# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import threading import jsonrpclib from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.ml2.common import exceptions as ml2_exc from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_arista import config # noqa from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_arista import db from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_arista import exceptions as arista_exc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG = 'Unable to reach EOS' class AristaRPCWrapper(object): """Wraps Arista JSON RPC. All communications between Neutron and EOS are over JSON RPC. EOS - operating system used on Arista hardware Command API - JSON RPC API provided by Arista EOS """ required_options = ['eapi_username', 'eapi_password', 'eapi_host'] def __init__(self): self._server = jsonrpclib.Server(self._eapi_host_url()) self.keystone_conf = cfg.CONF.keystone_authtoken self.region = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.region_name def _keystone_url(self): keystone_auth_url = ('%s://%s:%s/v2.0/' % (self.keystone_conf.auth_protocol, self.keystone_conf.auth_host, self.keystone_conf.auth_port)) return keystone_auth_url def get_tenants(self): """Returns dict of all tanants known by EOS. :returns: dictionary containing the networks per tenant and VMs allocated per tenant """ cmds = ['show openstack config region %s' % self.region] command_output = self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) tenants = command_output[0]['tenants'] return tenants def plug_host_into_network(self, vm_id, host, port_id, network_id, tenant_id, port_name): """Creates VLAN between TOR and compute host. :param vm_id: globally unique identifier for VM instance :param host: ID of the host where the VM is placed :param port_id: globally unique port ID that connects VM to network :param network_id: globally unique neutron network identifier :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier :param port_name: Name of the port - for display purposes """ cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'vm id %s hostid %s' % (vm_id, host)] if port_name: cmds.append('port id %s name %s network-id %s' % (port_id, port_name, network_id)) else: cmds.append('port id %s network-id %s' % (port_id, network_id)) cmds.append('exit') cmds.append('exit') self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def unplug_host_from_network(self, vm_id, host, port_id, network_id, tenant_id): """Removes previously configured VLAN between TOR and a host. :param vm_id: globally unique identifier for VM instance :param host: ID of the host where the VM is placed :param port_id: globally unique port ID that connects VM to network :param network_id: globally unique neutron network identifier :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier """ cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'vm id %s host %s' % (vm_id, host), 'no port id %s network-id %s' % (port_id, network_id), 'exit', 'exit'] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def create_network(self, tenant_id, network_id, network_name, seg_id): """Creates a network on Arista Hardware :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier :param network_id: globally unique neutron network identifier :param network_name: Network name - for display purposes :param seg_id: Segment ID of the network """ cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id] if network_name: cmds.append('network id %s name %s' % (network_id, network_name)) else: cmds.append('network id %s' % network_id) cmds.append('segment 1 type vlan id %d' % seg_id) cmds.append('exit') cmds.append('exit') cmds.append('exit') self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def create_network_segments(self, tenant_id, network_id, network_name, segments): """Creates a network on Arista Hardware Note: This method is not used at the moment. create_network() is used instead. This will be used once the support for multiple segments is added in Neutron. :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier :param network_id: globally unique neutron network identifier :param network_name: Network name - for display purposes :param segments: List of segments in a given network """ if segments: cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'network id %s name %s' % (network_id, network_name)] seg_num = 1 for seg in segments: cmds.append('segment %d type %s id %d' % (seg_num, seg['network_type'], seg['segmentation_id'])) seg_num += 1 cmds.append('exit') # exit for segment mode cmds.append('exit') # exit for network mode cmds.append('exit') # exit for tenant mode self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def delete_network(self, tenant_id, network_id): """Deletes a specified network for a given tenant :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier :param network_id: globally unique neutron network identifier """ cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'no network id %s' % network_id, 'exit', 'exit'] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def delete_vm(self, tenant_id, vm_id): """Deletes a VM from EOS for a given tenant :param tenant_id : globally unique neutron tenant identifier :param vm_id : id of a VM that needs to be deleted. """ cmds = ['tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'no vm id %s' % vm_id, 'exit', 'exit'] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id): """Deletes a given tenant and all its networks and VMs from EOS. :param tenant_id: globally unique neutron tenant identifier """ cmds = ['no tenant %s' % tenant_id, 'exit'] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def delete_this_region(self): """Deletes this entire region from EOS. This is equivalent of unregistering this Neurtron stack from EOS All networks for all tenants are removed. """ cmds = [] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds, deleteRegion=True) def _register_with_eos(self): """This is the registration request with EOS. This the initial handshake between Neutron and EOS. critical end-point information is registered with EOS. """ cmds = ['auth url %s user %s password %s' % (self._keystone_url(), self.keystone_conf.admin_user, self.keystone_conf.admin_password)] self._run_openstack_cmds(cmds) def _run_openstack_cmds(self, commands, deleteRegion=None): """Execute/sends a CAPI (Command API) command to EOS. In this method, list of commands is appended with prefix and postfix commands - to make is understandble by EOS. :param commands : List of command to be executed on EOS. :param deleteRegion : True/False - to delte entire region from EOS """ command_start = ['enable', 'configure', 'management openstack'] if deleteRegion: command_start.append('no region %s' % self.region) else: command_start.append('region %s' % self.region) command_end = ['exit', 'exit'] full_command = command_start + commands + command_end LOG.info(_('Executing command on Arista EOS: %s'), full_command) try: # this returns array of return values for every command in # full_command list ret = self._server.runCmds(version=1, cmds=full_command) # Remove return values for 'configure terminal', # 'management openstack' and 'exit' commands ret = ret[len(command_start):-len(command_end)] except Exception as error: host = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.eapi_host msg = ('Error %s while trying to execute commands %s on EOS %s' % (error, full_command, host)) LOG.exception(_("%s"), msg) raise arista_exc.AristaRpcError(msg=msg) return ret def _eapi_host_url(self): self._validate_config() user = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.eapi_username pwd = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.eapi_password host = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.eapi_host eapi_server_url = ('https://%s:%s@%s/command-api' % (user, pwd, host)) return eapi_server_url def _validate_config(self): for option in self.required_options: if cfg.CONF.ml2_arista.get(option) is None: msg = _('Required option %s is not set') % option LOG.error(msg) raise arista_exc.AristaConfigError(msg=msg) class SyncService(object): """Synchronizatin of information between Neutron and EOS Periodically (through configuration option), this service ensures that Networks and VMs configured on EOS/Arista HW are always in sync with Neutron DB. """ def __init__(self, rpc_wrapper, neutron_db): self._rpc = rpc_wrapper self._ndb = neutron_db def synchronize(self): """Sends data to EOS which differs from neutron DB.""" LOG.info('Syncing Neutron <-> EOS') try: eos_tenants = self._rpc.get_tenants() except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available, will try sync later') LOG.warning(msg) return db_tenants = db.get_tenants() if not db_tenants and eos_tenants: # No tenants configured in Neutron. Clear all EOS state try: self._rpc.delete_this_region() msg = _('No Tenants configured in Neutron DB. But %d ' 'tenants disovered in EOS during synchronization.' 'Enitre EOS region is cleared') % len(eos_tenants) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available, failed to delete this region') LOG.warning(msg) return if len(eos_tenants) > len(db_tenants): # EOS has extra tenants configured which should not be there. for tenant in eos_tenants: if tenant not in db_tenants: try: self._rpc.delete_tenant(tenant) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available,' 'failed to delete tenant %s') % tenant LOG.warning(msg) return # EOS and Neutron has matching set of tenants. Now check # to ensure that networks and VMs match on both sides for # each tenant. for tenant in db_tenants: db_nets = db.get_networks(tenant) db_vms = db.get_vms(tenant) eos_nets = self._get_eos_networks(eos_tenants, tenant) eos_vms = self._get_eos_vms(eos_tenants, tenant) # Check for the case if everything is already in sync. if eos_nets == db_nets: # Net list is same in both Neutron and EOS. # check the vM list if eos_vms == db_vms: # Nothing to do. Everything is in sync for this tenant break # Neutron DB and EOS reruires synchronization. # First delete anything which should not be EOS # delete VMs from EOS if it is not present in neutron DB for vm_id in eos_vms: if vm_id not in db_vms: try: self._rpc.delete_vm(tenant, vm_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available,' 'failed to delete vm %s') % vm_id