstream patch for allowing # 3rd parties to specify IDs as we do with l2 plugin r = router['router'] has_gw_info = False tenant_id = r['tenant_id'] # default value to set - nsx wants it (even if we don't have it) nexthop = NSX_DEFAULT_NEXTHOP # if external gateway info are set, then configure nexthop to # default external gateway if 'external_gateway_info' in r and r.get('external_gateway_info'): has_gw_info = True gw_info = r['external_gateway_info'] del r['external_gateway_info'] # The following DB read will be performed again when updating # gateway info. This is not great, but still better than # creating NSX router here and updating it later network_id = (gw_info.get('network_id', None) if gw_info else None) if network_id: ext_net = self._get_network(context, network_id) if not ext_net.external: msg = (_("Network '%s' is not a valid external " "network") % network_id) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) if ext_net.subnets: ext_subnet = ext_net.subnets[0] nexthop = ext_subnet.gateway_ip # NOTE(salv-orlando): Pre-generating uuid for Neutron # router. This will be removed once the router create operation # becomes an asynchronous task neutron_router_id = str(uuidutils.generate_uuid()) r['id'] = neutron_router_id # Populate distributed attribute in order to ensure the appropriate # type of router is created in the NSX backend r['distributed'] = l3_dvr_db.is_distributed_router(r) lrouter = self._create_lrouter(context, r, nexthop) # TODO(salv-orlando): Deal with backend object removal in case # of db failures with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # Transaction nesting is needed to avoid foreign key violations # when processing the distributed router binding with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): router_db = l3_db_models.Router( id=neutron_router_id, tenant_id=tenant_id, name=r['name'], admin_state_up=r['admin_state_up'], status=lrouter['status']) context.session.add(router_db) self._process_extra_attr_router_create(context, router_db, r) # Ensure neutron router is moved into the transaction's buffer context.session.flush() # Add mapping between neutron and nsx identifiers nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_router_mapping( context.session, router_db['id'], lrouter['uuid']) if has_gw_info: # NOTE(salv-orlando): This operation has been moved out of the # database transaction since it performs several NSX queries, # ithis ncreasing the risk of deadlocks between eventlet and # sqlalchemy operations. # Set external gateway and remove router in case of failure try: self._update_router_gw_info(context, router_db['id'], gw_info) except (n_exc.NeutronException, api_exc.NsxApiException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # As setting gateway failed, the router must be deleted # in order to ensure atomicity router_id = router_db['id'] LOG.warning("Failed to set gateway info for router " "being created:%s - removing router", router_id) self.delete_router(context, router_id) LOG.info("Create router failed while setting external " "gateway. Router:%s has been removed from " "DB and backend", router_id) return self._make_router_dict(router_db) def _update_lrouter(self, context, router_id, name, nexthop, routes=None): nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) return routerlib.update_lrouter( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, name, nexthop, routes=routes) def _update_lrouter_routes(self, context, router_id, routes): nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) routerlib.update_explicit_routes_lrouter( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, routes) def update_router(self, context, router_id, router): # Either nexthop is updated or should be kept as it was before r = router['router'] nexthop = None if 'external_gateway_info' in r and r.get('external_gateway_info'): gw_info = r['external_gateway_info'] # The following DB read will be performed again when updating # gateway info. This is not great, but still better than # creating NSX router here and updating it later network_id = (gw_info.get('network_id', None) if gw_info else None) if network_id: ext_net = self._get_network(context, network_id) if not ext_net.external: msg = (_("Network '%s' is not a valid external " "network") % network_id) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) if ext_net.subnets: ext_subnet = ext_net.subnets[0] nexthop = ext_subnet.gateway_ip try: for route in r.get('routes', []): if route['destination'] == '': msg = _("'routes' cannot contain route '', " "this must be updated through the default " "gateway attribute") raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) previous_routes = self._update_lrouter( context, router_id, r.get('name'), nexthop, routes=r.get('routes')) # NOTE(salv-orlando): The exception handling below is not correct, but # unfortunately nsxlib raises a neutron notfound exception when an # object is not found in the underlying backend except n_exc.NotFound: # Put the router in ERROR status with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) router_db['status'] = constants.NET_STATUS_ERROR raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=_("Logical router %s not found " "on NSX Platform") % router_id) except api_exc.NsxApiException: raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=_("Unable to update logical router on NSX Platform")) except nsx_exc.InvalidVersion: msg = _("Request cannot contain 'routes' with the NSX " "platform currently in execution. Please, try " "without specifying the static routes.") LOG.exception(msg) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) try: return super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_router(context, router_id, router) except (xroute_exc.InvalidRoutes, xroute_exc.RouterInterfaceInUseByRoute, xroute_exc.RoutesExhausted): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # revert changes made to NSX self._update_lrouter_routes( context, router_id, previous_routes) def _delete_lrouter(self, context, router_id, nsx_router_id): # The neutron router id (router_id) is ignored in this routine, # but used in plugins deriving from this one routerlib.delete_lrouter(self.cluster, nsx_router_id) def delete_router(self, context, router_id): with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # NOTE(salv-orlando): These checks will be repeated anyway when # calling the superclass. This is wasteful, but is the simplest # way of ensuring a consistent removal of the router both in # the neutron Database and in the NSX backend. self._ensure_router_not_in_use(context, router_id) # TODO(salv-orlando): This call should have no effect on delete # router, but if it does, it should not happen within a # transaction, and it should be restored on rollback self.handle_router_metadata_access( context, router_id, interface=None) nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) # It is safe to remove the router from the database, so remove it # from the backend if nsx_router_id: try: self._delete_lrouter(context, router_id, nsx_router_id) except n_exc.NotFound: # This is not a fatal error, but needs to be logged LOG.warning("Logical router '%s' not found " "on NSX Platform", router_id) except api_exc.NsxApiException: raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("Unable to delete logical router '%s' " "on NSX Platform") % nsx_router_id)) else: # If no mapping is found it is likely that the logical router does # not exist anymore in the backend. This is not a fatal condition, # but will result in an exception is "None" is passed to # _delete_lrouter LOG.warning("No mapping found for logical router '%s' " "on NSX Platform", router_id) # Remove the NSX mapping first in order to ensure a mapping to # a non-existent NSX router is not left in the DB in case of # failure while removing the router from the neutron DB try: nsx_db.delete_neutron_nsx_router_mapping( context.session, router_id) except db_exc.DBError as d_exc: # Do not make this error fatal LOG.warning("Unable to remove NSX mapping for Neutron router " "%(router_id)s because of the following exception:" "%(d_exc)s", {'router_id': router_id, 'd_exc': str(d_exc)}) # Perform the actual delete on the Neutron DB super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_router(context, router_id) def _add_subnet_snat_rule(self, context, router, subnet): gw_port = router.gw_port if gw_port and router.enable_snat: # There is a change gw_port might have multiple IPs # In that case we will consider only the first one if gw_port.get('fixed_ips'): snat_ip = gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] cidr_prefix = int(subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router['id']) routerlib.create_lrouter_snat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, snat_ip, snat_ip, order=NSX_EXTGW_NAT_RULES_ORDER - cidr_prefix, match_criteria={'source_ip_addresses': subnet['cidr']}) def _delete_subnet_snat_rule(self, context, router, subnet): # Remove SNAT rule if external gateway is configured if router.gw_port: nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router['id']) routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "SourceNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=1, raise_on_len_mismatch=False, source_ip_addresses=subnet['cidr']) def add_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): # When adding interface by port_id we need to create the # peer port on the nsx logical router in this routine port_id = interface_info.get('port_id') router_iface_info = super(NsxPluginV2, self).add_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) # router_iface_info will always have a subnet_id attribute subnet_id = router_iface_info['subnet_id'] nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) if port_id: port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) # If security groups are present we need to remove them as # this is a router port and disable port security. if port_data['security_groups']: self.update_port(context, port_id, {'port': {'security_groups': [], psec.PORTSECURITY: False}}) nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, self.cluster, port_id) # Unplug current attachment from lswitch port switchlib.plug_vif_interface(self.cluster, nsx_switch_id, nsx_port_id, "NoAttachment") # Create logical router port and plug patch attachment self._create_and_attach_router_port( self.cluster, context, nsx_router_id, port_data, "PatchAttachment", nsx_port_id, subnet_ids=[subnet_id]) subnet = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id) # If there is an external gateway we need to