# Copyright 2018 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import re import time import netaddr from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.common import ipv6_utils from neutron.db import agents_db from neutron.db import l3_db from neutron.db.models import l3 as l3_db_models from neutron.db.models import securitygroup as securitygroup_model from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg from neutron.quota import resource_registry from neutron_lib.api.definitions import address_scope from neutron_lib.api.definitions import agent as agent_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import availability_zone as az_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import dhcpagentscheduler from neutron_lib.api.definitions import external_net from neutron_lib.api.definitions import extra_dhcp_opt as ext_edo from neutron_lib.api.definitions import extraroute from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 as l3_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import network_availability_zone from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import router_availability_zone from neutron_lib.api.definitions import vlantransparent as vlan_apidef from neutron_lib.api import extensions from neutron_lib.api import validators from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from neutron_lib import constants as const from neutron_lib import context as n_context from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api from neutron_lib.db import resource_extend from neutron_lib.db import utils as db_utils from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from neutron_lib.plugins import constants as plugin_const from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from neutron_lib.services.qos import constants as qos_consts from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.common import config # noqa from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.common import l3_rpc_agent_api from vmware_nsx.common import locking from vmware_nsx.common import managers from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants from vmware_nsx.common import utils from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db from vmware_nsx.extensions import api_replay from vmware_nsx.extensions import maclearning as mac_ext from vmware_nsx.extensions import projectpluginmap from vmware_nsx.extensions import providersecuritygroup as provider_sg from vmware_nsx.extensions import secgroup_rule_local_ip_prefix as sg_prefix from vmware_nsx.extensions import securitygrouplogging as sg_logging from vmware_nsx.plugins.common_v3 import plugin as nsx_plugin_common from vmware_nsx.plugins.common_v3 import utils as v3_utils from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_p import availability_zones as nsxp_az from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_p import utils as plugin_utils from vmware_nsx.services.fwaas.common import utils as fwaas_utils from vmware_nsx.services.fwaas.nsx_p import fwaas_callbacks_v2 from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import lb_const from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import healthmonitor_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import l7policy_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import l7rule_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import lb_utils from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import listener_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import loadbalancer_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import member_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import pool_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.octavia import constants as oct_const from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.octavia import octavia_listener from vmware_nsx.services.qos.common import utils as qos_com_utils from vmware_nsx.services.qos.nsx_v3 import driver as qos_driver from vmware_nsx.services.qos.nsx_v3 import pol_utils as qos_utils from vmware_nsx.services.trunk.nsx_p import driver as trunk_driver from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsx_lib_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as nsxlib_consts from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import constants as policy_constants from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import core_defs as policy_defs from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import transaction as policy_trans from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import utils as p_utils from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils as nsxlib_utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) NSX_P_SECURITY_GROUP_TAG = 'os-security-group' NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID = policy_constants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP = 'os_default_group' NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP_DESC = 'Default Group for the openstack plugin' NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION = 'os_default_section' NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION_DESC = ('This section is handled by OpenStack to ' 'contain default rules on security-groups.') NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION_CATEGORY = policy_constants.CATEGORY_APPLICATION NSX_P_REGULAR_SECTION_CATEGORY = policy_constants.CATEGORY_ENVIRONMENT NSX_P_PROVIDER_SECTION_CATEGORY = policy_constants.CATEGORY_INFRASTRUCTURE NSX_P_PORT_RESOURCE_TYPE = 'os-neutron-port-id' NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_GROUP = 'neutron_excluded_ports_group' NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_TAG = 'Exclude-Port' SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-spoofguard-profile' NO_SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID = policy_defs.SpoofguardProfileDef.DEFAULT_PROFILE MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-mac-discovery-profile' NO_MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID = ( policy_defs.MacDiscoveryProfileDef.DEFAULT_PROFILE) NO_SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-no-segment-security-profile' SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID = ( policy_defs.SegmentSecurityProfileDef.DEFAULT_PROFILE) SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-slaac-profile' NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-no-slaac-profile' STATELESS_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-stateless-dhcp-profile' STATEFUL_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID = 'neutron-stateful-dhcp-profile' IPV6_RA_SERVICE = 'neutron-ipv6-ra' IPV6_ROUTER_ADV_RULE_NAME = 'all-ipv6' # Priorities for NAT rules: (FIP specific rules should come before GW rules) NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_FIP = 2000 NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_GW = 3000 NSX_P_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE = 'neutron-client-ssl-profile' # Cache for mapping between network ids in neutron and NSX (MP) NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE = {} NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE = {} @resource_extend.has_resource_extenders class NsxPolicyPlugin(nsx_plugin_common.NsxPluginV3Base): __native_bulk_support = True __native_pagination_support = True __native_sorting_support = True supported_extension_aliases = [addr_apidef.ALIAS, address_scope.ALIAS, "quotas", pbin_apidef.ALIAS, ext_edo.ALIAS, agent_apidef.ALIAS, dhcpagentscheduler.ALIAS, "ext-gw-mode", "security-group", sg_prefix.ALIAS, psec.ALIAS, pnet_apidef.ALIAS, external_net.ALIAS, extraroute.ALIAS, l3_apidef.ALIAS, az_apidef.ALIAS, network_availability_zone.ALIAS, router_availability_zone.ALIAS, "subnet_allocation", sg_logging.ALIAS, provider_sg.ALIAS, "port-security-groups-filtering", mac_ext.ALIAS, "advanced-service-providers"] @resource_registry.tracked_resources( network=models_v2.Network, port=models_v2.Port, subnet=models_v2.Subnet, subnetpool=models_v2.SubnetPool, security_group=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroup, security_group_rule=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroupRule, router=l3_db_models.Router, floatingip=l3_db_models.FloatingIP) def __init__(self): self.fwaas_callbacks = None self.init_is_complete = False self._is_sub_plugin = False self.octavia_listener = None self.octavia_stats_collector = None nsxlib_utils.set_is_attr_callback(validators.is_attr_set) self._extend_fault_map() extension_drivers = cfg.CONF.nsx_extension_drivers self._extension_manager = managers.ExtensionManager( extension_drivers=extension_drivers) self.cfg_group = 'nsx_p' # group name for nsx_p section in nsx.ini self.init_availability_zones() self.nsxpolicy = v3_utils.get_nsxpolicy_wrapper() # NOTE: This is needed for passthrough APIs, should be removed when # policy has full support self.nsxlib = self.nsxpolicy.get_nsxlib_passthrough() super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).__init__() # Bind the dummy L3 notifications self.l3_rpc_notifier = l3_rpc_agent_api.L3NotifyAPI() LOG.info("Starting NsxPolicyPlugin") self._extension_manager.initialize() self.supported_extension_aliases.extend( self._extension_manager.extension_aliases()) # Support transparent VLANS only if the global configuration flag # vlan_transparent is True if cfg.CONF.vlan_transparent: self.supported_extension_aliases.append(vlan_apidef.ALIAS) # Support api-reply for migration environments to the policy plugin if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: self.supported_extension_aliases.append(api_replay.ALIAS) nsxlib_utils.set_inject_headers_callback(v3_utils.inject_headers) self._validate_nsx_policy_version() self._validate_config() self._init_default_config() self._prepare_default_rules() self._init_profiles() self._prepare_exclude_list() self._init_dhcp_metadata() # Init QoS qos_driver.register(qos_utils.PolicyQosNotificationsHandler()) # Register NSXP trunk driver to support trunk extensions self.trunk_driver = trunk_driver.NsxpTrunkDriver.create(self) registry.subscribe(self.spawn_complete, resources.PROCESS, events.AFTER_SPAWN) # subscribe the init complete method last, so it will be called only # if init was successful registry.subscribe(self.init_complete, resources.PROCESS, events.AFTER_INIT) def _validate_config(self): if cfg.CONF.ipam_driver != 'internal': msg = _("External IPAM drivers not supported with nsxp plugin") LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _enable_ipv6_routing(self): # Ipv6 is disabled by default in NSX and should be enabled if self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_GLOBAL_CONFIG): self.nsxpolicy.global_config.enable_ipv6() return if cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: self.nsxlib.global_routing.enable_ipv6() else: LOG.warning("Unable to switch on Ipv6 forwarding. Ipv6 " "connectivity might be broken.") def _init_default_config(self): self._enable_ipv6_routing() # Validate other mandatory configuration if not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dhcp_profile: raise cfg.RequiredOptError("dhcp_profile", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_p')) if not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.metadata_proxy: raise cfg.RequiredOptError("metadata_proxy", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_p')) # If using tags to find the objects, make sure tag scope is configured if (cfg.CONF.nsx_p.init_objects_by_tags and not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.search_objects_scope): raise cfg.RequiredOptError("search_objects_scope", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_p')) # Init AZ resources search_scope = (cfg.CONF.nsx_p.search_objects_scope if cfg.CONF.nsx_p.init_objects_by_tags else None) for az in self.get_azs_list(): az.translate_configured_names_to_uuids( self.nsxpolicy, nsxlib=self.nsxlib, search_scope=search_scope) az.validate_availability_zone(self.nsxpolicy, nsxlib=self.nsxlib) # WAF is currently not supported by the NSX self._waf_profile_uuid = None try: self.nsxpolicy.mixed_service.get(IPV6_RA_SERVICE) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # create or override ipv6 RA service unicast_ra = self.nsxpolicy.icmp_service.build_entry( 'unicast RA', IPV6_RA_SERVICE, 'unicast', version=6, icmp_type=134) multicast_ra = self.nsxpolicy.icmp_service.build_entry( 'multicast RA', IPV6_RA_SERVICE, 'multicast', version=6, icmp_type=151) try: self.nsxpolicy.mixed_service.create_or_overwrite( IPV6_RA_SERVICE, IPV6_RA_SERVICE, entries=[unicast_ra, multicast_ra]) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure mixed_service: %s", e) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: msg = _("Failed to configure RA service for IPv6 connectivity") LOG.error(msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def get_waf_profile_path_and_mode(self): # WAF is currently not supported by the NSX return None, None def _init_dhcp_metadata(self): if cfg.CONF.dhcp_agent_notification: msg = _("Need to disable dhcp_agent_notification when " "native DHCP & Metadata is enabled") raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) default_az = self.get_default_az() if default_az.use_policy_dhcp: self.use_policy_dhcp = True LOG.info("The policy plugin will use policy based DHCP v4/6") else: self._init_native_dhcp() self.use_policy_dhcp = False LOG.info("The policy plugin will use MP based DHCP v4") self._init_native_metadata() def init_availability_zones(self): self._availability_zones_data = nsxp_az.NsxPAvailabilityZones() def _validate_nsx_policy_version(self): self._nsx_version = self.nsxpolicy.get_version() LOG.info("NSX Version: %s", self._nsx_version) if (not self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_NETWORKING) or not utils.is_nsx_version_2_5_0(self._nsx_version)): msg = (_("The NSX Policy plugin requires version 2.5 " "(current version %(ver)s)") % {'ver': self._nsx_version}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _init_profiles(self): """Find/Create segment profiles this plugin will use""" # Spoofguard profile (find it or create) try: self.nsxpolicy.spoofguard_profile.get(SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: try: self.nsxpolicy.spoofguard_profile.create_or_overwrite( SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID, profile_id=SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID, address_binding_whitelist=True, tags=self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_api_version_tag()) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure spoofguard_profile: %s", e) # No Port security spoofguard profile # (default NSX profile. just verify it exists) try: self.nsxpolicy.spoofguard_profile.get(NO_SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: msg = (_("Cannot find spoofguard profile %s") % NO_SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Mac discovery profile (find it or create) try: self.nsxpolicy.mac_discovery_profile.get( MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: try: self.nsxpolicy.mac_discovery_profile.create_or_overwrite( MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID, profile_id=MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID, mac_change_enabled=True, mac_learning_enabled=True, tags=self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_api_version_tag()) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure mac_discovery_profile: %s", e) # No Mac discovery profile profile # (default NSX profile. just verify it exists) try: self.nsxpolicy.mac_discovery_profile.get( NO_MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: msg = (_("Cannot find MAC discovery profile %s") % NO_MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # No Port security segment-security profile (find it or create) try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_security_profile.get( NO_SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_security_profile.create_or_overwrite( NO_SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID, profile_id=NO_SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID, bpdu_filter_enable=False, dhcp_client_block_enabled=False, dhcp_client_block_v6_enabled=False, dhcp_server_block_enabled=False, dhcp_server_block_v6_enabled=False, non_ip_traffic_block_enabled=False, ra_guard_enabled=False, rate_limits_enabled=False, tags=self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_api_version_tag()) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure segment_security_profile: %s", e) # Port security segment-security profile # (default NSX profile. just verify it exists) try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_security_profile.get( SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: msg = (_("Cannot find segment security profile %s") % SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Find or create all neutron NDRA profiles ndra_profiles = { SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID: policy_constants.IPV6_RA_MODE_SLAAC_RA, STATELESS_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID: policy_constants.IPV6_RA_MODE_SLAAC_DHCP, STATEFUL_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID: policy_constants.IPV6_RA_MODE_DHCP, NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID: policy_constants.IPV6_RA_MODE_DISABLED } for profile in ndra_profiles: try: self.nsxpolicy.ipv6_ndra_profile.get(profile, silent=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: try: self.nsxpolicy.ipv6_ndra_profile.create_or_overwrite( profile, profile_id=profile, ra_mode=ndra_profiles[profile], tags=self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_api_version_tag()) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure ipv6_ndra_profile %s: %s", profile, e) self.client_ssl_profile = None LOG.debug("Initializing NSX-P Load Balancer default profiles") try: self._init_lb_profiles() except Exception as e: msg = (_("Unable to initialize NSX-P lb profiles: " "Reason: %(reason)s") % {'reason': str(e)}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) @staticmethod def plugin_type(): return projectpluginmap.NsxPlugins.NSX_P @staticmethod def is_tvd_plugin(): return False def _init_fwaas(self, with_rpc): if self.fwaas_callbacks: # already initialized return if fwaas_utils.is_fwaas_v2_plugin_enabled(): LOG.info("NSXp FWaaS v2 plugin enabled") self.fwaas_callbacks = fwaas_callbacks_v2.NsxpFwaasCallbacksV2( with_rpc) def _get_octavia_stats_getter(self): return listener_mgr.stats_getter def _get_octavia_status_getter(self): return loadbalancer_mgr.status_getter def _init_lb_profiles(self): ssl_profile_client = self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer.client_ssl_profile with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxp_lb_profiles_init'): try: ssl_profile_client.get(NSX_P_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: try: ssl_profile_client.create_or_overwrite( NSX_P_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE, client_ssl_profile_id=NSX_P_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE, description='Neutron LB Client SSL Profile', tags=self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_api_version_tag()) except nsx_lib_exc.StaleRevision as e: # This means that another controller is also creating this LOG.info("Failed to configure LB client_ssl_profile: %s", e) self.client_ssl_profile = NSX_P_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE def spawn_complete(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): # Init the FWaaS support with RPC listeners for the original process self._init_fwaas(with_rpc=True) self._init_octavia() self.octavia_stats_collector = ( octavia_listener.NSXOctaviaStatisticsCollector( self, self._get_octavia_stats_getter(), self._get_octavia_status_getter())) def _init_octavia(self): octavia_objects = self._get_octavia_objects() self.octavia_listener = octavia_listener.NSXOctaviaListener( **octavia_objects) def _get_octavia_objects(self): return { 'loadbalancer': loadbalancer_mgr.EdgeLoadBalancerManagerFromDict(), 'listener': listener_mgr.EdgeListenerManagerFromDict(), 'pool': pool_mgr.EdgePoolManagerFromDict(), 'member': member_mgr.EdgeMemberManagerFromDict(), 'healthmonitor': healthmonitor_mgr.EdgeHealthMonitorManagerFromDict(), 'l7policy': l7policy_mgr.EdgeL7PolicyManagerFromDict(), 'l7rule': l7rule_mgr.EdgeL7RuleManagerFromDict()} def init_complete(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('plugin-init-complete'): if self.init_is_complete: # Should be called only once per worker return # reinitialize the cluster upon fork for api workers to ensure # each process has its own keepalive loops + state self.nsxpolicy.reinitialize_cluster(resource, event, trigger, payload=payload) # Init the FWaaS support without RPC listeners # for the spawn workers self._init_fwaas(with_rpc=False) # Init octavia listener and endpoints self._init_octavia() self.init_is_complete = True def _setup_rpc(self): self.endpoints = [agents_db.AgentExtRpcCallback()] def _net_nsx_name(self, network): name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(network.get('name') or 'network', network['id']) # remove illegal characters in segment names: ;|=,~@' name = re.sub("[;|=,~@\']", '', name) return name def _create_network_on_backend(self, context, net_data, transparent_vlan, provider_data, az, request_data): net_data['id'] = net_data.