LOG.warning(msg) return # delete network from EOS if it is not present in neutron DB for net_id in eos_nets: if net_id not in db_nets: try: self._rpc.delete_network(tenant, net_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available,' 'failed to delete network %s') % net_id LOG.warning(msg) return # update networks in EOS if it is present in neutron DB for net_id in db_nets: if net_id not in eos_nets: vlan_id = db_nets[net_id]['segmentationTypeId'] net_name = self._ndb.get_network_name(tenant, net_id) try: self._rpc.create_network(tenant, net_id, net_name, vlan_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available, failed to create' 'network id %s') % net_id LOG.warning(msg) return # Update VMs in EOS if it is present in neutron DB for vm_id in db_vms: if vm_id not in eos_vms: vm = db_vms[vm_id] ports = self._ndb.get_all_ports_for_vm(tenant, vm_id) for port in ports: port_id = port['id'] network_id = port['network_id'] port_name = port['name'] try: self._rpc.plug_host_into_network(vm['vmId'], vm['host'], port_id, network_id, tenant, port_name) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: msg = _('EOS is not available, failed to create' 'vm id %s') % vm['vmId'] LOG.warning(msg) def _get_eos_networks(self, eos_tenants, tenant): networks = {} if eos_tenants: networks = eos_tenants[tenant]['tenantNetworks'] return networks def _get_eos_vms(self, eos_tenants, tenant): vms = {} if eos_tenants: vms = eos_tenants[tenant]['tenantVmInstances'] return vms class AristaDriver(driver_api.MechanismDriver): """Ml2 Mechanism driver for Arista networking hardware. Remebers all networks and VMs that are provisioned on Arista Hardware. Does not send network provisioning request if the network has already been provisioned before for the given port. """ def __init__(self, rpc=None): self.rpc = rpc or AristaRPCWrapper() self.ndb = db.NeutronNets() confg = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista self.segmentation_type = db.VLAN_SEGMENTATION self.timer = None self.eos = SyncService(self.rpc, self.ndb) self.sync_timeout = confg['sync_interval'] self.eos_sync_lock = threading.Lock() self._synchronization_thread() def initialize(self): self.rpc._register_with_eos() self._cleanupDb() def create_network_precommit(self, context): """Remember the tenant, and network information.""" network = context.current segments = context.network_segments network_id = network['id'] tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] segmentation_id = segments[0]['segmentation_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: db.remember_tenant(tenant_id) db.remember_network(tenant_id, network_id, segmentation_id) def create_network_postcommit(self, context): """Provision the network on the Arista Hardware.""" network = context.current network_id = network['id'] network_name = network['name'] tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] segments = context.network_segments vlan_id = segments[0]['segmentation_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: if db.is_network_provisioned(tenant_id, network_id): try: self.rpc.create_network(tenant_id, network_id, network_name, vlan_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: LOG.info(EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG) raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError() else: msg = _('Network %s is not created as it is not found in' 'Arista DB') % network_id LOG.info(msg) def update_network_precommit(self, context): """At the moment we only support network name change Any other change in network is not supprted at this time. We do not store the network names, therefore, no DB store action is performed here. """ new_network = context.current orig_network = context.original if new_network['name'] != orig_network['name']: msg = _('Network name changed to %s') % new_network['name'] LOG.info(msg) def update_network_postcommit(self, context): """At the moment we only support network name change If network name is changed, a new network create request is sent to the Arista Hardware. """ new_network = context.current orig_network = context.original if new_network['name'] != orig_network['name']: network_id = new_network['id'] network_name = new_network['name'] tenant_id = new_network['tenant_id'] vlan_id = new_network['provider:segmentation_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: if db.is_network_provisioned(tenant_id, network_id): try: self.rpc.create_network(tenant_id, network_id, network_name, vlan_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: LOG.info(EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG) raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError() else: msg = _('Network %s is not updated as it is not found in' 'Arista DB') % network_id LOG.info(msg) def delete_network_precommit(self, context): """Delete the network infromation from the DB.""" network = context.current network_id = network['id'] tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: if db.is_network_provisioned(tenant_id, network_id): db.forget_network(tenant_id, network_id) # if necessary, delete tenant as well. self.delete_tenant(tenant_id) def delete_network_postcommit(self, context): """Send