configure the SNAT rule. # Fetch router from DB router = self._get_router(context, router_id) self._add_subnet_snat_rule(context, router, subnet) routerlib.create_lrouter_nosnat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, order=NSX_NOSNAT_RULES_ORDER, match_criteria={'destination_ip_addresses': subnet['cidr']}) # Ensure the NSX logical router has a connection to a 'metadata access' # network (with a proxy listening on its DHCP port), by creating it # if needed. self.handle_router_metadata_access( context, router_id, interface=router_iface_info) LOG.debug("Add_router_interface completed for subnet:%(subnet_id)s " "and router:%(router_id)s", {'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'router_id': router_id}) return router_iface_info def get_l3_agents_hosting_routers(self, context, routers): # This method is just a stub added because is required by the l3 dvr # mixin. That's so much for a management layer which is plugin # agnostic return [] def _create_snat_intf_ports_if_not_exists(self, context, router): # VMware plugins do not need SNAT interface ports return [] def _add_csnat_router_interface_port(self, context, router, network_id, subnet_id, do_pop=True): # VMware plugins do not need SNAT interface ports return def _delete_csnat_router_interface_ports(self, context, router, subnet_id=None): # VMware plugins do not need SNAT interface ports return def remove_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): # The code below is duplicated from base class, but comes handy # as we need to retrieve the router port id before removing the port subnet = None subnet_id = None if 'port_id' in interface_info: port_id = interface_info['port_id'] # find subnet_id - it is need for removing the SNAT rule port = self._get_port(context, port_id) if port.get('fixed_ips'): subnet_id = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] if not (port['device_owner'] in constants.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS and port['device_id'] == router_id): raise l3_exc.RouterInterfaceNotFound( router_id=router_id, port_id=port_id) elif 'subnet_id' in interface_info: subnet_id = interface_info['subnet_id'] subnet = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id) rport_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port) ports = rport_qry.filter_by( device_id=router_id, network_id=subnet['network_id']).filter( models_v2.Port.device_owner.in_( constants.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS)) for p in ports: if p['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] == subnet_id: port_id = p['id'] break else: raise l3_exc.RouterInterfaceNotFoundForSubnet( router_id=router_id, subnet_id=subnet_id) # Finally remove the data from the Neutron DB # This will also destroy the port on the logical switch info = super(NsxPluginV2, self).remove_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) try: # Ensure the connection to the 'metadata access network' # is removed (with the network) if this the last subnet # on the router self.handle_router_metadata_access( context, router_id, interface=None) if not subnet: subnet = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id) router = self._get_router(context, router_id) # If router is enabled_snat = False there are no snat rules to # delete. if router.enable_snat: self._delete_subnet_snat_rule(context, router, subnet) # Relax the minimum expected number as the nosnat rules # do not exist in 2.x deployments nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "NoSourceNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=0, raise_on_len_mismatch=False, destination_ip_addresses=subnet['cidr']) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.error("Logical router resource %s not found " "on NSX platform", router_id) except api_exc.NsxApiException: raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("Unable to update logical router" "on NSX Platform"))) return info def _retrieve_and_delete_nat_rules(self, context, floating_ip_address, internal_ip, nsx_router_id, min_num_rules_expected=0): """Finds and removes NAT rules from a NSX router.""" # NOTE(salv-orlando): The context parameter is ignored in this method # but used by derived classes try: # Remove DNAT rule for the floating IP routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "DestinationNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=min_num_rules_expected, destination_ip_addresses=floating_ip_address) # Remove SNAT rules for the floating IP routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "SourceNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=min_num_rules_expected, source_ip_addresses=internal_ip) routerlib.delete_nat_rules_by_match( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, "SourceNatRule", max_num_expected=1, min_num_expected=min_num_rules_expected, destination_ip_addresses=internal_ip) except api_exc.NsxApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("An error occurred while removing NAT rules " "on the NSX platform for floating ip:%s", floating_ip_address) except nsx_exc.NatRuleMismatch: # Do not surface to the user LOG.warning("An incorrect number of matching NAT rules " "was found on the NSX platform") def _remove_floatingip_address(self, context, fip_db): # Remove floating IP address from logical