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid() # update the network name to indicate the neutron id too. net_name = self._net_nsx_name(net_data) tags = self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_tags_payload( net_data, resource_type='os-neutron-net-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) admin_state = net_data.get('admin_state_up', True) LOG.debug('create_network: %(net_name)s, %(physical_net)s, ' '%(tags)s, %(admin_state)s, %(vlan_id)s', {'net_name': net_name, 'physical_net': provider_data['physical_net'], 'tags': tags, 'admin_state': admin_state, 'vlan_id': provider_data['vlan_id']}) if transparent_vlan: # all vlan tags are allowed for guest vlan vlan_ids = ["0-%s" % const.MAX_VLAN_TAG] elif provider_data['vlan_id']: vlan_ids = [provider_data['vlan_id']] else: vlan_ids = None kwargs = { 'segment_id': net_data['id'], 'description': net_data.get('description'), 'vlan_ids': vlan_ids, 'transport_zone_id': provider_data['physical_net'], 'tags': tags} if (not admin_state and self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_ADMIN_STATE)): kwargs['admin_state'] = admin_state if az.use_policy_md: kwargs['metadata_proxy_id'] = az._native_md_proxy_uuid # Set the segment vni for nsx-v portgroups migration if (cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode and validators.is_attr_set(request_data.get('vni'))): kwargs['overlay_id'] = request_data['vni'] self.nsxpolicy.segment.create_or_overwrite( net_name, **kwargs) if (not admin_state and cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough and not self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_ADMIN_STATE)): # This api uses the passthrough api self.nsxpolicy.segment.set_admin_state( net_data['id'], admin_state) def _tier0_validator(self, tier0_uuid): # Fail if the tier0 uuid was not found on the NSX try: self.nsxpolicy.tier0.get(tier0_uuid) except Exception: msg = (_("Cannot create external network as Tier0 %s was not " "found") % tier0_uuid) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _get_nsx_net_tz_id(self, nsx_net): return nsx_net['transport_zone_path'].split('/')[-1] def _allow_ens_networks(self): return True def _ens_qos_supported(self): return self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_ENS_WITH_QOS) def _assert_on_resource_admin_state_down(self, resource_data): """Network & port admin state is only supported with passthrough api""" if (not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough and resource_data.get("admin_state_up") is False): err_msg = (_("admin_state_up=False is not supported when " "passthrough is disabled")) LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def create_network(self, context, network): net_data = network['network'] external = net_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) is_external_net = validators.is_attr_set(external) and external tenant_id = net_data['tenant_id'] # validate the availability zone, and get the AZ object az = self._validate_obj_az_on_creation(context, net_data, 'network') self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id) vlt = False if extensions.is_extension_supported(self, 'vlan-transparent'): vlt = vlan_apidef.get_vlan_transparent(net_data) self._validate_create_network(context, net_data) self._assert_on_resource_admin_state_down(net_data) if is_external_net: is_provider_net, net_type, physical_net, vlan_id = ( self._validate_external_net_create( net_data, az._default_tier0_router, self._tier0_validator)) provider_data = {'is_provider_net': is_provider_net, 'net_type': net_type, 'physical_net': physical_net, 'vlan_id': vlan_id} is_backend_network = False else: provider_data = self._validate_provider_create( context, net_data, az, self.nsxpolicy.transport_zone, self.nsxpolicy.segment, transparent_vlan=vlt) if (provider_data['is_provider_net'] and provider_data['net_type'] == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK): is_backend_network = False else: is_backend_network = True # Create the neutron network with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): # Create network in Neutron created_net = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_network( context, network) net_id = created_net['id'] if extensions.is_extension_supported(self, 'vlan-transparent'): super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_network( context, net_id, {'network': {'vlan_transparent': vlt}}) self._extension_manager.process_create_network( context, net_data, created_net) if psec.PORTSECURITY not in net_data: net_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = True self._process_network_port_security_create( context, net_data, created_net) self._process_l3_create(context, created_net, net_data) self._add_az_to_net(context, net_id, net_data) if provider_data['is_provider_net']: # Save provider network fields, needed by get_network() net_bindings = [nsx_db.add_network_binding( context.session, net_id, provider_data['net_type'], provider_data['physical_net'], provider_data['vlan_id'])] self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, created_net, bindings=net_bindings) # Create the backend NSX network if is_backend_network: try: self._create_network_on_backend( context, created_net, vlt, provider_data, az, net_data) except Exception as e: LOG.exception("Failed to create NSX network network: %s", e) with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_network( context, net_id) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions net_model = self._get_network(context, net_id) resource_extend.apply_funcs('networks', created_net, net_model) # MD Proxy is currently supported by the passthrough api only if (is_backend_network and not az.use_policy_md and cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough): # The new segment was not realized yet. Waiting for a bit. time.sleep(cfg.CONF.nsx_p.realization_wait_sec) nsx_net_id = self._get_network_nsx_id(context, net_id) if not nsx_net_id: msg = ("Unable to obtain backend network id for metadata " "proxy creation for network %s" % net_id) LOG.error(msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) try: self._create_net_mp_mdproxy_port( context, created_net, az, nsx_net_id) except Exception as e: msg = ("Failed to complete network creation. error: %s" % e) LOG.exception(msg) self.delete_network(context, net_id) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Update the QoS policy (will affect only future compute ports) qos_com_utils.set_qos_policy_on_new_net( context, net_data, created_net) if net_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID): LOG.info("QoS Policy %(qos)s will be applied to future compute " "ports of network %(net)s", {'qos': net_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID], 'net': created_net['id']}) return created_net def _check_internal_network(self, net): if net.get('tenant_id') == nsxv_constants.INTERNAL_TENANT_ID: msg = _("This network was created during the migration for " "internal usage and cannot be deleted") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def delete_network(self, context, network_id): is_external_net = self._network_is_external(context, network_id) network = self._get_network(context, network_id) self._check_internal_network(network) if not is_external_net: # First disable DHCP & delete its port if self.use_policy_dhcp: lock = 'nsxp_network_' + network_id with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): if not self._has_active_port(context, network_id): self._disable_network_dhcp(context, network) elif cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: self._delete_network_disable_dhcp(context, network_id) is_nsx_net = self._network_is_nsx_net(context, network_id) # Call DB operation for delete network as it will perform # checks on active ports self._retry_delete_network(context, network_id) # Delete MD proxy port. This is relevant only if the plugin used # MP MD proxy when this network is created. # If not - the port will not be found, and it is ok. # Note(asarfaty): In the future this code can be removed. # TODO(asarfaty): For migrated networks when the DB was not cleaned up # This may actually delete a port the policy now control if (not is_external_net and not is_nsx_net and cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough): self._delete_nsx_port_by_network(network_id) # Delete the network segment from the backend if not is_external_net and not is_nsx_net: try: self.nsxpolicy.segment.delete(network_id) # In case of migrated network, a dhcp server config with # the same id should also be deleted self.nsxpolicy.dhcp_server_config.delete(network_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the resource was not found on the backend do not worry # about it. The conditions has already been logged, so there # is no need to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource, fail the # neutron operation even though the neutron object was already # deleted. This way the user will be aware of zombie resources # that may fail future actions. msg = (_("Backend segment deletion for neutron network %(id)s " "failed. The object was however removed from the " "Neutron database: %(e)s") % {'id': network_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Remove from caches if network_id in NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE: nsx_id = NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[network_id] del NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[network_id] if nsx_id in NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE: del NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE[nsx_id] def _raise_if_updates_provider_attributes(self, original_net, net_data): # Neutron does not support changing provider network values # except for chaging provider physical network on networks whose # provider network_type is l3_ext try: utils.raise_if_updates_provider_attributes(net_data) # No provider update except n_exc.InvalidInput as e: # if we end here provider attributes were specified original_net_type = original_net.get(pnet_apidef.NETWORK_TYPE) if original_net_type == utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT: if (not validators.is_attr_set(net_data.get( pnet_apidef.SEGMENTATION_ID)) and validators.is_attr_set( net_data.get(pnet_apidef.PHYSICAL_NETWORK))): # Ensure valid T0 router self._validate_external_net_create( net_data, None, self._tier0_validator) LOG.info("Allowing update of l3_ext provider network " "%s with physical network %s", original_net['id'], net_data.get(pnet_apidef.PHYSICAL_NETWORK)) return net_data.get(pnet_apidef.PHYSICAL_NETWORK) raise e def update_network(self, context, network_id, network): original_net = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).get_network( context, network_id) net_data = network['network'] # Validate the updated parameters self._validate_update_network(context, network_id, original_net, net_data) self._assert_on_resource_admin_state_down(net_data) # Physical network for l3_ext can be changed new_provider_phy_net = self._raise_if_updates_provider_attributes( original_net, net_data) extern_net = self._network_is_external(context, network_id) is_nsx_net = self._network_is_nsx_net(context, network_id) # Update the neutron network with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): updated_net = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_network( context, network_id, network) if new_provider_phy_net: # Save provider network fields, needed by get_network() curr_bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings( context.session, network_id) if curr_bindings: nsx_db.delete_network_bindings( context.session, network_id) net_type = curr_bindings[0].binding_type vlan_id = curr_bindings[0].vlan_id else: # This should never happen. However safe defaults can be # set easily LOG.warning("Bindings for provider network %s not found. " "Setting defaults", network_id) net_type = utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT vlan_id = 0 net_bindings = [nsx_db.add_network_binding( context.session, network_id, net_type, new_provider_phy_net, vlan_id)] self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, updated_net, bindings=net_bindings) self._extension_manager.process_update_network(context, net_data, updated_net) if psec.PORTSECURITY in net_data: self._process_network_port_security_update( context, net_data, updated_net) self._process_l3_update(context, updated_net, network['network']) if qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID in net_data: # attach the policy to the network in neutron DB #(will affect only future compute ports) qos_com_utils.update_network_policy_binding( context, network_id, net_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID]) updated_net[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = net_data[ qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] if net_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID]: LOG.info("QoS Policy %(qos)s will be applied to future " "compute ports of network %(net)s", {'qos': net_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID], 'net': network_id}) # Update the backend segment if (not extern_net and not is_nsx_net and ('name' in net_data or 'description' in net_data or 'admin_state_up' in net_data)): net_name = self._net_nsx_name(updated_net) kwargs = {'name': net_name, 'description': updated_net.get('description', '')} if 'admin_state_up' in net_data: if (self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_ADMIN_STATE)): kwargs['admin_state'] = net_data['admin_state_up'] elif cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: # Update admin state using the passthrough api self.nsxpolicy.segment.set_admin_state( network_id, net_data['admin_state_up']) try: self.nsxpolicy.segment.update(network_id, **kwargs) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: LOG.exception("Unable to update NSX backend, rolling " "back changes on neutron") with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # remove the AZ from the network before rollback because # it is read only, and breaks the rollback if 'availability_zone_hints' in original_net: del original_net['availability_zone_hints'] super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_network( context, network_id, {'network': original_net}) return updated_net def _get_subnets_nd_profile(self, subnets, additional_profile=None): profiles = [] if additional_profile: profiles.append(additional_profile) for sub in subnets: profiles.append(self._get_subnet_ndra_profile(sub)) # If there is 1 stateful/stateless DHCP subnet (cannot have both) # use this profile if STATEFUL_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID in profiles: return STATEFUL_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID if STATELESS_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID in profiles: return STATELESS_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID if SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID in profiles: # if there is slaac subnet and no DHCP subnet use SLAAC return SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID return NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID def _update_slaac_on_router(self, context, router_id, subnet, router_subnets, delete=False): # TODO(annak): redesign when policy supports downlink-level # ndra profile attachment # This code is optimised to deal with concurrency challenges # (which can not be always solved by lock because the plugin # can run on different hosts). # We prefer to make another backend call for attaching the # profile even if it is already attached, than rely on DB # to have an accurate picture of existing subnets. # This method assumes that all the v6 subnets have the same # ipv6_address_mode. # Otherwise, earlier validation would already fail. if subnet.get('ip_version') == 4: # This subnet will not affect the ND profile return # Fetch other overlay interface networks # (VLAN advertising is attached on interface level) ipv6_overlay_subnets = [s for s in router_subnets if s['id'] != subnet['id'] and s.get('ip_version') == 6 and s.get('enable_dhcp') and self._is_overlay_network(context, s['network_id'])] if delete: # 'subnet' was already removed from the router_subnets list before # calling this method if ipv6_overlay_subnets: # If there is another ipv6 overlay - select the profile by its # address mode profile_id = self._get_subnets_nd_profile(ipv6_overlay_subnets) else: # this was the last ipv6 subnet connected - # need to disable slaac on router profile_id = NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID else: profile_id = self._get_subnet_ndra_profile(subnet) # Check the other subnets too if (ipv6_overlay_subnets and profile_id in [NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID, SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID]): profile_id = self._get_subnets_nd_profile( ipv6_overlay_subnets, additional_profile=profile_id) self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update(router_id, ipv6_ndra_profile_id=profile_id) def _validate_net_dhcp_edge_cluster(self, context, network, az): """Validate that the dhcp server edge cluster match the one of the network TZ """ if not self.nsxlib: # Cannot validate the TZ because the fabric apis are available # only via the nsxlib return net_tz = self._get_net_tz(context, network['id']) dhcp_ec_path = self.nsxpolicy.dhcp_server_config.get( az._policy_dhcp_server_config).get('edge_cluster_path') if not dhcp_ec_path: LOG.warning("DHCP server config %s is missing an edge cluster", az._policy_dhcp_server_config) return ec_id = p_utils.path_to_id(dhcp_ec_path) try: ec_tzs = plugin_utils.get_edge_cluster_tzs( self.nsxpolicy, self.nsxlib, ec_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound as e: # Do not fail neutron action init if this code fails LOG.warning("Failed to get edge cluster %s transport zones: %s", ec_id, e) return if net_tz not in ec_tzs: msg = (_('Network TZ %(tz)s does not match DHCP server ' 'edge cluster %(ec)s') % {'tz': net_tz, 'ec': ec_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _create_subnet_dhcp_port(self, context, az, network, subnet): port = self._get_net_dhcp_port(context, network['id']) if port: # If the port already exist (with another