# # Copyright 2013 Radware LTD. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Avishay Balderman, Radware from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attrs from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron import context from neutron.db import api as qdbapi from neutron.db.loadbalancer import loadbalancer_db as ldb from neutron.db import servicetype_db as st_db from neutron.extensions import loadbalancer from neutron.openstack.common import excutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.common import constants from neutron.services.loadbalancer import agent_scheduler from neutron.services import provider_configuration as pconf from neutron.services import service_base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LoadBalancerPlugin(ldb.LoadBalancerPluginDb, agent_scheduler.LbaasAgentSchedulerDbMixin): """Implementation of the Neutron Loadbalancer Service Plugin. This class manages the workflow of LBaaS request/response. Most DB related works are implemented in class loadbalancer_db.LoadBalancerPluginDb. """ supported_extension_aliases = ["lbaas", "lbaas_agent_scheduler", "service-type"] # lbaas agent notifiers to handle agent update operations; # can be updated by plugin drivers while loading; # will be extracted by neutron manager when loading service plugins; agent_notifiers = {} def __init__(self): """Initialization for the loadbalancer service plugin.""" qdbapi.register_models() self.service_type_manager = st_db.ServiceTypeManager.get_instance() self._load_drivers() def _load_drivers(self): """Loads plugin-drivers specified in configuration.""" self.drivers, self.default_provider = service_base.load_drivers( constants.LOADBALANCER, self) # we're at the point when extensions are not loaded yet # so prevent policy from being loaded ctx = context.get_admin_context(load_admin_roles=False) # stop service in case provider was removed, but resources were not self._check_orphan_pool_associations(ctx, self.drivers.keys()) def _check_orphan_pool_associations(self, context, provider_names): """Checks remaining associations between pools and providers. If admin has not undeployed resources with provider that was deleted from configuration, neutron service is stopped. Admin must delete resources prior to removing providers from configuration. """ pools = self.get_pools(context) lost_providers = set([pool['provider'] for pool in pools if pool['provider'] not in provider_names]) # resources are left without provider - stop the service if lost_providers: msg = _("Delete associated loadbalancer pools before " "removing providers %s") % list(lost_providers) LOG.exception(msg) raise SystemExit(1) def _get_driver_for_provider(self, provider): if provider in self.drivers: return self.drivers[provider] # raise if not associated (should never be reached) raise n_exc.Invalid(_("Error retrieving driver for provider %s") % provider) def _get_driver_for_pool(self, context, pool_id): pool = self.get_pool(context, pool_id) try: return self.drivers[pool['provider']] except KeyError: raise n_exc.Invalid(_("Error retrieving provider for pool %s") % pool_id) def get_plugin_type(self): return constants.LOADBALANCER def get_plugin_description(self): return "Neutron LoadBalancer Service Plugin" def create_vip(self, context, vip): v = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).create_vip(context, vip) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, v['pool_id']) driver.create_vip(context, v) return v def update_vip(self, context, id, vip): if 'status' not in vip['vip']: vip['vip']['status'] = constants.PENDING_UPDATE old_vip = self.get_vip(context, id) v = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).update_vip(context, id, vip) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, v['pool_id']) driver.update_vip(context, old_vip, v) return v def _delete_db_vip(self, context, id): # proxy the call until plugin inherits from DBPlugin super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).delete_vip(context, id) def delete_vip(self, context, id): self.update_status(context, ldb.Vip, id, constants.PENDING_DELETE) v = self.get_vip(context, id) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, v['pool_id']) driver.delete_vip(context, v) def _get_provider_name(self, context, pool): if ('provider' in pool and pool['provider'] != attrs.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED): provider_name = pconf.normalize_provider_name(pool['provider']) self.validate_provider(provider_name) return provider_name else: if not self.default_provider: raise pconf.DefaultServiceProviderNotFound( service_type=constants.LOADBALANCER) return self.default_provider def create_pool(self, context, pool): provider_name = self._get_provider_name(context, pool['pool']) p = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).create_pool(context, pool) self.service_type_manager.add_resource_association( context, constants.LOADBALANCER, provider_name, p['id']) #need to add provider name to pool dict, #because provider was not known to db plugin at pool creation p['provider'] = provider_name driver = self.drivers[provider_name] try: driver.create_pool(context, p) except loadbalancer.NoEligibleBackend: # that should catch cases when backend of any kind # is not available (agent, appliance, etc) self.update_status(context, ldb.Pool, p['id'], constants.ERROR, "No eligible backend") raise loadbalancer.NoEligibleBackend(pool_id=p['id']) return p def update_pool(self, context, id, pool): if 'status' not in pool['pool']: pool['pool']['status'] = constants.PENDING_UPDATE