router port # Fetch logical port of router's external gateway router_id = fip_db.router_id nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) nsx_gw_port_id = routerlib.find_router_gw_port( context, self.cluster, nsx_router_id)['uuid'] ext_neutron_port_db = self._get_port(context.elevated(), fip_db.floating_port_id) nsx_floating_ips = self._build_ip_address_list( context.elevated(), ext_neutron_port_db['fixed_ips']) routerlib.update_lrouter_port_ips(self.cluster, nsx_router_id, nsx_gw_port_id, ips_to_add=[], ips_to_remove=nsx_floating_ips) def _floatingip_status(self, floatingip_db, associated): if (associated and floatingip_db['status'] != constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE): return constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE elif (not associated and floatingip_db['status'] != constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN): return constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN # in any case ensure the status is not reset by this method! return floatingip_db['status'] def _update_fip_assoc(self, context, fip, floatingip_db, external_port): """Update floating IP association data. Overrides method from base class. The method is augmented for creating NAT rules in the process. """ # Store router currently serving the floating IP old_router_id = floatingip_db.router_id port_id, internal_ip, router_id = self._check_and_get_fip_assoc( context, fip, floatingip_db) floating_ip = floatingip_db['floating_ip_address'] # If there's no association router_id will be None if router_id: nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, router_id) self._retrieve_and_delete_nat_rules( context, floating_ip, internal_ip, nsx_router_id) nsx_floating_ips = self._build_ip_address_list( context.elevated(), external_port['fixed_ips']) floating_ip = floatingip_db['floating_ip_address'] # Retrieve and delete existing NAT rules, if any if old_router_id: nsx_old_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, old_router_id) # Retrieve the current internal ip _p, _s, old_internal_ip = self._internal_fip_assoc_data( context, {'id': floatingip_db.id, 'port_id': floatingip_db.fixed_port_id, 'fixed_ip_address': str(floatingip_db.fixed_ip_address), 'tenant_id': floatingip_db.tenant_id}, floatingip_db.tenant_id) nsx_gw_port_id = routerlib.find_router_gw_port( context, self.cluster, nsx_old_router_id)['uuid'] self._retrieve_and_delete_nat_rules( context, floating_ip, old_internal_ip, nsx_old_router_id) routerlib.update_lrouter_port_ips( self.cluster, nsx_old_router_id, nsx_gw_port_id, ips_to_add=[], ips_to_remove=nsx_floating_ips) if router_id: nsx_gw_port_id = routerlib.find_router_gw_port( context, self.cluster, nsx_router_id)['uuid'] # Re-create NAT rules only if a port id is specified if fip.get('port_id'): try: # Setup DNAT rules for the floating IP routerlib.create_lrouter_dnat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, internal_ip, order=NSX_FLOATINGIP_NAT_RULES_ORDER, match_criteria={'destination_ip_addresses': floating_ip}) # Setup SNAT rules for the floating IP # Create a SNAT rule for enabling connectivity to the # floating IP from the same network as the internal port # Find subnet id for internal_ip from fixed_ips internal_port = self._get_port(context, port_id) # Cchecks not needed on statements below since otherwise # _internal_fip_assoc_data would have raised subnet_ids = [ip['subnet_id'] for ip in internal_port['fixed_ips'] if ip['ip_address'] == internal_ip] internal_subnet_cidr = self._build_ip_address_list( context, internal_port['fixed_ips'], subnet_ids=subnet_ids)[0] routerlib.create_lrouter_snat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, floating_ip, floating_ip, order=NSX_NOSNAT_RULES_ORDER - 1, match_criteria={'source_ip_addresses': internal_subnet_cidr, 'destination_ip_addresses': internal_ip}) # setup snat rule such that src ip of an IP packet when # using floating is the floating ip itself. routerlib.create_lrouter_snat_rule( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, floating_ip, floating_ip, order=NSX_FLOATINGIP_NAT_RULES_ORDER, match_criteria={'source_ip_addresses': internal_ip}) # Add Floating IP address to router_port routerlib.update_lrouter_port_ips( self.cluster, nsx_router_id, nsx_gw_port_id, ips_to_add=nsx_floating_ips, ips_to_remove=[]) except api_exc.NsxApiException: LOG.exception("An error occurred while creating NAT " "rules on the NSX platform for floating " "ip:%(floating_ip)s mapped to " "internal ip:%(internal_ip)s", {'floating_ip': floating_ip, 'internal_ip': internal_ip}) msg = _("Failed to update NAT rules for floatingip update") raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Update also floating ip status (no need to call base class method) new_status = self._floatingip_status(floatingip_db, router_id) floatingip_db.fixed_ip_address = internal_ip floatingip_db.fixed_port_id = port_id floatingip_db.router_id = router_id floatingip_db.status = new_status return {'fixed_ip_address': internal_ip, 'fixed_port_id': port_id, 'router_id': router_id, 'last_known_router_id': None, 'floating_ip_address': floatingip_db.floating_ip_address, 'floating_network_id': floatingip_db.floating_network_id, 'floating_ip_id': floatingip_db.id, 'context': context} @lockutils.synchronized('vmware', 