# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import orm from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from sqlalchemy.sql import expression as expr from neutron.api.v2 import attributes from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 from neutron.db import model_base from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.extensions import external_net from neutron import manager from neutron.plugins.common import constants as service_constants DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW = l3_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW class ExternalNetwork(model_base.BASEV2): network_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('networks.id', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) # Add a relationship to the Network model in order to instruct # SQLAlchemy to eagerly load this association network = orm.relationship( models_v2.Network, backref=orm.backref("external", lazy='joined', uselist=False, cascade='delete')) class External_net_db_mixin(object): """Mixin class to add external network methods to db_plugin_base_v2.""" def _network_model_hook(self, context, original_model, query): query = query.outerjoin(ExternalNetwork, (original_model.id == ExternalNetwork.network_id)) return query def _network_filter_hook(self, context, original_model, conditions): if conditions is not None and not hasattr(conditions, '__iter__'): conditions = (conditions, ) # Apply the external network filter only in non-admin context if not context.is_admin and hasattr(original_model, 'tenant_id'): conditions = expr.or_(ExternalNetwork.network_id != expr.null(), *conditions) return conditions def _network_result_filter_hook(self, query, filters): vals = filters and filters.get(external_net.EXTERNAL, []) if not vals: return query if vals[0]: return query.filter((ExternalNetwork.network_id != expr.null())) return query.filter((ExternalNetwork.network_id == expr.null())) # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Perform this operation without explicitly # referring to db_base_plugin_v2, as plugins that do not extend from it # might exist in the future db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.register_model_query_hook( models_v2.Network, "external_net", '_network_model_hook', '_network_filter_hook', '_network_result_filter_hook') def _network_is_external(self, context, net_id): try: context.session.query(ExternalNetwork).filter_by( network_id=net_id).one() return True except exc.NoResultFound: return False def _extend_network_dict_l3(self, network_res, network_db): # Comparing with None for converting uuid into bool network_res[external_net.EXTERNAL] = network_db.external is not None return network_res # Register dict extend functions for networks db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.register_dict_extend_funcs( attributes.NETWORKS, ['_extend_network_dict_l3']) def _process_l3_create(self, context, net_data, req_data): external = req_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) external_set = attributes.is_attr_set(external) if not external_set: return if external: # expects to be called within a plugin's session context.session.add(ExternalNetwork(network_id=net_data['id'])) net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = external def _process_l3_update(self, context, net_data, req_data): new_value = req_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) net_id = net_data['id'] if not attributes.is_attr_set(new_value): return if net_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) == new_value: return if new_value: context.session.add(ExternalNetwork(network_id=net_id)) net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = True else: # must make sure we do not have any external gateway ports # (and thus, possible floating IPs) on this network before # allow it to be update to external=False port = context.session.query(models_v2.Port).filter_by( device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW, network_id=net_data['id']).first() if port: raise external_net.ExternalNetworkInUse(net_id=net_id) context.session.query(ExternalNetwork).filter_by( network_id=net_id).delete() net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = False def _process_l3_delete(self, context, network_id): l3plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get( service_constants.L3_ROUTER_NAT) if l3plugin: l3plugin.delete_disassociated_floatingips(context, network_id) def _filter_nets_l3(self, context, nets, filters): vals = filters and filters.get(external_net.EXTERNAL, []) if not vals: return nets ext_nets = set(en['network_id'] for en in context.session.query(ExternalNetwork)) if vals[0]: return [n for n in nets if n['id'] in ext_nets] else: return [n for n in nets if n['id'] not in ext_nets] def get_external_network_id(self, context): nets = self.get_networks(context, {external_net.EXTERNAL: [True]}) if len(nets) > 1: raise n_exc.TooManyExternalNetworks() else: return nets[0]['id'] if nets else None