subnet) - update it with # the additional ip port['fixed_ips'].append({'subnet_id': subnet['id']}) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_port( context, port['id'], {'port': {'fixed_ips': port['fixed_ips']}}) return port_data = { "name": "", "admin_state_up": True, "device_id": network['id'], "device_owner": const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP, "network_id": network['id'], "tenant_id": network['tenant_id'], "mac_address": const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED, "fixed_ips": [{'subnet_id': subnet['id']}], psec.PORTSECURITY: False } # Create the DHCP port (on neutron only) and update its port security port = {'port': port_data} neutron_port = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_port(context, port) is_ens_tz_port = self._is_ens_tz_port(context, port_data) self._create_port_preprocess_security(context, port, port_data, neutron_port, is_ens_tz_port) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update( context, port_data, neutron_port) def _delete_subnet_dhcp_port(self, context, net_id, subnet_id=None): dhcp_port = self._get_net_dhcp_port(context, net_id) if dhcp_port: if subnet_id: # deleting just this subnets dhcp if len(dhcp_port['fixed_ips']) > 1: new_fixed_ips = [ip for ip in dhcp_port['fixed_ips'] if ip['subnet_id'] != subnet_id] super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_port( context, dhcp_port['id'], {'port': {'fixed_ips': new_fixed_ips}}) return # Delete the port itself self.delete_port(context, dhcp_port['id'], force_delete_dhcp=True) def _get_net_dhcp_port(self, context, net_id): filters = { 'network_id': [net_id], 'device_owner': [const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP] } dhcp_ports = self.get_ports(context, filters=filters) return dhcp_ports[0] if dhcp_ports else None def _get_sunbet_dhcp_server_ip(self, context, net_id, dhcp_subnet_id): dhcp_port = self._get_net_dhcp_port(context, net_id) if dhcp_port: dhcp_server_ips = [fip['ip_address'] for fip in dhcp_port['fixed_ips'] if fip['subnet_id'] == dhcp_subnet_id] if dhcp_server_ips: return dhcp_server_ips[0] def _is_dhcp_network(self, context, net_id): dhcp_port = self._get_net_dhcp_port(context, net_id) return bool(dhcp_port) def _get_segment_subnets(self, context, net_id, net_az=None, interface_subnets=None, deleted_dhcp_subnets=None): """Get an updated list of segmentSubnet objects to put on the segment Including router interface subnets (for overlay networks) & DHCP subnets (if using policy v4/v6 DHCP) """ dhcp_subnets = [] if self.use_policy_dhcp: # Find networks DHCP enabled subnets with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): network = self._get_network(context, net_id) for subnet in network.subnets: if(subnet.enable_dhcp and (subnet.ip_version == 4 or subnet.ipv6_address_mode != const.IPV6_SLAAC)): if (deleted_dhcp_subnets and subnet.id in deleted_dhcp_subnets): # Skip this one as it is being deleted continue dhcp_subnets.append(self.get_subnet(context, subnet.id)) if len(dhcp_subnets) == 2: # A network an have at most 2 DHCP subnets break router_subnets = [] if interface_subnets: router_subnets = interface_subnets else: # Get networks overlay router interfaces if self._is_overlay_network(context, net_id): router_ids = self._get_network_router_ids( context.elevated(), net_id) if router_ids: router_id = router_ids[0] router_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context.elevated(), router_id) seg_subnets = [] dhcp_subnet_ids = [] for dhcp_subnet in dhcp_subnets: dhcp_subnet_id = dhcp_subnet['id'] dhcp_subnet_ids.append(dhcp_subnet_id) gw_addr = self._get_gateway_addr_from_subnet(dhcp_subnet) dhcp_server_ip = self._get_sunbet_dhcp_server_ip( context, net_id, dhcp_subnet_id) dhcp_config = None if dhcp_server_ip: cidr_prefix = int(dhcp_subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) dns_nameservers = dhcp_subnet['dns_nameservers'] if not net_az: net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) if (not dns_nameservers or not validators.is_attr_set(dns_nameservers)): # Use pre-configured dns server dns_nameservers = net_az.nameservers is_ipv6 = bool(dhcp_subnet.get('ip_version') == 6) server_ip = "%s/%s" % (dhcp_server_ip, cidr_prefix) kwargs = {'server_address': server_ip, 'dns_servers': dns_nameservers} if is_ipv6: network = self._get_network(context, net_id) kwargs['domain_names'] = [ v3_utils.get_network_dns_domain(net_az, network)] dhcp_config = policy_defs.SegmentDhcpConfigV6(**kwargs) else: dhcp_config = policy_defs.SegmentDhcpConfigV4(**kwargs) seg_subnet = policy_defs.Subnet(gateway_address=gw_addr, dhcp_config=dhcp_config) seg_subnets.append(seg_subnet) for rtr_subnet in router_subnets: if rtr_subnet['id'] in dhcp_subnet_ids: # Do not add the same subnet twice continue if rtr_subnet['network_id'] == net_id: gw_addr = self._get_gateway_addr_from_subnet(rtr_subnet) seg_subnets.append( policy_defs.Subnet(gateway_address=gw_addr, dhcp_config=None)) return seg_subnets def _enable_subnet_dhcp(self, context, network, subnet, az): # Allocate a neutron port for the DHCP server self._create_subnet_dhcp_port(context, az, network, subnet) # Update the DHCP server on the segment net_id = network['id'] segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, net_id) seg_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets(context, net_id, net_az=az) dhcp_config = self._get_segment_dhcp_server_config(segment_id, az) # Update dhcp server config on the segment self.nsxpolicy.segment.update( segment_id=segment_id, dhcp_server_config_id=dhcp_config, subnets=seg_subnets) def _get_net_dhcp_subnets(self, context, net_id): net_dhcp_subnets = [] net_obj = self._get_network(context, net_id) for subnet in net_obj.subnets: if(subnet.enable_dhcp and (subnet.ip_version == 4 or subnet.ipv6_address_mode != const.IPV6_SLAAC)): # This is a DHCP subnet net_dhcp_subnets.append(subnet.id) return net_dhcp_subnets def _disable_network_dhcp(self, context, network, subnet_id=None): net_id = network['id'] net_dhcp_subnets = self._get_net_dhcp_subnets(context, net_id) segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, net_id) if subnet_id and len(net_dhcp_subnets) > 1: # remove dhcp only from this subnet seg_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets( context, net_id, deleted_dhcp_subnets=[subnet_id]) self.nsxpolicy.segment.update( segment_id, subnets=seg_subnets) self._delete_subnet_dhcp_port(context, net_id, subnet_id=subnet_id) else: # Remove dhcp server config completely from the segment seg_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets( context, net_id, deleted_dhcp_subnets=net_dhcp_subnets) self.nsxpolicy.segment.update( segment_id=segment_id, subnets=seg_subnets, dhcp_server_config_id=None) # Delete the neutron DHCP port (and its bindings) self._delete_subnet_dhcp_port(context, net_id) def _get_segment_dhcp_server_config(self, segment_id, az): """Return the dhcp server config id the segment should be using Usually it the AZ one, but in case of migrated segments, the id of the dhcp server config is the same as the segment id """ dhcp_server_config = az._policy_dhcp_server_config try: seg = self.nsxpolicy.segment.get(segment_id, silent=True) except Exception: pass else: if seg.get('dhcp_config_path'): dhcp_server_config = p_utils.path_to_id( seg['dhcp_config_path']) return dhcp_server_config def _update_nsx_net_dhcp(self, context, network, az, subnet=None): """Update the DHCP config on a network Update the segment DHCP config, as well as the dhcp bindings on the ports. If just a specific subnet was modified, update only its ports. """ net_id = network['id'] segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, net_id) seg_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets(context, net_id, net_az=az) filters = {'network_id': [net_id]} ports = self.get_ports(context, filters=filters) dhcp_server_config = self._get_segment_dhcp_server_config( segment_id, az) self.nsxpolicy.segment.update( segment_id=segment_id, dhcp_server_config_id=dhcp_server_config, subnets=seg_subnets) # Update DHCP bindings for all the ports. for port in ports: self._add_or_overwrite_port_policy_dhcp_binding( context, port, segment_id, subnet) def _validate_net_type_with_dhcp(self, context, network): ddi_support, ddi_type = self._is_ddi_supported_on_net_with_type( context, network['id'], network=network) if not ddi_support: msg = _("Native DHCP is not supported for %(type)s " "network %(id)s") % {'id': network['id'], 'type': ddi_type} LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _validate_segment_subnets_num(self, context, net_id, subnet_data): """Validate no multiple segment subnets on the NSX The NSX cannot support more than 1 segment subnet of the same ip version. This include dhcp subnets and overlay router interfaces """ if ('enable_dhcp' not in subnet_data or not subnet_data.get('enable_dhcp')): # NO DHCP so no new segment subnet return ip_ver = subnet_data.get('ip_version', 4) overlay_net = self._is_overlay_network(context, net_id) if not overlay_net: # Since the plugin allows only 1 DHCP subnet, if this is not an # overlay network, no problem. return interface_ports = self._get_network_interface_ports( context, net_id) for if_port in interface_ports: if if_port['fixed_ips']: interface_ip = if_port['fixed_ips'][0].get('ip_address', '') interface_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] if subnet_data.get('id') != interface_sub: # Cannot add a subnet with no GW on a routed segment if not subnet_data.get('gateway_ip'): msg = (_("Can not create a DHCP subnet without a " "gateway on routed network %(net)s") % {'net': net_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # skip subnets of the wrong version if ip_ver == 4 and ':' in interface_ip: continue if ip_ver == 6 and ':' not in interface_ip: continue msg = (_("Can not create a DHCP subnet on network %(net)s " "as another IPv%(ver)s subnet is attached to a " "router") % {'net': net_id, 'ver': ip_ver}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _init_ipv6_gateway(self, subnet): # Override neutron decision to verify that also for ipv6 the first # ip in the cidr is not used, as the NSX does not support xxxx::0 as a # segment subnet gateway in versions supporting policy DHCP if (self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_DHCP) and subnet.get('gateway_ip') is const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED and subnet.get('ip_version') == const.IP_VERSION_6 and subnet.get('cidr') and subnet['cidr'] != const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED): net = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr']) subnet['gateway_ip'] = str(net.network + 1) def _validate_subnet_host_routes(self, subnet, orig_subnet=None): self._validate_number_of_subnet_static_routes(subnet) if orig_subnet: self._validate_host_routes_input( subnet, orig_enable_dhcp=orig_subnet['enable_dhcp'], orig_host_routes=orig_subnet['host_routes']) else: self._validate_host_routes_input(subnet) # IPv6 subnets cannot support host routes if (subnet['subnet'].get('ip_version') == 6 or (orig_subnet and orig_subnet.get('ip_version') == 6)): if (validators.is_attr_set(subnet['subnet'].get('host_routes')) and subnet['subnet']['host_routes']): err_msg = _("Host routes can only be supported with IPv4 " "subnets") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _validate_subnet_gw_ip(self, context, subnet, orig_subnet=None): # Make sure the gw ip is legal and belongs to the subnet raw_gw_ip = subnet.get('gateway_ip', const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED) if orig_subnet and raw_gw_ip == const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED: # No change in GW ip raw_gw_ip = orig_subnet.get('gateway_ip') raw_cidr = subnet.get('cidr', const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED) if (orig_subnet and (not raw_cidr or raw_cidr == const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED)): raw_cidr = orig_subnet.get('cidr') if (not raw_gw_ip or raw_gw_ip == const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED or not raw_cidr or raw_cidr == const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED): if orig_subnet and raw_gw_ip is None: # in update case, if the subnet is attached to a router the gw # cannot be removes interface_ports = self._get_network_interface_ports( context, orig_subnet['network_id']) for if_port in interface_ports: if if_port['fixed_ips']: interface_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] if orig_subnet['id'] == interface_sub: msg = _('Subnet for router interface must have a ' 'gateway IP') LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) # Nothing else to check here return gw_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(raw_gw_ip) cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(raw_cidr) if gw_ip.version != cidr.version: err_msg = (_("Subnet gateway ip version %s does not match subnet " "cidr %s") % (gw_ip.version, raw_cidr)) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) if gw_ip not in cidr: err_msg = (_("Subnet gateway ip %s does not belong to subnet " "cidr %s") % (raw_gw_ip, raw_cidr)) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) if gw_ip.version == const.IP_VERSION_6: # NSX does not support xxxx::0 as a segment subnet gateway illegal_gw = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(raw_cidr).network) if illegal_gw == str(gw_ip): err_msg = (_("IPv6 Subnet gateway ip %s is not " "supported") % raw_gw_ip) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _has_dhcp_enabled_subnet(self, context, network, ip_version=4): for subnet in network.subnets: if subnet.enable_dhcp and subnet.ip_version == ip_version: if ip_version == 4: return True if subnet.ipv6_address_mode != const.IPV6_SLAAC: return True return False @nsx_plugin_common.api_replay_mode_wrapper def create_subnet(self, context, subnet): self._init_ipv6_gateway(subnet['subnet']) if not self.use_policy_dhcp: # Subnet with MP DHCP return self._create_subnet_with_mp_dhcp(context, subnet) self._validate_subnet_host_routes(subnet) net_id = subnet['subnet']['network_id'] network = self._get_network(context, net_id) self._validate_single_ipv6_subnet(context, network, subnet['subnet']) self._validate_subnet_gw_ip(context, subnet['subnet']) net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) # Allow manipulation of only 1 subnet of the same network at once lock = 'nsxp_network_' + net_id with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): # DHCP validations (before creating the neutron subnet) with_dhcp = False if self._subnet_with_native_dhcp(subnet['subnet']): with_dhcp = True self._validate_external_subnet(context, net_id) self._validate_net_dhcp_edge_cluster(context, network, net_az) self._validate_net_type_with_dhcp(context, network) ip_version = subnet['subnet'].get('ip_version', 4) if self._has_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network, ip_version): msg = (_("Can not create more than one DHCP-enabled " "subnet for IPv%(ver)s in network %(net)s") % {'ver': ip_version, 'net': net_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) self._validate_segment_subnets_num( context, net_id, subnet['subnet']) # Create the neutron subnet. # Any failure from here and on will require rollback. created_subnet = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_subnet( context, subnet) try: # This can be called only after the super create # since we need the subnet pool to be translated # to allocation pools self._validate_address_space(context, created_subnet) except n_exc.InvalidInput: # revert the subnet creation with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_subnet( context, created_subnet['id']) self._extension_manager.process_create_subnet(context, subnet['subnet'], created_subnet) if with_dhcp: try: # Enable the network DHCP on the NSX self._enable_subnet_dhcp( context, network, created_subnet, net_az) except (nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError, nsx_exc.NsxPluginException) as e: # Revert the subnet creation: ry to delete the DHCP port # and the neutron subnet self._delete_subnet_dhcp_port( context, net_id, subnet_id=created_subnet['id']) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_subnet( context, created_subnet['id']) self.raise_nsxlib_error(e) return created_subnet def delete_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): if not self.use_policy_dhcp: # Subnet with MP DHCP return self.delete_subnet_with_mp_dhcp(context, subnet_id) if self._has_native_dhcp_metadata(): # Ensure that subnet is not deleted if attached to router. self._subnet_check_ip_allocations_internal_router_ports( context, subnet_id) # Ensure that subnet is not deleted if it has ports, before # changing backend configuration subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) is_auto_addr_subnet = ipv6_utils.is_auto_address_subnet(subnet) if not is_auto_addr_subnet: # for SLAAC auto allocation subnets ports can still exist self._ensure_no_user_ports_on_subnet(context, subnet_id) if self._subnet_with_native_dhcp(subnet): lock = 'nsxp_network_' + subnet['network_id'] with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): # Remove this subnet DHCP config network = self._get_network(context, subnet['network_id']) try: self._disable_network_dhcp(context, network, subnet_id=subnet_id) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to disable DHCP for " "network %(id)s. Exception: %(e)s", {'id': network['id'], 'e': e}) # Continue for the neutron subnet deletion # Delete neutron subnet super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_subnet(context, subnet_id) def update_subnet(self, context, subnet_id, subnet): if not self.use_policy_dhcp: # Subnet with MP DHCP return self.update_subnet_with_mp_dhcp(context, subnet_id, subnet) subnet_data = subnet['subnet'] updated_subnet = None orig_subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) self._validate_subnet_host_routes(subnet, orig_subnet=orig_subnet) self._validate_subnet_gw_ip(context, subnet_data, orig_subnet=orig_subnet) net_id = orig_subnet['network_id'] network = self._get_network(context, net_id) net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) enable_dhcp = self._subnet_with_native_dhcp( subnet_data, orig_subnet=orig_subnet) orig_enable_dhcp = self._subnet_with_native_dhcp(orig_subnet) if enable_dhcp != orig_enable_dhcp: # Update subnet with DHCP status change self._validate_external_subnet(context, net_id) lock = 'nsxp_network_' + net_id with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): if enable_dhcp: self._validate_net_type_with_dhcp(context, network) ip_version = orig_subnet.get('ip_version', 4) if self._has_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network, ip_version): msg = (_("Can not create more than one DHCP-enabled " "subnet for IPv%(ver)s in network %(net)s") % {'net': net_id, 'ver': ip_version}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) updated_data = orig_subnet updated_data.update(subnet_data) self._validate_segment_subnets_num( context, net_id, updated_data) updated_subnet = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_update_subnet( context, subnet_data, updated_subnet) try: if enable_dhcp: self._enable_subnet_dhcp(context, network, updated_subnet, net_az) else: self._disable_network_dhcp(context, network, subnet_id=subnet_id) except (nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError, nsx_exc.NsxPluginException) as e: # revert the subnet update super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, {'subnet': orig_subnet}) self.raise_nsxlib_error(e) else: # No dhcp changes - just call super update updated_subnet = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_update_subnet( context, subnet_data, updated_subnet) # Check if needs to update DHCP related NSX resources if (enable_dhcp and (not orig_enable_dhcp or 'dns_nameservers' in subnet_data or 'gateway_ip' in subnet_data or 'host_routes' in subnet_data)): try: self._update_nsx_net_dhcp( context, network, net_az, updated_subnet) except (nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError, nsx_exc.NsxPluginException) as e: self.raise_nsxlib_error(e) return updated_subnet def _build_port_address_bindings(self, context, port_data): psec_on, has_ip = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip(context, port_data) if not psec_on: # returning an empty list will delete all existing bindings return [] address_bindings = [] for fixed_ip in port_data['fixed_ips']: ip_addr = fixed_ip['ip_address'] mac_addr = self._format_mac_address(port_data['mac_address']) binding = self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.build_address_binding( ip_addr, mac_addr) address_bindings.append(binding) # add address binding for link local ipv6 address, otherwise # neighbor discovery will be blocked by spoofguard. # for now only one ipv6 address is allowed if netaddr.IPAddress(ip_addr).version == 6: lladdr = netaddr.EUI(mac_addr).ipv6_link_local() binding = self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.build_address_binding( lladdr, mac_addr) address_bindings.append(binding) for pair in port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS): binding = self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.build_address_binding( pair['ip_address'], self._format_mac_address(pair['mac_address'])) address_bindings.append(binding) return address_bindings def _get_network_nsx_id(self, context, network_id): """Return the id of this logical switch in the nsx manager This api waits for the segment to really be realized, and return the ID of the NSX logical switch. If it was not realized or timed out retrying, it will return None The nova api will use this to attach to the instance. """ if network_id in NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE: return NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[network_id] if not self._network_is_external(context, network_id): segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, network_id) try: nsx_id = self.nsxpolicy.segment.get_realized_logical_switch_id( segment_id) # Add result to caches NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[network_id] = nsx_id NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE[nsx_id] = network_id return nsx_id except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: LOG.error("Network %s was not realized", network_id) # Do not cache this result else: # Add empty result to cache NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[network_id] = None def _get_network_nsx_segment_id(self, context, network_id): """Return the NSX segment ID matching the neutron network id Usually the NSX ID is the same as the neutron ID. The exception is when this is a provider NSX_NETWORK, which means the network already existed on the NSX backend, and it is being consumed by the plugin. """ bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network_id) if (bindings and bindings[0].binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK): # return the ID of the NSX network return bindings[0].phy_uuid return network_id def _build_port_tags(self, port_data): sec_groups = [] sec_groups.extend(port_data.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS, [])) sec_groups.extend(port_data.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS, [])) tags = [] for sg in sec_groups: tags = nsxlib_utils.add_v3_tag(tags, NSX_P_SECURITY_GROUP_TAG, sg) return tags def _do_port_backend_calls(self, name, segment_id, spoofguard_profile, seg_sec_profile, mac_discovery_profile, qos_policy_id, **kwargs): self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.create_or_overwrite( name, segment_id, **kwargs) # add the security profiles to the port self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_security_profiles.create_or_overwrite( name, segment_id, port_id=kwargs['port_id'], spoofguard_profile_id=spoofguard_profile, segment_security_profile_id=seg_sec_profile) # add the mac discovery profile to the port self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_discovery_profiles.create_or_overwrite( name, segment_id, kwargs['port_id'], mac_discovery_profile_id=mac_discovery_profile) # Add QoS segment profile (only if QoS is enabled) if directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.QOS): self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_qos_profiles.create_or_overwrite( name, segment_id, kwargs['port_id'], qos_profile_id=qos_policy_id) def _create_or_update_port_on_backend(self, context, port_data, is_psec_on, qos_policy_id, original_port=None): is_create = original_port is None is_update = not is_create name = self._build_port_name(context, port_data) address_bindings = self._build_port_address_bindings( context, port_data) device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') vif_id = None if (cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode and device_owner and device_owner.startswith('compute:') and port_data.get('vif_id')): # During api-replay, migrated vm port should have this vif-id vif_id = port_data['vif_id'] elif (is_create and (not device_owner or device_owner != l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF)): # Set vif_id even if no device owner so that auto-generated # MP ports won't be created for VMs before neutron sets the vif-id vif_id = port_data['id'] tags = self._build_port_tags(port_data) if device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: tag_resource_type = 'os-neutron-rport-id' else: tag_resource_type = NSX_P_PORT_RESOURCE_TYPE tags.extend(self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_tags_payload( port_data, resource_type=tag_resource_type, project_name=context.tenant_name)) if self._is_excluded_port(device_owner, is_psec_on): tags.append({'scope': v3_utils.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_TAG}) if self.support_external_port_tagging: external_tags = self.get_external_tags_for_port( context, port_data['id']) if external_tags: total_len = len(external_tags) + len(tags) if total_len > nsxlib_utils.MAX_TAGS: LOG.warning("Cannot add external tags to port %s: " "too many tags", port_data['id']) else: tags.extend(external_tags) segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id( context, port_data['network_id']) # Calculate the port security profiles if is_psec_on: spoofguard_profile = SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID seg_sec_profile = SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID else: spoofguard_profile = NO_SPOOFGUARD_PROFILE_ID seg_sec_profile = NO_SEG_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID mac_disc_profile_must = False if is_psec_on: address_pairs = port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) if validators.is_attr_set(address_pairs) and address_pairs: mac_disc_profile_must = True mac_learning_enabled = ( validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)) and port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) is True) if mac_disc_profile_must or mac_learning_enabled: mac_discovery_profile = MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID else: mac_discovery_profile = NO_MAC_DISCOVERY_PROFILE_ID # Prepare the args for the segment port creation kwargs = {'port_id': port_data['id'], 'description': port_data.get('description', ''), 'address_bindings': address_bindings, 'tags': tags} if vif_id: kwargs['vif_id'] = vif_id if (self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_ADMIN_STATE) and 'admin_state_up' in port_data): kwargs['admin_state'] = port_data['admin_state_up'] if not self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_PARTIAL_UPDATES): # If partial updates are not supported, using transactions will # reset the backend segment name self._do_port_backend_calls( name, segment_id, spoofguard_profile, seg_sec_profile, mac_discovery_profile, qos_policy_id, **kwargs) else: # Create/ update the backend port in a single transaction with policy_trans.NsxPolicyTransaction(): self._do_port_backend_calls( name, segment_id, spoofguard_profile, seg_sec_profile, mac_discovery_profile, qos_policy_id, **kwargs) # Update port admin status using passthrough api, only if it changed # or new port with disabled admin state if (not self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_NSX_POLICY_ADMIN_STATE) and cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough and 'admin_state_up' in port_data): new_state = port_data['admin_state_up'] if ((is_create and new_state is False) or (is_update and original_port.get('admin_state_up') != new_state)): # This api uses the passthrough api self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.set_admin_state( segment_id, port_data['id'], new_state) def base_create_port(self, context, port): neutron_db = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_port(context, port) self._extension_manager.process_create_port( context, port['port'], neutron_db) return neutron_db def _is_backend_port(self, context, port_data, delete=False): is_external_net = self._network_is_external( context, port_data['network_id']) device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') is_router_interface = (device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF) is_dhcp_port = (device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP and self.use_policy_dhcp) is_octavia_port = (device_owner == oct_const.DEVICE_OWNER_OCTAVIA) if is_external_net or is_router_interface or is_dhcp_port: # DHCP is handled on NSX level # Router is connected automatically in policy return False if not delete and is_octavia_port: # Octavia vip port should not be created on the NSX. # Since octavia backend ports from older deployments may exist, # need to try and delete those. return False return True def _filter_ipv6_dhcp_fixed_ips(self, context, fixed_ips): ips = [] for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address']).version != 6: continue with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): subnet = self.get_subnet(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id']) if (subnet['enable_dhcp'] and subnet.get('ipv6_address_mode') != 'slaac'): ips.append(fixed_ip) return ips def _add_or_overwrite_port_policy_dhcp_binding( self, context, port, segment_id, dhcp_subnet=None): if not utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(port): return net_id = port['network_id'] for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, port['fixed_ips']): # There will be only one ipv4 ip here binding_id = port['id'] + '-ipv4' name = 'IPv4 binding for port %s' % port['id'] ip = fixed_ip['ip_address'] hostname = 'host-%s' % ip.replace('.', '-') if dhcp_subnet: if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] != dhcp_subnet['id']: continue subnet = dhcp_subnet else: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id']) gateway_ip = subnet.get('gateway_ip') options = self._get_dhcp_options( context, ip, port.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS), net_id, subnet) self.nsxpolicy.segment_dhcp_static_bindings.create_or_overwrite_v4( name, segment_id, binding_id=binding_id, gateway_address=gateway_ip, host_name=hostname, ip_address=ip, lease_time=cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dhcp_lease_time, mac_address=port['mac_address'], options=options) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv6_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, port['fixed_ips']): # There will be only one ipv6 ip here binding_id = port['id'] + '-ipv6' name = 'IPv6 binding for port %s' % port['id'] ip = fixed_ip['ip_address'] if dhcp_subnet: if fixed_ip['subnet_id'] != dhcp_subnet['id']: continue subnet = dhcp_subnet else: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id']) self.nsxpolicy.segment_dhcp_static_bindings.create_or_overwrite_v6( name, segment_id, binding_id=binding_id, ip_addresses=[ip], lease_time=cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dhcp_lease_time, mac_address=port['mac_address']) def _add_port_policy_dhcp_binding(self, context, port): net_id = port['network_id'] if not self._is_dhcp_network(context, net_id): return segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, net_id) self._add_or_overwrite_port_policy_dhcp_binding( context, port, segment_id) def _delete_port_policy_dhcp_binding(self, context, port): # Do not check device_owner here because Nova may have already # deleted that before Neutron's port deletion. # These operations need to performed in elevated context as it is not # possible to guarantee port and network belong to the same tenant ctx_elevated = context.elevated() net_id = port['network_id'] if not self._is_dhcp_network(ctx_elevated, net_id): return segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(ctx_elevated, net_id) v4_dhcp = v6_dhcp = False for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']: ip_addr = fixed_ip['ip_address'] if netaddr.IPAddress(ip_addr).version == 6: v6_dhcp = True else: v4_dhcp = True if v4_dhcp: try: bindingv4_id = port['id'] + '-ipv4' self.nsxpolicy.segment_dhcp_static_bindings.delete( segment_id, bindingv4_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass if v6_dhcp: try: bindingv6_id = port['id'] + '-ipv6' self.nsxpolicy.segment_dhcp_static_bindings.delete( segment_id, bindingv6_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass def _update_port_policy_dhcp_binding(self, context, old_port, new_port): # First check if any address in fixed_ips changed. # Then update DHCP server setting or DHCP static binding # depending on the port type. # Note that Neutron allows a port with multiple IPs in the # same subnet. But backend DHCP server may not support that. if (utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(old_port) != utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(new_port)): # Note that the device_owner could be changed, # but still needs DHCP binding. if utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(old_port): self._delete_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, old_port) else: self._add_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, new_port) return # Collect IPv4 DHCP addresses from original and updated fixed_ips # in the form of [(subnet_id, ip_address)]. old_fixed_v4 = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, old_port['fixed_ips'])]) new_fixed_v4 = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, new_port['fixed_ips'])]) old_fixed_v6 = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv6_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, old_port['fixed_ips'])]) new_fixed_v6 = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv6_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, new_port['fixed_ips'])]) # Find out the subnet/IP differences before and after the update. v4_to_add = list(new_fixed_v4 - old_fixed_v4) v4_to_delete = list(old_fixed_v4 - new_fixed_v4) v6_to_add = list(new_fixed_v6 - old_fixed_v6) v6_to_delete = list(old_fixed_v6 - new_fixed_v6) ip_change = (v4_to_add or v4_to_delete or v6_to_add or v6_to_delete) if (old_port["device_owner"] == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP and ip_change): # Update backend DHCP server address if the IP address of a DHCP # port is changed. if len(new_fixed_v4) > 1 or len(new_fixed_v6) > 1: msg = _("Can only configure one IP address on a DHCP server") LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) net_id = old_port['network_id'] network = self.get_network(context, net_id) net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) self._update_nsx_net_dhcp(context, network, net_az) elif utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(new_port): dhcp_opts_changed = (old_port[ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS] != new_port[ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS]) if (ip_change or dhcp_opts_changed or old_port['mac_address'] != new_port['mac_address']): if new_fixed_v4 or new_fixed_v6: # Recreate the bindings of this port self._add_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, new_port) else: self._delete_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, old_port) def _assert_on_ipv6_port_with_dhcpopts(self, context, port_data, orig_port=None): """IPv6 port only port cannot support EXTRADHCPOPTS""" # Get the updated EXTRADHCPOPTS extradhcpopts = None if ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS in port_data: extradhcpopts = port_data[ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS] elif orig_port: extradhcpopts = orig_port.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) if not extradhcpopts: return # Get the updated list of fixed ips fixed_ips = [] if (port_data.get('fixed_ips') and validators.is_attr_set(port_data['fixed_ips'])): fixed_ips = port_data['fixed_ips'] elif (orig_port and orig_port.get('fixed_ips') and validators.is_attr_set(orig_port['fixed_ips'])): fixed_ips = orig_port['fixed_ips'] # Check if any of the ips belongs to an ipv6 subnet with DHCP # And no ipv4 subnets for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address']).version == 4: # If there are ipv4 addresses - it is allowed return with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): subnet = self.get_subnet(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id']) if (subnet['enable_dhcp'] and subnet['ipv6_address_mode'] != const.IPV6_SLAAC): err_msg = (_("%s are not supported for IPv6 ports with " "DHCP v6") % ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) LOG.error(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def raise_nsxlib_error(self, e): """Raise the proper error when segment port PATCH fails""" if isinstance(e, nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError): if e.status_code == 400: # Try to get the important part of the message try: msg = e.msg.split('relatedErrors: ')[1][:-1] except Exception: msg = e.msg raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) raise e def create_port(self, context, port, l2gw_port_check=False): port_data = port['port'] # validate the new port parameters self._validate_create_port(context, port_data) self._assert_on_resource_admin_state_down(port_data) # Validate the vnic type (the same types as for the NSX-T plugin) direct_vnic_type = self._validate_port_vnic_type( context, port_data, port_data['network_id'], projectpluginmap.NsxPlugins.NSX_T) is_external_net = self._network_is_external( context, port_data['network_id']) if is_external_net: self._assert_on_external_net_with_compute(port_data) # Do this outside of the context writer scope so it can overcome # failures if port_data.get('tenant_id'): self._ensure_default_security_group(context, port_data['tenant_id']) with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): neutron_db = self.base_create_port(context, port) port["port"].update(neutron_db) try: # Validate ipv6 only after fixed_ips are allocated self._assert_on_ipv6_port_with_dhcpopts(context, port["port"]) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # rollback super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_port( context, neutron_db['id']) self.fix_direct_vnic_port_sec(direct_vnic_type, port_data) (is_psec_on, has_ip, sgids, psgids) = ( self._create_port_preprocess_security(context, port, port_data, neutron_db, False)) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update( context, port['port'], port_data, vif_type=self._vif_type_by_vnic_type(direct_vnic_type)) self._process_port_create_extra_dhcp_opts( context, port_data, port_data.