old_pool = self.get_pool(context, id) p = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).update_pool(context, id, pool) driver = self._get_driver_for_provider(p['provider']) driver.update_pool(context, old_pool, p) return p def _delete_db_pool(self, context, id): # proxy the call until plugin inherits from DBPlugin # rely on uuid uniqueness: try: with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): self.service_type_manager.del_resource_associations( context, [id]) super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).delete_pool(context, id) except Exception: # that should not happen # if it's still a case - something goes wrong # log the error and mark the pool as ERROR LOG.error(_('Failed to delete pool %s, putting it in ERROR state'), id) with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.update_status(context, ldb.Pool, id, constants.ERROR) def delete_pool(self, context, id): # check for delete conditions and update the status # within a transaction to avoid a race with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): self.update_status(context, ldb.Pool, id, constants.PENDING_DELETE) self._ensure_pool_delete_conditions(context, id) p = self.get_pool(context, id) driver = self._get_driver_for_provider(p['provider']) driver.delete_pool(context, p) def create_member(self, context, member): m = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).create_member(context, member) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, m['pool_id']) driver.create_member(context, m) return m def update_member(self, context, id, member): if 'status' not in member['member']: member['member']['status'] = constants.PENDING_UPDATE old_member = self.get_member(context, id) m = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).update_member(context, id, member) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, m['pool_id']) driver.update_member(context, old_member, m) return m def _delete_db_member(self, context, id): # proxy the call until plugin inherits from DBPlugin super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).delete_member(context, id) def delete_member(self, context, id): self.update_status(context, ldb.Member, id, constants.PENDING_DELETE) m = self.get_member(context, id) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, m['pool_id']) driver.delete_member(context, m) def _validate_hm_parameters(self, delay, timeout): if delay < timeout: raise loadbalancer.DelayOrTimeoutInvalid() def create_health_monitor(self, context, health_monitor): new_hm = health_monitor['health_monitor'] self._validate_hm_parameters(new_hm['delay'], new_hm['timeout']) hm = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).create_health_monitor( context, health_monitor ) return hm def update_health_monitor(self, context, id, health_monitor): new_hm = health_monitor['health_monitor'] old_hm = self.get_health_monitor(context, id) delay = new_hm.get('delay', old_hm.get('delay')) timeout = new_hm.get('timeout', old_hm.get('timeout')) self._validate_hm_parameters(delay, timeout) hm = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).update_health_monitor( context, id, health_monitor ) with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): qry = context.session.query( ldb.PoolMonitorAssociation ).filter_by(monitor_id=hm['id']).join(ldb.Pool) for assoc in qry: driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, assoc['pool_id']) driver.update_pool_health_monitor(context, old_hm, hm, assoc['pool_id']) return hm def _delete_db_pool_health_monitor(self, context, hm_id, pool_id): super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).delete_pool_health_monitor(context, hm_id, pool_id) def _delete_db_health_monitor(self, context, id): super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).delete_health_monitor(context, id) def create_pool_health_monitor(self, context, health_monitor, pool_id): retval = super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).create_pool_health_monitor( context, health_monitor, pool_id ) monitor_id = health_monitor['health_monitor']['id'] hm = self.get_health_monitor(context, monitor_id) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, pool_id) driver.create_pool_health_monitor(context, hm, pool_id) return retval def delete_pool_health_monitor(self, context, id, pool_id): self.update_pool_health_monitor(context, id, pool_id, constants.PENDING_DELETE) hm = self.get_health_monitor(context, id) driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, pool_id) driver.delete_pool_health_monitor(context, hm, pool_id) def stats(self, context, pool_id): driver = self._get_driver_for_pool(context, pool_id) stats_data = driver.stats(context, pool_id) # if we get something from the driver - # update the db and return the value from db # else - return what we have in db if stats_data: super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).update_pool_stats( context, pool_id, stats_data ) return super(LoadBalancerPlugin, self).stats(context, pool_id) def populate_vip_graph(self, context, vip): """Populate the vip with: pool, members, healthmonitors.""" pool = self.get_pool(context, vip['pool_id']) vip['pool'] = pool vip['members'] = [self.get_member(context, member_id) for member_id in pool['members']] vip['health_monitors'] = [self.get_health_monitor(context, hm_id) for hm_id in pool['health_monitors']] return vip def validate_provider(self, provider): if provider not in self.drivers: raise pconf.ServiceProviderNotFound( provider=provider, service_type=constants.LOADBALANCER)