network delete request to Arista HW.""" network = context.current network_id = network['id'] tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: # Succeed deleting network in case EOS is not accessible. # EOS state will be updated by sync thread once EOS gets # alive. try: self.rpc.delete_network(tenant_id, network_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: LOG.info(EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG) raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError() def create_port_precommit(self, context): """Remember the infromation about a VM and its ports A VM information, along with the physical host information is saved. """ port = context.current device_id = port['device_id'] device_owner = port['device_owner'] # TODO(sukhdev) revisit this once port biniding support is implemented host = port['binding:host_id'] # device_id and device_owner are set on VM boot is_vm_boot = device_id and device_owner if host and is_vm_boot: port_id = port['id'] network_id = port['network_id'] tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: db.remember_vm(device_id, host, port_id, network_id, tenant_id) def create_port_postcommit(self, context): """Plug a physical host into a network. Send provisioning request to Arista Hardware to plug a host into appropriate network. """ port = context.current device_id = port['device_id'] device_owner = port['device_owner'] # TODO(sukhdev) revisit this once port biniding support is implemented host = port['binding:host_id'] # device_id and device_owner are set on VM boot is_vm_boot = device_id and device_owner if host and is_vm_boot: port_id = port['id'] port_name = port['name'] network_id = port['network_id'] tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: hostname = self._host_name(host) segmentation_id = db.get_segmentation_id(tenant_id, network_id) vm_provisioned = db.is_vm_provisioned(device_id, host, port_id, network_id, tenant_id) net_provisioned = db.is_network_provisioned(tenant_id, network_id, segmentation_id) if vm_provisioned and net_provisioned: try: self.rpc.plug_host_into_network(device_id, hostname, port_id, network_id, tenant_id, port_name) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: LOG.info(EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG) raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError() else: msg = _('VM %s is not created as it is not found in' 'Arista DB') % device_id LOG.info(msg) def update_port_precommit(self, context): # TODO(sukhdev) revisit once the port binding support is implemented return def update_port_postcommit(self, context): # TODO(sukhdev) revisit once the port binding support is implemented return def delete_port_precommit(self, context): """Delete information about a VM and host from the DB.""" port = context.current # TODO(sukhdev) revisit this once port biniding support is implemented host_id = port['binding:host_id'] device_id = port['device_id'] tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] network_id = port['network_id'] port_id = port['id'] with self.eos_sync_lock: if db.is_vm_provisioned(device_id, host_id, port_id, network_id, tenant_id): db.forget_vm(device_id, host_id, port_id, network_id, tenant_id) # if necessary, delete tenant as well. self.delete_tenant(tenant_id) def delete_port_postcommit(self, context): """unPlug a physical host from a network. Send provisioning request to Arista Hardware to unplug a host from appropriate network. """ port = context.current device_id = port['device_id'] # TODO(sukhdev) revisit this once port biniding support is implemented host = port['binding:host_id'] port_id = port['id'] network_id = port['network_id'] tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] try: with self.eos_sync_lock: hostname = self._host_name(host) self.rpc.unplug_host_from_network(device_id, hostname, port_id, network_id, tenant_id) except arista_exc.AristaRpcError: LOG.info(EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG) raise ml2_exc.MechanismDriverError() def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id): """delete a tenant from DB. A tenant is deleted only if there is no network or VM configured configured for this tenant. """ objects_for_tenant = (db.num_nets_provisioned(tenant_id) + db.num_vms_provisioned(tenant_id)) if not objects_for_tenant: db.forget_tenant(tenant_id) def _host_name(self, hostname): fqdns_used = cfg.CONF.ml2_arista['use_fqdn'] return hostname if fqdns_used else hostname.split('.')[0] def _synchronization_thread(self): with self.eos_sync_lock: self.eos.synchronize() self.timer = threading.Timer(self.sync_timeout, self._synchronization_thread) self.timer.start() def stop_synchronization_thread(self): if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None def _cleanupDb(self): """Clean up any uncessary entries in our DB.""" db_tenants = db.get_tenants() for tenant in db_tenants: neutron_nets = self.ndb.get_all_networks_for_tenant(tenant) neutron_nets_id = [] for net in neutron_nets: neutron_nets_id.append(net['id']) db_nets = db.get_networks(tenant) for net_id in db_nets.keys(): if net_id not in neutron_nets_id: db.forget_network(tenant, net_id)