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS)) self._process_port_create_security_group(context, port_data, sgids) self._process_port_create_provider_security_group( context, port_data, psgids) # Handle port mac learning if validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)): # Make sure mac_learning and port sec are not both enabled if port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) and is_psec_on: msg = _('Mac learning requires that port security be ' 'disabled') LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # save the mac learning value in the DB self._create_mac_learning_state(context, port_data) elif mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING in port_data: # This is due to the fact that the default is # ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED port_data.pop(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) qos_policy_id = self._get_port_qos_policy_id( context, None, port_data) if self._is_backend_port(context, port_data): # router interface port is created automatically by policy try: self._create_or_update_port_on_backend( context, port_data, is_psec_on, qos_policy_id) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to create port %(id)s on NSX ' 'backend. Exception: %(e)s', {'id': neutron_db['id'], 'e': e}) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_port( context, neutron_db['id']) self.raise_nsxlib_error(e) # Attach the QoS policy to the port in the neutron DB if qos_policy_id: qos_com_utils.update_port_policy_binding(context, neutron_db['id'], qos_policy_id) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions port_model = self._get_port(context, port_data['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port_data, port_model) self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port_data) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port_data) # Add Mac/IP binding to native DHCP server and neutron DB. try: if self.use_policy_dhcp: self._add_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) elif cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: self._add_port_mp_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: # Rollback create port self.delete_port(context, port_data['id'], force_delete_dhcp=True) msg = _('Unable to create port. Please contact admin') LOG.exception(msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) kwargs = {'context': context, 'port': neutron_db} registry.notify(resources.PORT, events.AFTER_CREATE, self, **kwargs) return port_data def _delete_port_on_backend(self, context, net_id, port_id): try: segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, net_id) self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_security_profiles.delete( segment_id, port_id) self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_discovery_profiles.delete( segment_id, port_id) if directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.QOS): self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_qos_profiles.delete( segment_id, port_id) self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.delete(segment_id, port_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the resource was not found on the backend do not worry about # it. The conditions has already been logged, so there is no need # to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource. # In this case the neutron port was not deleted yet. msg = (_("Backend port deletion for neutron port %(id)s " "failed: %(e)s") % {'id': port_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def delete_port(self, context, port_id, l3_port_check=True, l2gw_port_check=True, force_delete_dhcp=False, force_delete_vpn=False): # first update neutron (this will perform all types of validations) port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) net_id = port_data['network_id'] # if needed, check to see if this is a port owned by # a l3 router. If so, we should prevent deletion here if l3_port_check: self.prevent_l3_port_deletion(context, port_id) # Prevent DHCP port deletion if native support is enabled if (cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough and not force_delete_dhcp and port_data['device_owner'] in [const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP]): msg = (_('Can not delete DHCP port %s') % port_id) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='port', msg=msg) if not force_delete_vpn: self._assert_on_vpn_port_change(port_data) self.disassociate_floatingips(context, port_id) # Remove Mac/IP binding from native DHCP server and neutron DB. if self.use_policy_dhcp: self._delete_port_policy_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) elif cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: self._delete_port_mp_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_port(context, port_id) # Delete the backend port last to prevent recreation by another process if self._is_backend_port(context, port_data, delete=True): try: self._delete_port_on_backend(context, net_id, port_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the resource was not found on the backend do not worry # about it. The conditions has already been logged, so there # is no need to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource, fail the # neutron operation even though the neutron object was already # deleted. This way the user will be aware of zombie resources # that may fail future actions. msg = (_("Backend segment port deletion for neutron port " "%(id)s failed. The object was however removed from " "the Neutron database: %(e)s") % {'id': port_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _update_port_on_backend(self, context, lport_id, original_port, updated_port, is_psec_on, qos_policy_id): # For now port create and update are the same # Update might evolve with more features return self._create_or_update_port_on_backend( context, updated_port, is_psec_on, qos_policy_id, original_port=original_port) def update_port(self, context, port_id, port): with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): # get the original port, and keep it honest as it is later used # for notifications original_port = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).get_port( context, port_id) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(original_port) port_data = port['port'] self._validate_update_port(context, port_id, original_port, port_data) self._assert_on_resource_admin_state_down(port_data) validate_port_sec = self._should_validate_port_sec_on_update_port( port_data) is_external_net = self._network_is_external( context, original_port['network_id']) if is_external_net: self._assert_on_external_net_with_compute(port_data) device_owner = (port_data['device_owner'] if 'device_owner' in port_data else original_port.get('device_owner')) self._validate_max_ips_per_port(context, port_data.get('fixed_ips', []), device_owner) direct_vnic_type = self._validate_port_vnic_type( context, port_data, original_port['network_id']) self._assert_on_ipv6_port_with_dhcpopts( context, port_data, orig_port=original_port) updated_port = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_port( context, port_id, port) self._extension_manager.process_update_port(context, port_data, updated_port) # copy values over - except fixed_ips as # they've already been processed port_data.pop('fixed_ips', None) updated_port.update(port_data) updated_port = self._update_port_preprocess_security( context, port, port_id, updated_port, False, validate_port_sec=validate_port_sec, direct_vnic_type=direct_vnic_type) self._update_extra_dhcp_opts_on_port(context, port_id, port, updated_port) sec_grp_updated = self.update_security_group_on_port( context, port_id, port, original_port, updated_port) self._process_port_update_provider_security_group( context, port, original_port, updated_port) (port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip( context, updated_port) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update( context, port_data, updated_port, vif_type=self._vif_type_by_vnic_type(direct_vnic_type)) self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, updated_port) mac_learning_state = updated_port.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) if mac_learning_state is not None: if port_security and mac_learning_state: msg = _('Mac learning requires that port security be ' 'disabled') LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) self._update_mac_learning_state(context, port_id, mac_learning_state) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(updated_port) # Update the QoS policy qos_policy_id = self._get_port_qos_policy_id( context, original_port, updated_port) qos_com_utils.update_port_policy_binding(context, port_id, qos_policy_id) # update the port in the backend, only if it exists in the DB # (i.e not external net) and is not router interface if self._is_backend_port(context, updated_port): try: self._update_port_on_backend(context, port_id, original_port, updated_port, port_security, qos_policy_id) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to update port %(id)s on NSX ' 'backend. Exception: %(e)s', {'id': port_id, 'e': e}) # Rollback the change with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): self._revert_neutron_port_update( context, port_id, original_port, updated_port, port_security, sec_grp_updated) self.raise_nsxlib_error(e) else: # if this port changed ownership to router interface, it should # be deleted from policy, since policy handles router connectivity original_owner = original_port.get('device_owner') new_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') if (original_owner != new_owner and new_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF): self._delete_port_on_backend(context, original_port['network_id'], port_id) # Update DHCP bindings. if self.use_policy_dhcp: self._update_port_policy_dhcp_binding( context, original_port, updated_port) elif cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: self._update_port_mp_dhcp_binding( context, original_port, updated_port) # Make sure the port revision is updated if 'revision_number' in updated_port: port_model = self._get_port(context, port_id) updated_port['revision_number'] = port_model.revision_number # Notifications must be sent after the above transaction is complete kwargs = { 'context': context, 'port': updated_port, 'mac_address_updated': False, 'original_port': original_port, } registry.notify(resources.PORT, events.AFTER_UPDATE, self, **kwargs) return updated_port def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None): port = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).get_port( context, id, fields=None) self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port) self._extend_qos_port_dict_binding(context, port) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port) return db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields) def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): filters = filters or {} self._update_filters_with_sec_group(context, filters) with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): ports = ( super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).get_ports( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse)) self._log_get_ports(ports, filters) # Add port extensions for port in ports[:]: self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port) self._extend_qos_port_dict_binding(context, port) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port) return (ports if not fields else [db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields) for port in ports]) def _add_subnet_snat_rule(self, context, router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, gw_ip): if not self._need_router_snat_rules(context, router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope): return firewall_match = self._get_nat_firewall_match() self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.create_or_overwrite( 'snat for subnet %s' % subnet['id'], router_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_snat_rule_id(subnet), action=policy_constants.NAT_ACTION_SNAT, sequence_number=NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_GW, translated_network=gw_ip, source_network=subnet['cidr'], firewall_match=firewall_match) def _get_snat_rule_id(self, subnet): return 'S-' + subnet['id'] def _get_no_dnat_rule_id(self, subnet): return 'ND-' + subnet['id'] def _add_subnet_no_dnat_rule(self, context, router_id, subnet): if not self._need_router_no_dnat_rules(subnet): return # Add NO-DNAT rule to allow internal traffic between VMs, even if # they have floating ips (Only for routers with snat enabled) self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.create_or_overwrite( 'no-dnat for subnet %s' % subnet['id'], router_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_no_dnat_rule_id(subnet), action=policy_constants.NAT_ACTION_NO_DNAT, sequence_number=NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_GW, destination_network=subnet['cidr'], firewall_match=policy_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_BYPASS) def _del_subnet_no_dnat_rule(self, router_id, subnet): # Delete the previously created NO-DNAT rules self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.delete( router_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_no_dnat_rule_id(subnet)) def _del_subnet_snat_rule(self, router_id, subnet): # Delete the previously created SNAT rules self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.delete( router_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_snat_rule_id(subnet)) def _get_router_edge_cluster_path(self, tier0_uuid, router): # Take the AZ edge cluster if configured az = self._get_router_az_obj(router) if az and az._edge_cluster_uuid: ec_id = az._edge_cluster_uuid # get the full path of the edge cluster (no backend call) return self.nsxpolicy.edge_cluster.get_path(ec_id) # Get the current tier0 edge cluster (cached call) return self.nsxpolicy.tier0.get_edge_cluster_path( tier0_uuid) def _get_router_vlan_interfaces(self, context, router_id): # return data about VLAN subnet connected to the router rtr_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context, router_id) vlan_subnets = [] for sub in rtr_subnets: net_id = sub['network_id'] if not self._is_overlay_network(context, net_id): vlan_subnets.append(sub) return vlan_subnets def service_router_has_services(self, context, router_id, router=None): """Check if the neutron router has any services which require a backend service router currently those are: SNAT, Loadbalancer, Edge firewall, VPNaaS & Vlan interfaces """ if not router: router = self._get_router(context, router_id) snat_exist = router.enable_snat fw_exist = self._router_has_edge_fw_rules(context, router) vpn_exist = self.service_router_has_vpnaas(context, router_id) lb_exist = False vlan_interfaces = [] if not (fw_exist or snat_exist or vpn_exist): vlan_interfaces = self._get_router_vlan_interfaces( context.elevated(), router_id) if not vlan_interfaces: lb_exist = self.service_router_has_loadbalancers( context, router_id) return (snat_exist or lb_exist or fw_exist or vpn_exist or vlan_interfaces) def service_router_has_loadbalancers(self, context, router_id): service = lb_utils.get_router_nsx_lb_service(self.nsxpolicy, router_id) return bool(service) def service_router_has_vpnaas(self, context, router_id): """Return True if there is a vpn service attached to this router""" vpn_plugin = directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.VPN) if vpn_plugin: filters = {'router_id': [router_id]} if vpn_plugin.get_vpnservices(context.elevated(), filters=filters): return True return False def verify_sr_at_backend(self, context, router_id): """Check if the backend Tier1 has a service router or not""" # Note - this method gets the context so it will have the same # signature as the v3 plugin method if self.nsxpolicy.tier1.get_edge_cluster_path(router_id): return True def _wait_until_edge_cluster_realized(self, router_id): """Wait until MP logical router has an edge-cluster Since currently the locale-services has no realization info, And some actions should be performed only after it was realized, this method checks the MP Lr for its edge-cluster id until it is set. """ if not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.allow_passthrough: return lr_id = self.nsxpolicy.tier1.get_realized_id( router_id, entity_type='RealizedLogicalRouter') if not lr_id: LOG.error("_wait_until_edge_cluster_realized Failed: No MP id " "found for Tier1 %s", router_id) return test_num = 0 max_attempts = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.realization_max_attempts sleep = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.realization_wait_sec while test_num < max_attempts: # get all the realized resources of the tier1 lr = self.nsxlib.logical_router.get(lr_id) if lr.get('edge_cluster_id'): break time.sleep(sleep) test_num += 1 if lr.get('edge_cluster_id'): LOG.debug("MP LR %s of Tier1 %s edge cluster %s was set after %s " "attempts", lr_id, router_id, lr.get('edge_cluster_id'), test_num + 1) else: LOG.error("MP LR %s if Tier1 %s edge cluster was not set after %s " "attempts", lr_id, router_id, test_num + 1) def create_service_router(self, context, router_id, router=None, update_firewall=True): """Create a service router and enable standby relocation""" if not router: router = self._get_router(context, router_id) tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router(context, router) if not tier0_uuid: err_msg = (_("Cannot create service router for %s without a " "gateway") % router_id) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) edge_cluster_path = self._get_router_edge_cluster_path( tier0_uuid, router) if edge_cluster_path: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.set_edge_cluster_path( router_id, edge_cluster_path) else: LOG.error("Tier0 %s does not have an edge cluster", tier0_uuid) try: # Enable standby relocation & FW on this router self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update( router['id'], disable_firewall=False, enable_standby_relocation=True) except Exception as ex: LOG.warning("Failed to enable standby relocation for router " "%s: %s", router_id, ex) # Validate locale-services realization before additional tier1 config self._wait_until_edge_cluster_realized(router_id) # update firewall rules (there might be FW group waiting for a # service router) if update_firewall: self.update_router_firewall(context, router_id) def delete_service_router(self, router_id): """Delete the Tier1 service router by removing its edge cluster Before that - disable all the features that require the service router to exist. """ # remove the gateway firewall policy if self.fwaas_callbacks and self.fwaas_callbacks.fwaas_enabled: self.fwaas_callbacks.delete_router_gateway_policy(router_id) # Disable gateway firewall and standby relocation self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update( router_id, disable_firewall=True, enable_standby_relocation=False) # remove the edge cluster from the tier1 router self.nsxpolicy.tier1.remove_edge_cluster(router_id) def _run_under_transaction(self, method): if self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_PARTIAL_UPDATES): with policy_trans.NsxPolicyTransaction(): method() else: method() def _update_router_gw_info(self, context, router_id, info, called_from=None): # Get the original data of the router GW router = self._get_router(context, router_id) orig_info = self._get_router_gw_info(context, router_id) org_tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router(context, router) org_enable_snat = router.enable_snat orgaddr, orgmask, _orgnexthop = ( self._get_external_attachment_info( context, router)) router_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context.elevated(), router_id) self._validate_router_gw_and_tz(context, router_id, info, org_enable_snat, router_subnets) # Interface subnets cannot overlap with the GW external subnet if info and