'neutron-') def create_floatingip(self, context, floatingip): return super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_floatingip(context, floatingip) @lockutils.synchronized('vmware', 'neutron-') def update_floatingip(self, context, floatingip_id, floatingip): return super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_floatingip(context, floatingip_id, floatingip) @lockutils.synchronized('vmware', 'neutron-') def delete_floatingip(self, context, id): fip_db = self._get_floatingip(context, id) # Check whether the floating ip is associated or not if fip_db.fixed_port_id: nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, fip_db.router_id) self._retrieve_and_delete_nat_rules(context, fip_db.floating_ip_address, fip_db.fixed_ip_address, nsx_router_id, min_num_rules_expected=1) # Remove floating IP address from logical router port self._remove_floatingip_address(context, fip_db) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_floatingip(context, id) def disassociate_floatingips(self, context, port_id): try: fip_qry = context.session.query(l3_db_models.FloatingIP) fip_dbs = fip_qry.filter_by(fixed_port_id=port_id) for fip_db in fip_dbs: nsx_router_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, self.cluster, fip_db.router_id) self._retrieve_and_delete_nat_rules(context, fip_db.floating_ip_address, fip_db.fixed_ip_address, nsx_router_id, min_num_rules_expected=1) self._remove_floatingip_address(context, fip_db) except sa_exc.NoResultFound: LOG.debug("The port '%s' is not associated with floating IPs", port_id) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.warning("Nat rules not found in nsx for port: %s", id) # NOTE(ihrachys): L3 agent notifications don't make sense for # NSX VMWare plugin since there is no L3 agent in such setup, so # disabling them here. super(NsxPluginV2, self).disassociate_floatingips( context, port_id, do_notify=False) def create_network_gateway(self, context, network_gateway): """Create a layer-2 network gateway. Create the gateway service on NSX platform and corresponding data structures in Neutron datase. """ gw_data = network_gateway[networkgw.GATEWAY_RESOURCE_NAME] tenant_id = gw_data['tenant_id'] # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() # Validate provided gateway device list self._validate_device_list(context, tenant_id, gw_data) devices = gw_data['devices'] # Populate default physical network where not specified for device in devices: if not device.get('interface_name'): device['interface_name'] = (self.cluster. nsx_default_interface_name) try: # Replace Neutron device identifiers with NSX identifiers dev_map = dict((dev['id'], dev['interface_name']) for dev in devices) nsx_devices = [] for db_device in self._query_gateway_devices( context, filters={'id': [device['id'] for device in devices]}): nsx_devices.append( {'id': db_device['nsx_id'], 'interface_name': dev_map[db_device['id']]}) nsx_res = l2gwlib.create_l2_gw_service( self.cluster, tenant_id, gw_data['name'], nsx_devices) nsx_uuid = nsx_res.get('uuid') except api_exc.Conflict: raise nsx_exc.L2GatewayAlreadyInUse(gateway=gw_data['name']) except api_exc.NsxApiException: err_msg = _("Unable to create l2_gw_service for: %s") % gw_data LOG.exception(err_msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=err_msg) gw_data['id'] = nsx_uuid return super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_network_gateway( context, network_gateway, validate_device_list=False) def delete_network_gateway(self, context, gateway_id): """Remove a layer-2 network gateway. Remove the gateway service from NSX platform and corresponding data structures in Neutron datase. """ # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): try: super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_network_gateway( context, gateway_id) l2gwlib.delete_l2_gw_service(self.cluster, gateway_id) except api_exc.ResourceNotFound: # Do not cause a 500 to be returned to the user if # the corresponding NSX resource does not exist LOG.exception("Unable to remove gateway service from " "NSX plaform - the resource was not found") def get_network_gateway(self, context, id, fields=None): # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() return super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_network_gateway(context, id, fields) def get_network_gateways(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() # Ensure the tenant_id attribute is populated on returned gateways return super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_network_gateways( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse) def update_network_gateway(self, context, id, network_gateway): # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() # Update gateway on backend when there's a name change name = network_gateway[networkgw.GATEWAY_RESOURCE_NAME].get('name') if name: try: l2gwlib.update_l2_gw_service(self.cluster, id, name) except api_exc.NsxApiException: # Consider backend failures as non-fatal, but still warn # because this might indicate something dodgy is going on LOG.warning("Unable to update name on NSX backend " "for network gateway: %s", id) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_network_gateway( context, id, network_gateway) def