info.get('network_id'): self._validate_gw_overlap_interfaces( context, info['network_id'], [sub['network_id'] for sub in router_subnets]) # First update the neutron DB super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self)._update_router_gw_info( context, router_id, info, router=router) router = self._get_router(context, router_id) # Get the new tier0 of the updated router (or None if GW was removed) new_tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router(context, router) new_enable_snat = router.enable_snat newaddr, newmask, _newnexthop = self._get_external_attachment_info( context, router) sr_currently_exists = self.verify_sr_at_backend(context, router_id) fw_exist = self._router_has_edge_fw_rules(context, router) vpn_exist = self.service_router_has_vpnaas(context, router_id) vlan_interfaces = self._get_router_vlan_interfaces( context.elevated(), router_id) lb_exist = False if not (fw_exist or vpn_exist or vlan_interfaces): # This is a backend call, so do it only if must lb_exist = self.service_router_has_loadbalancers( context, router_id) tier1_services_exist = (fw_exist or vpn_exist or lb_exist or vlan_interfaces) actions = self._get_update_router_gw_actions( org_tier0_uuid, orgaddr, org_enable_snat, new_tier0_uuid, newaddr, new_enable_snat, tier1_services_exist, sr_currently_exists) try: if actions['add_service_router']: self.create_service_router(context, router_id, router=router) def _do_remove_nat(): if actions['remove_snat_rules']: for subnet in router_subnets: self._del_subnet_snat_rule(router_id, subnet) if actions['remove_no_dnat_rules']: for subnet in router_subnets: self._del_subnet_no_dnat_rule(router_id, subnet) self._run_under_transaction(_do_remove_nat) if (actions['remove_router_link_port'] or actions['add_router_link_port']): # GW was changed. update GW and route advertisement self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update_route_advertisement( router_id, static_routes=not new_enable_snat, nat=actions['advertise_route_nat_flag'], subnets=actions['advertise_route_connected_flag'], tier0=new_tier0_uuid) else: # Only update route advertisement self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update_route_advertisement( router_id, static_routes=not new_enable_snat, nat=actions['advertise_route_nat_flag'], subnets=actions['advertise_route_connected_flag']) def _do_add_nat(): if actions['add_snat_rules']: # Add SNAT rules for all the subnets which are in different # scope than the GW gw_address_scope = self._get_network_address_scope( context, router.gw_port.network_id) for subnet in router_subnets: self._add_subnet_snat_rule(context, router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, newaddr) if actions['add_no_dnat_rules']: for subnet in router_subnets: self._add_subnet_no_dnat_rule( context, router_id, subnet) self._run_under_transaction(_do_add_nat) # always advertise ipv6 subnets if gateway is set advertise_ipv6_subnets = bool(info) self._update_router_advertisement_rules(router_id, router_subnets, advertise_ipv6_subnets) if actions['remove_service_router']: self.delete_service_router(router_id) except nsx_lib_exc.NsxLibException as e: # GW updates failed on the NSX. Rollback the change, # unless it is during create or delete of a router with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if not called_from: LOG.error("Rolling back router %s GW info update because " "of NSX failure %s", router_id, e) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self)._update_router_gw_info( context, router_id, orig_info, router=router) def _update_router_advertisement_rules(self, router_id, subnets, advertise_ipv6): # There is no NAT for ipv6 - all connected ipv6 segments should be # advertised ipv6_cidrs = [s['cidr'] for s in subnets if s.get('ip_version') == 6] if ipv6_cidrs and advertise_ipv6: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.add_advertisement_rule( router_id, IPV6_ROUTER_ADV_RULE_NAME, policy_constants.ADV_RULE_PERMIT, policy_constants.ADV_RULE_OPERATOR_EQ, [policy_constants.ADV_RULE_TIER1_CONNECTED], ipv6_cidrs) else: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.remove_advertisement_rule( router_id, IPV6_ROUTER_ADV_RULE_NAME) def create_router(self, context, router): r = router['router'] gw_info = self._extract_external_gw(context, router, is_extract=True) # validate the availability zone, and get the AZ object self._validate_obj_az_on_creation(context, r, 'router') with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): router = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_router( context, router) router_db = self._get_router(context, router['id']) self._process_extra_attr_router_create(context, router_db, r) router_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(router['name'] or 'router', router['id']) tags = self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_tags_payload( r, resource_type='os-neutron-router-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) try: def _do_create_router(): self.nsxpolicy.tier1.create_or_overwrite( router_name, router['id'], tier0=None, ipv6_ndra_profile_id=NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID, tags=tags) # Also create the empty locale-service as it must always exist self.nsxpolicy.tier1.create_locale_service(router['id']) self._run_under_transaction(_do_create_router) except Exception as ex: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Failed to create router %(id)s ' 'on NSX backend. Exception: %(e)s', {'id': router['id'], 'e': ex}) self.delete_router(context, router['id']) if gw_info and gw_info != const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED: try: self._update_router_gw_info(context, router['id'], gw_info, called_from="create") except (db_exc.DBError, nsx_lib_exc.NsxLibException): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Failed to set gateway info for router " "being created: %s - removing router", router['id']) self.delete_router(context, router['id']) LOG.info("Create router failed while setting external " "gateway. Router:%s has been removed from " "DB and backend", router['id']) return self.get_router(context, router['id']) def delete_router(self, context, router_id): gw_info = self._get_router_gw_info(context, router_id) if gw_info: try: self._update_router_gw_info(context, router_id, {}, called_from="delete") except nsx_lib_exc.NsxLibException as e: LOG.error("Failed to remove router %s gw info before " "deletion, but going on with the deletion anyway: " "%s", router_id, e) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_router(context, router_id) try: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.delete_locale_service(router_id) self.nsxpolicy.tier1.delete(router_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the resource was not found on the backend do not worry about # it. The conditions has already been logged, so there is no need # to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource, fail the neutron # operation even though the neutron object was already deleted. # This way the user will be aware of zombie resources that may fail # future actions. msg = (_("Backend Tier1 deletion for neutron router %(id)s " "failed. The object was however removed from the " "Neutron database: %(e)s") % {'id': router_id, 'e': e}) nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _get_static_route_id(self, route): return "%s-%s" % (route['destination'].replace('/', '_'), route['nexthop']) def _add_static_routes(self, router_id, routes): def _do_add_routes(): for route in routes: dest = route['destination'] self.nsxpolicy.tier1_static_route.create_or_overwrite( 'Static route for %s' % dest, router_id, static_route_id=self._get_static_route_id(route), network=dest, next_hop=route['nexthop']) self._run_under_transaction(_do_add_routes) def _delete_static_routes(self, router_id, routes): for route in routes: self.nsxpolicy.tier1_static_route.delete( router_id, static_route_id=self._get_static_route_id(route)) @nsx_plugin_common.api_replay_mode_wrapper def update_router(self, context, router_id, router): gw_info = self._extract_external_gw(context, router, is_extract=False) router_data = router['router'] self._assert_on_router_admin_state(router_data) vpn_driver = None if validators.is_attr_set(gw_info): self._validate_update_router_gw(context, router_id, gw_info) # VPNaaS need to be notified on router GW changes (there is # currently no matching upstream registration for this) vpn_plugin = directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.VPN) if vpn_plugin: vpn_driver = vpn_plugin.drivers[vpn_plugin.default_provider] vpn_driver.validate_router_gw_info(context, router_id, gw_info) routes_added = [] routes_removed = [] if 'routes' in router_data: routes_added, routes_removed = self._get_static_routes_diff( context, router_id, gw_info, router_data) # Update the neutron router updated_router = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_router( context, router_id, router) # Update the policy backend try: added_routes = removed_routes = False # Updating name & description if 'name' in router_data or 'description' in router_data: router_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( updated_router.get('name') or 'router', router_id) self.nsxpolicy.tier1.update( router_id, name=router_name, description=updated_router.get('description', '')) # Updating static routes self._delete_static_routes(router_id, routes_removed) removed_routes = True self._add_static_routes(router_id, routes_added) added_routes = True except (nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound, nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) router_db['status'] = const.NET_STATUS_ERROR # return the static routes to the old state if added_routes: try: self._delete_static_routes(router_id, routes_added) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Rollback router %s changes failed to " "delete static routes: %s", router_id, e) if removed_routes: try: self._add_static_routes(router_id, routes_removed) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Rollback router %s changes failed to add " "static routes: %s", router_id, e) if vpn_driver: # Update vpn advertisement if GW was updated vpn_driver.update_router_advertisement(context, router_id) return updated_router def _get_gateway_addr_from_subnet(self, subnet): if subnet['gateway_ip'] and subnet['cidr']: cidr_prefix = int(subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) return "%s/%s" % (subnet['gateway_ip'], cidr_prefix) def _validate_router_segment_subnets(self, context, network_id, overlay_net, subnet): """Validate that adding an interface to a router will not cause multiple segments subnets which is not allowed """ if not overlay_net: # Only interfaces for overlay networks create segment subnets return ip_version = subnet.get('ip_version', 4) if not self.use_policy_dhcp: # Only policy DHCP creates segment subnets return network = self._get_network(context.elevated(), network_id) for net_subnet in network.subnets: if net_subnet.enable_dhcp: if net_subnet.id == subnet['id']: continue # Look for another subnet with DHCP and the same ip-ver if net_subnet.ip_version == ip_version: msg = (_("Can not add router interface on network %(net)s " "as another IPv%(ver)s subnet has enabled DHCP") % {'net': network_id, 'ver': ip_version}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # Look for another subnet with DHCP and no gw if not net_subnet.gateway_ip: msg = (_("Can not add router interface on network %(net)s " "as another subnet has DHCP and no gateway") % {'net': network_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _get_subnet_ndra_profile(self, subnet): ndra_profile_id = NO_SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID if subnet.get('ip_version') == 6 and subnet.get('enable_dhcp', False): # Subnet with DHCP v6 of some kind addr_mode = subnet.get('ipv6_address_mode') if addr_mode == const.IPV6_SLAAC: ndra_profile_id = SLAAC_NDRA_PROFILE_ID elif addr_mode == const.DHCPV6_STATELESS: ndra_profile_id = STATELESS_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID else: # Stateful DHCP v6 is the default ndra_profile_id = STATEFUL_DHCP_NDRA_PROFILE_ID return ndra_profile_id def _validate_interfaces_address_mode(self, context, router_id, router_subnets, subnet): """Validate that all the overlay ipv6 interfaces of the router have the same ipv6_address_mode, when a new subnet is added """ if subnet['enable_dhcp']: subnet_address_mode = subnet.get('ipv6_address_mode', const.DHCPV6_STATEFUL) else: # Slaac and non-dhcp can coexist subnet_address_mode = const.IPV6_SLAAC ipv6_overlay_subnets = [s for s in router_subnets if s['id'] != subnet['id'] and s.get('ip_version') == 6 and s.get('enable_dhcp') and self._is_overlay_network(context, s['network_id'])] for rtr_subnet in ipv6_overlay_subnets: address_mode = rtr_subnet.get('ipv6_address_mode', const.DHCPV6_STATEFUL) if address_mode != subnet_address_mode: msg = (_("Interface network %(net_id)s with address mode " "%(am)s conflicts with other interfaces of router " "%(rtr_id)s") % {'net_id': subnet['network_id'], 'am': subnet_address_mode, 'rtr_id': router_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) @nsx_plugin_common.api_replay_mode_wrapper def add_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): # NOTE: In dual stack case, neutron would create a separate interface # for each IP version # We only allow one subnet per IP version subnet = self._get_interface_subnet(context, interface_info) network_id = self._get_interface_network_id(context, interface_info, subnet=subnet) extern_net = self._network_is_external(context, network_id) overlay_net = self._is_overlay_network(context, network_id) router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) gw_network_id = (router_db.gw_port.network_id if router_db.gw_port else None) with locking.LockManager.get_lock(str(network_id)): # disallow more than one subnets belong to same network being # attached to routers self._validate_multiple_subnets_routers( context, router_id, network_id, subnet) # A router interface cannot be an external network if extern_net: msg = _("An external network cannot be attached as " "an interface to a router") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # Non overlay networks should be configured with a centralized # router, which is allowed only if GW network is attached if not overlay_net and not gw_network_id: msg = _("A router attached to a VLAN backed network " "must have an external network assigned") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # Interface subnets cannot overlap with the GW external subnet self._validate_gw_overlap_interfaces(context, gw_network_id, [network_id]) if subnet: self._validate_router_segment_subnets(context, network_id, overlay_net, subnet) if subnet and subnet.get('ip_version') == 6 and overlay_net: orig_rtr_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context.elevated(), router_id) self._validate_interfaces_address_mode( context, router_id, orig_rtr_subnets, subnet) # Update the interface of the neutron router info = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).add_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) try: # If it is a no-snat router, interface address scope must be the # same as the gateways self._validate_interface_address_scope(context, router_db, subnet) # Check GW & subnets TZ tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router( context.elevated(), router_db) # Validate the TZ of the new subnet match the one of the router self._validate_router_tz(context.elevated(), tier0_uuid, [subnet]) segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, network_id) rtr_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context.elevated(), router_id) if overlay_net: # overlay interface pol_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets( context, network_id, interface_subnets=rtr_subnets) self.nsxpolicy.segment.update(segment_id, tier1_id=router_id, subnets=pol_subnets) # will update the router only if needed self._update_slaac_on_router(context, router_id, subnet, rtr_subnets) else: # Vlan interface pol_subnets = [] for rtr_subnet in rtr_subnets: if rtr_subnet['network_id'] == network_id: prefix_len = int(rtr_subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) pol_subnets.append(policy_defs.InterfaceSubnet( ip_addresses=[rtr_subnet['gateway_ip']], prefix_len=prefix_len)) # Service router is mandatory for VLAN interfaces if not self.verify_sr_at_backend(context, router_id): self.create_service_router( context, router_id, router=router_db, update_firewall=False) ndra_profile_id = self._get_subnet_ndra_profile(subnet) self.nsxpolicy.tier1.add_segment_interface( router_id, segment_id, segment_id, pol_subnets, ndra_profile_id) # add the SNAT/NO_DNAT rules for this interface if router_db.enable_snat and gw_network_id: if router_db.gw_port.get('fixed_ips'): gw_ip = router_db.gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] gw_address_scope = self._get_network_address_scope( context, gw_network_id) self._add_subnet_snat_rule( context, router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, gw_ip) self._add_subnet_no_dnat_rule(context, router_id, subnet) if subnet.get('ip_version') == 6 and gw_network_id: # if this is an ipv6 subnet and router has GW, # we need to add advertisement rule self._update_router_advertisement_rules( router_id, rtr_subnets, True) # update firewall rules self.update_router_firewall(context, router_id, router_db) except Exception as ex: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Failed to create router interface for network ' '%(id)s on NSX backend. Exception: %(e)s', {'id': network_id, 'e': ex}) self.remove_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) return info def remove_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): # First get the subnet, which is needed for removing the SNAT rule subnet = subnet_id = None if 'port_id' in interface_info: port_id = interface_info['port_id'] port = self._get_port(context, port_id) if port.get('fixed_ips'): subnet_id = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] elif 'subnet_id' in interface_info: subnet_id = interface_info['subnet_id'] if subnet_id: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) # Update the neutron router first info = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).remove_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) network_id = info['network_id'] overlay_net = self._is_overlay_network(context, network_id) segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id(context, network_id) rtr_subnets = self._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db( context.elevated(), router_id) net_rtr_subnets = [sub for sub in rtr_subnets if sub['network_id'] == network_id] try: if overlay_net: # Update the segment subnets, and Remove the tier1 router from # this segment it its the last subnet of this network # (it is possible to have both IPv4 & 6 subnets) seg_subnets = self._get_segment_subnets( context, network_id, interface_subnets=net_rtr_subnets) if not net_rtr_subnets and not seg_subnets: # Remove the tier1 connectivity of this segment # This must be done is a separate call as it uses PUT self.nsxpolicy.segment.remove_connectivity_and_subnets( segment_id) else: #TODO(asarfaty): Try to combine the 2 backend calls if not net_rtr_subnets: # Remove connectivity path # This must be done is a separate call as it uses PUT self.nsxpolicy.segment.remove_connectivity_path( segment_id) # update remaining (DHCP/ipv4/6) subnets if seg_subnets: self.nsxpolicy.segment.update(segment_id, subnets=seg_subnets) # will update the router only if needed self._update_slaac_on_router(context, router_id, subnet, rtr_subnets, delete=True) else: # VLAN interface pol_subnets = [] for rtr_subnet in net_rtr_subnets: prefix_len = int(rtr_subnet['cidr'].split('/')[1]) pol_subnets.append(policy_defs.InterfaceSubnet( ip_addresses=[rtr_subnet['gateway_ip']], prefix_len=prefix_len)) if pol_subnets: # This will update segment interface self.nsxpolicy.tier1.add_segment_interface( router_id, segment_id, segment_id, pol_subnets) else: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.remove_segment_interface( router_id, segment_id) if not self.service_router_has_services( context.elevated(), router_id): self.delete_service_router(router_id) # try to delete the SNAT/NO_DNAT rules of this subnet router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) if (subnet and router_db.gw_port and router_db.enable_snat and subnet['ip_version'] == 4): self._del_subnet_snat_rule(router_id, subnet) self._del_subnet_no_dnat_rule(router_id, subnet) if subnet and subnet.get('ip_version') == 6 and router_db.gw_port: # if this is an ipv6 subnet and router has GW, # we need to remove advertisement rule self._update_router_advertisement_rules( router_id, rtr_subnets, True) # update firewall rules self.update_router_firewall(context, router_id, router_db) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource, fail the neutron # operation even though the neutron object was already deleted. # This way the user will be aware of zombie resources that may fail # future actions. # TODO(asarfaty): Handle specific errors msg = (_('Failed to remove router interface for network ' '%(id)s on NSX backend. Exception: %(e)s') % {'id': network_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) return info def _get_fip_snat_rule_id(self, fip_id): return 'S-' + fip_id def _get_fip_dnat_rule_id(self, fip_id): return 'D-' + fip_id def _get_nat_firewall_match(self): if cfg.CONF.nsx_p.firewall_match_internal_addr: return policy_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_INTERNAL return policy_constants.NAT_FIREWALL_MATCH_EXTERNAL def _add_fip_nat_rules(self, tier1_id, fip_id, ext_ip, int_ip): def _do_add_fip_nat(): firewall_match = self._get_nat_firewall_match() self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.create_or_overwrite( 'snat for fip %s' % fip_id, tier1_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_fip_snat_rule_id(fip_id), action=policy_constants.NAT_ACTION_SNAT, translated_network=ext_ip, source_network=int_ip, sequence_number=NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_FIP, firewall_match=firewall_match) self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.create_or_overwrite( 'dnat for fip %s' % fip_id, tier1_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_fip_dnat_rule_id(fip_id), action=policy_constants.NAT_ACTION_DNAT, translated_network=int_ip, destination_network=ext_ip, sequence_number=NAT_RULE_PRIORITY_FIP, firewall_match=firewall_match) self._run_under_transaction(_do_add_fip_nat) def _delete_fip_nat_rules(self, tier1_id, fip_id): def _do_delete_fip_nat(): self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.delete( tier1_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_fip_snat_rule_id(fip_id)) self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.delete( tier1_id, nat_rule_id=self._get_fip_dnat_rule_id(fip_id)) self._run_under_transaction(_do_delete_fip_nat) def _update_lb_vip(self, port, vip_address): # update the load balancer virtual server's VIP with # floating ip, but don't add NAT rules device_id = port['device_id'] if device_id.startswith(oct_const.DEVICE_ID_PREFIX): device_id = device_id[len(oct_const.DEVICE_ID_PREFIX):] tags_to_search = [{'scope': 'os-lbaas-lb-id', 'tag': device_id}] vs_client = self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer.virtual_server vs_list = self.nsxpolicy.search_by_tags( tags_to_search, vs_client.entry_def.resource_type() )['results'] for vs in vs_list: vs_client.update(vs['id'], ip_address=vip_address) # Update the vip address group for allowed cidr rules vip_group_id = lb_utils.VIP_GRP_ID % device_id try: self.nsxpolicy.group.get(policy_constants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, vip_group_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass else: expr = self.nsxpolicy.group.build_ip_address_expression( [vip_address]) self.nsxpolicy.group.update_with_conditions( policy_constants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, vip_group_id, conditions=[expr]) def create_floatingip(self, context, floatingip): # First do some validations fip_data = floatingip['floatingip'] port_id = fip_data.get('port_id') if port_id: port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) self._assert_on_assoc_floatingip_to_special_ports( fip_data, port_data) new_fip = self._create_floating_ip_wrapper(context, floatingip) router_id = new_fip['router_id'] if not router_id: return new_fip if port_id: device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') fip_address = new_fip['floating_ip_address'] if (device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2 or device_owner == oct_const.DEVICE_OWNER_OCTAVIA or device_owner == lb_const.VMWARE_LB_VIP_OWNER): try: self._update_lb_vip(port_data, fip_address) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_floatingip( context, new_fip['id']) return new_fip try: self._add_fip_nat_rules( router_id, new_fip['id'], new_fip['floating_ip_address'], new_fip['fixed_ip_address']) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.delete_floatingip(context, new_fip['id']) if (port_id and not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.firewall_match_internal_addr and self.fwaas_callbacks): # Might need to update a group related to this fip self.fwaas_callbacks.update_segment_group( context, router_id, port_data['network_id']) return new_fip def delete_floatingip(self, context, fip_id): fip = self.get_floatingip(context, fip_id) router_id = fip['router_id'] port_id = fip['port_id'] is_lb_port = False if port_id: port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') fixed_ip_address = fip['fixed_ip_address'] if (device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2 or device_owner == oct_const.DEVICE_OWNER_OCTAVIA or device_owner == lb_const.VMWARE_LB_VIP_OWNER): # If the port is LB VIP port, after deleting the FIP, # update the virtual server VIP back to fixed IP. is_lb_port = True try: self._update_lb_vip(port_data, fixed_ip_address) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: LOG.error("Exception when updating vip ip_address" "on vip_port %(port)s: %(err)s", {'port': port_id, 'err': e}) if router_id and not is_lb_port: self._delete_fip_nat_rules(router_id, fip_id) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_floatingip(context, fip_id) if (port_id and not cfg.CONF.nsx_p.firewall_match_internal_addr and self.fwaas_callbacks): # Might need to update a group related to this fip self.fwaas_callbacks.update_segment_group( context, router_id, port_data['network_id']) def update_floatingip(self, context, fip_id, floatingip): fip_data = floatingip['floatingip'] old_fip = self.get_floatingip(context, fip_id) old_port_id = old_fip['port_id'] new_status = (const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE if fip_data.get('port_id') else const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN) updated_port_id = fip_data.get('port_id') if updated_port_id: updated_port_data = self.get_port(context, updated_port_id) self._assert_on_assoc_floatingip_to_special_ports( fip_data, updated_port_data) new_fip = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_floatingip( context, fip_id, floatingip) router_id = new_fip['router_id'] new_port_id = new_fip['port_id'] # Delete old configuration NAT / vip is_lb_port = False if old_port_id: old_port_data = self.get_port(context, old_port_id) old_device_owner = old_port_data['device_owner'] old_fixed_ip = old_fip['fixed_ip_address'] if (old_device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2 or old_device_owner == oct_const.DEVICE_OWNER_OCTAVIA or old_device_owner == lb_const.VMWARE_LB_VIP_OWNER): # If the port is LB VIP port, after deleting the FIP, # update the virtual server VIP back to fixed IP. is_lb_port = True self._update_lb_vip(old_port_data, old_fixed_ip) if (not is_lb_port and old_fip['router_id'] and (not router_id or old_fip['router_id'] != router_id)): # Delete the old rules (if the router did not change - rewriting # the rules with _add_fip_nat_rules is enough) self._delete_fip_nat_rules(old_fip['router_id'], fip_id) # Update LB VIP if the new port is LB port is_lb_port = False if new_port_id: new_port_data = self.get_port(context, new_port_id) new_dev_own = new_port_data['device_owner'] new_fip_address = new_fip['floating_ip_address'] if (new_dev_own == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2 or new_dev_own == oct_const.DEVICE_OWNER_OCTAVIA or new_dev_own == lb_const.VMWARE_LB_VIP_OWNER): is_lb_port = True self._update_lb_vip(new_port_data, new_fip_address) if router_id and not is_lb_port: self._add_fip_nat_rules( router_id, new_fip['id'], new_fip['floating_ip_address'], new_fip['fixed_ip_address']) if new_fip['status'] != new_status: new_fip['status'] = new_status self.update_floatingip_status(context, fip_id, new_status) return new_fip def disassociate_floatingips(self, context, port_id): fip_qry = context.session.query(l3_db_models.FloatingIP) fip_dbs = fip_qry.filter_by(fixed_port_id=port_id) for fip_db in fip_dbs: if not fip_db.router_id: continue if fip_db.router_id: # Delete the old rules self._delete_fip_nat_rules(fip_db.router_id, fip_db.id) self.update_floatingip_status(context, fip_db.id, const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).disassociate_floatingips( context, port_id, do_notify=False) def _prepare_default_rules(self): """Create a default group & communication map in the default domain""" # Run this code only on one worker at the time with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsx_p_prepare_default_rules'): # Return if the objects were already created try: self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.get(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION) self.nsxpolicy.group.get(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.info("Going to create default group & " "communication map") exists = False else: LOG.info("Going to update default group & " "communication map") exists = True # Create the group only if not exists - no need to update it if not exists: # Create the default group membership criteria to match all # neutron ports by scope (and no tag) scope_and_tag = "%s|" % (NSX_P_PORT_RESOURCE_TYPE) conditions = [self.nsxpolicy.group.build_condition( cond_val=scope_and_tag, cond_key=policy_constants.CONDITION_KEY_TAG, cond_member_type=policy_constants.CONDITION_MEMBER_PORT)] # Create the default OpenStack group # (This will not fail if the group already exists) try: self.nsxpolicy.group.create_or_overwrite_with_conditions( name=NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP, domain_id=NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP, description=NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP_DESC, conditions=conditions) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Failed to create NSX default group: %(e)s") % { 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # create default section and rules # (even if already exists - may need to update rules) logged = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.log_security_groups_blocked_traffic scope = [self.nsxpolicy.group.get_path( NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_GROUP)] rule_id = 1 dhcp_client_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'DHCP Reply', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=['DHCP-Client'], action=policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.IN, logged=logged) rule_id += 1 dhcp_server_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'DHCP Request', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=['DHCP-Server'], action=policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.OUT, logged=logged) rule_id += 1 nd_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'IPv6 Neighbor Discovery', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=['IPv6-ICMP_Neighbor_Solicitation', 'IPv6-ICMP_Neighbor_Advertisement', 'IPv6-ICMP_Version_2_Multicast_Listener', 'IPv6-ICMP_Multicast_Listener_Query', 'IPv6-ICMP_Multicast_Listener_Done', 'IPv6-ICMP_Multicast_Listener_Report', IPV6_RA_SERVICE], action=policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW, ip_protocol=nsxlib_consts.IPV6, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.IN_OUT, logged=logged) rule_id += 1 dhcpv6_server_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'DHCPv6 Request', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=['DHCPv6_Server'], action=policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW, ip_protocol=nsxlib_consts.IPV6, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.OUT, logged=logged) rule_id += 1 dhcpv6_client_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'DHCPv6 Reply', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=['DHCPv6_Client'], action=policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW, ip_protocol=nsxlib_consts.IPV6, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.IN, logged=logged) rule_id += 1 block_rule = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( 'Block All', NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, rule_id, sequence_number=rule_id, service_ids=None, action=policy_constants.ACTION_DENY, scope=scope, direction=nsxlib_consts.IN_OUT, logged=logged) rules = [dhcp_client_rule, dhcp_server_rule, dhcpv6_client_rule, dhcpv6_server_rule, nd_rule, block_rule] try: # This will not fail if the map already exists self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.create_with_entries( name=NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, domain_id=NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, map_id=NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION, description=NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION_DESC, category=NSX_P_DEFAULT_SECTION_CATEGORY, entries=rules) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Failed to create NSX default communication map: " "%(e)s") % {'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _prepare_exclude_list_group(self): try: self.nsxpolicy.group.get(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_GROUP) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.info("Going to create exclude list group") else: LOG.debug("Verified exclude list group already exists") return # Create the group membership criteria to match excluded neutron # ports by scope and tag scope_and_tag = "%s|%s" % (v3_utils.PORT_SG_SCOPE, NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_TAG) conditions = [self.nsxpolicy.group.build_condition( cond_val=scope_and_tag, cond_key=policy_constants.CONDITION_KEY_TAG, cond_member_type=policy_constants.CONDITION_MEMBER_PORT)] # Create the exclude list group # (This will not fail if the group already exists) try: self.nsxpolicy.group.create_or_overwrite_with_conditions( name=NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_GROUP, domain_id=NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_GROUP, conditions=conditions) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Failed to create NSX exclude list group: %(e)s") % { 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _add_exclude_list_group(self): member = self.nsxpolicy.group.get_path( domain_id=NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=NSX_P_EXCLUDE_LIST_GROUP) exclude_list = self.nsxpolicy.exclude_list.get() if member in exclude_list['members']: LOG.debug("Verified that group %s was already added to the " "NSX exclude list", member) return LOG.info("Going to add group %s to the NSX exclude list", member) members = exclude_list['members'] members.append(member) try: self.nsxpolicy.exclude_list.create_or_overwrite(members=members) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Failed to add group to the NSX exclude list: %(e)s") % { 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _prepare_exclude_list(self): """Create exclude list for ports without port security Create a group for excluded ports and add it to the NSX exclude list """ # Run this code only on one worker at the time with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsx_p_prepare_exclude_list'): self._prepare_exclude_list_group() self._add_exclude_list_group() def _create_security_group_backend_resources(self, context, secgroup, entries): """Create communication map (=section) and group (=NS group) Both will have the security group id as their NSX id. """ sg_id = secgroup['id'] tags = self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_tags_payload( secgroup, resource_type='os-neutron-secg-id', project_name=secgroup.get('tenant_id')) nsx_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(secgroup['name'] or 'securitygroup', sg_id) # Create the groups membership criteria for ports by scope & tag scope_and_tag = "%s|%s" % (NSX_P_SECURITY_GROUP_TAG, sg_id) condition = self.nsxpolicy.group.build_condition( cond_val=scope_and_tag, cond_key=policy_constants.CONDITION_KEY_TAG, cond_member_type=policy_constants.CONDITION_MEMBER_PORT) category = NSX_P_REGULAR_SECTION_CATEGORY if secgroup.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) is True: category = NSX_P_PROVIDER_SECTION_CATEGORY try: def _do_create_sg(): # Create the group self.nsxpolicy.group.create_or_overwrite_with_conditions( nsx_name, NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=sg_id, description=secgroup.get('description'), conditions=[condition], tags=tags) # create the communication map (=section) and entries (=rules) self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.create_or_overwrite_map_only( nsx_name, NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, map_id=sg_id, description=secgroup.get('description'), tags=tags, category=category) for entry in entries: self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.create_entry_from_def(entry) self._run_under_transaction(_do_create_sg) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Failed to create NSX resources for SG %(sg)s: " "%(e)s") % {'sg': sg_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _get_rule_ip_protocol(self, sg_rule): ethertype = sg_rule.get('ethertype') if ethertype == const.IPv4: return nsxlib_consts.IPV4 if ethertype == const.IPv6: return nsxlib_consts.IPV6 return nsxlib_consts.IPV4_IPV6 def _get_rule_service_id(self, context, sg_rule, tags): """Return the NSX Policy service id matching the SG rule""" srv_id = None l4_protocol = nsxlib_utils.get_l4_protocol_name(sg_rule['protocol']) srv_name = 'Service for OS rule %s' % sg_rule['id'] if l4_protocol in [nsxlib_consts.TCP, nsxlib_consts.UDP]: # If port_range_min is not specified then we assume all ports are # matched, relying on neutron to perform validation. if sg_rule['port_range_min'] is None: destination_ports = [] elif sg_rule['port_range_min'] != sg_rule['port_range_max']: # NSX API requires a non-empty range (e.g - '22-23') destination_ports = ['%(port_range_min)s-%(port_range_max)s' % sg_rule] else: destination_ports = ['%(port_range_min)s' % sg_rule] srv_id = self.nsxpolicy.service.create_or_overwrite( srv_name, service_id=sg_rule['id'], description=sg_rule.get('description'), protocol=l4_protocol, dest_ports=destination_ports, tags=tags) elif l4_protocol in [nsxlib_consts.ICMPV4, nsxlib_consts.ICMPV6]: # Validate the icmp type & code version = 4 if l4_protocol == nsxlib_consts.ICMPV4 else 6 icmp_type = sg_rule['port_range_min'] icmp_code = sg_rule['port_range_max'] nsxlib_utils.validate_icmp_params( icmp_type, icmp_code, icmp_version=version, strict=True) srv_id = self.nsxpolicy.icmp_service.create_or_overwrite( srv_name, service_id=sg_rule['id'], description=sg_rule.get('description'), version=version, icmp_type=icmp_type, icmp_code=icmp_code, tags=tags) elif l4_protocol: srv_id = self.nsxpolicy.ip_protocol_service.create_or_overwrite( srv_name, service_id=sg_rule['id'], description=sg_rule.get('description'), protocol_number=l4_protocol, tags=tags) return srv_id def _get_sg_rule_remote_ip_group_id(self, sg_rule): return '%s_remote_group' % sg_rule['id'] def _get_sg_rule_local_ip_group_id(self, sg_rule): return '%s_local_group' % sg_rule['id'] def _create_security_group_backend_rule(self, context, map_id, sg_rule, secgroup_logging, is_provider_sg=False, create_related_resource=True): """Create backend resources for a DFW rule All rule resources (service, groups) will be created The rule itself will be created if create_rule=True. Else this method will return the rule entry structure for future use. """ # The id of the map and group is the same as the security group id this_group_id = map_id # There is no rule name in neutron. Using ID instead nsx_name = sg_rule['id'] direction = (nsxlib_consts.IN if sg_rule.get('direction') == 'ingress' else nsxlib_consts.OUT) self._fix_sg_rule_dict_ips(sg_rule) source = None destination = this_group_id tags = self.nsxpolicy.build_v3_tags_payload( sg_rule, resource_type='os-neutron-secgr-id', project_name=sg_rule.get('tenant_id')) if sg_rule.get('remote_group_id'): # This is the ID of a security group that already exists, # so it should be known to the policy manager source = sg_rule.get('remote_group_id') elif sg_rule.get('remote_ip_prefix'): # Create a group for the remote IPs remote_ip = sg_rule['remote_ip_prefix'] remote_group_id = self._get_sg_rule_remote_ip_group_id(sg_rule) if create_related_resource: expr = self.nsxpolicy.group.build_ip_address_expression( [remote_ip]) self.nsxpolicy.group.create_or_overwrite_with_conditions( remote_group_id, NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=remote_group_id, description='%s for OS rule %s' % (remote_ip, sg_rule['id']), conditions=[expr], tags=tags) source = remote_group_id if sg_rule.get(sg_prefix.LOCAL_IP_PREFIX): # Create a group for the local ips local_ip = sg_rule[sg_prefix.LOCAL_IP_PREFIX] local_group_id = self._get_sg_rule_local_ip_group_id(sg_rule) if create_related_resource: expr = self.nsxpolicy.group.build_ip_address_expression( [local_ip]) self.nsxpolicy.group.create_or_overwrite_with_conditions( local_group_id, NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, group_id=local_group_id, description='%s for OS rule %s' % (local_ip, sg_rule['id']), conditions=[expr], tags=tags) destination = local_group_id if direction == nsxlib_consts.OUT: # Swap source and destination source, destination = destination, source if create_related_resource: service = self._get_rule_service_id(context, sg_rule, tags) else: if nsxlib_utils.get_l4_protocol_name(sg_rule['protocol']): service = sg_rule['id'] else: service = None ip_protocol = self._get_rule_ip_protocol(sg_rule) logging = (cfg.CONF.nsx_p.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic or secgroup_logging) scope = [self.nsxpolicy.group.get_path(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, this_group_id)] action = (policy_constants.ACTION_DENY if is_provider_sg else policy_constants.ACTION_ALLOW) # Just return the rule entry without creating it rule_entry = self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.build_entry( nsx_name, NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, map_id, entry_id=sg_rule['id'], description=sg_rule.get('description'), service_ids=[service] if service else None, ip_protocol=ip_protocol, action=action, source_groups=[source] if source else None, dest_groups=[destination] if destination else None, scope=scope, tag=sg_rule.get('project_id'), direction=direction, logged=logging) return rule_entry def create_security_group(self, context, security_group, default_sg=False): secgroup = security_group['security_group'] # Make sure the ID is initialized, as it is used for the backend # objects too secgroup['id'] = secgroup.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid() project_id = secgroup['tenant_id'] if not default_sg: self._ensure_default_security_group(context, project_id) # create the Neutron SG with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): if secgroup.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) is True: secgroup_db = self.create_provider_security_group( context, security_group) else: secgroup_db = ( super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_security_group( context, security_group, default_sg)) self._process_security_group_properties_create(context, secgroup_db, secgroup, default_sg) if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: self._handle_api_replay_default_sg(context, secgroup_db) try: # create all the rule entries sg_rules = secgroup_db['security_group_rules'] secgroup_logging = secgroup.get(sg_logging.LOGGING, False) backend_rules = [] # Create all the rules resources in a single transaction for sg_rule in sg_rules: rule_entry = self._create_security_group_backend_rule( context, secgroup_db['id'], sg_rule, secgroup_logging) backend_rules.append(rule_entry) # Create Group & communication map on the NSX self._create_security_group_backend_resources( context, secgroup, backend_rules) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to create backend SG rules " "for security-group %(name)s (%(id)s), " "rolling back changes. Error: %(e)s", {'name': secgroup_db['name'], 'id': secgroup_db['id'], 'e': e}) # rollback SG creation (which will also delete the backend # objects) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_security_group( context, secgroup['id']) return secgroup_db def update_security_group(self, context, sg_id, security_group): self._prevent_non_admin_edit_provider_sg(context, sg_id) sg_data = security_group['security_group'] # update the neutron security group with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): secgroup_res = super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).update_security_group( context, sg_id, security_group) self._process_security_group_properties_update( context, secgroup_res, sg_data) domain_id = NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID # Update the name and description on NSX backend if 'name' in sg_data or 'description' in sg_data: nsx_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( secgroup_res['name'] or 'securitygroup', sg_id) try: self.nsxpolicy.group.update( domain_id, sg_id, name=nsx_name, description=secgroup_res.get('description', '')) self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.update( domain_id, sg_id, name=nsx_name, description=secgroup_res.get('description', '')) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Failed to update SG %s NSX resources: %s", sg_id, e) # Go on with the update anyway (it's just the name & desc) # If the logging of the SG changed - update the backend rules if sg_logging.LOGGING in sg_data: logged = (sg_data[sg_logging.LOGGING] or cfg.CONF.nsx_p.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic) self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.update_entries_logged(domain_id, sg_id, logged) return secgroup_res def delete_security_group(self, context, sg_id): self._prevent_non_admin_edit_provider_sg(context, sg_id) sg = self.get_security_group(context, sg_id) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_security_group(context, sg_id) domain_id = NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID try: self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.delete(domain_id, sg_id) self.nsxpolicy.group.delete(domain_id, sg_id) for rule in sg['security_group_rules']: self._delete_security_group_rule_backend_resources( context, rule) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the resource was not found on the backend do not worry about # it. The conditions has already been logged, so there is no need # to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: # If there is a failure in deleting the resource, fail the neutron # operation even though the neutron object was already deleted. # This way the user will be aware of zombie resources that may fail # future actions. msg = (_("Backend security group objects deletion for neutron " "security group %(id)s failed. The object was however " "removed from the Neutron database: %(e)s") % {'id': sg_id, 'e': e}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule): bulk_rule = {'security_group_rules': [security_group_rule]} return self.create_security_group_rule_bulk(context, bulk_rule)[0] def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rules): sg_rules = security_group_rules['security_group_rules'] for r in sg_rules: self._check_local_ip_prefix(context, r['security_group_rule']) # Tenant & security group are the same for all rules in the bulk example_rule = sg_rules[0]['security_group_rule'] sg_id = example_rule['security_group_id'] sg = self.get_security_group(context, sg_id) self._prevent_non_admin_edit_provider_sg(context, sg_id) with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): rules_db = (super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).create_security_group_rule_bulk_native( context, security_group_rules)) for i, r in enumerate(sg_rules): self._process_security_group_rule_properties( context, rules_db[i], r['security_group_rule']) is_provider_sg = sg.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) secgroup_logging = self._is_security_group_logged(context, sg_id) category = (NSX_P_PROVIDER_SECTION_CATEGORY if is_provider_sg else NSX_P_REGULAR_SECTION_CATEGORY) # Create the NSX backend rules in a single transaction def _do_update_rules(): # Build new rules and relevant objects backend_rules = [] for rule_data in rules_db: rule_entry = self._create_security_group_backend_rule( context, sg_id, rule_data, secgroup_logging, is_provider_sg=is_provider_sg) backend_rules.append(rule_entry) # Add the old rules for rule in sg['security_group_rules']: rule_entry = self._create_security_group_backend_rule( context, sg_id, rule, secgroup_logging, is_provider_sg=is_provider_sg, create_related_resource=True) backend_rules.append(rule_entry) # Update the policy with all the rules. self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.update_with_entries( NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, sg_id, entries=backend_rules, category=category, use_child_rules=False) self._run_under_transaction(_do_update_rules) return rules_db def _delete_security_group_rule_backend_resources( self, context, rule_db): rule_id = rule_db['id'] # try to delete the service of this rule, if exists if rule_db['protocol']: try: self.nsxpolicy.service.delete(rule_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass # Try to delete the remote ip prefix group, if exists if rule_db['remote_ip_prefix']: try: remote_group_id = self._get_sg_rule_remote_ip_group_id(rule_db) self.nsxpolicy.group.delete(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, remote_group_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass # Try to delete the local ip prefix group, if exists if self._get_security_group_rule_local_ip(context, rule_id): try: local_group_id = self._get_sg_rule_local_ip_group_id(rule_db) self.nsxpolicy.group.delete(NSX_P_GLOBAL_DOMAIN_ID, local_group_id) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: pass def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, rule_id): rule_db = self._get_security_group_rule(context, rule_id) sg_id = rule_db['security_group_id'] self._prevent_non_admin_edit_provider_sg(context, sg_id) # Delete the rule itself try: self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.delete_entry( policy_constants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN, sg_id, rule_id) self._delete_security_group_rule_backend_resources( context, rule_db) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # Go on with the deletion anyway pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: msg = (_("Backend security group rule deletion for neutron " "rule %(id)s failed: %(e)s") % {'id': rule_id, 'e': e}) nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) super(NsxPolicyPlugin, self).delete_security_group_rule( context, rule_id) def _is_overlay_network(self, context, network_id): """Return True if this is an overlay network 1. No binding ("normal" overlay networks will have no binding) 2. Geneve network 3. nsx network where the backend network is connected to an overlay TZ """ bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network_id) # With NSX plugin, "normal" overlay networks will have no binding if not bindings: # using the default/AZ overlay_tz return True binding = bindings[0] if binding.binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.GENEVE: return True if binding.binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK: # check the backend network segment = self.nsxpolicy.segment.get(binding.phy_uuid) tz = self._get_nsx_net_tz_id(segment) if tz: # This call is cached on the nsxlib side type = self.nsxpolicy.transport_zone.get_transport_type( tz) return type == nsxlib_consts.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY return False def _is_ens_tz(self, tz_id): # This call is cached on the nsxlib side mode = self.nsxpolicy.transport_zone.get_host_switch_mode(tz_id) return mode == nsxlib_consts.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS def _has_native_dhcp_metadata(self): return True def _get_tier0_uplink_cidrs(self, tier0_id): # return a list of tier0 uplink ip/prefix addresses return self.nsxpolicy.tier0.get_uplink_cidrs(tier0_id) def _get_neutron_net_ids_by_nsx_id(self, context, lswitch_id): """Translate nsx ls IDs given by Nova to neutron network ids. Since there is no DB mapping for this, the plugin will query the NSX for this, and cache the results. """ if lswitch_id not in NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE: segments_path = self.nsxpolicy.search_resource_by_realized_id( lswitch_id, "RealizedLogicalSwitch") if not segments_path or len(segments_path) != 1: LOG.warning("Could not find policy segment with realized id " "%s", lswitch_id) return [] neutron_id = p_utils.path_to_id(segments_path[0]) if neutron_id: # Cache the result NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE[lswitch_id] = neutron_id NET_NEUTRON_2_NSX_ID_CACHE[neutron_id] = lswitch_id if NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE.get(lswitch_id): return [NET_NSX_2_NEUTRON_ID_CACHE[lswitch_id]] return [] def _get_net_tz(self, context, net_id): bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, net_id) if bindings: bind_type = bindings[0].binding_type if bind_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK: # If it is an NSX network, return the TZ of the backend segment segment_id = bindings[0].phy_uuid return self.nsxpolicy.segment.get_transport_zone_id(segment_id) if bind_type == utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT: # External network has tier0 as phy_uuid return return bindings[0].phy_uuid # Get the default one for the network AZ az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) return az._default_overlay_tz_uuid def _validate_router_tz(self, context, tier0_uuid, subnets): # make sure the related GW (Tier0 router) belongs to the same TZ # as the subnets attached to the Tier1 router if not subnets or not tier0_uuid: return tier0_tzs = self.nsxpolicy.tier0.get_transport_zones(tier0_uuid) if not tier0_tzs: return for sub in subnets: tz_uuid = self._get_net_tz(context, sub['network_id']) if tz_uuid not in tier0_tzs: msg = (_("Tier0 router %(rtr)s transport zone should match " "transport zone %(tz)s of the network %(net)s") % { 'rtr': tier0_uuid, 'tz': tz_uuid, 'net': sub['network_id']}) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _get_net_dhcp_relay(self, context, net_id): # No dhcp relay support yet return None def update_router_firewall(self, context, router_id, router_db=None, from_fw=False): """Rewrite all the rules in the router edge firewall This method should be called on FWaaS v2 updates, and on router interfaces changes. When FWaaS is disabled, there is no need to update the NSX router FW, as the default rule is allow-all. """ if (self.fwaas_callbacks and self.fwaas_callbacks.fwaas_enabled): if not router_db: router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) # find all the relevant ports of the router for FWaaS v2 # TODO(asarfaty): Add vm ports as well ports = self._get_router_interfaces(context, router_id) # let the fwaas callbacks update the router FW return self.fwaas_callbacks.update_router_firewall( context, router_id, router_db, ports, called_from_fw=from_fw) def update_port_nsx_tags(self, context, port_id, tags, is_delete=False): """Update backend NSX segment port with tags from the tagging plugin""" # Make sure it is a backend port ctx = n_context.get_admin_context() port_data = self.get_port(ctx, port_id) if not self._is_backend_port(ctx, port_data): LOG.info("Ignoring tags on port %s: this port has no backend " "NSX logical port", port_id) return # Get the current tags on this port segment_id = self._get_network_nsx_segment_id( ctx, port_data['network_id']) lport = self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.get(segment_id, port_id) port_tags = lport.get('tags') orig_len = len(port_tags) # Update and validate the list of tags extra_tags = self._translate_external_tags(tags, port_id) if is_delete: port_tags = [tag for tag in port_tags if tag not in extra_tags] else: port_tags.extend( [tag for tag in extra_tags if tag not in port_tags]) if len(port_tags) > nsxlib_utils.MAX_TAGS: LOG.warning("Cannot add external tags to port %s: " "too many tags", port_id) # Update the NSX port if len(port_tags) != orig_len: self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.update( segment_id, port_id, tags=port_tags) def get_extra_fw_rules(self, context, router_id, port_id): """Return firewall rules that should be added to the router firewall This method should return a list of allow firewall rules that are required in order to enable different plugin features with north/south traffic. The returned rules will be added after the FWaaS rules, and before the default drop rule. Only rules relevant for port_id router interface port should be returned, and the rules should be ingress/egress (but not both) and include the source/dest nsx logical port. """ extra_rules = [] # VPN rules: vpn_plugin = directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.VPN) if vpn_plugin: vpn_driver = vpn_plugin.drivers[vpn_plugin.default_provider] vpn_rules = ( vpn_driver._generate_ipsecvpn_firewall_rules( self.plugin_type(), context, router_id=router_id)) if vpn_rules: extra_rules.extend(vpn_rules) return extra_rules def _validate_net_mdproxy_tz(self, az, tz_uuid, mdproxy_uuid): """Validate that the network TZ matches the mdproxy edge cluster""" if not self.nsxlib: # No passthrough api support return True if az.use_policy_md: # Policy obj md_ec_path = self.nsxpolicy.md_proxy.get( mdproxy_uuid).get('edge_cluster_path') if not md_ec_path: LOG.warning("MDProxy %s is missing an edge cluster", mdproxy_uuid) return True md_ec = p_utils.path_to_id(md_ec_path) else: # MP obj md_ec = self.nsxlib.native_md_proxy.get( mdproxy_uuid).get('edge_cluster_id') if not md_ec: LOG.warning("MDProxy %s is missing an edge cluster", mdproxy_uuid) return True try: ec_tzs = plugin_utils.get_edge_cluster_tzs( self.nsxpolicy, self.nsxlib, md_ec) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound as e: # Do not fail neutron action init if this code fails LOG.warning("Failed to get edge cluster %s transport zones: %s", md_ec, e) return True if tz_uuid not in ec_tzs: return False return True def _support_address_pairs_ipv4_cidr(self): return self.nsxpolicy.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_SPOOFGUARD_CIDR)