connect_network(self, context, network_gateway_id, network_mapping_info): # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() try: return super(NsxPluginV2, self).connect_network( context, network_gateway_id, network_mapping_info) except api_exc.Conflict: raise nsx_exc.L2GatewayAlreadyInUse(gateway=network_gateway_id) def disconnect_network(self, context, network_gateway_id, network_mapping_info): # Ensure the default gateway in the config file is in sync with the db self._ensure_default_network_gateway() return super(NsxPluginV2, self).disconnect_network( context, network_gateway_id, network_mapping_info) def _get_nsx_device_id(self, context, device_id): return self._get_gateway_device(context, device_id)['nsx_id'] def _rollback_gw_device(self, context, device_id, gw_data=None, new_status=None, is_create=False): LOG.error("Rolling back database changes for gateway device %s " "because of an error in the NSX backend", device_id) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): query = model_query.query_with_hooks( context, nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice).filter( nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice.id == device_id) if is_create: query.delete(synchronize_session=False) else: super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_gateway_device( context, device_id, {networkgw.DEVICE_RESOURCE_NAME: gw_data}) if new_status: query.update({'status': new_status}, synchronize_session=False) # TODO(salv-orlando): Handlers for Gateway device operations should be # moved into the appropriate nsx_handlers package once the code for the # blueprint nsx-async-backend-communication merges def create_gateway_device_handler(self, context, gateway_device, client_certificate): neutron_id = gateway_device['id'] try: nsx_res = l2gwlib.create_gateway_device( self.cluster, gateway_device['tenant_id'], gateway_device['name'], neutron_id, self.cluster.default_tz_uuid, gateway_device['connector_type'], gateway_device['connector_ip'], client_certificate) # Fetch status (it needs another NSX API call) device_status = nsx_utils.get_nsx_device_status(self.cluster, nsx_res['uuid']) # set NSX GW device in neutron database and update status with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): query = model_query.query_with_hooks( context, nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice).filter( nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice.id == neutron_id) query.update({'status': device_status, 'nsx_id': nsx_res['uuid']}, synchronize_session=False) LOG.debug("Neutron gateway device: %(neutron_id)s; " "NSX transport node identifier: %(nsx_id)s; " "Operational status: %(status)s.", {'neutron_id': neutron_id, 'nsx_id': nsx_res['uuid'], 'status': device_status}) return device_status except (nsx_exc.InvalidSecurityCertificate, api_exc.NsxApiException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._rollback_gw_device(context, neutron_id, is_create=True) def update_gateway_device_handler(self, context, gateway_device, old_gateway_device_data, client_certificate): nsx_id = gateway_device['nsx_id'] neutron_id = gateway_device['id'] try: l2gwlib.update_gateway_device( self.cluster, nsx_id, gateway_device['tenant_id'], gateway_device['name'], neutron_id, self.cluster.default_tz_uuid, gateway_device['connector_type'], gateway_device['connector_ip'], client_certificate) # Fetch status (it needs another NSX API call) device_status = nsx_utils.get_nsx_device_status(self.cluster, nsx_id) # update status with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): query = model_query.query_with_hooks( context, nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice).filter( nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice.id == neutron_id) query.update({'status': device_status}, synchronize_session=False) LOG.debug("Neutron gateway device: %(neutron_id)s; " "NSX transport node identifier: %(nsx_id)s; " "Operational status: %(status)s.", {'neutron_id': neutron_id, 'nsx_id': nsx_id, 'status': device_status}) return device_status except (nsx_exc.InvalidSecurityCertificate, api_exc.NsxApiException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._rollback_gw_device(context, neutron_id, gw_data=old_gateway_device_data) except n_exc.NotFound: # The gateway device was probably deleted in the backend. # The DB change should be rolled back and the status must # be put in error with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._rollback_gw_device(context, neutron_id, gw_data=old_gateway_device_data, new_status=networkgw_db.ERROR) def get_gateway_device(self, context, device_id, fields=None): # Get device from database gw_device = super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_gateway_device( context, device_id, fields, include_nsx_id=True) # Fetch status from NSX nsx_id = gw_device['nsx_id'] device_status = nsx_utils.get_nsx_device_status(self.cluster, nsx_id) # TODO(salv-orlando): Asynchronous sync for gateway device status # Update status in database with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): query = model_query.query_with_hooks( context, nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice).filter( nsx_models.NetworkGatewayDevice.id == device_id) query.update({'status': device_status}, synchronize_session=False) gw_device['status'] = device_status return gw_device def get_gateway_devices(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): # Get devices from database devices = super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_gateway_devices( context, filters, fields, include_nsx_id=True) # Fetch operational status from NSX, filter by tenant tag # TODO(salv-orlando): Asynchronous sync for gateway device status tenant_id = context.tenant_id if not context.is_admin else None nsx_statuses = nsx_utils.get_nsx_device_statuses(self.cluster, tenant_id) # Update statuses in database with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): for device in devices: new_status = nsx_statuses.get(device['nsx_id']) if new_status: device['status'] = new_status return devices def create_gateway_device(self, context, gateway_device): # NOTE(salv-orlando): client-certificate will not be stored # in the database device_data = gateway_device[networkgw.DEVICE_RESOURCE_NAME] client_certificate = device_data.pop('client_certificate') gw_device = super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_gateway_device( context, gateway_device) # DB operation was successful, perform NSX operation gw_device['status'] = self.create_gateway_device_handler( context, gw_device, client_certificate) return gw_device def update_gateway_device(self, context, device_id, gateway_device): # NOTE(salv-orlando): client-certificate will not be stored # in the database client_certificate = ( gateway_device[networkgw.DEVICE_RESOURCE_NAME].pop( 'client_certificate', None)) # Retrive current state from DB in case a rollback should be needed old_gw_device_data = super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_gateway_device( context, device_id, include_nsx_id=True) gw_device = super(NsxPluginV2, self).update_gateway_device( context, device_id, gateway_device, include_nsx_id=True) # DB operation was successful, perform NSX operation gw_device['status'] = self.update_gateway_device_handler( context, gw_device, old_gw_device_data, client_certificate) gw_device.pop('nsx_id') return gw_device def delete_gateway_device(self, context, device_id): nsx_device_id = self._get_nsx_device_id(context, device_id) super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_gateway_device( context, device_id) # DB operation was successful, perform NSX operation # TODO(salv-orlando): State consistency with neutron DB # should be ensured even in case of backend failures try: l2gwlib.delete_gateway_device(self.cluster, nsx_device_id) except n_exc.NotFound: LOG.warning("Removal of gateway device: %(neutron_id)s failed " "on NSX backend (NSX id:%(nsx_id)s) because the " "NSX resource was not found", {'neutron_id': device_id, 'nsx_id': nsx_device_id}) except api_exc.NsxApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # In this case a 500 should be returned LOG.exception("Removal of gateway device: %(neutron_id)s " "failed on NSX backend (NSX id:%(nsx_id)s). " "Neutron and NSX states have diverged.", {'neutron_id': device_id, 'nsx_id': nsx_device_id}) def create_security_group(self, context, security_group, default_sg=False): """Create security group. If default_sg is true that means we are creating a default security group and we don't need to check if one exists. """ s = security_group.get('security_group') tenant_id = s['tenant_id'] if not default_sg: self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id) # NOTE(salv-orlando): Pre-generating Neutron ID for security group. neutron_id = str(uuidutils.generate_uuid()) nsx_secgroup = secgrouplib.create_security_profile( self.cluster, tenant_id, neutron_id, s) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): s['id'] = neutron_id sec_group = super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_security_group( context, security_group, default_sg) context.session.flush() # Add mapping between neutron and nsx identifiers nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_security_group_mapping( context.session, neutron_id, nsx_secgroup['uuid']) return sec_group def update_security_group(self, context, secgroup_id, security_group): secgroup = (super(NsxPluginV2, self). update_security_group(context, secgroup_id, security_group)) if ('name' in security_group['security_group'] and secgroup['name'] != 'default'): nsx_sec_profile_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, self.cluster, secgroup_id) try: name = security_group['security_group']['name'] secgrouplib.update_security_profile( self.cluster, nsx_sec_profile_id, name) except (n_exc.NotFound, api_exc.NsxApiException) as e: # Reverting the DB change is not really worthwhile # for a mismatch between names. It's the rules that # we care about. LOG.error('Error while updating security profile ' '%(uuid)s with name %(name)s: %(error)s.', {'uuid': secgroup_id, 'name': name, 'error': e}) return secgroup def delete_security_group(self, context, security_group_id): """Delete a security group. :param security_group_id: security group rule to remove. """ with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): security_group = super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_security_group( context, security_group_id) if not security_group: raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=security_group_id) if security_group['name'] == 'default' and not context.is_admin: raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupCannotRemoveDefault() filters = {'security_group_id': [security_group['id']]} if super(NsxPluginV2, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings( context, filters): raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupInUse(id=security_group['id']) nsx_sec_profile_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, self.cluster, security_group_id) try: secgrouplib.delete_security_profile( self.cluster, nsx_sec_profile_id) except n_exc.NotFound: # The security profile was not found on the backend # do not fail in this case. LOG.warning("The NSX security profile %(sec_profile_id)s, " "associated with the Neutron security group " "%(sec_group_id)s was not found on the " "backend", {'sec_profile_id': nsx_sec_profile_id, 'sec_group_id': security_group_id}) except api_exc.NsxApiException: # Raise and fail the operation, as there is a problem which # prevented the sec group from being removed from the backend LOG.exception("An exception occurred while removing the " "NSX security profile %(sec_profile_id)s, " "associated with Netron security group " "%(sec_group_id)s", {'sec_profile_id': nsx_sec_profile_id, 'sec_group_id': security_group_id}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( _("Unable to remove security group %s from backend"), security_group['id']) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_security_group( context, security_group_id) def _validate_security_group_rules(self, context, rules): for rule in rules['security_group_rules']: r = rule.get('security_group_rule') port_based_proto = (self._get_ip_proto_number(r['protocol']) in constants.IP_PROTOCOL_MAP.values()) if (not port_based_proto and (r['port_range_min'] is not None or r['port_range_max'] is not None)): msg = (_("Port values not valid for " "protocol: %s") % r['protocol']) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='security_group_rule', msg=msg) return super(NsxPluginV2, self)._validate_security_group_rules(context, rules) def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule): """Create a single security group rule.""" bulk_rule = {'security_group_rules': [security_group_rule]} return self.create_security_group_rule_bulk(context, bulk_rule)[0] def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rules): """Create security group rules. :param security_group_rule: list of rules to create """ s = security_group_rules.get('security_group_rules') # TODO(arosen) is there anyway we could avoid having the update of # the security group rules in nsx outside of this transaction? with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): security_group_id = self._validate_security_group_rules( context, security_group_rules) # Check to make sure security group exists security_group = super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_security_group( context, security_group_id) if not security_group: raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=security_group_id) # Check for duplicate rules self._check_for_duplicate_rules(context, s) # gather all the existing security group rules since we need all # of them to PUT to NSX. existing_rules = self.get_security_group_rules( context, {'security_group_id': [security_group['id']]}) combined_rules = sg_utils.merge_security_group_rules_with_current( context.session, self.cluster, s, existing_rules) nsx_sec_profile_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, self.cluster, security_group_id) secgrouplib.update_security_group_rules(self.cluster, nsx_sec_profile_id, combined_rules) return super( NsxPluginV2, self).create_security_group_rule_bulk_native( context, security_group_rules) def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, sgrid): """Delete a security group rule :param sgrid: security group id to remove. """ with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # determine security profile id security_group_rule = ( super(NsxPluginV2, self).get_security_group_rule( context, sgrid)) if not security_group_rule: raise ext_sg.SecurityGroupRuleNotFound(id=sgrid) sgid = security_group_rule['security_group_id'] current_rules = self.get_security_group_rules( context, {'security_group_id': [sgid]}) current_rules_nsx = sg_utils.get_security_group_rules_nsx_format( context.session, self.cluster, current_rules, True) sg_utils.remove_security_group_with_id_and_id_field( current_rules_nsx, sgrid) nsx_sec_profile_id = nsx_utils.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, self.cluster, sgid) secgrouplib.update_security_group_rules( self.cluster, nsx_sec_profile_id, current_rules_nsx) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_security_group_rule(context, sgrid) def create_qos_queue(self, context, qos_queue, check_policy=True): q = qos_queue.get('qos_queue') self._validate_qos_queue(context, q) q['id'] = queuelib.create_lqueue(self.cluster, q) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).create_qos_queue(context, qos_queue) def delete_qos_queue(self, context, queue_id, raise_in_use=True): filters = {'queue_id': [queue_id]} queues = self._get_port_queue_bindings(context, filters) if queues: if raise_in_use: raise qos.QueueInUseByPort() else: return queuelib.delete_lqueue(self.cluster, queue_id) return super(NsxPluginV2, self).delete_qos_queue(context, queue_id)